Cindy Anthony Says Someone Hacked Her Email Account *REVISITED*

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I'm sure that someone else has already mentioned this but Yahoo is one of the least secure email accounts you can have. It allows you to reset your "forgotten" password directly from the server. All you need is the email address (Cindy's has been released in numerous documents), the persons birthdate, and then the answer to their secret question ... these are preset questions like ... What is the name of your favorite pet? ... or What date is your anniversary? It would be easy to comb through all of the information that is now public to get the answers to these questions. Once that information has been submitted Yahoo allows you to change your password ... that is why Cindy was locked out of her account ... she no longer knew the correct password ... if the hacker was smart ... he/she also changed the answer to her secret questions so that she would be unable to reset her password and gain access.

Sorry if this has been mentioned to death!

I am with you on this. This actually happened to a dear friend of mine. He was going through a bitter child custody battle with his ex-wife. She had their 18 year daughter "hack" his yahoo e-mail. She forwarded all attorney communication to her mother.

My friend did not press charges, however, he did cut-off ALL financial support to his daughter. He had provided a car, insurance, and was paying for her college tuition. It was such a mess.

BTW: Congratulations on the birth of your precious baby girl. She is beautiful!
I hope all is well with mommy and babe. :blowkiss:
Why would someone go through the A's trash? My guess is the person that did this was hoping to find something incriminating in her correspondence ... or some hint of these "secrets" that the A's claim to have that prove Casey's innocence?? In the same situation you and I would be smart enough not to send emails with sensitive info ... but I think that Cindy is just barely hanging on to reality as is ... a real loose cannon! That is just my guess! And as to your theory about Casey being the hacker ... I think that is entirely possible!

I agree, it's probably getting harder everyday to even remember her own lies. If we can't keep them straight, how can she?
Congrats on your little bundle of joy. IIRC you were going in about a month ago. You had to leave all this important stuff to go have a baby. lol
I was wondering and waiting to see how all turned out, glad to see all looks well. Glad you posted and God Bless.
I know JB just won his little "skirmish" with the jail about being able to bring his laptop in with him, but what is the jail's policy about the INMATE having access to that laptop?? Reading and/or sending emails? Cruising the internet?

I would think that would be strictly forbidden! Anyone know??

rules in the jail house??? JB knowing them???? thought he made up his own little set---guess we will see something about it---along with the usual "I didn't know" response from a criminal atty.....

as for your original quesiton I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW THAT ANSWER MYSELF!--

I just found it odd that someone broke into it while they were away, like you have to be gone for it to happen.
Relatively speaking when GWBush enacted the Patriot Act after September 11, every American Citizen's right to privacy was a thing of the past, the FBI has a right to invade all electronic communications if there is a possibility that there is a crime being committeed or a crime being swept under the rug. I am not saying the FBI hacked the account and sent them to the recipients. Shame on her for thinking the internet is a confidential way of communicating,
Relatively speaking when GWBush enacted the Patriot Act after September 11, every American Citizen's right to privacy was a thing of the past, the FBI has a right to invade all electronic communications if there is a possibility that there is a crime being committeed or a crime being swept under the rug. I am not saying the FBI hacked the account and sent them to the recipients. Shame on her for thinking the internet is a confidential way of communicating,

I'm just saying something right here---(I have little or no knowledge of computers, however, hubby has a computer business---)--myspace can contribute to virus's and such...perhaps....but then again I could go towards the squirrels doing payback (yes I love those little pics with them!!!!)--they do have rights I'm sure---also saddened by the news of no little postal men in the computers..(here I you are going to tell me that peeps don't live in TV's??????)

Perhaps the reasoning could also be that somewhere in that computer is TRUTH?????? that would be such a concept....if the feds are involved in uptaining information to put this to an end---God Bless them---someone needs to speak on behalf a little beautiful girl named Caylee ---

(O/T: Vanpet is that a french bull dog???? I'm partial to the pug myself--but love vanpet and Bern...)

Also Holah: Congrats on Emma!!!!! Love that name and baby looks beautiful! Have fun!!!

