Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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i'm still a newbie to ws. That doen't mean i'm not observant. It seems to me imho that it is mostly newbies who start bickering. I've been treated very nicely by the "old timers" :) here. How else would i know how to snip? And have an avatar?? :blowkiss: To the "oldies".

ita! :)
Alright in the spirit of moving on does anyone know when TES is scheduled to arrive in Orlando?
I hope it's soon because there is another tropical storm coming that could turn into a cat3-5 hurricane.
Yes, and if TES can find her dead/alive it would be great!!
Tim Miller is one of my all time Heros! If they can...they will bring her home. They are so detailed in their searches and the expertise they throw into it is astounding.

With all due respect to TES, I doubt they'll find anything without access to either LE's privileged materials or Casey Anthony herself -- and even this doesn't guarantee anything. There's no meaningful cooperation from the family in this case --"meaningful" being the operative word.

I do applaud their efforts, as nothing bad should come from their participation. In other words, it can't hurt that they're trying.
OK Can we move on now? Sorry I brought it up. Just felt like no one had covered that and it should be said.

So where are we with the case today? Anything been on the news that is not about an ex-First Lady/Senator/Presidential Candidate? LOL
Hahahahaha~ Not a chance! I will just wait on him to call. (Fluffing hair) I am very patient, you know.

You're too funny. Didn't someone say he was watching some of these threads? Maybe he saw your WWYMD icon and he's on his way over now. :Bicicleta:
Alright in the spirit of moving on does anyone know when TES is scheduled to arrive in Orlando?
I hope it's soon because there is another tropical storm coming that could turn into a cat3-5 hurricane.

Who is TES and why are they coming to orlando? Yes, I'm beind....:rolleyes:
I would like to see the local stations not follow Casey to the Corrections facilty. Any thoughts?
Alright in the spirit of moving on does anyone know when TES is scheduled to arrive in Orlando?
I hope it's soon because there is another tropical storm coming that could turn into a cat3-5 hurricane.

I have thought of this too and really pray Caylee is found before then.
Just a thought here on the idea of sending tips to LE.

Perhaps we should send these tips to the mods, and let them decide whether they are worth sending to LE?

I am sure none of us are that eager for the recognition that we would unwittingly put Websleuths good reputation in jeopardy!

But, I could be wrong, for I was once, I think!

:waitasec: :rolleyes:
I was under the impression some folks were calling the detective's directly.
I have no problem with someone calling the tip line.

Hey CC -- there was discussion last night about calling YM directly -- on his cellphone -- which was even posted on the thread. I don't recall any discussion of the tip line. Truly, IMHO, it spun wayyyyy outta control.
With all due respect to TES, I doubt they'll find anything without access to either LE's privileged materials or Casey Anthony herself. There's no meaningful cooperation from the family in this case --"meaningful" being the operative word.

I do applaud their efforts, as nothing bad should come from their participation. In other words, it can't hurt that they're trying.
If they have no "information", they start their grid search from the point of where the missing person was last seen and work their way out. Hopefully, LE will provide them with any information to assist their searches as it is a great tool for LE to use. It is only to their benefit and the benefit of Orange County as a whole for them to do so.
Forgive me if these things have been discussed already. In a hurry on lunch break and wanted to mention some of things that really stuck out to me while reading only a third of the documents last night.

1) Casey kept referring to Caylee as "my daughter" ( sounds she and her mother are in a struggle over Caylee and Casey wanted control.

2) When her friend Ryan Pasley was asked how he first found out about Caylee missing, he stated something like "you mean the INCIDENT"???? What INCIDENT???? I think he knows.

3) Casey also kept mentioning the stairs at Sawgrass apts. as being last place she saw Caylee and that was what happened according her the truth in "a backwards kind of way"???? - does that mean Caylee fell down the stairs since she last saw Casey at bottom of the stairs because she referred to "bottom" serveral times or Casey pushed her down the stairs. (They should seriously search that lake behind those apts. or the dumpster service (landfill) they use.

4) In George's written statement he kept referring to Cindy as "my spouse". Why not my wife??? That just sounded odd to me.

5) Tony Lazzaro mentioned something about Casey getting onto Caylee about climbing the stairs at his apt. complex and seemed to stress Caylee was "very, very friendly"??
Casey's apparent hobby was photography. Could she have been a photographer for some *advertiser censored* business, AND took Caylee with her???

6) Everyone's written statements seemed rehearsed. It's almost as they gave too much "unimportant" information to try and make them seem more believable.

