Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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Is there evidence Caylee moved in with Anthony L.?

Casey may have brought Caylee over while Cindy was at work and she had no other choice. But, I don't think Anthony was interested in an instant family or that Casey would have taken a chance on *losing* her hot new prospect. Three year olds don't add romance when you are trying to make a relationship bloom.

I think Caylee was left with grandma and grandpa so Casey could cook, clean and catch Anthony without distractions.

I don't think Cindy or George minded watching Caylee. But, they probably thought if Casey was gone night after night (catching Anthony) that Casey was being an irresponsible mother. They probably said so.

Which may have led to Casey stamping off with Caylee and all of the rest.
I also don't think GM's threat about going to get custody of Caylee on July 15th was the first time it was used to try and keep Casey in line.
I'm a mother of young kids, but I don't think I would EVER be able to think my kids could do something like this either.

I think Cindy just wanted Caylee back at that moment and could care less what the smell was. When the "light" finally went off in her head that Casey didn't have a clue about Caylee's whereabouts, that's when the smell came back to her and she called for the third time.

i agree Cindy does seem the type of person that thinks out loud.
i just can't imagine what theya re going thru.
Detectives Investigate 3 Key Dates In Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Mystery

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Sources told Local 6 News on Tuesday that detectives investigating the disappearance of a missing 3-year-old Orlando girl are focusing on three key dates in mid-June and are trying to track the girl's mother's whereabouts during that time.

Investigators with the Orange County Sheriff's Office are trying to track Casey Anthony's whereabouts on June 16, 17 and 18 in connection to the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony reported her daughter missing in mid-July, 31 days after she said she last saw the girl.Sources told Local 6 News that if something happened to Caylee, it may have occurred on June 16, a day after Father's Day.

June 17 is the day detectives said Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel from a neighbor of her grandparents. The same neighbor said she saw Casey Anthony strangely back her car up into the family's garage on June 18. (more at link)
I think there is some significance to June 9th also. I wondered if Casey did move out that day, without Caylee, while planning on moving in together with Amy. She could have left Caylee with Cindy and a week later, Cindy finally told her to basically chit or get off the pot, start being a mother instead of the party girl.

I also think the family wasn't fond of Casey's new boyfriend, not because he is a bad person, but possibly because Casey started putting Caylee last since he was such an important part of the club scene that she wanted to be in. Fame and all, ya know. *sarcasm inserted here*

But what I think everyone is stepping around is June 15/16. I am almost certain there was an argument, as stated by the neighbor, between Cindy and Casey. Something happened at the Anthony's house that day to Caylee after Cindy and George went to work, IMO. Casey didn't take Caylee's favorite teddy bear or her toys and clothes because there was no Caylee. From that day on, Casey made excuse after excuse for why Cindy couldn't see Caylee.

I think this is a very likely scenario! According to George and Cindy in their interview with Greta, their vacation was the first part of June - Cindy's birthday week. I think they got home and learned that Casey had made plans to move out, and Casey probably did move out on June 9th, leaving Caylee there.

The following week, on Father's Day, Casey probably showed up and an argument ensued about Casey having her parents babysit while she was out with her friends, and not taking responsibility.

We've learned from one of the phone calls between Casey and Lee that there were bags of Casey's things that according to Casey, she kept in a central location at Tony's. These bags were brought back to the Anthony's house, and Casey ventured that the missing blackjack phone might be in the bags.

It sounds like early on June 16th, Casey threw a bunch of clothes in bags and then she and Caylee left. But, from the looks of Caylee's bedroom, it doesn't look like much of Caylee's belongings were taken, not even her favorite teddy bear. It would be interesting to know what, if any, of Caylee's clothing was in those bags retrieved from Tony's.
Most places just prorate the rent.
I don't think Casey expected to have to pay anything if she was living with Tony. Even if she was willing/able to, remember, DJ was waiting to move into his new apt. So maybe Casey would be taking over his portion of the rent (?).
More Charges Could Be Filed So Casey Will Talk

A source close to the investigation said that more and more they believe Caylee probably died in some sort of accident on June 16 -- hours after she was last seen by grandfather George Anthony.

That source also said they believe Casey knows more about what happened to her daughter than she's saying, and they're looking at the possibility of more charges to get her to talk.

They could consider theft charges. A friend said Casey stole $700 from her.

