CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

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Just checking out the Find Missing Dylan Redwine fb page. A woman has posted claiming her son went to school with DR for years, and that he is totally into fishing. Also mentions that Bayfield middle school has fly fishing classes

Apologies if this was posted earlier - I didn't notice it if it was :)

I have no problem believing that Dylan loved to go fishing. My son loved to fish at that age too.

My problem is believing the scenario that he would go off all alone that morning, and not contact his friends, not leave a note for his dad, and hike 4 miles one way to a remote dam, instead of waiting to fish with his friends or his dad.

He knew his dad was coming back to pick him up at 11 am. So wouldn't he call and tell him he was hiking 4 miles to the lake? Or at least leave a note?

And why would he be responsible enough to call his friends the night before to change their plans, and then totally ignore those same plans the next morning?

And why take all of his belongings on a long hike to a fishing spot?

I just don't believe that scenario works, imo.
GRACE: Everyone, taking your calls is Dylan`s mother. Now, Ms. Redwine, was -- did there come a time when you learned that Dylan was missing? How did that happen?

REDWINE: Well, his dad texted me at around, oh, 4:30. Maybe it was closer to 5:00 on Monday. And I texted him back. You know, it was like, Well, we should call the sheriff. So I went ahead and I actually called the sheriff that day. I don`t know if Mark had called the sheriff that day, either, but I called the sheriff right after I got the text from Mark.

I went to my house, picked up a bag, grabbed my oldest son, Corey (ph), and we came to Durango.

GRACE: What were his words when the dad told you he couldn`t find Dylan?

REDWINE: He asked me if I had heard from Dylan. And I told him it was -- you know, it was discerning (sic) to me that I was, you know, six hours away, and he was asking me that question.

GRACE: And then you found out he hadn`t been seen. So did you actually call the police?

REDWINE: I did call the police. I don`t know if Mark did or not, but I did, as well. I called the Bayfield police.

GRACE: Have you had a hard time getting information out of the father?

REDWINE: Well, you know, I`ve tried reaching out to him. You know, we`ve texted -- he`s -- you know, he`s just not been -- we just haven`t worked together very well through all this. And like I said, I`ve really tried to reach out to him. But people react differently, I guess.

GRACE: What do you mean by that?

REDWINE: Well, I mean, you know, I just want to find my son. I mean, right now, that is my primary focus. And we need to get over anything that has occurred. We just need to find our son. And you know, unfortunately for Mark, he was the last person to see Dylan. So all the questions are going to come back to him, and he needs to, you know, try and understand what people are going through, what we`re going through, what Dylan`s brother is going through and help us find Dylan.

The father reported his son missing that afternoon.

Elaine Redwine told ABC News she was having a difficult time getting in touch with her ex-husband about their son.

"He hasn't had any contact with us. (My older son) tried to get a hold of him by texting him, and he wouldn't respond," she said. "I just find it odd that at a time like this, he would be so evasive."

That doesn't say she called him when she got the text, it says she sent a text back. I'm sure she said more than "we should call the sheriff", and she never said what the text CR sent said. MOO somewhere in here. Considering the animosity people here say he had toward his father, I wouldn't blame him for not responding - especially if he was talking to LE at the time. If I remember correctly, he never did say he called the sheriff; he said he stopped and reported it to the Marshall after talking to her. I have no idea what difference my last comment makes, but I'll leave it just in case it means anything. I was looking for something that said she had called and talked to him - it would have made a difference as far as cell reception goes. Thanks for the link.
REDWINE: Well, his dad texted me at around, oh, 4:30. Maybe it was closer to 5:00 on Monday. And I texted him back. You know, it was like, Well, we should call the sheriff. So I went ahead and I actually called the sheriff that day. I don`t know if Mark had called the sheriff that day, either, but I called the sheriff right after I got the text from Mark.

Wow, her child is missing and she texts him back instead of calling? That's cold and heartless.
It was mentioned in a thread but I can't find it. I have found references to layoffs at the college in Durango where she worked (Fort Lewis College) in the rough timeframe when she left.

