Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #166

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OMG CA was confronted by people on her front lawn, and this elderly lady asked her why she said there smells like there was a dead body in the car...that elderly lady was in her face! Case is on HLNs now....
I think the media is the place to start with turning the tide towards drawing searchers towards finding Caylee. While myspace sites etc. are OK...people are leary of those things possibly coming from the family in this case. They won't respond, imo. This needs to be done in a way which excludes the family or any ties to them. Objectively, responsibly, and leaving no doubts as to where it is coming from.
Two things are missing...Caylee and that Blackjack phone. Only those two things... and one favorite toy IIRC. I think she hit Caylee with the phone, away from the A's home. I think she went to the A's shortly thereafter, she intended to say Caylee fell down and hit her head, thought it wouldn't be a big deal...and then around 3pm when the first flurry of calls started, Caylee started acting weird, fell out and subsequently died. Then, after that flurry of calls to her parents, KC realized that this child HAD to have died because she hit her with that phone. An avid CSI watcher is usually a true crime watcher as well. CSI 101...the object that creates blunt force trauma can usually be identified if it impacts the skull with enough force as to cause death. And it doesn't neccesarily cause external evidence.
She didn't dump Caylee in water. Even weighted bodies come back up or some unsususpecting fisherman snags it. She didn't bury her. She would know that burial slows decomposition, leaves the earth disturbed, and that cadaver dogs will likely find that body, or that dogs will dig it up. She thought about burning her, but didn't. She was afraid the smoke/fire would attract attention. She put her in the dumpster. Millions of pounds of decomposing things daily. Tons of earth turned over that decomposing material...daily. Tons of decomposing material acting as compost, would detriorate a body much faster...I think. KC knows landfill searches are expensive, time consuming, and very often reveal nothing. You don't smell a body at the landfill, especially a tiny one. And the more time that went by, she knew the chances diminished that they would ever find this child.
That phone is the key to all of this. That's the "missing link." KC won't give up the location of the body because she knows that this child's skull will show the fracture...and it will prove to be consistent with that phone....and she will get the death penalty or life in prison....because THAT can't be written off as an accidental death.
I know it's expensive to search the landfill. I get that....but it just makes logical sense to me. I believe that's where the phone and this child ended up.
I just wish they would try. The more time that elapses the less likely they'll ever find her. I think the landfill would have been her "last resort" because she considered all the other possibilities and ruled them out. Case in point. If she didn't have any trouble figuring out what to do with the child, she wouldn't have had her in the trunk long enough that decomp was deposited there.
Isn't finding this poor child enough incentive to go on the searches?! I don't see what the feelings towards the family or Casey have to do with anything. This is about finding Caylee and justice.

I wish some reporter would pick up on it and do a story to that end. The search with TES and LE is ONLY for Caylee and people need to leave their personal feelings out of it.

ETA: Thanks, WindChime! :)

Hi SS - I don't live near Orlando, so I can't help look. However, I think that part of the reason they are low on volunteers is the fact that this baby has been gone so so long.
I think if the Anthony's had reported her missing in June, you would have seen a much better turnout for a search. Of course, they certainly don't help things with their nasty demeanors. Either way, I doubt there is anyone sitting there in Orlando, not looking simply because the family is not likeable. It probably has more to do with the hopeless feeling that there may be nothing to find.
OMG CA was confronted by people on her front lawn, and this elderly lady asked her why she said there smells like there was a dead body in the car...that elderly lady was in her face! Case is on HLNs now....

People like this 'elderly lady' disgust me. They have no right to do what they are doing. They need to leave the Anthony's alone and use their energy joining TES!

Personally, if I was CA and had these people getting in my face, I'd probably slap em'. I know people's emotions are getting out of hand, but this is getting ridiculous. Do they really believe that getting up in their face is accomplishing anything? It is merely creating more hatred and anger.
I would really love to know if any of Casey's friends were in Casey's car during those 12 days between Caylee's last sighting and the car being abandonded. Did she always ride with others to the bars etc? Or did they drive seperately, and did she ever act wierd about not wanting to take her car? Has any of this been disclosed?
I don't really understand what's so amazing anymore, at this point. Casey's not talking. Casey's not cooperating. This isn't new news anymore.

