Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #146

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I think that Cindy is key to this. Casey may fight with Cindy and may flout her wishes, but she wants Cindy's approval. If Cindy would sit her down and say Casey I don't believe your story. And no matter what you tell me, I will still love you. But without your telling me, I can't look at you without this being between us= I think Casey would tell. But Cindy would have to stress that she already knows and that she still loves her.

Cindy needs to realize that as long as she sticks to this story, that Casey will go to court, that Casey can be convicted on this evidence, and that the only chance she has is if she takes the plea deal. She will lose Casey by allowing her to stick with the Zanny story.

Cindy tried to get her to tell her Caylee was repeatedly. Casey is not going to talk, not any truth anyway. She is obviously over the Caylee issue and bringing her body back would confirm her own guilt. I am not sure she can bring the body at this point even if she wanted to, and I don't think she ever will.
If only you could get more details from them regarding the evening of June 15th and the morning of June 16th.

He has looked throguh those and has a theory about the day. Cannot explain some other time though.
Cindy needs to think longterm. Does she really want Casey to get out of jail in say 8 years on manslaughter to go on and have more children. There's been years of lying, stealing, and now this. She even says that Casey is a sociopath according to the documents. I'd like to know just what she wants regarding her daughter. They have to suspect Casey of something or they would never have even thought of looking under the playhouse for signs of foul play.

I so agree. I think that Casey thought she could lie until this would go away like has happened in the past. Cindy continues to support/enable the lies. In some ways, I think that Cindy wants it to just go away too.
The frustrating thing to me is that now is the time to step up to the plate, but this family is not accumstomed to dealing with things.
Tony, why give her 48 hours notice? Couldn't she flee??? Why not just surprise her and take her back? Why can't her lawyer visit her in jail?

It seems doubtful that Casey would flee; she isn't exactly the most independent person.
Completely agree. Cindy is the only one who can get to the ultimate truth.

I don't know. Lee and Casey are really close. I always thought he would be the voice of reason.
No nothing at all!

Does anyone know - or maybe even you Tony -- when Casey was released to go back into her home, was there any kind of examination of the home in term of what drugs might be there? I am thinking in terms of prescription drugs/benzo's (like Valium, ativan, etc) that in a wrong moment could cause an overdose (intentionally or unintentionally) Not just for Casey, but anyone in the home.

Also, I read somewhere that on Monday LE had Casey undergo blood tests for drugs and alcohol. Initially LE said they wouldn't say if the results would be released. Has anyone heard more on this?

Thanks for the reply Tony -- does that mean there was no search at all or that there was and there were no drugs in the home?
They are involved now, Tim Miller and Cindy spent 1.5 hours at OCSO. Then he was at the Anthony home for several hours.

so...did Tim meet Casey, or do we know that yet? would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that converstaion, if any such took place...
I don't think you should revoke her bond. I know your uncle is tired and frustrated but I actually agreed with the attorney's on NG tonight. She shouldn't go back because you and Leonard now think she's guilty. I think there's a lot more pressure on her at home than in jail where her only influence is Baez. Can you work something out with the Anthony's and let them be the guarantor's ?

Nope! I disagree. I will explain when this is over!!

I think there has been a huge power struggle going on between Cindy and Casey for years. I think Cindy is the last person on earth that Casey would ever tell the truth too. IMO
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