Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #2

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CM still had work to complete first and at that stage the McStay family had no idea CM had murdered their family members. JM didn't know the terrible fate that was to come, and at that point JM was probably tired of CM's crap with his sloppy work, complaints etc., and the reason he wanted him out. IMO.

I honestly dont know the answer to this question, but did CM ever complete any of the ongoing projects so Susan could be reimbursed by CM for EIPs part of the profits?

Did MSM ever receive the checks he wrote, and if so, did they think something was strange about them?

Did MSM want to hold any of them until they talked with Joey?

Didnt he write on one of the fraudulent checks he wrote to himself it was for the SA project, and it was never even done or finalized? Did he write in the memo line it was for final payment? I may have that wrong though.

What never made any sense about his crazy fuzzy pretzel math new accounting system was CM was already deep in debt for 43k to Joey which he had never paid a dime back, right?

Yet he wants the jury to believe Joey told CM 'help yourself to more of my money anytime, and you can even forge my name in case I just happen to vanish into thin air?,' just an example of course.

TIA my friend if you can help me answer any of the questions I've asked.

The surreal asumptions the defense wants the jury to believe defies all common sense, and logic.

It's one of the worst tried defense theories/excuses I think I've ever seen, and I think we have all seen some dozy defense theories in past cases. Lol!

This one tops them all hands down imo.

It's not only absurd defying all is downright bizarre.

They really want this jury to believe every piece of evidence pointing right at CM only were just a gazillion coincidences all happening at the same time. Lol!

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When any sub is whittled down from 65% to a measly low 15% they are on their way out the door.

Stealing from Joey would make it happen faster than a fired bullet coming out of a gun barrel.

Imo, it obvious by the state's evidence Joey had discovered he not only had a lazy worthless subcontractor working for him, but he knew CM was stealing from him.

Imo, Joey had finally had it with the ex felon. Tragically when Joey made a stand to remove the trash holding him down it cost him, and his family's life.

Joey had no idea how evil his sub really could be if crossed.


I don’t think it was CM’s anger over being eased out or fired that was the tipping point. He could (and did) always find someone else to cheat. But if Joey indicated that he was bringing in LE regarding the stolen money unless CM made good, CM knew he would end up in prison...again. Only killing Joey and his family would prevent that. And it did for almost 5 years.
Me too!

But I'm not going to prematurely project those few injustices where the jury got it wrong on to the Merritt jurors.

The overwhelming vast amount of jurors are reasonable minded people, and get it right... far... far... more times than they get it wrong.

So until I know otherwise I'm keeping the faith in these jurors too. :)

I know, OBE, and I don't mean to be a Debby Downer.
Because of being burned in the past on 2 cases we knew were guilty, I am cautiously optimistic.
I don't know if they misinterpreted what Joey said but I believe Joey was going to give Merritt some competition and possibly phase him out. That may have all changed when Joey found out about Merritt helping himself to Joey's money. At that time all bets were off and Joey may well have fired Merritt Feb. 4th causing Merritt to go over the edge.

Typically I would agree that there are always options, however, put yourself in their shoes for a minute and honestly think about it. They had no idea what jobs were outstanding, they didn't know how to build fountains, they had their own families and jobs, Merritt still owed Joey money and they were frantically searching for their missing family. I don't think anyone can honestly say what should or could have happened unless they were in their shoes living their nightmare.

The family was scared and nervous. MANY people do not make good decisions, when under a huge amount of stress. Including me.
Re: JM call to bank....

I fraudulent credit card activity on Memorial Day. I made 3 separate calls to my local credit union to report it. By my third call, I asked if any notes were made about my previous calls. No notes were made by the first two people I spoke with. I was floored.

Same thing happened to me many years go.

The security department called ME telling me they have suspicious activity on my card, and I need to call them. They left what sounded like computer animated voice mail. Not by a live person.

So I frantically called back immediately. I had to talk to two different departments including the security fraud department, because no one had a clue about any of it.

Finally after me explaining everything to them again they denied the request for payment withdrawal

It had been sitting there on hold. Thank goodness for that because it really was fraudulent, but they had no notation as to why they had it on hold...not even an in house official code. Gah.

I immediately ask them where the fraudulent request was made, and by whom. They told me they could not tell me. Of course they could have investigated it to find out, but they didnt want to be bothered going through the trouble. It made me so furious at the time.

To say the least I no longer did any business with them, and it happened quickly afterwards.

I don’t think it was CM’s anger over being eased out or fired that was the tipping point. He could (and did) always find someone else to cheat. But if Joey indicated that he was bringing in LE regarding the stolen money unless CM made good, CM knew he would end up in prison...again. Only killing Joey and his family would prevent that. And it did for almost 5 years.
I think you’re right .
I also think Summer had something to say about it , either to CM directly or perhaps in the background while Joey & CM were on the phone. Maybe Joey implied Summer was pushing it or CM assumed she had something to do with Joey taking a stand.
He talked about Summer A LOT after the murders . Bashing her in the jaw before killing her was quite brutal (if it happened that way) and she appears to be the only one hit in that way.
Rage seemed to be more directed at her , IMO.
Those poor kids:(
I don’t think it was CM’s anger over being eased out or fired that was the tipping point. He could (and did) always find someone else to cheat. But if Joey indicated that he was bringing in LE regarding the stolen money unless CM made good, CM knew he would end up in prison...again. Only killing Joey and his family would prevent that. And it did for almost 5 years.

I agree he had a myriad of motives including the one you have listed.

I also still believe the motive I've posted is a logical, and viable one.

