Cindy's Inconsistencies

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CA told Amy (on July 15th when they were driving to Tony's to pick up Casey) that when they went to pick up the KCs car, the smell from the LOCKED trunk was so strong that they were afraid they would open it to find either Casey or Cayleee inside! :eek:
Cindy also stated to LE that she believed Casey to be employed and went to work every day, yet when the bags were emptied out and she pocketed the cash from Casey's wallet, with her remark to LA that it was hers anyways...leads me to think she knew all along that Casey did not have a job. Would she otherwise pocket that cash if she believed Casey had earned it by working?
Cindy also stated to LE that she believed Casey to be employed and went to work every day, yet when the bags were emptied out and she pocketed the cash from Casey's wallet, with her remark to LA that it was hers anyways...leads me to think she knew all along that Casey did not have a job. Would she otherwise pocket that cash if she believed Casey had earned it by working?

I am pretty sure that they were well aware that she didn't have a job. Isn't that the main reason they were going to kick her out? I believe that was Amy's money
The truth is when is comes down to it, it is Cindy and George's fault that Casey turned out the way that she did. They never disciplined her so she thought she could do whatever she wanted without any consequences. So this whole situation is partially their fault as well
CA Inconsistencies:

When Tricia contacted CA (to verify a member's contact with her), she supposedly knew nothing of Websleuths.

Yet, when Mark Nejame contacted XXXX, he listed Websleuths as one of 3 sites CA frequents.

<<NeJame did admit that Cindy does frequent several websites, not just this one, that have strong vocal opinions about Casey Anthony. He advised her not to look at those, but does she listen? No. She has no legal ground to sue anyone, so other websites need not worry. Seems Cindy is a fan of three particular sites, *advertiser censored*.com,, & *advertiser censored*.com, which are all great websites. I think Cindy should join in, maybe a have a comment or two, instead of lurking. I don&#8217;t always agree with forum discussions or members, however, I do agree that websites have a right to say what they want to say, period.>>

**Hope I'm not violating TOS by posting this, as I know it's not a news site, but a blog. Mods feel free to delete if needed.
I noticed every lie KC told was connected to CA..
1 the timeline, CA said she gave her a month, all of a sudden it's 31 days.
2 CA's 2nd question after "what did you do" was "who took her"...

MO is that Kc is making up her lies based on what would keep her in mom's good graces to save her own azz
Bump. to review with Cindy's Interview
Does anyone else wonder if CA only learned a NAME for the supposed sitter AFTER KC left and had to elaborate on where missing Caylee was? It just seems whenever CA's referring back to all these times KC mentioned her nanny in the past (which I believe, since it was probably her excuse whenever she kept Caylee elsewhere overnight) that CA's going back now and kind of retrofilling in "Z" as the name as if she's known it all along although in actuality not provided one til later. That would be par for the course though since she always needs to normalize everything (regardless of how bizarre or wack) so is implying this person's name was familiar to her. Call it 'mother's intuition' but I wonder if she even knew the name "Z" from Eve until hearing this MOTHER of all lies to account for Caylee's disappearance. It just as easily could have been CA doing "ZG" internet searches as of July 15, just trying to figure out if there ever WAS such a person.
Does anyone else wonder if CA only learned a NAME for the supposed sitter AFTER KC left and had to elaborate on where missing Caylee was? It just seems whenever CA's referring back to all these times KC mentioned her nanny in the past (which I believe, since it was probably her excuse whenever she kept Caylee elsewhere overnight) that CA's going back now and kind of retrofilling in "Z" as the name as if she's known it all along although in actuality not provided one til later. That would be par for the course though since she always needs to normalize everything (regardless of how bizarre or wack) so is implying this person's name was familiar to her. Call it 'mother's intuition' but I wonder if she even knew the name "Z" from Eve until hearing this MOTHER of all lies to account for Caylee's disappearance. It just as easily could have been CA doing "ZG" internet searches as of July 15, just trying to figure out if there ever WAS such a person.

I have always felt that CA's knowledge of "Z" is retroactive.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question or if this topic needs it's own thread, but here goes:

I would like to know from fellow WS'ers why you think Cindy's inconsistencies have not lead to her being charged with obstruction, false statements, etc.

Obviously there has been a lot of inconsistencies and hedging with her, yet she has not been charged with anything and her role in this case is regarded as a "victim" as far as LE is concerned.

To clarify, I'm not asking why or if you think she SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be charged, just the reason(s) you believe LE has held off.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question or if this topic needs it's own thread, but here goes:

I would like to know from fellow WS'ers why you think Cindy's inconsistencies have not lead to her being charged with obstruction, false statements, etc.