I'm just saying something right here---(I have little or no knowledge of computers, however, hubby has a computer business---)--myspace can contribute to virus's and such...perhaps....but then again I could go towards the squirrels doing payback (yes I love those little pics with them!!!!)--they do have rights I'm sure---also saddened by the news of no little postal men in the computers..(here I you are going to tell me that peeps don't live in TV's??????)

Perhaps the reasoning could also be that somewhere in that computer is TRUTH?????? that would be such a concept....if the feds are involved in uptaining information to put this to an end---God Bless them---someone needs to speak on behalf a little beautiful girl named Caylee ---

(O/T: Vanpet is that a french bull dog???? I'm partial to the pug myself--but love vanpet and Bern...)Also Holah: Congrats on Emma!!!!! Love that name and baby looks beautiful! Have fun!!!

No french bull dog, he is a chug half chinese pug/ hal chihuahua, he just turned a year old . Yes, I agree about the feds they have a right to know...
WHY would KB send the emails to the FBI instead of OSCO? This does not make any sense whatsoever to me. OSCO is in charge of this investigation, not the FBI. So, if someone can help me here, I would appreciate it.
WHY would KB send the emails to the FBI instead of OCSO? This does not make any sense whatsoever to me. OCSO is in charge of this investigation, not the FBI. So, if someone can help me here, I would appreciate it.
Can't say as I blame you (though there are always good pages in a thread), but it's probably okay to wish you hadn't continually bumped a thread you had no interest in reading??

Frustrating for the contributors who see the thread at the top and wish it was meaningful...

Still, if you want to make an informed post, the pages are there.....

Thanks ....I wanted to add a little humor in all the momboJumbo I was trying to read.....I know NOTHING about computers as to how they I was just LOL....thats all :) I think I came in at the wrong time of the section that was waaaay over my head :confused:....thats all ....and yes I am bumping...and didnt really add anything of importance to the thread :eek:....sorry in advance for that.....:blowkiss:
I'm not sure that he is an big a computer geek as he might think. He is a gamer which makes him a gamer geek and he obviously knows some stuff because I think he said that KCs laptop was BSOD and he tried to get it back but was not able to but just how much knowledge does he really have?

Besides most people just don't really think about how unsecure their emails probably are. People use kids names and dates of birth or anniversary for passwords. sometimes I think that most people think that there is a little mailman inside their computers and when they press send, he seals an envelope and runs through the lines to deliver it at the other end all safe and secure.

When we first got my MIL in law a computer and tried to get her going on email it it was the most painful process in the world. After she had been on for sometime and I thought we were making progress, I was talking to her on her cellphone while she was shopping, I told her I had just emailed the info she needed to her.... this sent her into a complete panic meltdown in the mall because she wasn't sure she left her computer on when she left and no amount of convincing in the world would reassure her that if her computer was off her email would still be there when she got home. Sigh.
WHY would KB send the emails to the FBI instead of OSCO? This does not make any sense whatsoever to me. OSCO is in charge of this investigation, not the FBI. So, if someone can help me here, I would appreciate it.

All internet crimes are federal issues I believe. That I would assume she has a contact she is working with at the FBI, I don't think she called the main line at the FBI, she called someone she knows. Probably the same person that she was working with regarding the hairbrush emails.
Hi. I've tried to go back and read the various posts but can't put it together. I know Cindy Anthony claims that her computer account with yahoo was "hacked" and is making this claim after Kathi Bellich (the reporter) phoned up the FBI after Bellich got a bunch of emails from Cindy's email account (emails that were to and from Cindy and various others including her "press rep" whoever that is these days). What I can't figure out: folks on here seem to be tracing something via IP addresses. What's being traced? Also, what is the connection between the hacking and the relative of David Lohr. Thanks to anyone who cares to clarify.

