Caylee's "Mama" Doll

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A ruse?

"Did you have fun with mama today, Caylee?"
"We played all day!"

Sick, but... so's the defendant.

Wow, that's true. If the doll's name was Mama, then what did Caylee call her mother?
Do we know FOR SURE that CA drove her own vehicle and not the Pontiac to Mt. Dora?

tweety933, good question, I actually expected you to ask that. Your devil's advocate theory that Cindy may have been the last one to see Caylee on another forum thread got me thinking maybe the doll could provide clues. I assume Cindy drove her own car to Mt Dora. Does anyone know something definite?

That was Casey's doll from childhood! Wow! I imagine seeing that doll in the car and the car smelling like death was a nightmare revelation for George. I wish that doll could talk.
tweety933, good question, I actually expected you to ask that. Your devil's advocate theory that Cindy may have been the last one to see Caylee on another forum thread got me thinking maybe the doll could provide clues. I assume Cindy drove her own car to Mt Dora. Does anyone know something definite?

That was Casey's doll from childhood! Wow! I imagine seeing that doll in the car and the car smelling like death was a nightmare revelation for George. I wish that doll could talk.

Curious, IIRC KC was at one of the bf's (not sure if it TL or RM) when CA took Caylee with her to MT Dora. I can't recall where I saw that but I believe after CA fed Caylee again she called KC that she was at home now. So I'm led to believe that she used her own vehicle. Hope someone can confirm if I've remembered correctly.
I think it is possible that the doll has a box inside and when you tip it it says "MAMA" These types of dolls have been around for decades and can still be purchased.
I think it is possible that the doll has a box inside and when you tip it it says "MAMA" These types of dolls have been around for decades and can still be purchased.

I am one of those strange girls that didn't play with baby dolls when I was little (Barbie's yes) but I always thought that was strange that Caylee called her doll mama. I mean if a child is playing with a doll isn't she playing that she's the mama? So your post about the doll saying mama if tilted this way or that makes sense. That's why Caylee called her mama, coz thats what the doll said! JMO
But KC did throw out the teddy bear she took from the Anthony house on July 3. (Which is after the car was towed to Johnson's Tow Yard)

Cindy did send psychic Ginette a teddy bear. But, Lee (who would want to make KC look good) said he didn't pick up anything for Caylee at Tony's apartment.

RM said one of Caylee's teddy bears had a name, Teddy and that along with Mama doll was special to Caylee.

I don't think Lee wants to make Casey look good... he is where much of the negative information about Casey and the family came from.
I am one of those strange girls that didn't play with baby dolls when I was little (Barbie's yes) but I always thought that was strange that Caylee called her doll mama. I mean if a child is playing with a doll isn't she playing that she's the mama? So your post about the doll saying mama if tilted this way or that makes sense. That's why Caylee called her mama, coz thats what the doll said! JMO

I was thinking the doll was called mama because it had been her mama's (KC's) doll.
I was thinking the doll was called mama because it had been her mama's (KC's) doll.
My daughter had a doll just like this. She is 42 now. It's claim to fame was that it looked and felt like a newborn baby. I do not recall it having the "MA-Ma" feature that some did. I could be wrong, but I just do not recall that it did.
I was thinking the doll was called mama because it had been her mama's (KC's) doll.
Like many others here, I have always held the belief that the "Mama" name was convenient to KC. Caylee could have spent the entire day doing "whatever" and Caylee would have said that she was with "mama". Remember Steve Martin's line about telling a kid that when he had to go to the bathroom he should say that he wanted to go to the "banana patch". It's easily done. Jokes aside.


I would too think the doll said MaMa. I had one very similar that did.
I am truly sure that Caylee did not put a lot of thought into the name of her doll. I am convinced,however this is only my opinion, that the doll says "MAMA", they have these available at our local dollar store,I had one over 50 years ago,my daughter had one,20 years ago,and they are still available today.They really look very much the same,cloth body,etc.Remember the "MOO" cow things that you could tip and they would say "MOO?" Well this doll says "MAMA" what a perfect name!!!!
Like many others here, I have always held the belief that the "Mama" name was convenient to KC. Caylee could have spent the entire day doing "whatever" and Caylee would have said that she was with "mama". Remember Steve Martin's line about telling a kid that when he had to go to the bathroom he should say that he wanted to go to the "banana patch". It's easily done. Jokes aside.



This makes sense too---named at KC's suggestion for the purpose you stated. I just can't see Caylee naming her baby mama on her own. It makes more sense to me that KC named it for Caylee or the doll itself said "mama". JMO
But this does not explain what she called KC. I also had a doll that said mama, but I diden't name the doll mama, neither did others that I know of. If she called the doll and KC both mama, would"nt this cause confusion to a two year old?
But this does not explain what she called KC. I also had a doll that said mama, but I diden't name the doll mama, neither did others that I know of. If she called the doll and KC both mama, would"nt this cause confusion to a two year old?

Ya know now that I think if it I can't recall hearing anyone say what Caylee called KC. I mean did CA encourage Caylee calling KC - KC, since thats what Caylee would have heard CA and GA calling her or did Caylee call her mommy, mama, ma, what? Does anyone remember hearing anyone talk about this? Family or friends? MOO
Ya know now that I think if it I can't recall hearing anyone say what Caylee called KC. I mean did CA encourage Caylee calling KC - KC, since thats what Caylee would have heard CA and GA calling her or did Caylee call her mommy, mama, ma, what? Does anyone remember hearing anyone talk about this? Family or friends? MOO
Good question. :confused:
I'm still thinking about the doll. This was originally Posted by Suzet on 12/02/2008 on another thread:

My light bulb moment concerns the baby doll that was left in the carseat when the Pontiac was towed ~ the doll Caylee called "Mama."

