Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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~snipped for space~

4) In George's written statement he kept referring to Cindy as "my spouse". Why not my wife??? That just sounded odd to me.

6) Everyone's written statements seemed rehearsed. It's almost as they gave too much "unimportant" information to try and make them seem more believable.

Cindy and George were not getting along and it seems he was having an affair. The spouse thing makes sense to me when I think of it in those therms.

The way any written statement I have ever given to police in a criminal matter works is that you go over a situation verbally with the police, they type it up then you are allowed to copy it in your writing and then sign it. OR as you are speaking to them they have you write it, giving you pointers on how to do it. I do not know for fact this is how these police in that state do it, I just know that's my own experience and sadly, I have been arressted a time or 2 or 10 or.. Yeah well ya'll get my point LOL

Hope this helps.
I dont think I ever said it seemed like anyone was bozo's or didnt know what they were doing. My initial comment was only that I didnt feel it was fair to group all "newbies" as the ones calling LE and not knowing "how WS" runs.....

Simple comment - my honest opinion ---

But I will say that this (IMHO) goes right along with the discussion that went on the other day about the fact that certain people have made it so that others dont even attempt to comment because they've been attacked......Not saying these people are newbies/or regulars......

I think this is a site dedicated to people looking at crimes and being able to discuss these crimes with others interested to try and HELP --- but when people are attacked for being "new" or having a "opinion" it doesnt leave anyone with a warm fuzzy --- JMHO --- Ive seen comments on other threads about how people are being treated over here - and I think thats crappy..................

I usually sit back and watch but I wanted to comment on last night. I am New to WS and not aware of how things work, but I do read and listen. I will say last night when the server was busy I went back to the general thread to discuss what I read on this thread (KIO connection).. and there were a few people that did not want the Kio convo to carry over until the mods were done revieiwing... I started to bring it over and did not understand that the mods were reviewing. In any case, I was not attacked but some of the comments made me feel a little bad. I got a message from another WS that all was ok and explained to me what happened and just explained to me the rules regarding Myspace and personal info being posted. My point to all this is sometimes when you are new you are hesistant to participate because 1-you are new, and 2- you don't want to be attacked.In this case, I believe alot of us carry frustration and other emotions, but we all want justice for Caylee. I think that what happened last night and contacting Yuri may have simply been all those emotions based on what was discovered in an effort to find the TRUTH. I was not the one who called LE last night but I personally saw the conversation leading to a possibility that should not have gone unnoticed IMO.
Forgive me if these things have been discussed already. In a hurry on lunch break and wanted to mention some of things that really stuck out to me while only a third of the docs.
1) Casey kept referring to Caylee as "my daughter" - sounds like she and her mother are in a struggle over Caylee and Casey wanted control

2) When her friend Ryan Pasley was asked how he first found out about Caylee missing, he state something like "you mean the INCIDENT"???? What INCIDENT????

3) Casey also kept mentioning the stairs at Sawgrass apts. as being last place she saw Caylee and that was what happened according her in "a backwards kind of way" - does that mean Caylee fell down the stairs or Casey pushed her. (They should seriously search that lake behind those apts. or the dumpster service (landfill) they use.

4) In George's written statement he kept referring to Cindy as "my spouse". Why not my wife??? That just sounded odd to me.

5) Tony Lazzaro mentioned something about Casey getting onto Caylee about climbing the stairs at his apt. complex and seemed to stress Caylee was "very, very friendly"??
Casey's apparent hobby was photography. Could she have been a photographer for some *advertiser censored* business, AND took Caylee with her???

6) Everyone's written statements seemed rehearsed. It's almost as they gave too much "unimportant" information to try and make them seem more believable.

7) Casey had to have been getting her money somewhere. She wore too nice of clothes, hair always done different. Heck, it's hard for me to just afford a haircut.
Her father wasn't working a steady job, so the only main source of income was Cindy. They lived in too nice of house and had luxuries that makes you wonder how they were able to afford. Pool, LANDSCAPING. My goodness, that can be expensive for just a nurse's salary.

8) Casey frequently used the term "familiar". Sounds like whereever she put Caylee was a place that was familiar to herself. God, she had to have a heart at some point.

9) And I can't stand to hear her say "absolutely" and it seemed like she interrupted continuously trying to finish the detectives sentences.

I feel after just reading what I did, Casey is a cold callous monster and did something to poor Caylee. Caylee may have seen something Casey didn't want anyone to know. Caylee was fixing to turn 3 and 3 YEAR OLDS WILL TALK! It's obvious Casey is all about Casey. She gets a call from Cayley after 5 weeks, and Caylee wanted to talk about a book. Give me a break!!!

Sorry for such a long post, but Ifeel Caylee is dead and buried "CLOSE TO HOME" aka Anthony Lazzaro's apt.

