CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #16

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I would have respecting Marc Klaas' take on the situation more had he not just taking a strangely worded statement from one person as fact, without bothering to verify it with the other person or find out if it really happened that way. MOO

I have a lot of respect for him and what he has done in the past (and will probably do in the future), but I think he was really wrong in this case. I'm not saying he's wrong about who did what to Dylan because there isn't enough evidence available to us to know one way or the other. My problem with his statements in this case is that, knowing the reputation he has, he sat and told millions(?) of people that this man is a rotten person and killed his own child with absolutely no solid evidence to back it up. All he seems to be basing it on are the statements of the man's angry ex-wife. Any time the two make conflicting statements, he assumes that she has to be the one telling the truth - in spite of the fact that she has recanted, or completely changed many of her statements, while he has remained consistent in his.

I'm sorry, but I do get tired of seeing someone condemned for doing something after having a child disappear, while someone else is given a free-pass because of being a grieving parent for doing the same thing . A word to the wise NG and MK (who should already know), Fathers are often grieving parents too! MOO but that's enough about me.
My question was about the day that Dylan went missing. The day that ER says MR would not call nor return texts from her and from his son Corey, who was also worried about his brother.

At the end of the day I know as a parent the people I need to deal with first is LE as they have the tools available to help me find my child.

My focus would be on that and that alone till I had time to return calls.

We are dealing with a He said, She said.

Truly, I could care less what either said.

I want to know what LE says.
I don't think we can assume that at this time. She *does* say he wouldn't call/text her or Corey back. She couldn't figure out why.

I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand what you're saying, but I'm missing it. Are you saying that you don't believe that they had any dialogue other than "have you heard from Dylan" and "we should call the sheriff?" Wouldn't there HAVE to be something in between? Otherwise, what on earth could she have reported to the police?
but that's just it. he did want to see her. or so he said. bbm:

"Mark Redwine said he would like to meet with his ex-wife but so far has not had success beyond the text messages.

“I don’t want to have dinner with her and become buddy, buddy, but as parents of a missing child, people need to know that we can put our differences aside and that we want our son back,” he said."

Interesting he said that. After the fact. Dont wanna talk to her initially when Dylan went missing :banghead: Just bouncing off your post.
I agree it is very much a he said/she said situation right now. When my kids were small, and would come to me to tattle on each other, I learned very quickly to listen to both stories and then figure the truth lay somewhere in the middle. That's pretty much how I view this. And so I'm taking both of their claims with a grain of salt. JMO

The sad part is that their son is still missing. I would just love to see him found safely. And if that's not possible, then found and brought home to his family so they know.

There is just too much grief in my heart today, with the news out of Connecticut. If only there could be some good news today as well...
I agree that LE may be over their heads, it seems to me that their first reaction was that Dylan was a runaway. They would have treated it as such based on the information given by both MR & ER. Nothing wrong with that at all. A child reported as a runaway is going to be treated differently than a child reported abducted. Opportunities may have been missed or overlooked.

MR said that LE had already searched his house once (this was before the "big" search) IMO, they could've just gone in and had a quick look-see and left.

Just because that sheriff's dept. has not had many children in that area missing does not mean they are not trained in how to handle it. That is, if it is anything like our SD's here. They are trained before they're ever hired, generally, and they have to have several years on the job before they make detective, and be allowed to investigate cases of this magnitude.

Also, it's SOP to do a "walk-through" when they first arrive on the scene of a missing person. Even though they can't do a full forensics search without a warrant, they still look pretty closely at everything. You would be surprised what they're able to find just on an eyeball search the first time.

I don't think they're in over their heads. They just haven't found Dylan. That could be for any number of reasons, not in their control. But if you (not you, personally) judge all LE by how fast they solve cases like this, well... some of the best LE agencies in the country have taken YEARS to solve some cases, and little hole-in-the-wall PD's have solved them in days. It all depends on what evidence has been left behind.
RE: Dylan and fishing.

Here's where I saw it ... I knew I had seen it somewhere ...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

Again .. the fact is ... we..just..don't..know.

