Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #2

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Well, I suppose no one would let someone into their home if they had suspected theft. And Joey and Chase were calling each other discussing google sketch the last day. Stealing? What stealing? They were on good terms, excited about the new business deal. Zero motive for Chase to murder his best friend and let DK profit from the deaths of the family.

How do you know that Joey and Chase 'were discussing google sketch' on the phone? Was there testimony to that?

How do you know they were on good terms on that day? The only one that said that was Chase, but originally he told others that he and Joey argued that day at lunch.

Zero motive? I see thousands of dollars worth of a motive. He owed Joey tens of thousands , and he wrote fraudulent checks for even more thousands. People have killed for much less than that.
I noticed some of you were talking about the calls Joey made to Union bank. So... I put this together. A bit on the long side.....

Okay - this is where it starts....

Monday, February 1 continued –
12:24pm – user Joseph McStay added Charles Merritt as a vendor. Per Preliminary hearing – page 104: this transaction did NOT happen from either the McStay’s desktop or laptop. It looks like CM created vendor account ("charlesmerritt" lower case) in Quickbooks using his computer and printed a couple test checks for $2,500 that he never cashed.
12:34pm – a check made out to charles merritt, all lower-case letters, for amount of $2500 – memo line “deposit” per Preliminary hearing – page 104
12:37pm – another check added to charles merritt, for same amount $2500 – memo line “deposit” per Prelim. Hearing – page 104. Check #s 4093 & 4092. (ref: CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #4 post #906 by Tortoise.
12:38pm – user printed check written at 12:38pm.
12:47pm – user deleted check written at 12:37pm.
12:52pm – user deleted check written at 12:34pm.

Tuesday, February 2
Joey makes work calls 8am-4pm
8:36am - call from EIP to Joey 9 min
8:47am – call to CM 1 min
8:51am – incoming call from CM 3 min

8:54am – 10:27am – business calls / VM retrieval
9:48am – incoming call from Jessica to Joey
10:31am – call to CM 4 min
10:35am – call to Norfolk, VA
10:53am – incoming call from EIP 27 min
11:40am – call to CM 1 min
11:41am – VM retrieval
11:46am – call to Carmel, IN
12:04pm – incoming call from CM 14 min * (see 11:17am for CM at this time)
12:20pm – 12:46pm – business calls
12:49pm – incoming call from EIP 6 min
1:12pm – call to CM 1 min
1:24pm – call to CM 1 min

1:25pm incoming call from EIP 5 min
2:19pm – 2:23pm – business calls
2:25pm – call to CM 6 min

*11:27amCM - check for zero dollars created, printed, deleted. Per Prelim hearing (page 106) user added check to Charles Merritt in the amount of zero dollars – memo line “deposit, sa. 1001”.
11:28am – user printed the check written at 11:37am.
11:29am – user added check to charles merritt amount of $2495 (ck #4240) – memo line “deposit sa, 1001”, check dated 2-2-10 per Prelim hearing page 107 and none of this occurred on McStay’s desktop or laptop. (CM then printed out and CASHED a check for $2,495 to a Union Bank account. It's possible this first check was actually CASHED against Joseph McStay's Union Bank account, but it was not clear. Not sure if CM also had a Union Bank account.)
11:34am – user printed check written at 11:29am – per Prelim hearing (page 108) – check cashed on 2-2-10 at Union Bank by CM.

2:39pm – 3:59pm – business calls / VM retrieval
4:00pm – call to CM 5 min
4:06pm – 4:09pm – VM retrieval / business call
4:13pm – outgoing text to CM
4:20pm – incoming call from EIP 6 min
4:22pm – incoming call from CM 2 min
4:26pm – incoming call from CM 11 min
6:52pm – incoming call from CM 2 min

7:09pm - Summer calls Joseph cell, 2 min
7:28pm - Summer calls Joseph cell, 1 min
7:39pm – incoming call from CM 1 min
7:54pm – incoming call from CM 7 min
8:06pm – incoming call from CM 1 min
10:31pm – call to CM 2 min
10:54pm – incoming call from CM 4 min

