Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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I thought GP had just recently started a new job? Could be before his start date. And that could be the reason Casey had to come and be a mom instead of hanging with Tony and the crew.

That's what I was thinking also. He revealed under oath that he'd just started this job, yet still claimed later that he was home on June 16 when Casey and Caylee were on their way out with backpacks. Isn't this where he also said he was leaving for work at 2:30 yet he was there questioning Casey about that stupid wedge at 2:35?
Would you be able to read "trouble"?

I studied very closely, and saw big trouble very late night 17th/ early 18th. I can go back and study earlier charts, but usually the tightest aspect is where "the time is right"

I am sure there was tension throughout all these dates, because the planets in question are all slow movers. I am using the fastest mover (Moon) as the timer. I am just an honest amateur, & don't want any publicity, money or recognition. It really bothers me that my name is on the charts, for I would prefer to be anonymous.

I want to take whatever talent God gave me, and help to bring justice to Caylee. And, if there is anything to my efforts to tie down the timing, it isn't me, friends. It is Himself.
I recall something being stated that Cindy went back to work on June 16th, the day after Father's Day. Perhaps Cindy had a two week vacation from work and the first week she and George went on a small vacation somewhere. Cindy may have had another week of vacation time left.

That would make more sense. It is in the interview with Greta that she talks about her vacation. I will check the transcripts to see if she says how long she was off. She said it was her birthday, so a short trip, and maybe some time at home.
As far as the June 9 date that keeps coming up for when Casey moved out, or when Caylee went missing, I think that is the date everyone remembers Casey moving out, not when Caylee went missing. It is possible the gm jumped on the 15th when LE brought it up to keep from detailing Casey being away all the dates before. If they saw Caylee that date with ggf, then it wasnt real important anymore. (I still think ALL those dates are important for people to retrack her steps!) I think Casey had been staying at JP's (owner of the home) and Ricardos a good bit even in April of the yr, even possibly without Amy living there. I think it is possible that she may have been seeing Ricardo until the party on May 24 when she met Tony, but that is just my thoughts. I think when gm said it wasnt unusual for her to go off and stay a few days, that that was an understatement. In this post, Casey mentions sleeping upstairs. Later on, she mentions bribing Ricardo to take her to Amy's work at Houligans. On Jp's site, he describes the layout of the apt and there are 2 bedrooms UPSTAIRS and one guest bedroom on bottom floor and that the garage is also on the bottom floor. Middle floor is for kitchen, great room and has the balcony. If she was sleeping upstairs in April, wonder whose bedroom that was in if Amy was sleeping downstairs? I assumed dstairs because they missed seeing each other. The posts:
4-5 casey to amy at 10:15am well, i'm bummed out. i missed seeing you twice in less than 12 hours! i left before you got here last night, and you left while i was asleep upstairs this morning boo

4-7 casey to amy, at 12:51pm on April 7th, 2008
hopefully you're not working too late tonight! maybe you could swing by the boys' place.

4-20 Casey to amy at 11:01am
i'll try and get my *advertiser censored* in better shape, before tuesday night. as far as tonight is concerned, i'm not doing a damn thing. i can still barely sit up. this being sick thing has literally knocked me off kilter. i'll be seeing you as soon as i can, even if i have to bribe ricardo to go to houlihan's
i miss ya love, and i definitely need some good company.
that, and well, my mom's vege soup (thankfully, that's on the way!)
I just don't see George watching Caylee all day every day--even for a single week. Perhaps if Cindy between jobs, yes, but not George. And that's what Zanny the invisible nanny was for--which translated into Casey having to manage w/ Caylee during the day.

And that's a huge question, at least for me. Where on earth did Casey go every day with Caylee when her parents thought she was at work? None of Casey's friends thought it was unusual that Caylee wasn't with Casey, which tells me that Caylee was rarely with her, even before June 16th. I'm confused...two different dates.