You know... maybe he likes to go fishing when he's at dad's... not so much when he's with his mom.
When my stepkids were here every summer they wanted to go fishing every day in their grandpa's pond. But when they were with their mother, the boys only went once in a while and the girl, never, according to her.
Location, location, location.
You know... maybe he likes to go fishing when he's at dad's... not so much when he's with his mom.
When my stepkids were here every summer they wanted to go fishing every day in their grandpa's pond. But when they were with their mother, the boys only went once in a while and the girl, never, according to her.
Location, location, location.

But why would he go off alone fishing when he wanted to see his friends ?

I think its a fact ( imo) that he wanted to see his friends. Sunday night he had to cancel and so on Monday he made plans to meet up with them due to cancelling Sundays plans .

So why would he totally ditch his friends to go off by himself on the first day of his holiday ?

even MR has said that they had made time for Dylan to spend time with his friends as it was important to him and he understood that!!
Seems very mean spirited when there son is missing . Sometimes you have to put your own feelings on hold and look at the bigger picture .

And the big picture was the fact a 13 year old boy had completely vanished into thin air and nobody had any idea where he was .

Yes for sure. Especially when you are a Parent that "wants" sharing caring time. You state "He is the light of my life" This is a child and hours had gone by. Mom is hours away. Gets a text. Like who does that???? Not like hey I have a jacket missing :furious: I cant give Dad a pass on how he handled it. Again just bouncing off your post in the latter.
But why would he go off alone fishing when he wanted to see his friends ?

I think its a fact ( imo) that he wanted to see his friends. Sunday night he had to cancel and so on Monday he made plans to meet up with them due to cancelling Sundays plans .

So why would he totally ditch his friends to go off by himself on the first day of his holiday ?

even MR has said that they had made time for Dylan to spend time with his friends as it was important to him and he understood that!!

We don't know that he did ... or didn't.

For all we know, he was taking his pole with him to his friends so they could all go fish .. ??

We can speculate all we want .. we don't know what he did.
some kids refuse to smile for photos. My brother would never smile in photos, it's only been as an adult that we now see photos of him smiling.

Not everyone likes having their photo taken, I can't stand my picture being taken and theres a few others in the family who are the same way. My daughter on the other hand loves having her photo taken most of the time.

My husband rarely smiles in a picture, neither does my youngest son. I think I have one school picture of him smiling enough to call it a smile. Most of them he looks sad, and in one or two it's just a hint of one.
Yes for sure. Especially when you are a Parent that "wants" sharing caring time. You state "He is the light of my life" This is a child and hours had gone by. Mom is hours away. Gets a text. Like who does that???? Not like hey I have a jacket missing :furious: I cant give Dad a pass on how he handled it. Again just bouncing off your post in the latter.

Obviously a hot button for you ... we don't know what the dynamics are in this situation. Maybe he NEVER calls her ... maybe this is the norm...

And we only know her version .. it could have been as simple as "Hey, heard from Dyl?"
You know... maybe he likes to go fishing when he's at dad's... not so much when he's with his mom.
When my stepkids were here every summer they wanted to go fishing every day in their grandpa's pond. But when they were with their mother, the boys only went once in a while and the girl, never, according to her.
Location, location, location.

I think dads house was kind of lonely and boring. Not much to do. Dylan was looking forward to seeing his friends but either had to wait for dad to get back or get on his merry way. If I recall didn't dad tell him he would be home around 11:00? Dad was later, perhaps Dylan was getting impatient and decided to start walking, that dad would see him coming home. After all the road is one way in one way out.
Oh! Just one great big problem! No texting, calling, nada. Not since 8:00 Sunday night.
I still go back to Sunday night. Dylan was never heard from nor seen again, with the exception of what dad says.
Obviously a hot button for you ... we don't know what the dynamics are in this situation. Maybe he NEVER calls her ... maybe this is the norm...

And we only know her version .. it could have been as simple as "Hey, heard from Dyl?"

When a child is missing yes I think a hot button. What i am trying to say and emphasize is when your child goes missing. You honestly love that child. The past doesn't matter. In the moment. If the past does matter. Well i think it raises some questions. MOO
IIRC, your theory was that MR was probably too busy speaking to police (or perhaps they took his phone...I'm sorry I don't remember which one) to get back with ER.