Wednesday, Feb. 3rd:
Joey’s calls:
7:34am – call to Chase 1 min
7:40am - Summer calls Joey
8:35am – call to CM 3 min
8:38am – call to San Diego, CA
8:41am – incoming call from CM 5 min
8:55am – incoming call from CM 2 min

8:57am – 9:10am – business call / VM retrieval
9:17am – incoming call from EIP 13 min
9:31am – call to CM 3 min
9:47am – incoming call from CM 2 min

9:49am – call to Compton
9:57am – call to CM 3 min
10:02am – 10:06am – business calls & incoming text e-notes
10:07am – incoming call from EIP 8 min
10:15am – 10:36am – business calls
10:40am – call to CM 1 min
10:42am – VM retrieval
10:52am – incoming call from EIP 12 min
11:06am – call to Midvale, UT
11:12am – incoming call from CM 4 min
11:33am – VM retrieval
11:35am - Joey actually started calling the accountant/banks. He calls "accountant".
11:37am – VM retrieval
11:38am – call to CM 4 min
11:45am – call to Fairfax, VA
11:59am - Joey calls Patrick 15 min
12:15pm - Joey calls Union Bank 3 min
12:21pm - Joey sends a text to CM

12:44pm – 12:46pm – business calls
12:47 – incoming call from EIP 2 min
12:48pm – Joey calls CM 2 min
12:57pm – 1:13pm – business call
1:14pm - incoming call from CM 4 min
1:23pm - call from EIP to Joey 10 min
1:32pm – 2:33pm – business call / VM retrieval
2:35pm – call to CM 1 min
2:51pm – call to bank
3:04pm – call to CM 1 min
3:07pm – incoming call from CM 2 min
3:09pm – incoming call from CM 2 min

4:02pm – 4:03pm – business call / VM retrieval
4:21pm – call to CM 1 min
4:29pm – incoming call to CM 4 min
4:55pm – call to CM 1 min
5:02pm – call to CM 1 min
5:08pm – outgoing text to CM
5:36pm – outgoing text to CM
5:40pm – incoming call from CM 6 min

5:57pm – incoming call from Dan 6 min
6:20pm/6:22pm – two incoming texts Dan to Joey
7am-6pm Joey works, 24 calls/texts to/from Chase/Joey today

February 3rd – CM opens a Bank of America account with $200 check; $100 deposited and another $100 taken as cash; check from EIP consistent with Joseph McStay handwriting - per Prelim hearing page 129-130.

February 4th
Joey’s calls:
8am – 4pm - Joey makes work calls
8:45am – 9:31am – business call / VM retrieval
9:36am – incoming call from EIP 22 min
9:40am – incoming call from CM 3 min
2/4/2010 Incoming 10:19 AM CM 909-374 = 4 min

2/4/2010 Daytonabch, FL 10:34 AM 386-383 (F) 2 -
2/4/2010 Incoming 10:39 AM PM-father 281-475 4 – Joey to Patrick
2/4/2010 Incoming 10:43 AM EIP 949-274-4674 (A) 2 – EIP to Joey
2/4/2010 Pomona, CA 10:46 AM CM 909-374 = 4 min
2/4/2010 Incoming 11:06 AM EIP 949-274-4674 17 min – EIP to Joey
2/4/2010 Incoming 11:18 AM EIP 949-274-4674 (A) 15 min – EIP to Joey
2/4/2010 Incoming 11:33 AM CM 909-374 = 2 min
2/4/2010 Kingsport, TN 11:38 AM 423-963- 2 -
2/4/2010 Kingsport, TN 11:39 AM 423-963- 1 -
2/4/2010 Vm Retrieval 11:41 AM 123 (G) 1 -
2/4/2010 Incoming 11:43 AM Blocked NBR 6 -
2/4/2010 Incoming 11:46 AM 386-383- (A) 5 -
2/4/2010 Capstr Vly, CA 11:51 AM bank/accountant 949-492- (A) 2 - Joey calls accountant.
2/4/2010 Pomona, CA 11:53 AM CM 909-374 2min - then Joey calls Chase at 11:53,
2/4/2010 Pomona, CA 11:56 AM CM 909-374 Text Outgoing 1 - followed by a text at 11:56

2/4/2010 Anoka, MN 11:57 AM 651-746- 1 -
2/4/2010 St Paul, MN 11:58 AM 651-261- (A) 2 -

Thursday, Feb. 4, 12 noon - Joseph logged in to Quickbooks, and then between noon and 1pm. Noon: Joseph leaves home in his Isuzu Trooper for a meeting with an employee in Rancho Cucamonga. It takes 1 ½ hours to drive from home to Rancho Cucamonga.