Last Thursday, on Greta, Mark Fuhrman stated that the shovel was borrowed on June 18th. It was the same video in which Mrak Fuhrman told of the flurry of phone calls between 3:00pm and 4:00pm on June 16th, no calls between 4:00pm and 6:00pm, and then another flurry of calls between 6:00pm and 7:30pm. The calls were to George and Cindy and two others (unnamed), and the calls weren't answered.

It was in the same video that Mark Fuhrman stated the shovel was borrowed on the 18th.

But, I'd believe LE's date of the 17th.
I think the LE is playing a game of poker. They are threatening Casey with all these other charges, seeing if she'll fold knowing that they still have an Ace up their sleeve.

I would guarantee that they have more forensic evidence than what they are stating. But they are keeping those cards very close in hand.
I agree to an extent. I think if LE reveals all they have right now they've lost their power to get Casey to talk and reveal where Caylee is dead and/or alive. I also think they have a responsibilty to inform the public as to what is going on in their search for this "missing" child. They haven't done that as often as I would like.
That's what I was thinking also. He revealed under oath that he'd just started this job, yet still claimed later that he was home on June 16 when Casey and Caylee were on their way out with backpacks. Isn't this where he also said he was leaving for work at 2:30 yet he was there questioning Casey about that stupid wedge at 2:35?

<snipped from my earlier post>

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.
Whereever "the house" they were moving into is Casey hasn't been staying there. Interestingly 9 days earlier puts us back on June 16th, a date that just keeps coming up. Also this post is on the 24th of June at 2:40pm. When did GP say Casey was at the house and he took the gas cans out of the trunk. Do we know the time?

Did George give the 2:35 as the time he was getting tools out of Casey's trunk? Because she was on myspace 5 minutes later. Seems like the stolen gas tank conversation would have take longer than that.
I studied very closely, and saw big trouble very late night 17th/ early 18th. I can go back and study earlier charts, but usually the tightest aspect is where "the time is right"

I am sure there was tension throughout all these dates, because the planets in question are all slow movers. I am using the fastest mover (Moon) as the timer. I am just an honest amateur, & don't want any publicity, money or recognition. It really bothers me that my name is on the charts, for I would prefer to be anonymous.

I want to take whatever talent God gave me, and help to bring justice to Caylee. And, if there is anything to my efforts to tie down the timing, it isn't me, friends. It is Himself.
We know HM...and search "him" out regularly...especially at times like these.
I recall something being stated that Cindy went back to work on June 16th, the day after Father's Day. Perhaps Cindy had a two week vacation from work and the first week she and George went on a small vacation somewhere. Cindy may have had another week of vacation time left.

So she moved out w/out Caylee but there only was a plan for someone to watch Caylee during the day for that one week? Even this family has to be a little more forward thinking than that. I think Casey had a plan to move out w/ Caylee but continue to have the grandparents watch her many nights while she was out partying--in addition to paying her rent. In one of those myspace postings Casey says something to Amy about it just being the girls. While she could have meant Amy and herself, I think she meant Caylee as well. Cindy also talks about Casey being jealous of her relationship w/ Caylee. Virtually abandoning Caylee to her mom doesn't fit w/ that, imo.
<snipped from my earlier post>

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.
Whereever "the house" they were moving into is Casey hasn't been staying there. Interestingly 9 days earlier puts us back on June 16th, a date that just keeps coming up. Also this post is on the 24th of June at 2:40pm. When did GP say Casey was at the house and he took the gas cans out of the trunk. Do we know the time?

Did George give the 2:35 as the time he was getting tools out of Casey's trunk? Because she was on myspace 5 minutes later. Seems like the stolen gas tank conversation would have take longer than that.
Yup, we brought up the speed of her being online. LE will know from what computer she posted this message at. She could have gone inside the house and posted for all we know.
<snipped from my earlier post>

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.
Whereever "the house" they were moving into is Casey hasn't been staying there. Interestingly 9 days earlier puts us back on June 16th, a date that just keeps coming up. Also this post is on the 24th of June at 2:40pm. When did GP say Casey was at the house and he took the gas cans out of the trunk. Do we know the time?

