closed KC has checked into Probatio .2011.08.24 - 6:00 PM EDT

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Okay - LG now going to read Appendix A - and so what was the damned point of the presser person this morning blah blahing about incorrect information.

A wasted day arguing points coming from all different directions. I really must get back to having a life!!!:maddening::maddening::maddening:
In Florida you do not need to take any courses to get a GED. You only need to take the GED scheduled test and pass. There are classes-usually about 8 weeks- that you can take to prepare to take the test.

I'd be surprised if she bothers.... she left school at 18 and 4 profitable years later she hadn't found it necessary.
Okay - LG now going to read Appendix A - and so what was the damned point of the presser person this morning blah blahing about incorrect information.

A wasted day arguing points coming from all different directions. I really must get back to having a life!!!:maddening::maddening::maddening:

Me too, but honestly, they held the presser to avoid getting pummeled with calls and a zillion separate interviews.
What's wrong with cranky?

The employment condition is in Attachment A , way at the end of Judge Perry's order.

He gives discretion to Probation dept on that issue. It bolsters the discretion already in the Probation Statute.

Meanwhile another statute tells us to construe the probation stuff "liberally."

Not happy about it either, but it is what it is.....
:wolf: opinion

Not seeing what you have described as Attachment A, having looked high and low both through Strickland's original order, Perry's sentencing order, appeals by both sides and Appeal's court decision. No attachment "A". Would you happen to know where I can put my eyes on it?

Thanks, and will await further information release from the DOC clarifying their stand on these issues, but not holding my breath..
Not seeing what you have described as Attachment A, having looked high and low both through Strickland's original order, Perry's sentencing order, appeals by both sides and Appeal's court decision. No attachment "A". Would you happen to know where I can put my eyes on it?

Thanks, and will await further information release from the DOC clarifying their stand on these issues, but not holding my breath..

At the end of this link, you will find attachment A. It's after page 13.
If Casey has money now, she (through her DT) is lying to the appeals court by claiming as part of the process that she is indigent.

LF on behalf of JB will simply assert that they do not consider it the Defense's burden to notify the Court that FCA has indirect income.
I've been saying the same thing . When a woman (or a man,but statistically woman) tries to leave her abuser,she is in the most peril . She can get a restraining order ,a piece of paper. When has that ever stopped an abuser?
Why is Casey entitled to more protection ,more help ,than a battered wife?

For that matter,the state of FL doesn't have the best record for protecting abused or neglected children,even when they are in foster care,yet Casey has to be protected. I hope the citizens of FL are paying attention to what or who is important in their state.

Yep & what appears to be important in the state of Florida is CYA. Everyone is sooooo concerned that something might happen to Casey while the world is watching & they might be called to task on it.

REAL life or death situations are happening out there all the time. But I guess the APPEARANCE of doing your job is more important than actually protecting people who need it.

The bit that you highlighted in red, I agree with him 100%. It was all nothing more than legal posturing and manipulating of the system on an over-the-top, and embarrassingly ridiculous level.

respectfully snipped.

Arrogance and egos got in the way of common sense and ethics.

Having pulled off a win against all odds the DT were full of themselves and took a step too far. They got burned because they are only as good as there last win and now the record is tainted and tarnished.

The Florida Bar should investigate the outlandish language and complete disrespect for Judge Strickland and the Courts.
Larry Flynt offered FCA a part-time job that could turn into a lucrative and apt career.

Beth Karas has stated on the WS show that caseeys people approached Larry Flynt!
They are out there hawking her. :sick:
If she appears in that magazine, well just goes to show that for ez money, she'd do it.

I do not think she is Playboy material:floorlaugh:
Most hated woman....wasn't that a newspaper poll that JP used for an excuse not to give the names of the jury?? He also said the jury had received death threats....which, at the time, wasn't true.

I would like to know how this poll was conducted and the type of audience they targeted.

I don't know anyone following this case. They wouldn't have a clue who FCA was if they ran into her on the street.

I think these death threats are extremely exaggerated if not a total lie.


At the end of this link, you will find attachment A. It's after page 13.

Okay this is exactly where I started off this morning and I've read these documents at least five times today.

Attachment A is Judge Perry's actual sentencing order - and in it he says she must be employed etc.

The main document, just before the end has a statement that says:(Re security issues)

"It is further ordered that the Florida Corrections is hereby authorized in it's discretion to keep confidential the Defendant's residential information and any other information that may lead to the discovery of her location due to threats etc......."

Which to me means don't post her stats on the DOC website which identifies those individuals who are out on parole. Even with the broadest brush I see nothing giving a PO discretion to let her off of Perry's order to be employed.

Somebody, please! Tell me what I have missed cause I'm not buying that it fits into the above sentence. Nope - no how - no way! :maddening::maddening::maddening:
IIRC Judge Perry made some comments during the hearing about contacting the DOC to see what could be done to ensure Ms. Anthony's security in light of the "threats" . He also referenced" the most hated person in America " poll.