She was Director of Financial Aid at Fort Lewis, and now is only Associate Director at a smaller (and private, versus public) college. (Her current employer is more prestigious though.)

I think she, like most of us, is taking what is available in this economy.

Thank you.

For the life of me I can't find the article I'm looking for. I thought I had one that had more about her new job.

I'll try looking again tomorrow - getting too tired.
Wow, her child is missing and she texts him back instead of calling? That's cold and heartless.

In all fairness, I wouldn't even leave a voice message with that kind of information; I'd tell the person to call me as soon as possible. :twocents:
I think it was to get his wife back in town and spend time with her looking for their son, together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That would truly be sick!!!
I have no problem believing that Dylan loved to go fishing. My son loved to fish at that age too.

My problem is believing the scenario that he would go off all alone that morning, and not contact his friends, not leave a note for his dad, and hike 4 miles one way to a remote dam, instead of waiting to fish with his friends or his dad.

He knew his dad was coming back to pick him up at 11 am. So wouldn't he call and tell him he was hiking 4 miles to the lake? Or at least leave a note?

And why would he be responsible enough to call his friends the night before to change their plans, and then totally ignore those same plans the next morning?

And why take all of his belongings on a long hike to a fishing spot?

I just don't believe that scenario works, imo.

What about bait? Do people even use worms anymore? If not, how would he have got bait? No reports of any tackle shops nearby that we've heard about. Did Mark maybe buy some at hellmart the night before? Not that I believe that he went fishing that morning, but that 'details' thing, yanno?

Still thinking the whole fishing pole thing is a red herring.

Even if he loved fishing, he was clearly very eager to see his friends.
Wanted to go see them as soon as he arrived, then had to change for first thing the next morning. So why in the world would he then decide to go fishing? Without even contacting his friends to tell them he won't be arriving when he promised.
What about bait? Do people even use worms anymore?

If they taught fly fishing at the middle school where Dylan's friends went (and maybe Dylan went there too since he lived in Bayfield for a time), there's a good chance he was fly fishing.
Wow, her child is missing and she texts him back instead of calling? That's cold and heartless.

Why should she? Her first priority was to contact the sheriff to let them know her child is missing! What's cold and heartless is Mark texting her that Dylan is missing instead of calling. Especially since he was responsible for Dylan and he wasn't even with Mark for 24 hours when he texted Elaine. Its pretty obvious to me why he chose to text her over calling. Some things you just don't do - telling an ex spouse via text that your child is missing is just wrong on so many levels.
If they taught fly fishing at the middle school where Dylan's friends went (and maybe Dylan went there too since he lived in Bayfield for a time), there's a good chance he was fly fishing.

Ummm ... I know nothing about fly fishing, so what does that mean? I thought you do that in streams, not lakes?
Some things you just don't do - telling an ex spouse via text that your child is missing is just wrong on so many levels.

I've found out worse news via email.
That doesn't say she called him when she got the text, it says she sent a text back. I'm sure she said more than "we should call the sheriff", and she never said what the text CR sent said. MOO somewhere in here. Considering the animosity people here say he had toward his father, I wouldn't blame him for not responding - especially if he was talking to LE at the time. If I remember correctly, he never did say he called the sheriff; he said he stopped and reported it to the Marshall after talking to her. I have no idea what difference my last comment makes, but I'll leave it just in case it means anything. I was looking for something that said she had called and talked to him - it would have made a difference as far as cell reception goes. Thanks for the link.

Ok, gotcha. I didnt think there was much of an issue whether it was calling or texting. The issue I was responding to was about why she said she didnt know if he had actually reported Dylan missing or not. That was what my post was addressing. And I think I got the facts and gist of the situation correct, although I admit that I do not know if it a call or a text that happened between them. I guess I just assumed, that if my ex texted me such a distressing question as
" Have u heard from our son?" ---:eek: I would have dialed his number immediately because a text would not have been sufficient.
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