Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #161

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to me an insanity case would mean that people don't know what they're doing and definitely do not do anything to cover it up. That shows intent & knowing right from wrong. Insanity is the idiot in canada on the bus beheading the other guy for no reason whatsoever and standing there tossing the body around.

Casey will end up in jail (I PRAY, LORD I PRAY) for the remainder of her natural life - however long that may be if she accidently ends up in general population.

To me that is insanity but KC is not right either, I mean if you know it's wrong, hence hiding a body, then you know the difference. Game over.
I think that the exact opposite would be true. He'll get more business because of this, not less.
Yeah, everyone with a hopeless case and no money will be knocking on his door!
I think that the exact opposite would be true. He'll get more business because of this, not less.

really? Even if his client goes to jail? IMO, I would call lawyers that successfully get their clients off and such rather than them getting ambushed in a trial.

I really think Geragos did loose business. I could be remembering incorrectly however. I don't think it's a smart person who would hire a lawyer with a bad track record. Just my 2cents and nothing more. Have no idea.:confused:
I think Casey's best bet is to just start talking and talking now. I honestly don't see her walking even with the little we know now. I think Cindy and George have made it worse in their trying to make it better.

It's a mess and Casey should talk and if Cindy loves Casey, she should tell Casey she better start talking. jmo
Your Rubik's Cube is so eloquent in descibing insanity...much better than my nuttier than a Snickers Bar.

Now I'm disappointed because I was using the cube to demonstrate --not insanity-- but how problematic Casey's tangled lies are. She's locked herself into enough of a mess that any new theory Baez comes up with will likely contradict something Casey already told LE.

The great irony here is that if Casey clammed up from day one, Baez would have much more flexibility in preparing a defense. Of course, Casey would be that more unsympathetic with the public, but at this point -- so what? Sympathy is really the least of her problems today.
ok ok...something to add now.

Sorry if this has been touched on already, it's been very hard to keep up with this board lately, let alone gen discussion!
WTH is casey doing online? Are they confiscating her computer now that she is in jail? How did she get one in the first place and how was she able to go on. In an interview, NG IIRC, the TES guy said casey was smiling and just in her room on her computer...not adding ANYTHING. He sounded very dissapointed. So how is this computer use being allowed?

The computers in the Anthony household were originally confiscated by LE, but have since been returned. She wasn't supposed to be online. I hope LE will now confiscate the computers again.
I went and looked and the only reason that I doubt the new results are that the media gave the same old crpap about unnamed officers and sources. I will believe it when the spokesman looks dead into the camera and says theat they have irrefutable DNA eveidence that Caylee is dead. I mean when they actually confirm it one hundred percent. So far, it could still be a bluff and they seem to be dancing around questions.

Casey hasn't been charged with murder yet, so LE doesn't want to officially release that info. But it was released at a time that they appeared to want to put pressure on Casey, maybe to make her pay attention to the deal. Also, if they had released this info officially, the attorney would have screamed bloody murder. And occasionally, a leak will come out from LE, the state attorney or the coroner's office. So who knows where it came from or why.

It is a well known 'secret' that LE will sometimes release info without naming a source when they want info to get out there, but they need the deniability factor of 'we' didn't officially release the info, so as not to give the attorney gounds to say that LE prejudiced their clients right to a fair trial. So who know where it came from or why. But IMO the unnamed sources are usually accurate. One way to tell that it was probably accurate is because LE didn't come out with a denial. If it was inaccurate they would have denied it.
We know she alerted on the car but did she alert when George ran her around the backyard in their first search?
OK, for that mental image I had to crack out the
I also suggested that Baez might not be her lawyer by the time of trial.

There's some fine lines of ethics looking a little "wavy" in this case it appears to the outsiders' eyes too. He gives "appearance" to be advising the family members at the same time as serving as attorney of record for Casey. He's constantly with Cindy at the house, office, court, tv shows, etc. Where's the attorney the parents hired in all of this? Why is he so involved with anyone outside of Casey? Why is GA never really seen with him or photographed with him? mmmmm?????????????
I also suggested that Baez might not be her lawyer by the time of trial.

He could claim conflict of interest since he is also apparently representing C + G. The short, stout, bald guy is apparently an atty. from a reputable firm. He is the silent guy in every video with Baez and The Untruthinator. The next thirty-six hours are gonna be news packed.
why do some people refer to george as gpa his name is george anthony is it not or some time people use gp for the grand parents so what is gpa
Now I'm disappointed because I was using the cube to demonstrate --not insanity-- but how problematic Casey's tangled lies are. She's locked herself into enough of a mess that any new theory Baez comes up with will likely contradict something Casey already told LE.

The great irony here is that if Casey clammed up from day one, Baez would have much more flexibility in preparing a defense. Of course, Casey would be that more unsympathetic with the public, but at this point -- so what?

No, I loved the Rubiks Cube it was perfect for describing KC's situation, I don't know how you thought of it...that was my point. I wasn't being mean at all. It was a perfect description.:blowkiss:
Im not 100% convinced that Caylee was dead in that trunk, even though alot of news stations in the Orlando area are saying that LE states the DNA matched Caylees. You can still have hair in the trunk of your car, that may have fell off a car seat, jackets, cayless toys. Some news channels are being careful as to how they post this by saying DNA "suggests". Im still not convinced that Caylee is dead (Yeah I know I sound like CA) But, even though this girl was a liar and thief. What I gather in the 400 page documents she was good to caylee. (I know some of us would say, there is no way she could be good to caylee when she was going out and partying and one man to the next). But I dont think she would have hurt the girl. My personal opinion is that I think Caylee was stolen and casey has been framed for murder. The dead body could have been someone elses or someone that had access to a funeral Home could have gotton Human fluids. I hoping that LE is still searching for this child. But not overlooking people that they have interviewed in the past. I got one person in mind that I agrue with my family over. I will wait and see how this sceniro plays out and see if Im right.
I hope Baez realizes this may be the end of his career. Can't imagine Geragross getting much business after having a shameful national media blitzed trial where he was brought down as much as his client. I hope Baez high tails it out of there before she gets the chance to kick him to the curb.

Geragross :clap:. Sadly, I think he still has plenty of business--didn't he successfully represent Michael Jackson?
why do some people refer to george as gpa his name is george anthony is it not or some time people use gp for the grand parents so what is gpa

I think in the rules & such, we're asked here on WS not to use their entire name. So either abbreviations, initials, first or last name but not both. someone correct me if I'm mistaken

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orange County sheriff's deputies said Sunday they are not ready to confirm that missing Caylee Anthony is dead or that her body was in the trunk of her mother's car.

Deputies said hair samples found in a car's trunk belonging to Caylee showed signs of decomposition.
There is also air sample evidence indicating that there was a dead body in Casey Anthony's car trunk but deputies wanted to be clear that they cannot confirm that Caylee is dead or that it was her body in the car, Local 6 reported.

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