Joey’s calls:
12 noon - 2 calls from Joey to Union Bank
2/4/2010 Daytonabch, FL 12:00 PM 386-383 (A) 2
2/4/2010 1-800 # 12:02 PM fountains 800-622- (A) 4 -
2/4/2010 Incoming 12:04 PM 203-699- (A) 8 -
2/4/2010 Vm Retrieval 12:11 PM 123 (G) 4 -
2/4/2010 Capstr Vly, CA 12:15 PM bank/accountant 949-492- 7 - Joey speaks with the "bank/accountant" for seven minutes (or leaves VM)
2/4/2010 Dublinsnrm, CA 12:22 PM 925-560- 5 -
2/4/2010 Pomona, CA 12:28 PM CM 909-374 6 min - Joey then calls Chase twice at 12:28 and again at 12:52. There is a 1 minute incoming from Chase at 1:01. LeoMoon80: Joe M. calls Pomono California 12:28PM (or it pings there) This call to CM lasted 6 minutes, a rather long time as you will see for the rest of the calls back and forth. Sounds like he must have read him the riot act after speaking earlier to his bank at 12:15PM.
2/4/2010 Hopewell, VA 12:52 PM 804-541 8 –
2/4/2010 Pomona, CA 12:52 PM CM 909-374 1 min –
1pm - Joey called his Union Bank. The same bank where CM had cashed the $2,495 check (#4240) two days earlier. IMO, this is when JM first found out Chase had cashed the fraudulent check. This also would be around the time of the lunch meeting in Rancho Cucamonga.
2/4/2010 Incoming 1:01 PM CM 909-374 1min -
Joey calls no one between that time and 3:03, (possibly the lunch or whatever meeting)
3:03pm – call to CM 1 min
3:32pm – call to CM 2 min
4:18pm – call to CM 3 min

4:27pm – VM retrieval

2/3/10: Joey's 1st call to bank @ 11:35am
@ 12:15p calls bank
@ 2:51p calls bank

2/4/10: Joey makes 4 calls to his bank:
Noon - logs in to QB
Noon - 2 calls to bank
@12:15p call to bank
@1pm call to bank
Perhaps local media will carry the verdict. Cabo said she saw a bunch of media at the courthouse. And, there will be a two hour heads up prior to reading the verdict.

I don't know if other media can bring their camera in or not. However, with local media covering the trial now, I am at least not worried we will be left in the dark. We will know quite instantly either way.
Okay - question -??

Who is going "tag" everyone when there is a verdict?? I would volunteer, but considering I'm 10 hours ahead of most of you all from Pacific Daylight time - I can't and would probably be asleep if it is announced after 1pm PDT.

And if someone here takes on the job - please put me on your list! :D
I don't know? The letterhead letter would be easy IMO. The business registration, it was registered, wasn't it? Or it could have been under the one that Mike did in March 2010? Who knows. More importantly, no one really provided proof either way of whether he went or not, which is somewhat odd if it was being disputed. JMO
BBM, There is no way Merritt would of left the country with an arrest warrant on him.
You Won’t Be Able to Fly

Security protocols for airlines include checking specific databases for passenger information. This is especially true on international flights. If you have an outstanding warrant, your name will likely come up in a database and you will not be able to board the plane for domestic flights. International passengers who have outstanding warrants will not be able to clear the background check for a visa, nor will they be able to enter a different country. In most cases, if a warrant for your arrest is discovered while you are attempting to travel, you will be arrested.
I think chase went as we have seen no sign of any dispute from the company who paid him.

I also think Chase was laughing all the way there and back as wasn’t this a big deal to him as it was the start of the riches that apparently Joey had got in the pipe line?

See I never believed he went. When the family disappeared and Susan attempted to keep the company going she received calls from the Saudi businessman wondering what the status was. She explained to him about her missing loved ones. At the time this was big news, was on CNN and since CNN is on all over the world, after a little investigation I'm guessing the owner realized what the poor woman was dealing with.

