closed KC has checked into Probatio .2011.08.24 - 6:00 PM EDT

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There are so many conflicting stories out there about the online school thing that I listen to the whole DOC PR woman speak again.

Only Baez has said she will be attending school. What the PR woman said is SOME probationers attend school, but she also said she would find out from the PO what arrangements he/she has made for FCA's job search. She did not say FCA was attending school, she said IF she wished to attend school, it is a possibility, but she would have to apply to the Court and she has not done so.

She said all conditions of the Court Order say that FCA must follows them and if she reoffends on any of them it will be reported to the Court immediately.

Regarding safety, the DOC will ensure her safety while she is at the DOC office and will keep her details secret, but as far as providing extra security, they will not be doing that.

So, no school, and No Big Whoop.

Thank you very much for your post. I'm working my way through the thread (having been here this morning up until press conf. time when I had to be offline and thus missed it!), and am still a few pages behind. I have seen a few of your posts, however, attempting to clarify things. Until this post, however, I wasn't sure exactly what was said. You've helped tremendously. Thank you again. :)

Will be watching/listening for more on this. But can't believe no reporter in attendance this morning asked if Mr. Baez' comments were true?!? At any rate, did the communications director mention when more info would be forthcoming (see bolding above)?
So all we have is Baez saying she has an exception. It sounds like Plessinger is not affirming or denying whether she has a waiver because she frankly doesn't know. As far as she knows, she needs to find a job.

Did she say that Casey needs to specifically ask the court to attend school instead of work?

She said she has to apply to the Court for a change in her probation requirements to ask to attend school and she has not done that.

Plessinger would know better than Baez if she has an exception or not.
As would the Courts.
Thank you very much for your post. I'm working my way through the thread (having been here this morning up until press conf. time when I had to be offline and thus missed it!), and am still a few pages behind. I have seen a few of your posts, however, attempting to clarify things. Until this post, however, I wasn't sure exactly what was said. You've helped tremendously. Thank you again. :)

Will be watching/listening for more on this. But can't believe no reporter in attendance this morning asked if Mr. Baez' comments were true?!? At any rate, did the communications director mention when more info would be forthcoming (see bolding above)?

She just said she would find out for that particular reporter. Now whether or not she does....
But again, mentioning that MiraclesHappen said completing your GED is a requirement of the Florida probation system could explain Baez's school comment.
Well she made it in and out of the probation office without any one attacking her... how come the probation service don't make her do some paper shuffling,office cleaning, if it's so dangerous for her to go out and get a job?

they dont want her around either is my guess.
She said Anthony could choose to go to school -- including an online school -- while serving her probation instead of seeking a job. Anthony has not yet made a request, however, to go to school.

Did Plessinger actually say this? And if she did say this, was she speaking out of turn?

Or maybe Baez spoke out of turn, stating KC would go to school. This is another indication to me that JB and KC are no longer joined at the hip.
If its any consolation Logical, I have no interest, absolutely none, in anything else any of the jurors have to say. When I heard they took umbrage that the prosecution did not say good morning, I heard enough. There was nothing about the two that gave the interviews that was in any way interesting to me after their interviews.

I remember thinking 'well if only the prosecutors explained circumstantial evidence better' and you know what. The prosecution did an incredible point by point job and they proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt. The fact that the women juror said 'I didn't say she was innocent...." means the prosecution did their job. The jury was sick about it? If they were so sick about it, then they did have an "abiding conviction" that she did it and that was all they needed 'an abiding conviction".

But I really believe that the woman who spoke first had an agenda and it started in the jury questioning process and she let everyone know (as people will do when they speak too much) that she liked the 'notariety'. It is a "case everyone is talking about". That should have been enough to dismiss her. Absolutely.


I believe the one major factor was the DP on the table. That blind sighted the Pinellas 12 and incorrectly raised their bar on reasonable doubt.
Prosecutors on future cases surely will have taken note of that.
Heck, who knows, defense attorneys might even beg for DP to get a similar
outcome as in the Anthony case since it flushes the likes of anti DP folks like AL and others out of the wood works and provides a DT with free assistance. . That would really be bizarre.
I thought Mason said she couldn't work in his office because she is a felon?

