Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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I heard Cindy say that ... yup.

As I sit here I think back 40 years when my son was 3. He was up and out of bed. He wanted to eat, he wanted to watch TV and he was just all over the house. I find it hard that no one saw Caylee when she woke up, go potty, eat, play, make noise, nothing until she is dressed and with a backpack.

Something is odd with that morning.

It's very odd Patty. It almost makes me think that they left the night before. I wonder what time the argument was?
I heard Cindy say that ... yup.

As I sit here I think back 40 years when my son was 3. He was up and out of bed. He wanted to eat, he wanted to watch TV and he was just all over the house. I find it hard that no one saw Caylee when she woke up, go potty, eat, play, make noise, nothing until she is dressed and with a backpack.

Something is odd with that morning.

Did George actually say he didn't see her until the backpack departure? I have heard him answer the question of when he last saw her. That doesn't mean he didn't see her earlier.
Hey Sleuthers..Been reading here forever but allways had AOL and couldn't register.
Now have rogers so I can , anyway im 29 from Ontario Canada. I just wanted to say the more I read about this case and the more I hear about the narrowing It down to the 3 days I keep thinking about Melinda and Trenton Duckett If u remember they had her narrowed down to a gas receit on a certin day and with in 24 hours I beleive. I really hope theres a better outcome here.

Hi Can Man, nice to have you here. I love Ontario. :)

I think most of us see too many similarities to the Duckett case.

Do you mean, what was Casey's work day routine Chilly Willy? I'm not so sure her parents bought the job and nanny story. If so, she would have had to leave the house every day to go to her 'job' and drop Caylee at the 'nanny's'. And then she had all that time to fill--That's what you mean, right?

And an interesting piece of this puzzle is George's work schedule. If he was out of work for a period over the past year or so he must have known b/c I just don't see Casey driving around for 8 hours w/ Caylee 5 days a week. If the GPs did both have jobs and regular work hours she could get away w/ leaving the house like that and just driving around until they had both gone to work and turn around to come back home and hang out at the house most days w/ Caylee. But w/ George possibly being between jobs and having irregular hours I just don't see them not knowing the truth. What do you think?
Did George actually say he didn't see her until the backpack departure? I have heard him answer the question of when he last saw her. That doesn't mean he didn't see her earlier.

George answered the question of when did you last see Caylee, and he gave a very detailed account of that moment. He said it was after lunch etc., etc.

Now why didn't he come out and say, well Caylee and I had breakfast together or lunch together or read together. Not just that moment.
And how could a 2-3 year old hang out at the house all day but the people that live there don't know it? I mean, most houses with preschoolers are pretty well messy....cups, snacks, toys, etc.
Even if the GPs were out all day, surely they would notice if Casey and Caylee had been there....
You think Casey had a job, Chilly Willy? B/c I don't.

The people at the club said she worked for the club. People see the pictures and think of Casey as a "Par-tay" girl, but what if she was "working" there -- not as an hourly employee, but ... . Some entertainment establishments have pretty women hang around and entice men to buy them drinks -- the club serves the girl a very very weak drink or iced tea, but charges the guy the full price.
Right, very true .... but I guess I was looking at what George was saying, as the excuse of them not knowing 'where' to look .. because Casey CAN'T tell them, not WON'T.

Oh, I get it, aprilshowers. But I think she had another excuse before she was arrested as to why she couldn't tell her parents the details--something about protecting Caylee. It's just one excuse after another w/ Casey unfortunately.
The people at the club said she worked for the club. People see the pictures and think of Casey as a "Par-tay" girl, but what if she was "working" there -- not as an hourly employee, but ... . Some entertainment establishments have pretty women hang around and entice men to buy them drinks -- the club serves the girl a very very weak drink or iced tea, but charges the guy the full price.
IIRC Nobody ever said she worked at the club.
I heard Cindy say that ... yup.

As I sit here I think back 40 years when my son was 3. He was up and out of bed. He wanted to eat, he wanted to watch TV and he was just all over the house. I find it hard that no one saw Caylee when she woke up, go potty, eat, play, make noise, nothing until she is dressed and with a backpack.

Something is odd with that morning.

