Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #3

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Army personel never socialised at Claremont night spots. These place are pretty much exclusively for ex private schoolers.

But the CSK didn't necessarily have to socialise there.

What an absolute load of rubbish. Do they check for old school IDs at the door? It's Claremont in Perth, not Beverly Hills.
What is your obsession with Claremont being this place that's exclusively for ex private schoolers/rich kids/privileged? We get it, you lived there, you are probably well off and went to a nice school.
But this angle that it's night spots are so exclusive only local ex private schoolers socialised there? I don't get it. My friends went there fairly often and they didn't go to fancy private schools near Claremont. I'm sure a large number were local and from the schools around the area but to suggest that it was exclusive is ridiculous.
What an absolute load of rubbish. Do they check for old school IDs at the door? It's Claremont in Perth, not Beverly Hills.
What is your obsession with Claremont being this place that's exclusively for ex private schoolers/rich kids/privileged? We get it, you lived there, you are probably well off and went to a nice school.
But this angle that it's night spots are so exclusive only local ex private schoolers socialised there? I don't get it. My friends went there fairly often and they didn't go to fancy private schools near Claremont. I'm sure a large number were local and from the schools around the area but to suggest that it was exclusive is ridiculous.

To be fair warri0r, it was kind of like that back then. The same way that The Clink in Fremantle was mostly bogans from south of the river, you wouldn't see too many of that crowd in Claremont now or then. That's not to say they wouldn't go there...just that they'd look out of place and probably wouldn't feel comfortable there amongst the models and young liberals in their polo shirts. The difference now is that Perth is completely different thanks to multiculturalism so you're likely to meet more Indian, Asian and Middle Eastern and African folks out clubbing than in the late 90s. Especially in the past kids went to private schools in the area, then went to UWA and then to Claremont nightspots with the same social group so it became known for that. They also went to Steves tavern in Nedlands, and Captain Stirling where you were much more likely to run into non uni students and non western suburbs types who went there especially to mix with uni girls, which wasn't as common in Claremont from memory. I'm in Claremont pretty regularly and you see more rich kids with expensive cars and all the rest of it going out than you would in Northbridge or Subiaco so there's still that association but it doesn't mean tradies, footy club blokes and well dressed bogans aren't there as well trying to meet girls. You're probably safer there now than in Northbridge or Subi with the amount of trouble that goes on in those places now.
Warrior, I was born very near there, and spent nearly forty years in that exact area with school and different jobs. What sticks in my mind was working part time Process Serving and comparing the jobs I used to get in that area compared to places like Belmont and Leederville. The Dalkieth/Mossie Park jobs were usually high value predatory financial crimes (fraud) and tax evasion, and the people would often get hyper aggressive and in your face being personally denigrating at time of service. Very unpleasant individuals, many of them.
In the other areas it was usually just ordinary people who had got behind on their bills, and for the sake of a couple of hundred dollars would be in the clear. Pocket change in the leafy suburbs, but a big deal when Homeswest is your landlord.
What was universal across all areas was women of all ages and professions, often married, turning to prostitution to pay their bills, or to quietly finance their exit from their bad relationship.
Sometimes I would have to go to brothels to serve them, sometimes to their homes, and sometimes to their regular places of work. In the nicer areas they often worked discreetly from their homes while hubby and the kids were out. Many were in 'real estate', and they were the ones that I considered had the most to lose and that I felt most unsafe executing service upon. It was especially bad if the husband answered the door, or pulled up in the driveway while you were there, as they usually clearly had no idea what wifey was up to. I had the Principal walk out of the rear office of a real estate branch one time as I was serving his wife/receptionist. That was awkward.
An average girl doesn't have much to worry about if a server comes to see her at 'work' at night, but when he comes to the house with the Volvo in the driveway and hubby is a prominent businessman it is a whole 'nother story.

i guess what I am getting at is you find very similar things hiding under rocks in Westfield as you do in City Beach. They just dress differently.