How many more times can Nancy Grace get on the TV and say; "Shocking News! Casey Anthony sits in jail, not cooperating! Shocking!" Well it's not shocking anymore. This would not be the first time in the history of humanity that a criminal defendant falsely maintained his or her innocence. OJ Simpson, for example, maintained his innocence in the face of far more damning evidence.
What would be really SHOCKING is if she said "Bombshell! Casey just told us where she left Caylee! And she's returning all that money she stole! And she's giving up everything to join a covent!" Now all that would be breaking, shocking, bombshell news. Ain't happening though. :)
Two things are missing...Caylee and that Blackjack phone. Only those two things... and one favorite toy IIRC. I think she hit Caylee with the phone, away from the A's home. I think she went to the A's shortly thereafter, she intended to say Caylee fell down and hit her head, thought it wouldn't be a big deal...and then around 3pm when the first flurry of calls started, Caylee started acting weird, fell out and subsequently died. Then, after that flurry of calls to her parents, KC realized that this child HAD to have died because she hit her with that phone. An avid CSI watcher is usually a true crime watcher as well. CSI 101...the object that creates blunt force trauma can usually be identified if it impacts the skull with enough force as to cause death. And it doesn't neccesarily cause external evidence.
She didn't dump Caylee in water. Even weighted bodies come back up or some unsususpecting fisherman snags it. She didn't bury her. She would know that burial slows decomposition, leaves the earth disturbed, and that cadaver dogs will likely find that body, or that dogs will dig it up. She thought about burning her, but didn't. She was afraid the smoke/fire would attract attention. She put her in the dumpster. Millions of pounds of decomposing things daily. Tons of earth turned over that decomposing material...daily. Tons of decomposing material acting as compost, would detriorate a body much faster...I think. KC knows landfill searches are expensive, time consuming, and very often reveal nothing. You don't smell a body at the landfill, especially a tiny one. And the more time that went by, she knew the chances diminished that they would ever find this child.
That phone is the key to all of this. That's the "missing link." KC won't give up the location of the body because she knows that this child's skull will show the fracture...and it will prove to be consistent with that phone....and she will get the death penalty or life in prison....because THAT can't be written off as an accidental death.
I know it's expensive to search the landfill. I get that....but it just makes logical sense to me. I believe that's where the phone and this child ended up.
I just wish they would try. The more time that elapses the less likely they'll ever find her. I think the landfill would have been her "last resort" because she considered all the other possibilities and ruled them out. Case in point. If she didn't have any trouble figuring out what to do with the child, she wouldn't have had her in the trunk long enough that decomp was deposited there.

Shutterfly--I think you've just given the most succinct and plausible explanation I've ever come accross.
I think the media is the place to start with turning the tide towards drawing searchers towards finding Caylee. While myspace sites etc. are OK...people are leary of those things possibly coming from the family in this case. They won't respond, imo. This needs to be done in a way which excludes the family or any ties to them. Objectively, responsibly, and leaving no doubts as to where it is coming from.

Does anyone know if the GPs are forwarding any leads they get to LE? Since they have their phone number up on the site and CA keeps saying leads are still coming in? IMHO if they didn't forward any leads that would be obstruction of an ongoing investigation, right? I know they have their own supporters out there and most of the leads that come in directly to them are probably bogus, but who knows when a real lead comes in?? How is she trained in recognizing real leads from false leads?:confused:
People like this 'elderly lady' disgust me. They have no right to do what they are doing. They need to leave the Anthony's alone and use their energy joining TES!

Personally, if I was CA and had these people getting in my face, I'd probably slap em'. I know people's emotions are getting out of hand, but this is getting ridiculous. Do they really believe that getting up in their face is accomplishing anything? It is merely creating more hatred and anger.

With all my heart I wish the media had focused solely on finding Caylee from the beginning. By now, most are convinced Caylee is dead at her mother's hands. People are angry and outraged with the entire Anthony family and are unlikely to put that aside to find Caylee now. It's quite sad....the media has the power to touch millions of people in less than a minute, and rather than using that power to find a missing child...they used it to convict her Mother and her family. Regardless of what Casey or the Anthony's are guilty of....first and foremost...the story should be to find baby Caylee. I can only hope and pray that the media will stop focusing every story on Casey, and promote TES. Casey has been of no use in finding quite putting her name and face all over the news....use that time for Caylee and TES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree. If the media had only concentrated on Caylee in the beginning of this mess...the case would not be moving forward today. The things that have come out...needed to come out. The truth is the truth and should be reported as such. I think the media has done a good job with everything they have had to work with on this one to try to bring the truth to light. The public needed to know what we were up against and the type of people we were dealing with here. It all goes to finding Caylee, imo.