I feel Casey did spend her days working, just on her back. I believe she was a prostitute and drug dealer. She can probably blackmail a lot of her “so-called” friends in order to keep her secrets from everyone.

She was doing something during the day and I feel like it was probably *advertiser censored* or something illegal. Afterall, photography was her hobby and IIR Cindy had mentioned in one interview that Casey was a photographer at Universal Studios (not an event planner).

One last thing. I just think there is more to it about the Deputy being fired. For just lying??? I still think Casey was a prostitute and he is probably one of many other men she serviced for money and drugs. She said she would lie, steal whatever it takes to find her daughter. But the truth is, she’ll do anything for this fantasy life she wants.

So sad, because Cindy would have taken that precious angel can Casey could have moved on. No strings attached. But instead she probably killed Caylee to get back at Cindy and get rid of Caylee for her own selfish life.

Curiosity - like I said the other day *and many agreed* there are a few who have went from being "not nice" sometimes to just plain rude to anyone who doesnt agree with them or that they feel is "below" them .....NOT NICE!

Cant we all just get along!

Many of us have had experiences with those who like to argue just for arguments sake, and your right, it's not nice! I have figured out at this point who I want to correspond with, and who is just in a mood to be argumentative with no facts to back up their opinions. I think many of us will have no problem getting along :), just keep your eyes peeled for the toublemakers. Going forward, I tend to start using the Alert button myself.
Cindy and George were not getting along and it seems he was having an affair. The spouse thing makes sense to me when I think of it in those therms.

I know that KC allegedly told that to a couple of her friends, but was there another, more reliable, source that stated George was having an affair? (I sincerely can't remember.)

If he were, the spouse thing would make sense. In a weird way the word "spouse" is less intimate than the word "wife".
Forgive me if these things have been discussed already. In a hurry on lunch break and wanted to mention some of things that really stuck out to me while only a third of the docs.
1) Casey kept referring to Caylee as "my daughter" - sounds like she and her mother are in a struggle over Caylee and Casey wanted control

2) When her friend Ryan Pasley was asked how he first found out about Caylee missing, he state something like "you mean the INCIDENT"???? What INCIDENT????

3) Casey also kept mentioning the stairs at Sawgrass apts. as being last place she saw Caylee and that was what happened according her in "a backwards kind of way" - does that mean Caylee fell down the stairs or Casey pushed her. (They should seriously search that lake behind those apts. or the dumpster service (landfill) they use.

4) In George's written statement he kept referring to Cindy as "my spouse". Why not my wife??? That just sounded odd to me.

5) Tony Lazzaro mentioned something about Casey getting onto Caylee about climbing the stairs at his apt. complex and seemed to stress Caylee was "very, very friendly"??
Casey's apparent hobby was photography. Could she have been a photographer for some *advertiser censored* business, AND took Caylee with her???

6) Everyone's written statements seemed rehearsed. It's almost as they gave too much "unimportant" information to try and make them seem more believable.

7) Casey had to have been getting her money somewhere. She wore too nice of clothes, hair always done different. Heck, it's hard for me to just afford a haircut.
Her father wasn't working a steady job, so the only main source of income was Cindy. They lived in too nice of house and had luxuries that makes you wonder how they were able to afford. Pool, LANDSCAPING. My goodness, that can be expensive for just a nurse's salary.

8) Casey frequently used the term "familiar". Sounds like whereever she put Caylee was a place that was familiar to herself. God, she had to have a heart at some point.

9) And I can't stand to hear her say "absolutely" and it seemed like she interrupted continuously trying to finish the detectives sentences.

I feel after just reading what I did, Casey is a cold callous monster and did something to poor Caylee. Caylee may have seen something Casey didn't want anyone to know. Caylee was fixing to turn 3 and 3 YEAR OLDS WILL TALK! It's obvious Casey is all about Casey. She gets a call from Cayley after 5 weeks, and Caylee wanted to talk about a book. Give me a break!!!

Sorry for such a long post, but Ifeel Caylee is dead and buried "CLOSE TO HOME" aka Anthony Lazzaro's apt.

I feel Casey did spend her days working, just on her back. I believe she was a prostitute and drug dealer. She can probably blackmail a lot of her “so-called” friends in order to keep her secrets from everyone.

She was doing something during the day and I feel like it was probably *advertiser censored* or something illegal. Afterall, photography was her hobby and IIR Cindy had mentioned in one interview that Casey was a photographer at Universal Studios (not an event planner).

One last thing. I just think there is more to it about the Deputy being fired. For just lying??? I still think Casey was a prostitute and he is probably one of many other men she serviced for money and drugs. She said she would lie, steal whatever it takes to find her daughter. But the truth is, she’ll do anything for this fantasy life she wants.

