Cindy is Unbelievable

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(Bolded by me)
Shadowgal, not speaking for Calimom but I am definately not an A supporter or feel 'positively' about them. I just dont understand the sudden overabundance of A insult threads on this forum. Theres plenty of times I get upset about what they are doing but I tend to let it out under my breath, lol. I was under the impression that WS didnt support bashing of family members, atleast not to this extent. I could see it in the ranting threads, thats what they are for, but it seems like evidence discussion, facts and updates in the case have been pushed aside in order to make room for speculation, rumors and hostile attitudes towards Cindy & George. Thats all Im sayin'. :)

I have been a reader of this site for a long time and only recently started posting. I used to think it was an informative, interesting site. But my opinion is changing. Ever since this case, things here have changed.
Shadowgal, not speaking for Calimom but I am definately not an A supporter or feel 'positively' about them. I just dont understand the sudden overabundance of A insult threads on this forum. Theres plenty of times I get upset about what the A's are doing but I tend to let it out under my breath, lol. I was under the impression that WS didnt support bashing of family members, atleast not to this extent. I could see it in the ranting threads, thats what they are for, but it seems like evidence discussion, facts and updates in the case have been pushed aside in order to make room for speculation, rumors and hostile attitudes towards Cindy & George. Thats all Im sayin'. :)

The evidence and facts are not very attractive. I suppose we could try to spin it in a positive direction but it is what it is.
The evidence and facts are not very attractive. I suppose we could try to spin it in a positive direction but it is what it is.

We all appreciate the 'evidence & facts' its the nastiness, hostile attitudes, rumors, speculation, fabricated 1/2 truths, and straight out lies that are 'not very attractive.'
Rant on the rant threads, and keep the facts & evidence as such not as speculation and rumor.
The evidence and facts are not very attractive. I suppose we could try to spin it in a positive direction but it is what it is.

Evidence and facts arent attractive no, but thats not what this thread or many others have been about lately, no need to spin anything. I was referring to the bashing of Caylee's family. Thats the negativity I was speaking of. But anyhow, like I said, I understand now this was not the right place for my feelings to be shared on that and I just let things get to me, so again I apologize for taking away from this thread's intentions.
I don't understand about the LP thing...I didn't say anything about him.

And I also said I wasn't trying to be snide or snarky...just saying we're on a thread that's got a pretty 'out there' title so there will be negativity for sure and not support.

If I missed something and misunderstood your post, please forgive me. I am not here to argue but to share, vent, commiserate, you name it. I have been bashed on other threads for 'not having compassion' for the A's and it ticked me off. That's why I think there should be separate threads. JMO.

The point that I was trying to make (which wasn't successful:) was that it really doesn't matter what thread I post on anymore, nor what it has to do with...if I have a difference of opinion then it is met with negativity so I just don't post anymore. And yes...this thread has an out there title but many of the threads that don't turn into negativity. Some of us just want to have a discussion that has is hard to find nowadays.
*clippd* Some of us just want to have a discussion that has is hard to find nowadays.

I agree. This is nonsense. Pretty much every thread on here has the same thing going on.
Did anyone else find it amusing that Cindy was drinking out of a "McDonald's" cup while being interviewed about the sighting at "McDonalds"?
Does she make this stuff up as she goes along?

OOOOh, good catch there!!...oh, and yeah, she does make it up as she goes along, perhaps has an outline rehearsed then fills in the blanks with whatever she sees or hears around her.
Can't WE ALL just get ALONG!
Every one here at WS has so much to offer. How gifted an blessed we are in this day & age to have such a wonderful way to connect & discuss. Part of intellectual discussion is agreeing to disagree! If we all had the same P of V than this board would not exist! We are all here for Caylee and we have all come to love her. We also have come to love and respect this forum. The entire dynamic behind WebSleuth's is threatened if we can not learn to respect and academically discuss varying P of V with one another!
We have many intelligent, thoughtful people engaging in the free exchange of well informed theories and ideas. Let's keep it that way!
We all appreciate the 'evidence & facts' its the nastiness, hostile attitudes, rumors, speculation, fabricated 1/2 truths, and straight out lies that are 'not very attractive.'
Rant on the rant threads, and keep the facts & evidence as such not as speculation and rumor.

Read again what I wrote please. I don't believe you heard me: the facts and the evidence are not attractive. If that is not pleasant for you, it is what it is. MOO.
People really need to chill. It is the very ones accusing others of bashing that are doing some bashing themselves.
The evidence and facts are not very attractive. I suppose we could try to spin it in a positive direction but it is what it is.

But I don't think anyone is disputing evidence and fact. The problem lies in bashing the A's well beyond any facts. One fact is that CA, GA & LA have not been charged with any crime in this case. We have been reminded and warned by admin (and rightfully so) that any of the players in this case who have been cleared by LE can not be posted about in an accusatory way. But apparently the A's are exempt from this "fair play" rule. Those of us who are interested in staying within the facts, and doing our best to try to piece this disturbing and heartbreaking puzzle together, are bashed if we state any facts or evidence if they happen to put the A's in anything but a nasty, hateful light.

I agree that the negativity is certainly an issue for the forum if the reason that we are here is overshadowed by 9 out of 10 posts putting a hateful spin on some facts which show the hate in those particular circumstances to be unwarranted. It just isn't right to make blanket statements and accusations based on personal dislikes without regard to what is true and what isn't. It's slanderous, it's hurtful, and it's unfair.