Speaking of Beverly Hills, I found the people there to be very friendly and down to earth. If you ever get the chance to visit I would highly recommend it.
Haha they dress and look different do they?? The 3 girls could have shopped at Target/Supre going by what they were wearing the nights they disappeared.
Sorry to change the topic.
duringthe discussions re Karra attack we have debated whether it was a panel van or a sandman style vehicle.
I spotted this ford (of the period) today and wondered if it is the type of vehicle that could have been used?
It may not have looked out of place if used by telecom or other business.

worth a thought


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...What was universal across all areas was women of all ages and professions, often married, turning to prostitution to pay their bills, or to quietly finance their exit from their bad relationship.
Sometimes I would have to go to brothels to serve them, sometimes to their homes, and sometimes to their regular places of work. In the nicer areas they often worked discreetly from their homes while hubby and the kids were out. Many were in 'real estate', and they were the ones that I considered had the most to lose and that I felt most unsafe executing service upon. It was especially bad if the husband answered the door, or pulled up in the driveway while you were there, as they usually clearly had no idea what wifey was up to. I had the Principal walk out of the rear office of a real estate branch one time as I was serving his wife/receptionist. That was awkward.
An average girl doesn't have much to worry about if a server comes to see her at 'work' at night, but when he comes to the house with the Volvo in the driveway and hubby is a prominent businessman it is a whole 'nother story.

i guess what I am getting at is you find very similar things hiding under rocks in Westfield as you do in City Beach. They just dress differently...

RSBM. Sex workers come from all social and economic backgrounds. There were probably more than a few women (and men) in Claremont who used sex for financial gain. But I don't believe the well-to-do areas of Perth were hotbeds of housewife prostitution.

Is this somehow related to a CSK theory?

It is underhanded to reiterate your point in such a manner.
Haha they dress and look different do they?? The 3 girls could have shopped at Target/Supre going by what they were wearing the nights they disappeared.

Hardly. Why are the victims' retail outlets funny or related?
Process Server: Delivers writs, summons to appear in court, bankruptcy documents/eviction notices, notices of demand, all sorts of nasty legal documents where the service must be made directly to the defendent/respondent, face to face, once they have been positively identified. By me. Much of what I did was for the District Court, but also the ATO, Telstra, and big hitters like that where financial fraud had gone to court, and a massive judgement had been handed down against someone, and they were then trying to hide out and pretend it was all just a bad dream and would go away. It never does.
There was an investigative element involved also, and you would often collect evidence of various kinds on site, look for signs of occupancy, dumped financial records, and signs of deliberately trying to delay or prevent being served that would again often be used in later judgement against them.
One case involved a real estate agent who had cleverly sub let a Dalkieth residence when the owners were overseas and pocketed the money (was an acc-I-dent), that had her shockingly arrested in the court (I was a witness), and another was when a prominent local provider of discreet personal services torched her house (allegedly) and said that all her financial records had all burned up, except I had already visited both her dwelling and the business establishment early that morning (the Roman and Jungle Rooms were very nice) and found them discarded, along with detailed employee records, cross referenced to many months of customer payment slips. Awkward. That gained her many charges, prison time, and a gold star on the ATO wall of fame. Some of the girls got caught up in that too. Tip: pay your taxes. Always.

Mostly it was Telstra or someone chasing young women in low level jobs with huge rent or mobile phone bills who had gone on the game to try to pay them off, and business owners who had neglected to pay tax for a few years, and were about to lose everything they owned, plus a lot more because the ATO had decided to make an example of them, and were going 10x restitution on the original evasion just for giggles. Plus interest. And Tip. Fees. Charges... Get the idea? I received quite a few death threats on those ones. I don't know why, I was just the courier.

The interesting ones were when wifey was 'working' to pay off a huge credit card debt or was trying to keep up with the Jones', but hubby had her on a short financial leash and the ATO was shockingly involved. They would sometimes try to 'negotiate' with me to avoid service. No chance.

One real nasty was a dude (house in Yangebup) who was using his fiancée as a punching bag (a rugby player who worked security at a couple of beachside hotels north of Fremantle for many years. In 1995, '96 as well...), and she was trying to save up enough cash to bail while she could still walk unassisted, but things were getting messy. I actually randomly bumped into her up north under totally different employment circumstances a few years later, and she was doing much better. Still clearly very scared, but happier, and getting a life going. She spilled her guts and told me the whole story for some reason. Horrible. He looked like MM, oddly.
Many of them I am not prepared to talk about out of fear of retribution.

The funny thing was, the money was terrible, and I was ripped off by my last employer. Dogs and fleas. Go figure...
RSBM. Sex workers come from all social and economic backgrounds. There were probably more than a few women (and men) in Claremont who used sex for financial gain. But I don't believe the well-to-do areas of Perth were hotbeds of housewife prostitution.

Is this somehow related to a CSK theory?

It is underhanded to reiterate your point in such a manner.

Just shaking the bushes Sutton. Recon by fire, if you will.

Why do three young women, all without boyfriends, inexpensively dressed as per Warrior, in relatively low paying jobs, but living in a very expensive area, suddenly and unexplainedly dump their friends and walk off into the night from a crowded but arguably safe entertainment precinct that is in an area well known for violent sex attacks? Why would you do that? Even for a moment.