However, now in order to get people to understand that finding her is the only way to get should be all about Caylee for the searches. This doesn't mean I don't want them to report just as they have been on what is taking place within the case. I do. They need to do both.
That's exactly how it should be. I also wish some reporter would do a story devoted to the search effort. We stopped at the local6 and Socr8tv told them how much we need volunteers. Other searchers from Orlando were amazed to not see more locals but people from all over the state. I do think that people are a little stunned at the lack of family support--it's hard for many to take a step back and seperate the two issues. And it is two issues. Finding Caylee number one and number two isn't worth mentioning. I know I've never seen a family act like that but I took my energy, got Mr. Gigi's Ice truck, filled it up and drove up there, left the ice and joined the search. It was one of the best things I ever did in my whole life and I have 4 kids. It's right up there with that. The people and fellow WSers were amazing. I wish some reporters would ask the searchers how they feel. They'd say they're doing this for Caylee. That it has nothing to do the grandparents.


Way to Walk the Talk Gigi, I don't really know you to say I am proud of you, but I will anyway. You Go Girl!!!
I think the media is the place to start with turning the tide towards drawing searchers towards finding Caylee. While myspace sites etc. are OK...people are leary of those things possibly coming from the family in this case. They won't respond, imo. This needs to be done in a way which excludes the family or any ties to them. Objectively, responsibly, and leaving no doubts as to where it is coming from.

I agree with everything you have said on this. How do you think we can go about trying to get this aimed the right way? Do you think there is something we can do from our respective locations? Email campaign or something along these lines?

On another topic, sort of, you have to wonder when the grandparents have crossed the line into legally interfering with the investigation? I ask this from a legal point of view. I know we all have personal ideas of when the line is/has been crossed but legally, where is the line of interference for the grandparents? Legally, have they crossed it?
I disagree. If the media had only concentrated on Caylee in the beginning of this mess...the case would not be moving forward today. The things that have come out...needed to come out. The truth is the truth and should be reported as such. I think the media has done a good job with everything they have had to work with on this one to try to bring the truth to light. The public needed to know what we were up against and the type of people we were dealing with here. It all goes to finding Caylee, imo.

However, now in order to get people to understand that finding her is the only way to get should be all about Caylee for the searches. This doesn't mean I don't want them to report just as they have been on what is taking place within the case. I do. They need to do both.

Maybe Fox Orland could get one of their reporters to join the search for the day and take the live cam off the GP's house and on the search and give live feed of that.
I think the media is the place to start with turning the tide towards drawing searchers towards finding Caylee. While myspace sites etc. are OK...people are leary of those things possibly coming from the family in this case. They won't respond, imo. This needs to be done in a way which excludes the family or any ties to them. Objectively, responsibly, and leaving no doubts as to where it is coming from.

It seems like someone with influence in Orlando could make a public appeal. This doesn't look good for their city. People have enough energy and interest to protest in front of the family home but not look for this child?? The turnout for volunteers has been embarrassing to the community, IMO.
Does anyone know if the GPs are forwarding any leads they get to LE? Since they have their phone number up on the site and CA keeps saying leads are still coming in? IMHO if they didn't forward any leads that would be obstruction of an ongoing investigation, right? I know they have their own supporters out there and most of the leads that come in directly to them are probably bogus, but who knows when a real lead comes in?? How is she trained in recognizing real leads from false leads?:confused:

I callled Lee's cellphone number and his message said to give all leads to LE first and if you haven't heard back from LE in 48 hours to call the family back.
Shutterfly--I think you've just given the most succinct and plausible explanation I've ever come accross.

Can I just input something here:

What makes people think she just put her in something(dumpster/ground ect..) without wrapping her first....... How about a dufflebag/suitcase/garbage bag... how would you ever find that in a landfill ?

Just a thought to see if she made any purchases/ or are any are missing from friends/relatives?

What do you guys think?
What if, we created a thread, A Petition to all major news outlets asking to devote more time to Caylee's search?
Would anyone know how to go about creating a thread that could be forwarded to major news outlets?
Ratings do take part in what is shown on the news..with enough signatures, just maybe we could at least have one day devoted to asking for help for Tim's team..
Would Admin's allow this?
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