My twins just turned six, and we moved back from a few years in South Korea when they were Caylee's age. Trying to keep them quiet the first few nights we were back in a hotel with guests on each side of us, still on Seoul time and up in the middle of the night, is an experience I'm happy to never relive.

I'm not out to defend anyone in this case, but one thought that occurred to me is that George left at a later time. If he were working a swing shift, sleeping later, showering and eating later than when Caylee and Casey got up, I can almost see that. Maybe it was ORDER that Casey keep the toddler quiet so he could sleep in. And if they were in different places in the house until they went into Casey's room to get ready it is possible he didn't really see them until they came out. Just putting that out there.
And how could a 2-3 year old hang out at the house all day but the people that live there don't know it? I mean, most houses with preschoolers are pretty well messy....cups, snacks, toys, etc.
Even if the GPs were out all day, surely they would notice if Casey and Caylee had been there....

This is my thought too. If a toddler gets up and bugs mommy to get up, she might say go and play. In the Anthony household there appears to be another adult as in George. So the little one would go and look for grandpa, to play with or get some juice ... whatever.
The people at the club said she worked for the club. People see the pictures and think of Casey as a "Par-tay" girl, but what if she was "working" there -- not as an hourly employee, but ... . Some entertainment establishments have pretty women hang around and entice men to buy them drinks -- the club serves the girl a very very weak drink or iced tea, but charges the guy the full price.

Hadn't heard that. Fusion, you mean?
George answered the question of when did you last see Caylee, and he gave a very detailed account of that moment. He said it was after lunch etc., etc.

Now why didn't he come out and say, well Caylee and I had breakfast together or lunch together or read together. Not just that moment.

Because that is the answer to the question, when did you last see her, I saw her with her mom leaving the house at such and such time. If he did give all the details you are looking for in response to this question everyone would say he is talking to much and that looks like a lie. I am sure we could get your question to the mob of reporters that are running out of things to talk to them about. It would be interesting to hear the answer to that question.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A source close to the investigation of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony recently brought up new theories about the truth of Caylee's disappearance.

The source told WESH 2 that they have no indication that Casey would hurt her daughter, but now they strongly suspect the little girl died as the result of an accident, possibly from being left in a hot car or possibly drowning.

Orange County detectives said they still hope to find Caylee alive and well.

The same source told WESH 2 that investigators have been trying to track the cell phone towers Caylee's mother, Casey's, cell phone was hitting on June 16, 17 and 18, and that during that time, Casey was having an unstable relationship with Tony Lazarro.

According to the source, Lazarro said he never saw Caylee on June 16, 17 and 18, never heard Casey searching for her daughter and never saw Casey looking panicked about Caylee's disappearance.

Lazarro would not comment on his dealings with Casey.
The people at the club said she worked for the club. People see the pictures and think of Casey as a "Par-tay" girl, but what if she was "working" there -- not as an hourly employee, but ... . Some entertainment establishments have pretty women hang around and entice men to buy them drinks -- the club serves the girl a very very weak drink or iced tea, but charges the guy the full price.

yea, no one said she worked at the club except for Baez. Actually, tony's friend called one of th shows to dispute Baez statement that Casey worked there. Baez just said that a dj would not know who was in promotions or not...yeah right.:bang:
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A source close to the investigation of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony recently brought up new theories about the truth of Caylee's disappearance.

The source told WESH 2 that they have no indication that Casey would hurt her daughter, but now they strongly suspect the little girl died as the result of an accident, possibly from being left in a hot car or possibly drowning.

Orange County detectives said they still hope to find Caylee alive and well.

The same source told WESH 2 that investigators have been trying to track the cell phone towers Caylee's mother, Casey's, cell phone was hitting on June 16, 17 and 18, and that during that time, Casey was having an unstable relationship with Tony Lazarro.

According to the source, Lazarro said he never saw Caylee on June 16, 17 and 18, never heard Casey searching for her daughter and never saw Casey looking panicked about Caylee's disappearance.

Lazarro would not comment on his dealings with Casey.

Geez! either we are really good at this investigating thing or LE has been reading these pages
I was under the impression that since Casey was an event planner (which she might have been at ONE time,.. just not when Caylee went missing) that she didn't work "normal" hours. That she would be going to the events and that they would be all different hours. And if she needed someone to watch Caylee when GPs were working that Caylee would THEN go to the nanny's. JMO
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