Yes,its true, in the past he had ripped many customers off by taking their money, and failing to deliver on his promises to complete what he had started. He seemed to default at the end based on most of those complaints.

Those are more ripoff scams from afar. Imo.

With Joey it was much more personal allowing him to deceive, and scam Joey out of far more money.

He really had a money train going with Joey for a long time. But CM is a pathetic lazy loser. When he began stiffing Joey by doing shoddy work, and failure to complete them... Joey nose dived CMs part of the money pie to almost nil.

He also was able to manipulate Joey into letting him borrow an outrageous amount of money for gambling debts he never had any intentions of repaying.

Imo, both times he pretended or bald faced lied, imo, he had his expensive welding equipment/material stolen was because he knew Joey would buy him more, and of course he did both times.

All of those victims he had scammed before did not fully support his partner, and three children when he was back in jail again, and again.

The other many victims he scammed were far different than the amounts of money he knew he could scam from Joey McStay.

Joey was his endless cash cow he thought wouldnt ever end no matter how worthless he was.

In the end, he found out that was not the case. Joey had wised up, and had enough of the scamming thieving ex con.

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I think you’re right .
I also think Summer had something to say about it , either to CM directly or perhaps in the background while Joey & CM were on the phone. Maybe Joey implied Summer was pushing it or CM assumed she had something to do with Joey taking a stand.
He talked about Summer A LOT after the murders . Bashing her in the jaw before killing her was quite brutal (if it happened that way) and she appears to be the only one hit in that way.
Rage seemed to be more directed at her , IMO.
Those poor kids:(

Yes, it could have been Summer saying to Joey “If you won’t call LE, I will.” I can imagine myself saying that! Or, as you say, just the implication or assumption that she was pushing Joey to take a stand. The money CM had borrowed and was stealing was money taken from their kids, and she had every right to have a say in the matter. She couldn’t have known that CM wasn’t going to put up with that!
Same thing happened to me many years go.

The security department called ME telling me they have suspicious activity on my card, and I need to call them. They left what sounded like computer animated voice mail. Not by a live person.

So I frantically called back immediately. I had to talk to two different departments including the security fraud department, because no one had a clue about any of it.

Finally after me explaining everything to them again they denied the request for payment withdrawal

It had been sitting there on hold. Thank goodness for that because it really was fraudulent, but they had no notation as to why they had it on hold...not even an in house official code. Gah.

I immediately ask them where the fraudulent request was made, and by whom. They told me they could not tell me. Of course they could have investigated it to find out, but they didnt want to be bothered going through the trouble. It made me so furious at the time.

To say the least I no longer did any business with them, and it happened quickly afterwards.

Me too. Only it was money being taken out of my checking acct and I was getting hit with NSF fees like crazy. I called several times complaining and reporting the fraud. But the notices kept coming in the mail. I had to go in person, to my FORMER credit union and talk to them about it.
Me too. Only it was money being taken out of my checking acct and I was getting hit with NSF fees like crazy. I called several times complaining and reporting the fraud. But the notices kept coming in the mail. I had to go in person, to my FORMER credit union and talk to them about it.

I can certainly believe it, and no doubt we aren't the only ones this has happened to either by a long shot.

I don't think anything infuriates me more than when a business makes an error or someone else has done something illegal, and the customers have to spend all of their time, and effort to get it straightened out when they were not even involved.

The businesses will sit there, and do asolutely nothing to correct their own mistakes they have made. They make the customers do all of the work for them.

It's so unfair when it wasn't the customers fault in the first place.

I think JM found something suspicious in his QB's account on the 2nd. Feb. after Merritt was in there doing his thing on the 1st. Feb. and with that called his bank where he had not called his bank before.

I thought this in the beginning, but from what I have been able to see in the trial, I just don't see it, unless there is something wrong with the QB logs, which I don't believe at all.

Let's say Merritt does the cheque on the 2nd and it's cashed by him... somehow Joey sees it? I wonder how? Maybe online? Let's go with online banking, he see's a cheque goes through. There was no way that the cheques once printed were distinguishable between the Custom and the Contact account, they used the same cheques, the same bank account info on the bottom, etc. So Joey sees a cheque goes through the bank, what does he do? He checks the Custom account, which he has never written a cheque on before? Why? What would make him check the Custom account and not the Contact account? And at first glance, he wouldn't see anything on the Custom account because it was deleted... so then he didn't go check his regular Contact account. The Contact account hadn't been logged into since 12:08 pm on Feb 2nd, just after the cheque was done on the 2nd on the Custom account at 11: 30-11:40ish am.

As @la2cabo mentioned, some think the bank would have flagged it... I am of the opinion that the bank would have logged that call someway, somehow if he was inquiring about his account and it wasn't just a general call, not necessarily flagging it because he may not have voiced a concern right at the moment. To me, if a bank employee in any bank can just go looking at accounts and it's not logged, that would raise concern and I would be changing banks LOL But that's JMO.

Found something in the QB's on the 2nd, called bank on the 4th to verify fraud, and did not report it to the bank? I don't believe that for one minute especially if Joey was getting rid of Merritt.

I thought there was testimony Joey had called the bank on previous occasions?

I'm with you @Mica .... I just don't believe it. *shrug*
I am a little curious about Sequeda, Sr. I wonder if he is too ill now or something. Nothing was mentioned as far as I know.

I really really wanted to hear from him LOL I have a feeling his a grouchy old man ... at least that's my vision of him! I thought maybe ill or something, but then I would have expected the Prosecution to mention that someway, like the Defense mentioned that Mr. Murray (?) the security guy at the border died.
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