closed KC has checked into Probatio .2011.08.24 - 6:00 PM EDT

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:floorlaugh: Wouldn't that be great if wherever CFCA goes, that no one would recognize her ? Casey WHO ? :floorlaugh: Hee hee hee ... that would be a "blow" to her narcisstic ego ! :floorlaugh:

BBM: Aha ... maybe it was all just 'imagined' that CFCA reported to the probation office ... :innocent:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

In her way of thinking, she may be giddy and excited if no one recognizes her knowing that she continues to pull the wool over everyone and get away with it.

Page 13 of HHJP's order states:

"It is further ordered that the Florida Department of Corrections is hereby authorized in its discretion to keep confidential the Defendant's residential information and any other information that could lead to discovery of her location due to threats on the Defendant's life".

Pipitone is right... this is DOC making the call to keep it all private.
I agree. I honestly hope the state of Florida is flooded with lawsuits and requests for hearings etc. by everyone on probation who does have to find a job and who does have their address made public. I haven't seen any credible threats to Casey's welfare. The lowness of the bar that has been set for that determination is laughable.

Women who are beaten and abused by their husbands or boyfriends and have ample documentation for it certainly don't get any help from the state in concealing their whereabouts or get out of having to work since there is a threat to their safety.

What harm has EVER come to Casey????

I've been saying the same thing . When a woman (or a man,but statistically woman) tries to leave her abuser,she is in the most peril . She can get a restraining order ,a piece of paper. When has that ever stopped an abuser?
Why is Casey entitled to more protection ,more help ,than a battered wife?

For that matter,the state of FL doesn't have the best record for protecting abused or neglected children,even when they are in foster care,yet Casey has to be protected. I hope the citizens of FL are paying attention to what or who is important in their state.
I like how she called her "Offender Anthony"

that is what i was about to sa y too LOL I loved that she called her Offender Anthony twice LOL I looked in the mirror and I had a big ole grin on my face. LOL A small victory anyway
Page 13 of HHJP's order states:

"It is further ordered that the Florida Department of Corrections is hereby authorized in its discretion to keep confidential the Defendant's residential information and any other information that could lead to discovery of her location due to threats on the Defendant's life".

Pipitone is right... this is DOC making the call to keep it all private.

Yes, I see that - and knew he was right about their discretion re the location etc., but where does it say at their discretion just forget about job search and have a few online courses instead? No it does not say that.
Page 13 of HHJP's order states:

"It is further ordered that the Florida Department of Corrections is hereby authorized in its discretion to keep confidential the Defendant's residential information and any other information that could lead to discovery of her location due to threats on the Defendant's life".

Pipitone is right... this is DOC making the call to keep it all private.

IIRC Judge Perry made some comments during the hearing about contacting the DOC to see what could be done to ensure Ms. Anthony's security in light of the "threats" . He also referenced" the most hated person in America " poll.

Perhaps Judge Perry expressed what he wanted for Ms. Anthony in a conversation and that's what the DOC is basing their security measures on.
I think every person on probation in the State of Florida should have their attorneys shouting from the courthouse rooftop. Everyone is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law but it is quite obvious this is just not the case with this felon.

Just for the record. I just want to comment that is fairly common for probation officers to have after hours appointments like 6 , 7 or 8 o'clock at night. Many probationers do have a full time job and can only make it after hours. They do not force to have probationers take off from work and having to mention at work that they have a probation appointment. I know, not the case for KC, for they are not keeping the office open just for her..

Oh I think they all do. It's just part of the job, everyday, 100 times a day. One or two may actually tell the truth.

Let's not forget Cindy had 20+ years experience dealing with her little liar too. And Casey still got away with 31 days.
And yet...Philip Garrido constantly lied to his parole officers for 18 years and they didn't bother to check on them...
Trust me, PO's have heard every excuse and lie in the book- they take nothing at face value.. they expect to be lied to, it's what criminals do, they lie.
I strongly disagree. Had Philip Garrido's PO's bothered to investigate him in the slightest, Jaycee Dugard would have been found and freed years before she was!:banghead::banghead::banghead::furious:
Jaycee has now come out and said that the parole officers even talked to her there!!!:eek:
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