Did George give the 2:35 as the time he was getting tools out of Casey's trunk? Because she was on myspace 5 minutes later. Seems like the stolen gas tank conversation would have take longer than that.

Yep. That's a conversation we had earlier also. This is where I questioned if George really did see Casey that day or not. It seemed generic to me the way he described every little detail. My thoughts on the reasoning for him doing this was to keep himself from being charged with tampering. IMO, the gas cans were in that car the day they picked it up from the impound.
I was just reading this:

"George also says since the meetings with his daughter in jail aren’t private, she can’t tell them what they need to know to find her."

Found here:

My thoughts:

If that's the case (supposedly), then why don't they just allow a few 'private' visitations between Casey and her parents, so she CAN tell them everything?

Just doesn't make sense, why they wouldn't do that .. if it DID mean finding Caylee.
I have been reading everyone's thoughts about Father's Day weekend and what may have transpired during and after which made me think of a few questions.

Where were Casey and Caylee staying, and by staying I mean actually spending the night, in the week prior to Father's Day? (Say from Monday June 9th to Friday June 13th) Was Caylee with the Gp's while Casey was shacking up with the new boyfriend? Did Casey have Caylee with her and spending the night at Tony's from June 9 until the 13th? Were they at Amy's? Were both of them sleeping at the Gp's every night that week? Did Casey leave Caylee at the Gp's while she "went out for the evening" and then made it a habit just to not bother to show up again until the next day...spend the day with her daughter and then "go out" again?

So far as Casey moving out on her own with Amy or anyone else...I just don't see it. What did she intend to pay the rent with? She obviously did not have a steady job and income that anyone knows about. How would she ever have passed a credit check for an apartment? She might have been able to fool per parents about having a job but fooling a potential landlord would have been a different matter all together. Did the Gp's plan of footing the bill? Did Cindy ever go with Casey to look at apartments?
And that's a huge question, at least for me. Where on earth did Casey go every day with Caylee when her parents thought she was at work? None of Casey's friends thought it was unusual that Caylee wasn't with Casey, which tells me that Caylee was rarely with her, even before June 16th.

But, unlike Casey, don't her friends have to work for a living? I think they saw her mostly on nights and weekends when Cindy was available to babysit. Another option though could be that Zanny the Nanny did refer to Xanax and she left Caylee drugged at home whenever she wanted to be free to meet her friends during the day during the week.
But, unlike Casey, don't her friends have to work for a living? I think they saw her mostly on nights and weekends when Cindy was available to babysit. Another option though could be that Zanny the Nanny did refer to Xanax and she left Caylee drugged at home whenever she wanted to be free to meet her friends during the day during the week.
Well, I think Amy had just graduated and was looking for a job. Please don't ask me where I saw that, but I think it was a myspace comment. Who are Casey's other friends...other than Christina...and perhaps, Stephanie (sp)? Has anyone come forward to lend their support for this girl other than her parents?
I was just reading this:

"George also says since the meetings with his daughter in jail aren’t private, she can’t tell them what they need to know to find her."

Found here:

My thoughts:

If that's the case (supposedly), then why don't they just allow a few 'private' visitations between Casey and her parents, so she CAN tell them everything?

Just doesn't make sense, why they wouldn't do that .. if it DID mean finding Caylee.

All Casey has to do is meet with her attorney and tell him!
My thoughts:

If that's the case (supposedly), then why don't they just allow a few 'private' visitations between Casey and her parents, so she CAN tell them everything?

Just doesn't make sense, why they wouldn't do that .. if it DID mean finding Caylee.

The more important question is: Why can't any of this information be heard by the police who's only vested interest is in finding Caylee? Any logical person would tell the police and the very reason Casey is in jail w/ a lack of privacy is b/c she hasn't done so.
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