Cell Phone Activity Timeline as of 11/11

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THANK YOU! I has trying to figure out how to word this. If he was an incoming caller from another account, it makes no sense that he would be routed to the Verizon payment center. Verizon would have no business telling an incoming caller from another account about the Bradley/Irwin's unpaid balance, or asking them to satisfy the debt. So why would they have routed an INCOMING call from a phone NOT ON THE PLAN to the PAYMENT CENTER?

It makes sense that any attempt to place an outgoing call to anyone (on or off the same plan) would result in the caller being detoured to the payment center, told why he/she could not make the call they were attempting, and asking them to pay the bill.

It could go to a verizon message centre stating that 'this phone is not in service'...been there ::)
The biggest thing that stands out for me is that this info was given by the defense. Of course they are going to release what they think might be helpful to them. But there is no guarentee that they will release everything. Notice there is no mention of text messages? They specifically state that the rumor of a 2:30 am call was a rumor.
The rumor about 2:30 phone usage was a text message. Of course there is no mention of the texts.

Also in the message they are saying attempts were made, but unable to complete because the phones weren't working. A. You don't get a 50 second call to MW on a phone that wasn't working. B. Attempts were made to access the voice mail. If you just stole a phone, and a baby why would you be trying voice mail a short time later? Why would you even care about their voice mail?

Defense says that DB and JI did not know MW. Yeah, ok we know that MW says that she did not know them. But did DB or JI know anyone else in the HH? The defense isn't saying.

BBM= Debs phone was broken - it cut out all the time, which is why her grandfather lent her one of his old 'plain jane' ones. If the user of the phone dialed MW's # and it went to the Verizon payment center, but actually cut out at that point, they could have been waiting for some response and then getting nothing after 50 seconds, hung up. They then could have waiting around and tried to check vm hoping that MW's 'phone' had called them back. Some phones (from what I've read here) you can access vm without a pin. when that didn't work, they tried accessing the net (possibly facebook) to contact the person they are waiting on or looking for? Just a possibility..
Maybe it was the only one charged?
I dont know that this is the case, just something that would cover this.

Quite possible In da Middle. If JI uses his personal phone mostly on the weekends and his work phone during the week then it's possible it needed charging by the time Monday evening rolled around if he had forgotten to plug it in. He would have had the work phone both during the day and in the evening I suppose. But wasn't the evening job a side job, not for the company he worked for? Wouldn't he have used his personal phone then so his company would not wonder why he was using their phone in the evening? Or perhaps they are pretty lax with the rules for the employee cell phones?

What I don't understand is why he didn't try to get in touch with SB or DB's brother or some other neighbour to let her know he was going to be late so she wouldn't worry since this was the first time he was working in the evening and it wasn't a precedent that he might be late. He also didn't seem to know the phones were cut off or why would have have tried to call her. I think a man who is working in the evening for the first time, who is going to be late...possibly quite late...and who phoned home to find the phones "inoperable" would worry a bit himself and make a effort to find out what was going on at home. I would think he might even drive home on a break to make sure everything was okay. But LE seem comfortable with the fact he never left the Starbucks.

I wonder if his work phone shows records of him trying to get in touch with other people after not being able to get through to DB's phone and if any of them ever went to the house to tell her he was going to be late. :waitasec:

Re: the missing three cell phones. Why does it appear everyone is focused on pings and locations of just one?

Serious question.

I agree, I stated elsewhere that it is very odd we are only getting info for DB's phone which was 'broken and cut out'...why didn't they attempt to use one of the others then? Did they just throw the other two in the garbage bin fire? and happen to keep the broken phone? Or did they try the others???
I agree, I stated elsewhere that it is very odd we are only getting info for DB's phone which was 'broken and cut out'...why didn't they attempt to use one of the others then? Did they just throw the other two in the garbage bin fire? and happen to keep the broken phone? Or did they try the others???

Well if the other two were both "plain jane" phones, they would have zero resale value on the stolen phone market I would think so I suppose it is possible that they were ditched. But then why take them in the first place? :waitasec:

And just another point that makes me think of Jersey making that 11:57pm call is how many phone numbers does a homeless man know from memory? In this day and age of cell phones with stored contacts, how many phone numbers do any of us know off the top of our heads? I would think the one phone number that he does know from memory would be his ex-girlfriend of 5 1/2 months whom he had just broken up with two weeks prior. But then why would he have called her? Just to see if the phone worked?

It was the closest wooded area within the 1/3 mile radius to hide a body IMO.