Obviously there has been a lot of inconsistencies and hedging with her, yet she has not been charged with anything and her role in this case is regarded as a "victim" as far as LE is concerned.

To clarify, I'm not asking why or if you think she SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be charged, just the reason(s) you believe LE has held off.

Wouldn't such a charge be made once the trial is over? Also - why should they rush? They might be able to get more information out of her in the meantime while also catching her at more lies...

I'm not exactly sure what she could get charged with. I know this has been discussed quite a bit but I haven't really seen a "legal" response as yet.
Ok, I thought on the 911 tape CA said she had not seen Caylee since the 9th? Am I hearing things? Did she not spend the 15th with her ?:waitasec:

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Not sure if this is the right thread for this question or if this topic needs it's own thread, but here goes:

I would like to know from fellow WS'ers why you think Cindy's inconsistencies have not lead to her being charged with obstruction, false statements, etc.

Obviously there has been a lot of inconsistencies and hedging with her, yet she has not been charged with anything and her role in this case is regarded as a "victim" as far as LE is concerned.

To clarify, I'm not asking why or if you think she SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be charged, just the reason(s) you believe LE has held off.

I think they feel sorry for her. LE has not really been heavy handed with anyone involved in this case. I think they feel overwhelmed with all the world wide attention and don't want to screw up.:bang:
I think CA is all about appearances and whatever people think of her daughter is a direct reflection of her. I think she knows her daughter is a . I think she hides and makes excuses for things because she does not want others to think she is a .

Some parents do this - their kid does something terrible and instead of saying "yeah my kid was wrong" they make excuses and point the finger elsewhere.
I think they feel sorry for her. LE has not really been heavy handed with anyone involved in this case. I think they feel overwhelmed with all the world wide attention and don't want to screw up.:bang:

Agree with you on this one. It seemed obvious to me in the interview they are aware she is hanging by a tenuous thread--emotionally.

Unless there is a decision that she was an accomplice, I believe LE will not bother with charging Cindy.
Ok, I thought on the 911 tape CA said she had not seen Caylee since the 9th? Am I hearing things? Did she not spend the 15th with her ?:waitasec:

Please correct me if I am wrong.

She did.

Cindy took Caylee to visit her father on the 15th.
Yes, she spent the 15th with CA. CA visited her father on the 9th and 15th. She got her dates mixed up and when they viewed the tape of Caylee at the Nursing home it was later proven to actually be the 15th-Fathers Day
I think that Cindy hasn't been charged with anything (yet) because she did not have any part in Caylee's actual disappearance and murder. Casey was the mother and had full custody. Cindy's part comes after the discovery and report of the missing child, so she's an *accomplice* (per say) after the actual crime? (maybe)? jmo
CYNTHIA ANTHONY: "I don't know. I mean, they had receipts that could have traced my daughter's last actions for the last month. They didn't want them. They didn't even want to go through any of her personal things. It's too late now, guys. I've already put her stuff away. So you know, I let it sit out in her bedroom for the last week-and-a-half, and no one's wanted to comb through any of the stuff that we took from the apartment.
FRANCO: Talk to us about the receipts. What kind of receipts did the Orange County sheriff...
CYNTHIA ANTHONY: She has receipts from going to the grocery story, from going shopping, from doing whatever. They could have went back at the stores to see if Caylee was with her. They could have done a whole lot of things. They haven't -- you know, they didn't. So it's too late now to go back. I don't have those anymore."

KC may be the one w the ankle monitor, but DECEPTION is LEARNED. Clearly what CA is REALLY saying here is, "Well, you guys had your chance, it's not MY fault if you blew it." WTH happened to, "IF I HAVE TO GO OUT MYSELF DOOR TO DOOR AND LOOK FOR THIS CHILD UNTIL THE DAY I DIE, I WILL WALK EVERY INCH OF THIS EARTH AND OPEN EVERY DOOR AND KNOCK ON EVERY DOOR AND LOOK IN EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY UNTIL I FIND HER." If LE hasn't reached their limit w this woman and her obstruction and blameshifting I've certainly reached mine! Whatever her daughter did or rather DIDN'T do to assist in finding Caylee, it makes me FURIOUS CA is also steadily twisting this to place the blame on LE (the "kidnappers," "Zanny," Jesse, Amy... have I left anyone out?) So far all I've seen is her refuse to this day to give LE her credit card statements, and toss endless red herrings to LE, distracting and diverting LE's time and manpower from following worthwhile tips that might actually LEAD somewhere. Confuse, confuse, confuse... hmm, wonder why KC turned out this way... arrrgghhhhhh......
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