Cindy lost it again today?

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Hmmm....just thought that wouldn't DCF have to approve any papers regarding Caylee now? Guardianship, medical, legal, whatever...I would assume DCF would have the authority since KC has been charged with neglect/murder of the child.

I agree the State cannot/should not ask for a court appointed guardian because then it could be construed that they believe the child is alive.

Still, there must be something they can do/appoint to look after the financial end of things. Sigh.

Child protective services has to go the same route as any private person to take over custody or guardianship. DCF closed the case on Caylee, since the mother is no longer in any position to harm, [There was some special wording in there about pending court case] with the codicil to reopen if circumstances change.

I don't work in the legal system but I would think since there has not been any death certificate filed that could be the legal loophole to request a child advocate. How it would effect any pending homicide charges is most likly the biggist problem to doing so. That is why I think that as soon as someone is declared missing, no matter child or adult an advocate needs to be appointed. Then LE can do what they need to do without be burdened with having to tip toe around family members.

Notarized documents are only good for having proof that 'this' is what was said about something, 'this' was the agreement to something, 'this' is what was paid for something or 'this' is the condition of something, etc. It is a tool to help maintain legalities or to set legalities.
As far as guardianship or legal custody of a child or a mentally incompetent person a letter that has been notarized saying so does not cut it.
It gives you a leg to stand on to petition the motions judge to allow your petition of guardianship or custody to put your case on the court docket and to start the process of petitioning the court for guardianship or custody. Any notarized document gives weight to your petition because is shows intent of the original wishes of the person who had the paperwork done in the first place but until a legal motion has been made within the proper court of the county and then acted upon by a judge, determined to stand within the law, ordered as final and then filed within the court system with a date and time stamp on it has very little legal meaning.

Went through this with taking my sisters children away from her for not being able to ‘properly parent’ 4 years ago.
I was shocked by that also...she didn't seem to be breaking down, but rubbing up :)

LOL...I am LMAO! She sure of was taking advantage of the situation. (But then again, I wouldn't mind taking advantage of it too.;) )
I havent been posting for awhile as I have tried to take a break from this case. And low and behold I login in today and find myself frustrated and depressed again! What a drama filled day. I watched the Murt cam all day. GOD BLESS Windchime and all the WS peeps for being out there and supporting the search for Caylee! I shed tears when I saw the WS sign and heard Cathy crying when interviewed yesterday. The WS community is such a great advocate for the missing! Much props goes out to my "second family" of WS!
And where did it start? With a grandmother telling LE to find her granddaughter who has been missing for 31 days. A grandmother who claims her daughter is the "perfect mother" yet berated said perfect mother for being unfit. Someone who cared so much about the grandchild that she knows zip about the alleged nanny who was watching said granddaughter while "perfect mom" was out drinking and sleeping around. If my child behaved like her daughter did, I'd have yanked my grandchild from her months earlier. Instead she accuses everyone but the "perfect mom" for her missing grandchild. It all started with Cindy and the way she let Casey get away with EVERYTHING and then waits a month before attempting to do anything about it. Did they get a spoikesperson with some credibility on missing children? No, they hook up with kidfinders. Given what I saw today, this is the LAST organization I would want speaking or defending me. Then Cindy leaps in front of every TV camera she can, then turns around and blames them. She calols law enforcement for every slight she assumes yet publicly claims they don't do their job. She has pointed fingers at everyone in this case but her own daughter, the LAST PERSON to see Caylee alive. But Casey is the "perfect mom." Perfect moms don't leave their children with non-existent people. Perfect moms don't sleep in beds with their child AND their boy friends. Perfect moms don't grieve or hunt for their missing children in bars at Hot Body contests. Everything in this case goes right back to that 911 call that Cindy made. She opened the door to all this. She made this bed; let her lie (no pun intended) in it.

He must have felt like he had an enormous black widow spider wrapped around him.

I had to laugh at that one Janis! I wonder what thoughts WERE going through his mind right then?!:eek: He seems much too nice of a guy to ever SAY anything, but looking at that video, I would LOVE to be a mind reader. CREEPY and STRANGE, imo, but I wouldn't expect anything else from Cindy.

OMG, did you hear Cindy say " I AM the ONLY ONE who has A RIGHT to say anything about this!!!!"

yeah Cindy it's all about you as usual. :furious:
Fox35 reported on their 6pm newscast that GA and CA arrived at the BP site in separate cars and parked in two separate areas. First GA approached from one way, and CA came at them from the opposite way.

That, folks, was planned, imho.

Once Murt got settled in by Lois's house, he uploaded his video and showed Cindy's friend standing by a tree as she was texting and calling Cindy, then the "spy" as Murt stated, called or sent a text to FOX. Right after that the woman left the park. YUP, all planned!
It's my birthday tonight and I'm waiting for the show to start to eat my cake. Seriously. I know, I have no life. My hubby and kids understand. 8pm is "mommy's time". I am hoping it's as good as the episode the other night with Nejame. That was classic.

Happy birthday Crabcake! :HappyBday
I had to laugh at that one Janis! I wonder what thoughts WERE going through his mind right then?!:eek: He seems much too nice of a guy to ever SAY anything, but looking at that video, I would LOVE to be a mind reader. CREEPY and STRANGE, imo, but I wouldn't expect anything else from Cindy.

I know! I bet his skin was just crawling, and he was also thinking Oh MAN, WTH am I gonna do now?! LOL...but he conducted himself with class. Too bad the same can't be said about the person who was hanging all over him.
LOL...I am LMAO! She sure of was taking advantage of the situation. (But then again, I wouldn't mind taking advantage of it too.;) )

no kidding LOL he's a hottie!
:clap: :silenced: :loser: :clap:
The A's are waaaay outta control! imo

They need to be stopped and i so agree that Caylee needs a Gurdian....even in death. Caylee needs to be protected from her own family. How sad is that?! Great job grandma & grandpa and mommy. :cry: :mad:

moo & stuff :(

Believe me, the video was mild compared to what happened. Cindy was so far out of control. I hope Cindy's higher ups are watching her behavior. How would you like to have to work with her?

(At least Casey's clothes aren't going to go to waste, Cindy can wear them now.)
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