I am not sure if it was ever established whether or not the "mama" doll found in the carseat inside the Pontiac was the same doll in the Caylee carseat photo... this would be the photo below that shows Caylee in her carseat with the doll wearing the pink jammies. But let's suppose it is.


For months, that doll had been bothering me.... there was just something about her and the clothes that I couldn't quite put my finger on... and then it hit me. Having a daughter that is two years younger than Casey, that doll's face looks like an older doll from the early 1990s. After a bit of research, that is just about how old that doll is.

So then I got to thinking... I bet the doll in Caylee's carseat photo was actually Casey's childhood doll, not a new doll for Caylee. Still having childhood dolls around the house is particularly common when the mother is very young, like Casey was. The doll could have also come from a garage sale, thus making the doll not easily replaced, but then I found this eery photo of Casey as a child:

The photo is very blurry, but Casey is holding a doll that looks to be the same size (11-12") as the one in Caylee's photo, AND, like Caylee's doll, Casey's doll also has molded hair, not rooted hair. Casey looks to be about six or seven years old and this would be the perfect age for Casey to have this doll that was made in the early to mid 1990s.

After realizing how old that doll is, I started thinking about Casey leaving the doll behind in the car. From what I have read about Casey, my impression is that she is cheap, she is stingy, and she is spiteful. I suppose, either she left the doll behind because she could care less about it and that Caylee loved it... But could it have been more of a 'this is my doll and I'm keeping it' on Casey's part?

I also wondered if the reason Caylee called the doll "mama" is because Casey referred to the doll as Mama's doll.

The doll in the carseat photo has a vinyl head, arms, and legs, with a cloth body. While I am not certain if the doll in the carseat photo is the same doll found in the car that wreaked with death, LE called that doll, a cloth doll (or did they say cloth body doll?) and this one would definitely be categorized as a cloth body doll. I believe the doll was found unclothed, which would be more obvious to LE that she was a cloth body doll. If the doll had been found in the Pontiac wearing the pink clothing, as seen in the Caylee carseat photo, LE might assume it was an all vinyl doll (not cloth bodied), unless they picked it up and felt the soft body.

I remember in Lee's testimony, he says something like, "That doll was Caylee's since the day she was born."

I wonder if Casey removed the doll's clothing because it stunk, but she couldn't part with her childhood doll (her child? yeah. the doll? no).

Realizing this could be Casey's doll, makes it seem more plausible that she would keep it, rather than dispose of it with her daughter. Yep, that's what I think.

I've often thought the same thing - there is a pic of KC with her doll at Christmas - (I believe that was one of the ones that TL used in his little photo melange in his argument against KC getting the DP.) The photo is featured alongside the pic of Caylee's "mama" doll as she holds it in her carseat on post #89 in this same thread.

I'm not sure it is the same doll, or if the one in #89 is simply a newer doll that looks similar to the older one.

Either way, if it was actually KC's old doll, or one that CA got Caylee so she could be just like her "mama", that kind of gesture was bound to make someone like KC resentful. It may have made her feel as if, since she was such an obvious disappointment to her mother (evidenced by things JG and others heard her say in front of her daughter), CA was trying to recreate or replace KC as a child using Caylee. The helicopter parenting and need for control that CA had over KC was now being directed toward Caylee; I'm sure CA was constantly full of "advice" about exactly what KC should do to be an effective parent. The fact that CA did not know how to step back on Caylee's second birthday and that was made quite a deal of by KC; the "explanation" that resentment in KC was caused by the nurse handing CA the baby first (which sounded when GA told it in various interviews as if it had already been repeated within the family quite a few times).

I imagine that KC resented Caylee for the baby's pawn status in the competitive relationship between KC and CA, but I have a feeling that CA was her ultimate target. Whether she planned on removing her parents first and then bring up or brainwash Caylee to love HER as she felt she had been robbed of what was rightfully hers, or whether she decided "on a whim" to punish CA and GA for threatening to take Caylee away, we may never know. In fact, I wonder if subconsciously KC's motives or justification for stealing money were an expression of what she thought had been stolen from her (not that I think it wouldn't have happened one way or another given her obvious personality disorder/s).
Maybe it was KC's doll and CA pulled it out of storage and gave it to Caylee.
Regarding the doll's name... After my daughter was born we became friends with a couple in the neighborhood with a toddler the same age as my own. I noticed right away that the parents, especially the girl's mother, called the daughter "mama". It was interesting to me as I had never heard a mother call her daughter "mama" before. After that I noticed other mothers and grandmothers calling the their daughters and grandaughters "mama". I believe it might be a cultural thing as most of the parents were hispanic. Florida has a large hispanic population and culture. This might explain the name of the baby doll.
I still have my childhood doll. My mother sewed a whole wardrobe of clothes for my doll, as well. The doll is old now, which means so am I. Still don't have any grandchildren. Sometimes, I imagine a future grandchild playing with my old doll. How sweet are those thoughts of a grandchild someday.

Now, consider how sad if Mama doll was packed away and saved for a future grandchild with all sweet hopes, then became Caylee's doll, only to be found in a car smelling of her death in the end. Something never imagined by Cindy and George, and as horrible as horrible can get.

Stranger still would be if the doll has clues to the crime. Imagine if Casey's old doll has evidence pointing the finger at Casey?

I did not see the doll in the video of the Mt Dora visit. Why isn't the doll there in the video? Well, in any case, the doll found in the car with no clothes on is probably proof of something. But what?

Was Casey being spiteful not laying Caylee to rest with her doll that brought her comfort in life? Casey may have purposely left the doll in the car at Amscot thinking the car would be stolen, and when found with the doll still inside in some other state would prove a kidnapping had taken place.

Can I say it again? - I sure wish that doll could say more than Mama.

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