Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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Cindy and George were not getting along and it seems he was having an affair. The spouse thing makes sense to me when I think of it in those therms.Snip

Hope this helps.

We can only take Caseys word that he was having an affair. In my mind, if she said it, then he was faithful.
I was just reading the Rusciano thread, and commented on something that was posted yesterday - Casey left a facebook msg for him in November 2007.

If she was still sleeping with him in May/June of this year, doesn't that qualify in Caseyworld as a long-term relationship?

Of course it could be of the f-buddy variety.

That's cetainly interesting...especially if she was sleeping with him that whole time. That's similar to the Ricardo relationship length also. I wonder if Tony LE was just a to be "with" guy or if she was actually being a "girl friend" to him also and doing the cooking, cleaning, etc. like she did with both TonE and Ricardo. That could explain what she did all the time...juggled her "job" as "girl friend" to a number of guys :crazy:

Also, the interoffice LE memo about the firing was interesting. He was confronted with his lies on SUNDAY the 18th when the results from Casey's computer forensics came back...the 18th as in just a week ago this past Sunday. I think a whole lot more will be coming out if they just in the last 10-14 days have gotten computer forensics back.
Thank you. I would love to know more about the 17th. That's the day LE is keeping under wraps the most.

Me too. The way the Anthony's are with getting their dates correct makes me wonder.
I agree, it only feeds her ego. I noticed yesterday in the video when Casey attempted to hold onto RD's arm he quickly shook off her grip on him. I think they are disgusted with her too after the documents were released. RD definitely kept her as far away from his body as he could while escorting her in that video yesterday.

I noticed that too along with the Missing Caylee Tshirt she had on. Don't even get me started on that! She knows where Caylee is and she has the audacity to where that shirt, pizzes me off.:mad:
It's quite possible to convict without a body - it requires flawless work. They can leave NOTHING to chance.
This is so true. My sister's body was missing for 5 days. By the time they found it, there was no way to determine cause of death. They even had a confession, but then he started saying it was an accident. They had to prove it was premeditated.
I was just reading the Rusciano thread, and commented on something that was posted yesterday - Casey left a facebook msg for him in November 2007.

If she was still sleeping with him in May/June of this year, doesn't that qualify in Caseyworld as a long-term relationship?

Of course it could be of the f-buddy variety.

It sure does. I must admit that there is still 10% of me that thinks she may be alive somewhere. I don't think the tow truck driver takes the smell much farther (given he didn't call police). And the Jesse & Tony(s) connections and him quitting his job etc. IMO
Go to your user cp up at the top of thepage, then on the left are a bunch of options. The ignore is down the list. You have to type in the poster's name you want to ignore.

Hey, seriously thanks! I didn't know about the ignore button either!
We can only take Caseys word that he was having an affair. In my mind, if she said it, then he was faithful.

That's fine, I am not trying to sway your thoughts- you have a right to think that :)

I tend to believe there was not much of a relationship because of the divorce filing. but that is MO!
Me too. The way the Anthony's are with getting their dates correct makes me wonder.

I'm sorry, if my child was missing I'd know to the second when it happened. No, oh, oops, I'm off by a whole week? But then again I wouldn't wait a month to call the police either... oh, oops, grandma did that....
Just a thought. Would be nice if they could put handcuffs on her before leaving the house! I know they can't...just thought it would be nice for us and horrible for her!
Hi Lady! yep it's a fact. You can read all about it at There may be a link here too but you know how bad I am with links.

IIRC, they were pretty adamant to say that it was not because they had a relationship, but because LET (get that one?) lied about it.
Yes, they usually do work with LE. They are very much respected among the LE community and missing networks. They are professional and bring an enormous amount of resources/expertise into an investigation.

The Holloway case was unusual as it dealt with an island in the middle of an ocean and Aruban authorities were less than helpful. Still...they did everything they could with what they had to work with. I applaud their efforts. :clap:

And Hitler was a touch cranky.

For those who do not know of TES yet, prepare to be impressed with their professionalism and patience with media and "less than helpful" people
I noticed that too along with the Missing Caylee Tshirt she had on. Don't even get me started on that! She knows where Caylee is and she has the audacity to where that shirt, pizzes me off.:mad:

It's all about the publicity at this point for her. If she doesn't wear one, people would question why she isn't wearing one. If she does wear one, people are going to be mad at her for having the nerve to wear one (which she does, we all know that). I think she is choosing which one is going to make her look more sympathetic. It's all about creating a public image for her defense.
This is so true. My sister's body was missing for 5 days. By the time they found it, there was no way to determine cause of death. They even had a confession, but then he started saying it was an accident. They had to prove it was premeditated.
Very sorry you have had to have first hand experience with this!
I am very afraid this may be the case with Caylee if she is found.
But, as my grandmother used to say, Hope Springs Eternal.
I agree with putting her back in jail where she belongs. I agree that Casey was more of an escort. It's interesting as to how many cops she dated.

Your analysis is good.:)
The cop was not just "Lying."
He had an intimate relationship with someone who has been charged with a felony. What if he had to go interview someone on the case? There's a huge conflict of interest in his seeing her and then he LIED about it. I think he's lucky to have gotten off with a simple firing.
but when that was going on. she was not faced with the DEATH PENALTY

hang on tight -- its a coming :)

I hope you're right, I hope she will confess, although Ted Bundy was offered a deal to confess and LE would take the death penalty away he refused and he was fried...Sociopaths don't like to admit there mistakes...moo:)
That could explain what she did all the time...juggled her "job" as "girl friend" to a number of guys :crazy:
You may have hit that nail on the proverbial head. Since he was a rookie cop...does that mean he probably worked nights? It would leave him open to be her "day job" at least for a couple of hours. :waitasec:

If I were a man that had contact with Casey...I would be running for some "tests" of my own!
I tend to believe there was not much of a relationship because of the divorce filing. but that is MO!

I, personally, don't know what to make of the affair allegation.
That KC said it lends it no credibility but her mother's denial doesn't hold any weight with me either. I don't think Cindy knew Amy very well and she may not have wanted to shared such a personal thing with her. I also don't think she'd want that bit of "dirty laundry" out there.

I imagine LE probably checked it out and if there is/was a mistress spoke with her.

Blink or anybody else knowledgeable:

Repeat of question:

I have seen Tim Miller's group work to find missing bodies such as the search for Natalee. I don't understand how they can work to bring home "kidnapped" people in different places like the areas stated that Caylee might be. Wouldn't FBI be able to do a better job in that scenerio?
Just asking...I have seen Tim Miller's group work to find missing bodies such as the search for Natalee. I don't understand how they can work to bring home "kidnapped" people in different places like the areas stated that Caylee might be. Wouldn't FBI be able to do a better job in that scenerio?

OR Will they be looking for a body whether Cindy agrees to that or something else?
IIRC, they were pretty adamant to say that it was not because they had a relationship, but because LET (get that one?) lied about it.
Yep, everyone was quick to notice my mistake. LOL.
I was wrong, I should have explained that he was fired for lying.
Again, I think that's weird that he lied. Especially at a cop shop where men are pretty much, shall we say, known to like the ladies and know a lot of them. The only reason I can think of is that she is into "illegal" activities.
Just a hunch, plus the life experience of having been married at one time to LE. LOL
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