PS - I wonder if Bellich handed the emails over to the FBI b/c there was a concern that if she gave them to OSCO, then OSCO would share them with the prosecutor and it's possible the emails include information that is subject to a legal "privilege" as respects the defendant such that the prosecutor normally wouldn't be entitled to receive them. There could be some interesting developments concerning waiver of the attorney-client privilege. Only the client (Casey) can waive the a/c privilege (the one that attaches to her own lawyer communicatons) -- Cindy can't waive the privilege "on behalf of Casey". On the other hand, if Cindy is in possession of the material, then Casey waived the privilege to the extent Casey gave the information to Cindy in the first instance. Courts have held that the privilege is waived even if it's done accidentally (i.e., if Casey didn't mean to send the information to her Mom and Cindy didn't mean for the info to be sent to Bellich......the privilege is still waived. Even where the client is careless about how he/she handles information resulting in third parties getting it....then too bad.....a waiver has occurred. I hope the prosecutor's office is trying hard to get a hold of the emails. They might have to go to court over it unless in-house counsel at the FBI has a look at the issue and decides to hand them over to OSCO.
NJ ! Now these are the post that make webslueths worth lurking at. Thanks for such precise information.
Did CA lose all of her notes for her book? OH! NO !
Hi. I've tried to go back and read the various posts but can't put it together. I know Cindy Anthony claims that her computer account with yahoo was "hacked" and is making this claim after Kathi Bellich (the reporter) phoned up the FBI after Bellich got a bunch of emails from Cindy's email account (emails that were to and from Cindy and various others including her "press rep" whoever that is these days). What I can't figure out: folks on here seem to be tracing something via IP addresses. What's being traced? Also, what is the connection between the hacking and the relative of David Lohr. Thanks to anyone who cares to clarify.

PS - I wonder if Bellich handed the emails over to the FBI b/c there was a concern that if she gave them to OSCO, then OSCO would share them with the prosecutor and it's possible the emails include information that is subject to a legal "privilege" as respects the defendant such that the prosecutor normally wouldn't be entitled to receive them. There could be some interesting developments concerning waiver of the attorney-client privilege. Only the client (Casey) can waive the a/c privilege (the one that attaches to her own lawyer communicatons) -- Cindy can't waive the privilege "on behalf of Casey". On the other hand, if Cindy is in possession of the material, then Casey waived the privilege to the extent Casey gave the information to Cindy in the first instance. Courts have held that the privilege is waived even if it's done accidentally (i.e., if Casey didn't mean to send the information to her Mom and Cindy didn't mean for the info to be sent to Bellich......the privilege is still waived. Even where the client is careless about how he/she handles information resulting in third parties getting it....then too bad.....a waiver has occurred. I hope the prosecutor's office is trying hard to get a hold of the emails. They might have to go to court over it unless in-house counsel at the FBI has a look at the issue and decides to hand them over to OSCO.

That was honestly a great, informative post. However, I've had a heck of a day at work and after reading and trying to comprehend what you said, my eyes are spinning! =)
WHY would KB send the emails to the FBI instead of OCSO? This does not make any sense whatsoever to me. OCSO is in charge of this investigation, not the FBI. So, if someone can help me here, I would appreciate it.

I wondered the same thing when I saw the article saying the FBI was supposedly investigating the email about the hairbrush. The collection of evidence had nothing to do with the FBI, why would they do the investigating?
I wondered the same thing when I saw the article saying the FBI was supposedly investigating the email about the hairbrush. The collection of evidence had nothing to do with the FBI, why would they do the investigating?

The email/internet issue makes it federal. The laws regarding internet crimes are federal laws. That is my understanding.
The email/internet issue makes it federal. The laws regarding internet crimes are federal laws. That is my understanding.

But prior to the claim that Cindy's email account was hacked, WFTV reported that the FBI was investigating the hairbrush incident and saying that Cindy could face obstruction of justice charges. The email hacking has not yet been reported to police, there is no reason the FBI would be involved in this supposed investigation. WFTV is rapidly losing the little bit of credibility they still had, IMO.
If the FBI wasn't the proper avenue they would have told KB to take it to local authorities. They did not. Hence, it is in their domain. KB was correct.

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