I don't know. Probably true. But who was caring for her in Ohio? California? Texas? Wherever? She's been in contact with lots of Baez and Co. friends since her acquittal. Surely there has to be at least ONE PERSON with the resources/contacts/whatever to help her with at least SOME SORT of employment. They've done an excellent job 'hiding' her. They can't find work for her? No, I feel sure they're all well-connected enough to be able to find at least SOMETHING SOMEWHERE for her...........if they wanted to. But they don't. JMO.
DID he?? linkie! linkie!

Oh lordie I'm not looking it up - it was back just after the trial around the time he was saying the offers were pouring in. He said she was interested in the law and wanted to work in a legal firm but he also said he couldn't give her a job in his firm because she is a felon. He did. He said that.
Maybe she's going for a spiritual healer....with all that sneezing, you know. jmo
She just said she would find out for that particular reporter. Now whether or not she does....
But again, mentioning that MiraclesHappen said completing your GED is a requirement of the Florida probation system could explain Baez's school comment.

last time there was a DOC presser, some questions were unanswered and she said she would have another press conference after research to answer those at the end of the first presser. iirc the first presser that day was in the morning and the next was around 5pm..but that could be way off. she didn't do that this time, but judging purely on last time, i hold her to her word that she will clarify these issues.
If I had to guess I would say that JB staged and sold those pictures in Ohio. I can't see why he would have had to give any of that money to FICA. So he keeps her cut and pays for her food, clothing, housing etc...I can't see any difference if her father was paying her way in life. That way she has money but nothing to show on paper. She keeps her indigent status.
I seem to remember when I got my GED there was something about alot of employers requiring/preferring this to apply for a job. I'm not sure if this has become a law since then, got mine in 1990. I could see where this would be a requirement for probationers, at the very least a good idea since they already have a strike against them.
I will keep a waychful eye on the A's foundations. Wouldn't be surprised if FICA is added to the list of officers, not sure if there is any legal restriction that would prevent her from becoming an officer and drawing a salary. No reason why JB wouldn't offer her a job with his law office since he is such an advocate for her. I can't see her getting a job in child care/nanny, food service is out. I'm sure there would be alot of spit with those fries. I really can't see her holding a job that she would have to report to since I'm sure someone would find her and follow her home and now her cover is blown.
As far as death threats go take a stroll through FB. I'm not sure they would be considered actual death threats but I have read some comments on there. I was actually surprised that people would post such things on a public place. Most I think were just venting but it seems Judge P used public posts to keep the jurors name sealed so I don't see any reason why JB couldn't have had someone scan these places and printed off some of these posts for evidence. It seems he was able to use these places to get his client off for killing her child.
I can see it would be fair to say that this case will be mentioned in any and every case in the future that has to do with a mother killing her child. This case will never really ever go away. I think FICA has become a verb. I know my daughter and I have used it in have just been caseyed... as in lied to..taken for a ride...manipulated..drugged...bagged and dumped...found not guilty of a crime that has so much evidence to convict and wasn't.
IMO..For some probation would be a simple task to complete but for this girl it goes against every part of her life that SHE has created even to go as far as the people she chooses to surround herself with. What will happen if JB is found to have commited some iilegal activity...oops!..Better be careful not to exit that private plane with that bottle of corona and you better stash that pot you came to love so much, reported by JG...How ironic that she went to such lengths to get rid of the one obstacle that prevented her from her beautiful life of partying only to be squashed again by something so simple as probation. She finally was able to move out of her parents house, get out from under her mothers controlling watchful eyes only to be put in the slammer under the watchful eye of her jail keepers and now she has moved again only to be under the watchful eyes of JB and the court system. Wonder what her next move will be???
I don't know. Probably true. But who was caring for her in Ohio? California? Texas? Wherever? She's been in contact with lots of Baez and Co. friends since her acquittal. Surely there has to be at least ONE PERSON with the resources/contacts/whatever to help her with at least SOME SORT of employment. They've done an excellent job 'hiding' her. They can't find work for her? No, I feel sure they're all well-connected enough to be able to find at least SOMETHING SOMEWHERE for her...........if they wanted to. But they don't. JMO.