The closest wooded area was behind the house. Given the fact someone may have wanted to venture away to the second closest wooded area, Brighton is a very heavily traveled road so that wouldnt make sense.
Was the house that handyman was taking care of within the 1/3 mile area ..if so the calls could have been made from there
My thoughts that they were concentrated more on the northern edge of the woods other than my physical sight is that my dogs were much more concerned about people in "their" woods to that area for a longer time than they were at the area closer to Brighton. I trust my dogs more than the media! I could tell where they were by watching my dogs. They knew!
The closest wooded area was behind the house. Given the fact someone may have wanted to venture away to the second closest wooded area, Brighton is a very heavily traveled road so that wouldnt make sense.

I thought the area behind the house was searched about a dozen times. :waitasec:
I thought that the only thing a cell phone ping would tell you was the tower that picked up the call. I have never heard that they can give you an exact location of a ping. I remember Terri Horman's phone pinged on an island, that was all they could tell.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
im my experience (im in the uk so may be different) it just looks the same until you are totally cut off and unable to recieve calls or texts it says "no service" instead of the whichever network you are on.

that was meant to be in reply to a question up thread.forgot to quote sorryyy :angel:
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I thought that the only thing a cell phone ping would tell you was the tower that picked up the call. I have never heard that they can give you an exact location of a ping. I remember Terri Horman's phone pinged on an island, that was all they could tell.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

If your signla is picked up by just one tower I don't think they could tell which direction it was but if the cell pings in several towers they can triangulate.
If your signla is picked up by just one tower I don't think they could tell which direction it was but if the cell pings in several towers they can triangulate.
But that triangulated area is dependent on how far apart the towers that are hit are and how far out their area spreads. The triangulated area could be a very large area or quite small depending on the towers involved.
If your signla is picked up by just one tower I don't think they could tell which direction it was but if the cell pings in several towers they can triangulate.

Thanks for the reply. Even if they triangulate can they get within a 1/3 mile radius?
I think we would have seen multiple searches in different areas like we had seen at 34th & Brighton (which was searched three times) IF these phones pinged in other locations or seperate locations.

If none of the phones pinged no further than a 1/3 or 1/5 mile away from the Irwin home, then
1: I am sure they were all disposed of together.
2: I have believed for weeks the last ping from any of the phones were at 34th & Brighton.

I also said this weeks ago... What makes a phone stop pinging/working all together? Water... Someone go toss one in the toilet and report back :floorlaugh:

There was also a nearby creek pumped, so LE either has knowledge of that particular area as well, or they are working off of the same theory as I have. Water...

If they are in the Missouri river, you won't see it getting pumped or dammed up. That's an almost impossible task.

I wish there was an expert who could discuss pinging with us, because I have some questions about it.

Example: How often does a phone ping/report to a tower?

If a battery is removed from a phone, would a capacitor in a phone still contain enough power to keep a phone pinging, and how long?

If a sim card is removed from a sim card capable phone, would the phone still maintain an IP address to be identified and pinged?

When there is activity from a phone, making a call, attempting to access the internet, is the phone pinged when you attempt to do either one of these, or are these pings just random pings every x amount of seconds, minutes, hours?

When using triangulation pinging, how many feet give or take would the accuracy of a ping location be?


IMO if I were to go with the theory I came up with, I believe (just using 5 minutes as an example since we don't know how often a phone pings):

I believe LE knows the phones pinged at that residence until x:xxam
I believe LE knows the phones pinged at one additional location away from the Irwin residence, 34th & Brighton.
I believe there was enough time (going off my "if a phone pinged every 5 minutes theory") inbetween a ping at 34th & Brighton and some access point to the Missouri River (even driving across the I-435 bridge or the Cheateau bridge) for someone to throw all of the phones in the river.

I believe based off of the pings, LE knows where the attempted call to MW was made from IF it was 11:57pm. I also believe based off of the pings of the voice mail access attempts at 3:17 and 3:22 am IF these times are correct. I hate to speculate on the actual times at this point given the source.

I have these same questions regarding pinging. I have no idea. I would love to know how that aspect works though.
I've read that the smart phones with GPS can be tracked to an "almost" exact location. There was something on the news not long concerning privacy issues because the phone co. can look at where a person has been and LE did not have to get a warrant to get that info.
Excellent question Oriah. Why would someone who had just stolen 3 phones only use one of them to try to make a call or to play around with the features.

I suppose it`s possible that DB`s was a smartphone and JI`s was not which would explain someone trying to access internet or voicemail. They may have been all over that phone trying out things. The 5 attempts to connect to the browser may have been just them hitting features that require an internet connection.

So while JI`s phone might not have been as fun to play with, why didn`t they at least try to place a call with it? How would they have known that all three phones were connected to the same plan and therefore none of them had service if one of them didn't?

Another good point, Kamille.

If a smartphone is recognizing attempts to connect to a browser on a network...then it is making the 'invite' so to speak. Just being denied access.

Thanks for the reply. Even if they triangulate can they get within a 1/3 mile radius?

No expert here but I *think* it depends on the amount of the overlap between the coverage areas of the different active towers. The more towers you got the more accurate it would be.
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