I'm thinking perhaps she referred him to Dan and/or Merritt. And that was the last Susan heard about it. Maybe the customer forgave the debt. And the last we've heard about it.

But what about LE? They must have looked into it yet the PT or DT didnt touch on it much. Another mystery. But I'm convinced CM never left the country.
I think chase went as we have seen no sign of any dispute from the company who paid him.

I also think Chase was laughing all the way there and back as wasn’t this a big deal to him as it was the start of the riches that apparently Joey had got in the pipe line?

IMO there is nothing much about the SA deal at all. Where has it actually been verified i wonder?
We certainly know CM is a liar, so there is that.
See I never believed he went. When the family disappeared and Susan attempted to keep the company going she received calls from the Saudi businessman wondering what the status was. She explained to him about her missing loved ones. At the time this was big news, was on CNN and since CNN is on all over the world, after a little investigation I'm guessing the owner realized what the poor woman was dealing with.

I'm thinking perhaps she referred him to Dan and/or Merritt. And that was the last Susan heard about it. Maybe the customer forgave the debt. And the last we've heard about it.

But what about LE? They must have looked into it yet the PT or DT didnt touch on it much. Another mystery. But I'm convinced CM never left the country.
Agree, it wasn't really touched upon, so must be a moot point?
See I never believed he went. When the family disappeared and Susan attempted to keep the company going she received calls from the Saudi businessman wondering what the status was. She explained to him about her missing loved ones. At the time this was big news, was on CNN and since CNN is on all over the world, after a little investigation I'm guessing the owner realized what the poor woman was dealing with.

I'm thinking perhaps she referred him to Dan and/or Merritt. And that was the last Susan heard about it. Maybe the customer forgave the debt. And the last we've heard about it.

But what about LE? They must have looked into it yet the PT or DT didnt touch on it much. Another mystery. But I'm convinced CM never left the country.

My guess is the state thought what happened during the important dates starting on Feb. 1st showing his actions, through the dates showing his whereabouts in CA were much more relevant.

It could come up by the state during the sentencing phase if convicted. That's where a lot of bad character evidence comes pouring in.

The DT sure wouldn't bring it up.

I still do not believe he ever went to SA. I've seen no evidence that is true. I dont think he has ever had a passport either. Imo that just another one of his countless lies, and scams.

Imo, it's totally illogical he was able to go abroad anywhere. I think that is the reason he was trying to figure out how to sneak into Canada.

Since 911, TSA has greatly tightened their security rules for everyone leaving or entering our country.

It makes no sense either since he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, and is a two time felon as well.

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BBM, There is no way Merritt would of left the country with an arrest warrant on him.
You Won’t Be Able to Fly

Security protocols for airlines include checking specific databases for passenger information. This is especially true on international flights. If you have an outstanding warrant, your name will likely come up in a database and you will not be able to board the plane for domestic flights. International passengers who have outstanding warrants will not be able to clear the background check for a visa, nor will they be able to enter a different country. In most cases, if a warrant for your arrest is discovered while you are attempting to travel, you will be arrested.

But when did he supposedly go to SA? I thought it was in June? But maybe someone else knows for sure. His warrant was recalled in April 2010 IIRC I don't know if he ever went or not, and like I said previously, there was no confirmation one way or the other. The question about whether he could have gone or not, it appears to me that he could when looking at a Business Visa for SA since it didn't require a criminal record check as far as I can tell. I find it odd that they have it that way, but it is what it is... it makes me think that it would be the easiest way to get over there if someone was wanting to for nefarious reasons LOL (not saying this is what it was in this case!)

For those that don't think he went, what do you think about the fountain then? They just shipped it and didn't go over there to install and SA company just left it at that and didn't ask for their install money back?
When was CM's Saudi trip supposed to have occurred? Wasn't his bank account that he opened in early Feb. closed in May '10?

I admit I've not paid attention to the SA project much since he was in CA when he murdered them all.

Are there verifiable photos from SA showing CM there, and the project completed? Or photos showing CM in SA at anytime ever?

Surely since it was an abroad project CM would have loads of photos of him in SA along with the project?

