Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #140

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I would bet some of those women will supply her with a "pole"........

You did not! I was typing something along the same line, but backspaced over it!!! :clap::clap:
I agree. And she was an adult even though she lived with her parents. She would have had to want some help, which she doesnt even now!

People like Casey, a true sociopath who commits crime with no emotion (stealing, lying etc) are more dangerous than a hothead.

But true sociopaths cannot be cured. You cant give a conscience to someone who lacks one.


Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson
Sorry folks, don't know how to take just part of a quote.
Regarding the "taking over the parents house" this is what I thought earlier. I thought it very strange that people were posting she was talking to Amy about moving in with her (casey). I was thinking about the whole money thing and what she could of been using it for. Could be way off base, but it just really struck me as odd. Especially with how spiteful it appeared she was.

Who knows, the only fact I was aware of then, was Caylee was missing and Casey was partying. I don't get it. Another thing, LP said the GPS were getting death threats. From whom? and did I read somewhere that the people who testified were getting them as well?, From Who?
This is a case of "change the subject" and nobody will notice your sneaking out the back door. Speaking of the back door. Is LE watching the GPS at all?
Because IF they are involved, now might be a good time to watch. To be honest I was a little worried last week when somebody said they were gone.

I must know how have they responded to this news? Are they still in denial?
Where is the brother?

Well, i've often wondered about taking over the house and running up GM credit cards. Did she think they wouldn't be around to find out?
I'm thinking she drowned in GP pool while mommy dearest was napping or on the phone and not paying attention to her little girl. Casey panicked and thought everyone would blame her for being such a bad mommy.
It was still all about Casey even in the death of her own daughter. :furious: I hope that's how it happened anyway. I hate to think it was purposely. :(
I would very much like to think this is what happened but it seems her actions afterward go against it being an accident. The only thing that seems to support the theory, imo, is the number of phone calls she made on June 16, but those could just be her trying to make sure nobody was home so she could go back there and do it. It's just my belief but I think she's capable of intentionally killing Caylee because she was in Casey's way of the new life she wanted and to spite her mother who wanted Caylee. MOO
But Shannon, help me out here, isnt there one last week on the day Casey came home? Or do you think the verbal disturbance is on the media or whatever?

Not sure....but that was the day that Cindy freaked out and broke out the hose. It was probably media and or pizza's being delivered, George stormed out on his cell phone. Who knows. I think if they were fighting in there it would have been splashed all over the news. There were 50 million camera crews outside.

Gawkers are also a very good possibility.
Also Tuesday, WESH 2 spoke to a man who gave Casey Anthony a tattoo at the same time she claimed to be desperately searching for her missing daughter.

Anthony had come to the tattoo shop a number of times with Caylee because a couple of her long-time school friends worked there, but the last few times, they said, Caylee was never with her.

For a half hour, Williams told investigators he drew a design on Casey Anthony's shoulder that read, "bella vida" or "beautiful life."

It is kind of interesting that the police were looking at her connection with people at that tattoo parlor so early on in the investigation....wonder if it ties in with the question to Tony early on about going to a strange guy's place? IMOO
I couldn't agree more! I really don't think, or care, that anything like hanky panky is going on. I just think spending the night at their house is highly unusual. I never heard of any lawyer doing that! But I don't know everything, and I am the first to admit it.

I think if he is staying the night, its because something big is about to happen....her family and legal counsel may be encouraging Casey to give it up.
Tricia said no ......Thursday

I think he is very busy this evening - his team has a tough decision

to make

He probably has other clients that need attention too
I think you are so right. Once 2.5 comes along it is so tough until hmmm my oldest is 15 so I will say 15. Throwing fits, tantrums, things that made Casey's life much harder then it was when Caylee was younger I would say.

Some other things I thought of about this age being hard. This is right about the time when tots become "little people" their personalities flourish and speach improves dramatically. Night terrors usually peak at this age. Maybe it wasn't so easy to leave Caylee to go out due to her waking up etc. Casey did what she did for many reasons BUT I wouldn't doubt everything I posted in my other post and the above played a factor. JMO.
Today is my b-day too and I've spent the entire day watching this unfold... on a day I should be happy I'm so sad!!

Happy Birthday Lanie I understand

Happy Birthday to Lanie and Sadie!!!:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
I couldn't agree more! I really don't think, or care, that anything like hanky panky is going on. I just think spending the night at their house is highly unusual. I never heard of any lawyer doing that! But I don't know everything, and I am the first to admit it.

Baez may just want to "ensure" that Casey does not talk to ANYONE proving her guilt so that they can come back as a witness against her - just a thought!
IMO, cindy should have an independent lawyer and Baez should know that. IMOO

I remember him being described as the "family lawyer" early on. Think he's come up on that conflict of interest issue yet? If so, do you think he knows what that means? And do you think now that Caylee now gets appointed someone to represent her interests?
I agree. IMO, it is just too much of a stretch to believe after how everything built up to a head and then blew, the very next day Caylee has a fatal accident.

If Tony didn't want Caylee staying at his place, perhaps they left Caylee in the car overnight thinking she'd be ok. Or they left her unattended while they were off doing something else. so many possibilities...IMOO
Tricia said no ......Thursday

I think he is very busy this evening - his team has a tough decision

to make

He probably has other clients that need attention too

Or he doesn't want to show his proverbial face which is what I am inclined to believe.

He released the most hated woman in America into the comfort of her own home. Not the most popular guy right about now.
Right, Something doesn't set well with me about Amy or TonE. Another thing didn't she get the tattoo during the time she didn't have a car? No mention of anyone dropping her or going with her.
I put the wrong dates, sorry.
I think if he is staying the night, its because something big is about to happen....her family and legal counsel may be encouraging Casey to give it up.

Yes, Shefner, good post. You may be right. I just hope hes encouraging to give it up and give caylee a decent burial...not to get her to keep her mouth shut. But I know thats not whats going on!
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