My response was (and still is) that directly after MR asked ER if she had talked to Dylan, and letting her know he couldn't find Dylan, her response to him was, "we have to call the sheriff", so there wouldn't have been time for his phone to have been confiscated since LE had no idea anything was amiss at that particular time. He had the opportunity to speak with her; he chose not to. (imo)

Not if he went straight to LE to report him missing. But I don't think they would have confiscated his phone right then, anyway, because of the chance Dylan had gotten lost and tried to call him.
I agree that he should have tried to communicate with her, but maybe when he called to ask her if she had seen him, she blew up at him, yelled at him, chewed him out. Who would want to go through that again, if they didn't have to? Considering their history, that's very possible.
I know what it's like to have a child missing. Thankfully mine was found safe and her cousin. I know what it's like to be blamed. My Mother put me thru enough of that in the moment. It was 10 hours of hell. Of course none of us were involved and my Mom knew that. Do i have an ex yes. I called him right away. Gave him all the details. He and his new wife came. We weren't even in our own Country. So perhaps i just cant get the non communication thing. Or the cryptic info sharing.
I don't believe LE knows who if a random perp. I believe the lack of saying to the public anything like ' be diligent, be aware, there is a child predator on the loose' indicates to ME personally, that they do not believe there is a random perp. I think the fact that no statement has been made to either ALERT or CALM the community about travelling, roaming child snatchers is a clear message that THERE IS no such perpetrator in ' this particular' case. But that's just me. If they thought he was snatched by someone who threw him in a car and ran off out of sight, I think it's their absolute DUTY to inform the public that their children may be in danger as well.

I think it's a given. Child predators are everywhere. Registered sex offenders as well as ones not yet caught . Anyone believing their children are safe because LE hasn't specifically put out a warning is naive.

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I don't think we can assume that at this time. She *does* say he wouldn't call/text her or Corey back. She couldn't figure out why.

Not picking on you, honest. But seriously... she couldn't figure out why??

Look at their history. She obviously is very bitter towards him. Most women who feel that way about their ex are going to take every opportunity to berate and scold their ex. This was a crisis situation... she was upset, angry at him for 'losing' her child, and he calls her to ask if she's seen or heard from Dylan. You don't think it would be the most natural thing in the world for her to yell and scream and stomp her foot and blame him, or accuse him?? If she didn't, she would have to be a saint.

I am a normally very reasonable person, but if I thought my ex was at fault for my son's disappearance, I would be doing everything I described above. And MORE. Don't misunderstand... she had every right to be upset, I'm not faulting her at all. Just saying that was probably why he didn't return her calls.
BBM THIS has been bothering me a lot. I went to McD's for the first time in years the other day. It was the longest drive-through experience ever... long story... but back to Dylan, I had plenty of time to watch the surveillance monitors inside where the drive-through employees were taking orders. The video quality was amazing, I couldn't believe how good. I don't know for sure but I would think those videos would be recorded? And I imagine most McD's would have video cameras, right? For that matter it seems there should be more in Walmart, but maybe this was the best still shot they could get.

Could be they record over every 24 hrs or so. McDonalds has no crime at their store for 24 hrs and start the tapes over again. I don't know with modern surveillance as it is how many only view vs record vs record/ store !
Not picking on you, honest. But seriously... she couldn't figure out why??

Look at their history. She obviously is very bitter towards him. Most women who feel that way about their ex are going to take every opportunity to berate and scold their ex. This was a crisis situation... she was upset, angry at him for 'losing' her child, and he calls her to ask if she's seen or heard from Dylan. You don't think it would be the most natural thing in the world for her to yell and scream and stomp her foot and blame him, or accuse him?? If she didn't, she would have to be a saint.

I am a normally very reasonable person, but if I thought my ex was at fault for my son's disappearance, I would be doing everything I described above. And MORE. Don't misunderstand... she had every right to be upset, I'm not faulting her at all. Just saying that was probably why he didn't return her calls.

Sorry i think its clear why she could not figure it out.

I think most normal rational people would put there own issues aside and think " ok our son is missing so its imperative we are in contact with each other" .

It is not about "them" at this stage. It is about there missing child!!
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