I'm just taking a guess here but I think none of them want to be connected to her any longer. I'd guess they want her to be in their distant past. Baez has a new case coming up in a couple of weeks and so does Mason.

Speaking of work - I'd better stop ignoring mine...:innocent:
It was my understanding that the $20 monthly charge beginning in Feb/'12 was to cover part of the "administration of probation". I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere, but can't recall where! :)

..she now has two $20/month payments.

..gretlP said @ the press conference-- that yes, she will be paying $20/month for cost of supervision for her probation.
..( so that would begin august 2011 when she began probation).

..the $20/month that is to begin in february/2012 was for the costs judgeP gave her at the july sentencing hearing for liarX4..
..( at a time when the whole probation 'issue' hadn't come up yet.)

..the cost of supervision was #2 on her 'terms of probation' originally included on judgeS's order of january 2010---which are currently/still the 'terms' she is to comply with.

2. You will pay to the State of Florida $20.00 per month toward the cost of supervision plus a 4% surcharge permonth by the 5th day of each month unless otherwise waived, in compliance with Florida Statutes.
I thought Mason said she couldn't work in his office because she is a felon?

DID he?? linkie! linkie!

What about her career?

Mason says that Casey is very sharp and read nearly all of the 28,000 documents throughout the trial.

"She's very smart," he said. She even told him what she would like to do as a career.

Mason added, "She told me, 'When I get out, I want to be a lawyer. When I get out, I want to work in your office.' That's not realistic with the record she has now."

Read more here and watch video interview:
Well she made it in and out of the probation office without any one attacking her... how come the probation service don't make her do some paper shuffling,office cleaning, if it's so dangerous for her to go out and get a job?

Way too much confidential stuff around.
There is a great sadness in me that FCA just got probation. We have no power over the jury decision.

We can't undo what has been done already. The jury made that happen. That's when my heart broke. Probation for FCA, that's all we got after the verdict. The case is about Caylee. This wrong can never be a right! Trying to let go of my anger that FCA is free. How she will live with herself is beyond my understanding. I will always feel she is a murderer, and some of the nation might feel the same way. Got to let this case go at some point in time. But it's hard!

I agree. There is nothing that can happen to Casey anymore, or anything that she can say or do that would attone for her crimes against Caylee. All we ever wanted was justice for Caylee, and that will never come. To sit back wishing and hoping that Casey does something someday that gets her in trouble again is not going to bring justice for Caylee. If anything, she might be held accountable at some time in her life for whatever she does to a new victim but that still will not be justice for Caylee. And I do not want to hear one day that Casey has a new victim.

Casey has won. I do not know exactly what she has won. All I know is what Caylee lost.
Which ever of her imaginary friends accompanied her, they were not recognized and neither was she. There was no disturbance whatsoever at the Probation Office.

:floorlaugh: Wouldn't that be great if wherever CFCA goes, that no one would recognize her ? Casey WHO ? :floorlaugh: Hee hee hee ... that would be a "blow" to her narcisstic ego ! :floorlaugh:

BBM: Aha ... maybe it was all just 'imagined' that CFCA reported to the probation office ... :innocent:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I know it's just a matter of sematics - but Probation and Parole are TWO different things!

Parole is the "conditional early release from prison or jail, under supervision, after a portion of the sentence has been served." This practice assumes that the offender successfully demonstrated conformity to the rules and regulations of the prison environment and shows an ability to conform to society's norms and laws.

Probation is a court-imposed SANCTION that "releases a convicted offender into the community under a conditional suspended sentence." This practice assumes that most offenders are not dangerous and will respond well to treatment. In fact, the average PROBATIONER is a first time and/or non-violent offender who, it is believed, will be best served by remaining in the community while serving out the sentence.

So... KC is on Probation - just to clarify things!! :fence:

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