Perhaps Judge Perry expressed what he wanted for Ms. Anthony in a conversation and that's what the DOC is basing their security measures on.

I think I might lose it if I hear about the threats to Casey's life or the fact that she is "the most hated" in America and therefore needs special security and consideration.

I say SHOW ME THE MONEY! What threats? Are there ongoing investigations? I've only heard of two things. One is supposedly a photo of Casey with a bullet hole photoshopped onto her face that was referenced by JP. To that one I say - so what? First off that's only an implied threat - unless there was a statement along with the photo saying something to the effect of "I'm not gonna rest until I get you!" then I'm not impressed. Is the Florida PD gonna arrest anyone who yells "I hope you rot in hell!"? That could be taken as an implied threat. What if someone yells "I hope you get what you deserve!". Are they going to arrest that person? What if they find "Casey must die" scrawled on a wall somewhere. Will they hunt the writer down?

As far as the poll is concerned I don't think Spencer Pratt is going to lose any sleep over being so "hated". Maybe he better run to his local PD and demand extra protection, after all Casey got special consideration based on that poll.

Totally ridiculous.
I would like to know how this poll was conducted and the type of audience they targeted.

I don't know anyone following this case. They wouldn't have a clue who FCA was if they ran into her on the street.

I think these death threats are extremely exaggerated if not a total lie.


I thought the New York Times did the original poll and everybody just quoted it. That's where I saw it first anyhow.
I think I might lose it if I hear about the threats to Casey's life or the fact that she is "the most hated" in America and therefore needs special security and consideration.

I say SHOW ME THE MONEY! What threats? Are there ongoing investigations? I've only heard of two things. One is supposedly a photo of Casey with a bullet hole photoshopped onto her face that was referenced by JP. To that one I say - so what? First off that's only an implied threat - unless there was a statement along with the photo saying something to the effect of "I'm not gonna rest until I get you!" then I'm not impressed. Is the Florida PD gonna arrest anyone who yells "I hope you rot in hell!"? That could be taken as an implied threat. What if someone yells "I hope you get what you deserve!". Are they going to arrest that person? What if they find "Casey must die" scrawled on a wall somewhere. Will they hunt the writer down?

As far as the poll is concerned I don't think Spencer Pratt is going to lose any sleep over being so "hated". Maybe he better run to his local PD and demand extra protection, after all Casey got special consideration based on that poll.

Totally ridiculous.

Who the heck is Spencer Pratt - I keep asking...Canuck here - be gentle!
BBM - The probation officers where I live don't care if it is during the probationer's work hours and the officers are supposed to check on the probationer's place of employment. Embarrassing a probationer is not a consideration....except maybe in Florida.:crazy:

Yeah, mine never did either.. you go on the day you are told and sit with everyone else waiting to see the PO.. I sat there sometimes for hours just waiting, they didn't care if I had to pick my son up from school or if I had a Dr's appointment, it was my responsibility to make other arrangement's (and it should be- this isn't day camp, it's probation.. you committed a crime and now you are paying for it!) or suffer the consequences. My probation officer came to my home, talked to my shrink and made sure my med levels (staying on my psych meds was part of my probation) were exactly where they were supposed to be.

Florida makes me sick!
Thank you for posting this, although it comes as a huge surprise considering the fact that Pipitone has been the DT's pocket-buddy all along, yet now he's speaking out against them?

Well if you remember - he switched "teams" when he was sitting with his other media cronies at the trial and it looked like the SA was going to win.

Since then he's been out of favour with Baez so who knows where he stands. Baez doesn't need him to leak information anymore - he has his buddy GR.:innocent:
Yeah, mine never did either.. you go on the day you are told and sit with everyone else waiting to see the PO.. I sat there sometimes for hours just waiting, they didn't care if I had to pick my son up from school or if I had a Dr's appointment, it was my responsibility to make other arrangement's (and it should be- this isn't day camp, it's probation.. you committed a crime and now you are paying for it!) or suffer the consequences. My probation officer came to my home, talked to my shrink and made sure my med levels (staying on my psych meds was part of my probation) were exactly where they were supposed to be.

Florida makes me sick!

Yeah, but look how great you turned out - bet we won't be saying that about FCA - and sorry for even making the comparison, but I just meant a probation thingy. Eek!
Who the heck is Spencer Pratt - I keep asking...Canuck here - be gentle!

I don't know where he came from - maybe that show the Hills? He's one of those useless celebrities that seem "famous" for never having done anything. He was supposedly married to Heidi Montag & they were called "Speidi" as a couple. Sort of a seriously waaaaay down market Brad and Angelina.

His wikipedia entry quotes him as describing himself as a "famewhore". So Casey is in about the right company there...
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