So sad, because Cindy would have taken that precious angel can Casey could have moved on. No strings attached. But instead she probably killed Caylee to get back at Cindy and get rid of Caylee for her own selfish life.


I agree with putting her back in jail where she belongs. I agree that Casey was more of an escort. It's interesting as to how many cops she dated.

Your analysis is good.:)
4) In George's written statement he kept referring to Cindy as "my spouse". Why not my wife??? That just sounded odd to me.

I took that as copspeak, since he used to be LE.
Deputy is now fired for having an intimate relationship with Casey

I was reading up on the Kio thread.

For starters, don't you guys think that since they have Casey's computer that if any of that were a true connection...they would have it already? I can tell you that Yuri isn't stupid (unlike Rookie cop). I have faith in him.

I still say we should NOT be contacting him directly for any reason unless someone can take him straight to Caylee and has their eyes trained on her while calling. People who are not used to the way we try to do things here need to understand our connection to LE and how we go about gaining their respect is not to call or email until we conclude it is something that a) they could not have, b) they could not know, c) is determined to be fact.

Agree 1000 %. Well said and bears repeating.
Regarding ZG myspace - the guy that is her ex - BeBe - is only 20yrs. old - she is 37 with grown children and younger children. That's not too cool if you ask me. 37 and 20 - and since he is ex - he may have been even younger when they started being together.

yeah ikky huh?!

My mom did that too. I was 13, my brother was in a locked psych ward and had met a "friend" there who was being transfered to jail for a month but had nowhere to stay once he was out of jail. My mom let him move in with us and less than a year later she married him.. he was 20, she was 39. :bang:
If they have no "information", they start their grid search from the point of where the missing person was last seen and work their way out. Hopefully, LE will provide them with any information to assist their searches as it is a great tool for LE to use. It is only to their benefit and the benefit of Orange County as a whole for them to do so.

Oh, I never said that TES has no system. It should be obvious to anyone that there is some sort of methodology to their search. Otherwise TES might begin searching in Tibet just as likely as in Orlando. I merely opined that TES won't find anything. My opinion is based as much as anything on the facts of this unique case as in TES' abilities.

TES' search is premised on the idea that Caylee is dead. TES isn't looking for any Zenaida's. If Caylee's dead (and it's highly probable that she is) she's been dead for two months and the person that has the most knowledge prefers to pretend that she works at Universal rather that provide meaningful information. The odds are stacked heavily against TES.
Yeah, I think she just LOVES the cameras & all that attention!! She has been cooped up so long with no friends & not getting the attention she is used to...

smiling that same fake smile she always posed with every picture!!!

Hey! Cut her some slack. She's just walking with her head "held high" <sarcasm intended> I'd like to see the cameras follow her into the bathroom too - I mean, meake it really really really hard on her. No namby pamby security guards, but full yellow journalism in all its glory.. No pics to the public, but threats to show them. We need a bigger game player than she is - can't think of anyone off the top of my head.
I would like to see the local stations not follow Casey to the Corrections facilty. Any thoughts?

Yes Patty ITA, the only time of want to see Casey on TV is in handcuffs, being taken back to jail.......for the charge of 1st degree murder.:behindbar
Many of us have had experiences with those who like to argue just for arguments sake, and your right, it's not nice! I have figured out at this point who I want to correspond with, and who is just in a mood to be argumentative with no facts to back up their opinions. I think many of us will have no problem getting along :), just keep your eyes peeled for the toublemakers. Going forward, I tend to start using the Alert button myself.

Speaking of which, I have heard the ignore button referred to many times, but I haven't been able to find it. Not much of a sleuther, am I, LOL. Anyway, it would be great if someone would reveal to me the whereabouts of the alleged ignore button on here.
Oh, I never said that TES has no system. It should be obvious to anyone that there is some sort of methodology to their search. Otherwise TES might begin searching in Tibet just as likely as in Orlando. I merely opined that TES won't find anything. My opinion is based as much as anything on the facts of this unique case as in TES' abilities.

TES' search is premised on the idea that Caylee is dead. TES isn't looking for any Zenaida's. If Caylee's dead (and it's highly probable that she is) she's been dead for two months and the person that has the most knowledge prefers to pretend that she works at Universal rather that provide meaningful information. The odds are stacked heavily against TES.
You are just stating the other side of the coin in this scenario and it is true. We can all hope. Just like we did with Natalie Holloway. They can only work with what they have. In this case it's not a lot. I agree with that.
I know that KC allegedly told that to a couple of her friends, but was there another, more reliable, source that stated George was having an affair? (I sincerely can't remember.)

If he were, the spouse thing would make sense. In a weird way the word "spouse" is less intimate than the word "wife".

not that I am aware of.
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