Honestly, this is not directed towards you, Lacey-Clementine. I only quoted you because of the evidence and facts that you mentioned. I'm not one to tell anyone how they should feel but I have always been one for fairness and truth, and there just isn't any fairness or truth behind everything that's attributed to the A's. It's also a sad fact that many of us that think along these lines seldom post because we're attacked when we do.
But I don't think anyone is disputing evidence and fact. The problem lies in bashing the A's well beyond any facts. One fact is that CA, GA & LA have not been charged with any crime in this case. We have been reminded and warned by admin (and rightfully so) that any of the players in this case who have been cleared by LE can not be posted about in an accusatory way. But apparently the A's are exempt from this "fair play" rule. Those of us who are interested in staying within the facts, and doing our best to try to piece this disturbing and heartbreaking puzzle together, are bashed if we state any facts or evidence if they happen to put the A's in anything but a nasty, hateful light.

I agree that the negativity is certainly an issue for the forum if the reason that we are here is overshadowed by 9 out of 10 posts putting a hateful spin on some facts which show the hate in those particular circumstances to be unwarranted. It just isn't right to make blanket statements and accusations based on personal dislikes without regard to what is true and what isn't. It's slanderous, it's hurtful, and it's unfair.

Honestly, this is not directed towards you, Lacey-Clementine. I only quoted you because of the evidence and facts that you mentioned. I'm not one to tell anyone how they should feel but I have always been one for fairness and truth, and there just isn't any fairness or truth behind everything that's attributed to the A's. It's also a sad fact that many of us that think along these lines seldom post because we're attacked when we do.

I appreciate your post, Paper Moon. You have made your point in a respectful and civil way. Yes, there has been rudeness on both sides of the fence. Sometimes it seems folks just get upset when others post a view that differs from their own. And yes, attacking others is against the rules here.
Evidence and facts arent attractive no, but thats not what this thread or many others have been about lately, no need to spin anything. I was referring to the bashing of Caylee's family. Thats the negativity I was speaking of. But anyhow, like I said, I understand now this was not the right place for my feelings to be shared on that and I just let things get to me, so again I apologize for taking away from this thread's intentions.

No need to apologize, Misfit76. Everyone's opinion is important. It is the aggression and bullying that is just plain wrong. If anyone thinks WS's is a terrible place, they are free to leave (this is not directed toward you in anyway :)
Where is MN? Why doesn't he try to persuade the As to keep focused on bringing Klee home?

Also, I think most of us are frustrated. We have followed this case since day one, oops, I mean day 31. Watching the bizarre behavior of the A only makes us more frustrated. Their behavior, I believe, is insulting. It insults me that they think that I would believe their words. Their behavior doesn't back their words. And behavior is evidence.

One of the things that I have always tried to pass on is that when you assess a situation to develop an opinion about someone, ALWAYS focus on the behavior. Not the words. Develop your opinion based on their behavior. If their behavior and words do not match, don't trust the person. This person will not make a good friend.

The As behavior does not match their words. I have said this on this forum before. The hell the As are living in right now, they created.

Unbelieveable.. Maybe it isn't caylee.. but as a grieving relative you would think she would be interested to find out forsure for closure..
ALl I can think of is their confidence stems from knowing the real truth.. ?[/QUOTE]

I can't get past this either, IM...:confused:
WFTV reporting on CA now. Said LP knew there was nothing found. Said she got a text from an LP team member that nothing was found while LP was saying there was something found.
OOOOh, good catch there!!...oh, and yeah, she does make it up as she goes along, perhaps has an outline rehearsed then fills in the blanks with whatever she sees or hears around her.
Well don't know if she went to McDonalds to look, but they said on NG it was check out and No NO CAYLEE
Ummmm...maybe she's not there because Coral Springs is about 3 hours from Orlando. Since she stated she'd just received the tip about 45 minutes before, she couldn't be there that quickly and doesn't it make sense for her to do just exactly what she did, which was pass the information(including the tag#) onto CS LE and let THEM follow up? Also, if you listened to her entire interview, she stated that she was going to let LE release the tag # if they thought it should be because she didn't know the proper procedure.

As for lack of emotion, I've seen Cindy show plenty. I'm sure you also must realize she's medicated and mood stabilizers can make a person appear flat. Personally, I can't imagine being in Cindy's position and I choose not to judge because no one knows how they will react until they're faced with it.

Is there no way that these grandparents can't be given a break? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why aren't they searching, everyone screams. Then when they do come to the search site, they get harrassed. They can't do anything right in a lot of people's eyes.

I realize just about everyone on this board hates the Anthonys, but I don't and I won't.

Now, back to the Cindy and George bashing. Just ignore me. :blowkiss:

They came to the search site with such negativity. They made a scene. Cindy ranted and raved, and George threw a tantrum. Cindy was molesting RD How can anyone "give the grandparents a break" when they act so inappropriate.
Cindy: blah blah blah, since day one, blah blah blah, ummm, you know, ummm, from day one, media frenzy, blah blah blah.

And all these 'Caylee sightings?' I wonder how much money LE from NUMEROUS states has had to put out there for this family and all their 'sightings.'

Truely, they all make me sick.

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