Maybe we learn more about what really happened if CM is convicted concerning the SA deal when Susan takes the stand to tell the jury in more detail about how CM scammed them after murdering her son?

All I remember is seeing emails. We know emails can fake who they are really from. Scammers do it all the time along with what is in the email content.

So those certainly arent verifiable evidence to prove he was even there. Imo

My hinky meter has always been on high alert regarding the Saudi deal. I can not recall exact timing of when this was suppose to start or end but I do know one thing NOTHING in Saudi Arabia starts on time or finishes on time except prayer time. It would be a very exciting prospect for JM but in reality dealing with Saudi can be more trouble than it is actually worth. Doing business in Saudia Arabia is a start and stop process with lots of paperwork. There is always one more approval needed.

Another red flag to me was the email from CM to CJ. Taliban! You've got to be joking. It sounds like a concocted scenario a certain cowboy came up with. Another tall tail. Something someone would say that had never been there. If he had gone the things that would stick out are the heat, daily blaring calls to prayers, the food, as a single male having to eat in a separate area than the women, jet lag....many things but gosh jolly not the Taleban as spelled in his email. Of course I am only recalling seeing the one email to CJ.

I do think the Saudia company would been happy to receive the fountain (if they did) they were after the design work and perhaps a visit to California definitely not the labor skills of CM. There are million CM's in the Kingdom that could have performed that work.

My husband and I worked for a large American Oil company that partnered to build a multi billion dollar refinery in Kingdom. The company pulled out of the project after three years. We then worked for Saudi Aramco in Houston to complete the project. The initial job portion in Houston was suppose to take 3 years we continued working for Saudia Aramco another 3 years...when we left the project was still in process.

Just my two cents....and of course there is a big difference in a fountain job but I did get a good prospective on how things are done in Saudia.
But when did he supposedly go to SA? I thought it was in June? But maybe someone else knows for sure. His warrant was recalled in April 2010 IIRC I don't know if he ever went or not, and like I said previously, there was no confirmation one way or the other. The question about whether he could have gone or not, it appears to me that he could when looking at a Business Visa for SA since it didn't require a criminal record check as far as I can tell. I find it odd that they have it that way, but it is what it is... it makes me think that it would be the easiest way to get over there if someone was wanting to for nefarious reasons LOL (not saying this is what it was in this case!)

For those that don't think he went, what do you think about the fountain then? They just shipped it and didn't go over there to install and SA company just left it at that and didn't ask for their install money back?
Didn't he supposedly go to SA after the McStay family disappearance? Otherwise why would he ask Susan to fund him for a passport and whatever else money he hit her up for?
Were there ever any photos of this big deal in Saudi Arabia?
My hinky meter has always been on high alert regarding the Saudi deal. I can not recall exact timing of when this was suppose to start or end but I do know one thing NOTHING in Saudi Arabia starts on time or finishes on time except prayer time. It would be a very exciting prospect for JM but in reality dealing with Saudi can be more trouble than it is actually worth. Doing business in Saudia Arabia is a start and stop process with lots of paperwork. There is always one more approval needed.

Another red flag to me was the email from CM to CJ. Taliban! You've got to be joking. It sounds like a concocted scenario a certain cowboy came up with. Another tall tail. Something someone would say that had never been there. If he had gone the things that would stick out are the heat, daily blaring calls to prayers, the food, as a single male having to eat in a separate area than the women, jet lag....many things but gosh jolly not the Taleban as spelled in his email. Of course I am only recalling seeing the one email to CJ.

I do think the Saudia company would been happy to receive the fountain (if they did) they were after the design work and perhaps a visit to California definitely not the labor skills of CM. There are million CM's in the Kingdom that could have performed that work.

My husband and I worked for a large American Oil company that partnered to build a multi billion dollar refinery in Kingdom. The company pulled out of the project after three years. We then worked for Saudi Aramco in Houston to complete the project. The initial job portion in Houston was suppose to take 3 years we continued working for Saudia Aramco another 3 years...when we left the project was still in process.

Just my two cents....and of course there is a big difference in a fountain job but I did get a good prospective on how things are done in Saudia.
Hi & Welcome, and thanks for your take on the Saudi deal.
Yeah CM meeting some Taliban, LOL.
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