I'm not suggesting anything, I just hope that all lines of inquiry have been followed to their fullest extent, and that perhaps a broadening of outlook may be required to have a more global view of this case and who was involved.

I don't know who did this, but unless he is military and out of the country or dead I would guarantee that the police have seen him before, and probably since. If he isn't one of them himself. The police appeal for help from the public, but give out essentially no information on what to look for. It puzzles me that 20 years on they are still running an active investigation. We aren't being told the full story. Not even close.
Originally Posted by warri0r
Haha they dress and look different do they?? The 3 girls could have shopped at Target/Supre going by what they were wearing the nights they disappeared.

Hardly. Why are the victims' retail outlets funny or related?​

Target/Supre = Walmart. Claremont = West Hollywood. It isn't a good fit.
Just shaking the bushes Sutton. Recon by fire, if you will...

Snipped. Recon by fire is a warfare tactic. When used on discussion boards it's called trolling. Please don't do that here.
...Why do three young women, all without boyfriends, inexpensively dressed as per Warrior, in relatively low paying jobs, but living in a very expensive area, suddenly and unexplainedly dump their friends and walk off into the night from a crowded but arguably safe entertainment precinct that is in an area well known for violent sex attacks?...

RSBM. This description is misleading, IMO.

We don't know how expensive their clothing was.

We do not know how much any of the victims earned.

None of the girls lived in Claremont.

Neither Sarah nor Ciara inexplicably dumped their friends.

I cannot say if the area was well known for violent sex attacks. We know that now, but the victims may have been less aware. As you are familiar with the area I will take your word for it.
Originally Posted by warri0r
Haha they dress and look different do they?? The 3 girls could have shopped at Target/Supre going by what they were wearing the nights they disappeared.

Hardly. Why are the victims' retail outlets funny or related?​

Target/Supre = Walmart. Claremont = West Hollywood. It isn't a good fit.

Warri0r's fashion critiques are unfounded--Ciara was wearing a suit. Sarah had spent the day at a park. Jane was dressed in a style similar to her friends.

We do not know the name brands or prices of the victims' clothes. Clothing from Target aspires to look like high-priced clothing lines.

Information released to the public, via CCTV, Crime Stoppers and media pleas did not contain enough detail to determine the clothing designer.

IMO, of course.
Ok, Sarah was wearing Portmans shorts. I dont know what brand her shoes were, but they dont look like target shoes to me. Especially not at the time. Jane was wearing smart casual clothing, that may have been sourced at target, but may well have come from somewhere else. Ciara appeared quiet well dressed, and certainly not wearing something you would find in Supre.

Two girls went to a private school, one went to a public school. All were single- well, two of them were pretty young, and one had only returned a week before from travelling around the world. Child care workers are notoriously underpaid for the wonderful job they do- but they are not all living below the poverty line. A night out with the girls is not unreasonable. Ciara was a lawyer- how is that a low paying job?
I don't think the girls' clothing is relevant to their disappearances.

But I do have a screen shot on my phone of a similar outfit that must have been released shortly after Ciara disappeared. Unfortunately I cannot remember the source. You can see a bit of another picture next to it. Does anyone know where this came from? I'd like to get it 'filed'.


(I took the shot on Dec 10, 2015. Thirty minutes later I took screen shots of the Australian Missing Person Register, but I cannot say this came from the same website.)
Sorry to change the topic.
duringthe discussions re Karra attack we have debated whether it was a panel van or a sandman style vehicle.
I spotted this ford (of the period) today and wondered if it is the type of vehicle that could have been used?
It may not have looked out of place if used by telecom or other business.

worth a thought

Does anyone have a link or reference where it states it was a Panel Van.
I can only find reference to a Van.
Could it of been a Bedford Van, Hiace Van or Similar?

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Does anyone have a link or reference where it states it was a Panel Van.
I can only find reference to a Van.
Could it of been a Bedford Van, Hiace Van or Similar?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


1996: "light coloured panel van"

also 2015:
page 47
The 1995 Karrakatta victim
described being abducted in a
white panel van that was wait-
ing in Claremont’s Rowe Park,
opposite the Showgrounds sub-
way, as she walked from Club
Bay View to a friend’s house in
Gugeri Street.

These are all classified as panel vans:

BC from Post newspaper also said it was a commercial vehicle.
BBM. Wait, I must be confused. In the post above you say you you found Droc's legal documents and reposted them after he'd removed them.

But the last link you included goes back to a WS post made by ExcaliburX, in which he or she makes the same claim.

Which one of you reposted them?

took me a while. the only thing that user wrote was the last sentence of the post. ie "I read in this post"
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