7) Casey had to have been getting her money somewhere. She wore too nice of clothes, hair always done different. Heck, it's hard for me to just afford a haircut.
Her father wasn't working a steady job, so the only main source of income was Cindy. They lived in too nice of house and had luxuries that makes you wonder how they were able to afford. Pool, LANDSCAPING. My goodness, that can be expensive for just a nurse's salary.

8) Casey frequently used the term "familiar". Sounds like whereever she put Caylee was a place that was familiar to herself. God, she had to have a heart at some point.

9) And I can't stand to hear her say "absolutely" and it seemed like she interrupted continuously trying to finish the detectives sentences.

I feel after just reading what I did, Casey is a cold callous monster and did something to poor Caylee. Caylee may have seen something Casey didn't want anyone to know. Caylee was fixing to turn 3 and 3 YEAR OLDS WILL TALK! It's obvious Casey is all about Casey. She gets a call from Cayley after 5 weeks, and Caylee wanted to talk about a book. Give me a break!!!

Sorry for such a long post, but Ifeel Caylee is dead and buried "CLOSE TO HOME" aka Anthony Lazzaro's apt.

I feel Casey did spend her days working, just on her back. I believe she was a prostitute and drug dealer. She can probably blackmail a lot of her “so-called” friends in order to keep her secrets from everyone.

She was doing something during the day and I feel like it was probably *advertiser censored* or something illegal. Afterall, photography was her hobby and IIR Cindy had mentioned in one interview that Casey was a photographer at Universal Studios (not an event planner).

One last thing. I just think there is more to it about the Deputy being fired. For just lying??? I still think Casey was a prostitute and he is probably one of many other men she serviced for money and drugs. She said she would lie, steal whatever it takes to find her daughter. But the truth is, she’ll do anything for this fantasy life she wants.

So sad, because Cindy would have taken that precious angel can Casey could have moved on. No strings attached. But instead she probably killed Caylee to get back at Cindy and get rid of Caylee for her own selfish life.

She was probably using the Sawgrass Apts. to work (as a prostitute)! She had to been getting her money from somewhere besides stealing.
If they have no "information", they start their grid search from the point of where the missing person was last seen and work their way out. Hopefully, LE will provide them with any information to assist their searches as it is a great tool for LE to use. It is only to their benefit and the benefit of Orange County as a whole for them to do so.

Maybe they'll get the pings from Leonard. I actually am not joking.
Regarding ZG myspace - the guy that is her ex - BeBe - is only 20yrs. old - she is 37 with grown children and younger children. That's not too cool if you ask me. 37 and 20 - and since he is ex - he may have been even younger when they started being together.
My opinion, FWIW. I'm new to WS. Joined for the sole purpose of following details on Caylee. I don't know why now, why this case. I just know I needed more info than the repeat news stories were providing. And I found it here, along with a lot of very bright people who can give good input into possible legal strategy, the way things work with LE procedures, prior experience from similar situations, etc.

I don't think this case is going to be solved here. There are some very interesting points being brought up, very good observations. But it's all speculation. The 400 pages we were given the privilege of reviewing over the past few days have been in LE's possession for weeks. And they are just the tip of the iceberg.

These were where it started. By now, they've reviewed cell phone records, text messages, webpages, made follow up contact, asked additional questions, and followed multiple leads that we may never even know about. It it still an active investigation, branched in many different directions, and has probably now narrowed down one specific path.

Those docs left me curious about the rest of the story, everything else that has been uncovered. These are seasoned detectives we're talking about. YM said in CA's interview at Universal something about 30+ years of experience in that room?

This case is not being worked by Barney Fife and Sheriff Andy. Chances are, whatever we've thought of, LE has already been there/done that. It's nearly impossible to piece together a puzzle when half of it is missing, as it is here.

One person knows for sure where Caylee is. And she's useless, because her version of reality is self-serving with one foot planted in fantasy and the other in fiction.

I have no doubt that LE is getting close to the truth, if they're not there already. And I think when we hear it in a courtroom, it will be more heartbreaking and horrific than anything we could conceive.
I would like to see the local stations not follow Casey to the Corrections facilty. Any thoughts?

I'd like to see her get NO attention.

BTW, I want to thank you for all your time and hard work here at WS, I appreciate it very much. That index is wonderful- better than chocolate!!!!
I would like to see the local stations not follow Casey to the Corrections facilty. Any thoughts?

I agree with you. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw herself as some kind of celebrity and the media attention just feeds her ego. I would like to see the feeding of her ego stopped.
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