Investigators also said they suspect Casey ran up charges on her parents' credit cards without permission, so credit card fraud could be another charge. And, detectives continue to say she has made numerous false statements. That too could lead to a new charges against the mother. (more at link)

And here I was thinking the shovel was borrowed on the same day her car was backed into the garage.
hopefully piling on the charges will work if she is innocent...but it won't if she's guilty, because she knows she'd be facing DP or LOTP. I think she'd risk spending 5 years or whatever it ends up being and out for good behavior. The fact that they want to pile on these charges tells me they don't have any forensics.
Agreed: re the real blowup that resulted in Cayleee disappearing.
Has anyone seen confirmation, other than the claims Casey was missing herself for days, that Casey WASN'T visiting GGP? I knwo she's not in the video, and I know Cindy claims Casey had been missing herself at the time the 911 call was made, but that was days later... has anyone seena nything else to confirm/prove Casey didn't go to visit GGP?
Just remember that GM said she took Caylee to see her father.
You people are impossible to keep up with! I can't leave my computer!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this:

Casey met Tony on May 24th and was moving in with him on June 9th? Presumably with Caylee in tow?

Who on earth meets someone then moves in with them some 2 weeks later? Much less with a 2-yr old child?????

I've always thought that was rather odd that Tony would let Casey move in so quickly, especially with a 3 year old child. Most guys his age, and still partying like he does, wouldn't want to take that on and cramp his style. I wonder if little Caylee was even potty trained yet?

More like shacking up temporarily. It may be that this is a catalyst in what happened to Caylee. He tells Casey she's moving too fast, not ready for a relationship, much less one with a kid, and she snaps.

Along with this, Cindy hears about this guy she just met, doesn't know and is of course concerned about Caylee, blah blah blah, tells her she can't take Caylee in that situation, nor the car and may not fully believe that Casey plans on moving in with a girlfriend.

The drama ensues!

Casey snaps, get's really po'd at the whole thing, and bam. End of situation. In her eyes.
...not if Amy's old roomate (Ricardo) was moving out and Casey was simply moving in to take his place... then again, why would Casey be talking about getting Amy moved in in the myspace comments...

I was under the impression that Amy was moving into the Oveido(sp?) house but it fell through. Thats why she was asking about forwarding her mail. She had already started forwarding it to the new address
I agree George should not be spouting his mouth. But this is a guy or may honestly believe his daughter is telling the truth. If that is the case, those of us who are parents know what happens when people attack, verbally, physically or emotionally our children... We become bears, ready to attack back. So:

To those who are badmouthing his daughter: I'll show you..
To those who have his grand daughter, your fooling nobody, and I will get to you.

I think if there are "kidnappers" involved the message should come from LE. It usually does.
And here I was thinking the shovel was borrowed on the same day her car was backed into the garage.

The garage is attached to the house, right? Casey had 3 duffle bags of clothes at TonE's apartment - maybe she backed up into the garage to load up her belongings?
The car is 10 years old. I'd bet that it was bought for her when she was in high school, and has remained in her parents' name.

It's probably her car, in that her parents gave it to her, and she drove it all the time, but it was also leverage to be used against her by her parents. "Don't you leave in MY car..." even though she had had possession of it since high school.
It was her brother's first (sorry if this has been addressed).
which brings up another Q I've never gotten anyone to help me with: if Cindy had already smelled the "dead body" in the car before she found Casey per Amy's help, and then she went to get Casey, so she knows Casey is alove and she's not the "dead body", then whose dead body did she think it was? I ask because she's still so calm whenmaking the first 911 call, and everyone speculates that she didn't really think anything bad had happened to Caylee at that point in time... thoughts?

I've always felt that Cindy's mindset was that Casey was keeping Caylee from her.........that after arguing about Casey's responsibilities, that Casey was punishing her by not allowing her to see Caylee. At that point, I think Cindy really believed that Casey had someone else babysitting with Caylee and was just being stubborn and denying Cindy access to her granddaughter.

It wasn't until Cindy heard Casey telling Lee that the babysitter, Zaney, had kidnapped Caylee a month prior, that Cindy suddenly realized that Casey wasn't just keeping Caylee from her..........Caylee was really missing!

I think the July 3rd comments by Cindy in her MySpace blog really sum up the that point Cindy felt that she was being victimized by her own daughter.
Just remember that GM said she took Caylee to see her father.

I think the LE is playing a game of poker. They are threatening Casey with all these other charges, seeing if she'll fold knowing that they still have an Ace up their sleeve.

I would guarantee that they have more forensic evidence than what they are stating. But they are keeping those cards very close in hand.
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