CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #16

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So much has gone on that I cannot remember... PLEASE help me...

Has big brother Nick been to the searches? With mom?
Normal by whose definition?

Well, in law, there is such a thing as the "reasonable person".

I would say a "reasonable person" who didn't know where his son went to, would stay in contact with the other parent who knows him better, is worried to death, and hundreds of miles away.
Well, in law, there is such a thing as the "reasonable person".

I would say a "reasonable person" who didn't know where his son went to, would stay in contact with the other parent who knows him better, is worried to death, and hundreds of miles away.

Reasonable by whose definition? What law was broken by not responding to her messages? Obviously I'm not a reasonable person by your definition, so why try to convince me of anything? :waitasec:
Well, in law, there is such a thing as the "reasonable person".

I would say a "reasonable person" who didn't know where his son went to, would stay in contact with the other parent who knows him better, is worried to death, and hundreds of miles away.

I would say this sounds perfectly logical.
Something I just thought about. My Sis and I handle situations very different from one another. If I had an emergency situation I would absolutely have to handle it with my logic. She is mouthy and pushy and well, almost needs babysitting because she is also irrational. IMO. I would avoid her unless and until I had something to give her as fact. And I love her! But I would need to keep her out of my way.
Just a thought.
I would think he would have asked her if she knew of any friends he might be with, and if he had told her what he planned to do while he was visiting. Surely she knew MORE about who his friends were than he did, since he was away a lot. My DH never knew many of our kid's friends from school except for the ones which came to sleepovers etc. Whereas I knew all of them since I dropped them off or went to practices, rehearsals etc.

My DH would not know where to look if one of our kids took off somewhere, but I would know whose homes to go to and where the kids hung out. So I do find it odd that MR did not call and talk more in depth with ER early on.

BBM THIS has been bothering me a lot. I went to McD's for the first time in years the other day. It was the longest drive-through experience ever... long story... but back to Dylan, I had plenty of time to watch the surveillance monitors inside where the drive-through employees were taking orders. The video quality was amazing, I couldn't believe how good. I don't know for sure but I would think those videos would be recorded? And I imagine most McD's would have video cameras, right? For that matter it seems there should be more in Walmart, but maybe this was the best still shot they could get.

katydid: BBM~I agree! It seems like he would
be quizzing her about Dylan's plans while visiting him.
Who Dylan had communicated with prior to his visit...
What did Dylan tell her his plans were etc...

I must say I don't like the tones of mom's response
that dad should have known... but it sounds like he
did not question her much
WHO KNOWS?? maybe he did!

nikb: BBM~ I can "almost" guarantee
Walmart has many more, clearer, better still shots
as well as video...

LE chose that photo for a reason...
people are already questioning if Dylan looked to
be upset and/or crying...
and if he had a large red mark near his left elbow...

We got grainy footage because LE wants us to focus on
finding him...
not argue if there was a scuffle prior to entering
Walmart and why the boy might have been crying at
some point after getting of the plane en route to Walmart...

I tend to agree with them.
LE has a MUCH better idea IF either of those were
present and you can bet the dad was asked about it
if it was true...
So I don't need to know

I have my own opinions... :)
BUT it does not help FIND DYLAN!!!

Where are you sweet boy????
Reasonable by whose definition? What law was broken by not responding to her messages? Obviously I'm not a reasonable person by your definition, so why try to convince me of anything? :waitasec:

I never said that. I do think that sometimes you bring up arguments that are not as reasonable as I would agree with, but we don't have a jury of 12 judging that, so you may be totally reasonable, and I may be totally off base.

I do believe we're allowed to discuss and debate ideas here, as long as we're respectful of each other. If I am not respectful of you, please point it out, because I certainly mean to be.

Obviously no *law* was broken by his not responding. But it's unkind.
Yes. Many of us get Emerg calls. In fact i am waiting on one right now. Only thru the contacts i have. It's not an Emerg but every time a call lands i get personal calls. I friggin hate it.
Dysfunctional parents/families are going to behave in dysfunctional ways toward one another, even in times of crisis.
I never said that. I do think that sometimes you bring up arguments that are not as reasonable as I would agree with, but we don't have a jury of 12 judging that, so you may be totally reasonable, and I may be totally off base. <SNIP>

You said this:
I would say a "reasonable person" who didn't know where his son went to, would stay in contact with the other parent who knows him better, is worried to death, and hundreds of miles away.

After I said this:

He was home between 7 and 8 that night (I never bothered to check the clock.) I had been at home, just in case, from about 4:00. He should have been home shortly after 3:00. Not only did I not freak out and run around like a madwoman as people seem to think I should have, it never even occurred to me that I should notify his father.
I guess those of us who don't find his actions that unusual are in a very small minority here. If I had been in his place, I would probably/possibly asked her if she'd heard from him; once she said no and asked why, I'd probably just say I'd explain later. I think he was probably already under enough stress trying to figure out what happened, what to do, where else he could be, etc., and the last thing he needed was an angry woman, who already hates him, wasting his time by accusing him of being irresponsible or worse, and asking him the same questions he was asking himself. MOO

BBM. I have tried to keep up, but admittedly am behind. I feel like I am reading the same thing over and over anyway, though, so, frankly, it gets tiresome for me.

It seems to have moved from pure speculation to fact that MR did not return ER's texts the day Dylan went missing because ER was not nice to MR in her text back to him. Not just in your post, but in many posts I am seeing now. My question is this: Do we actually know what was in those texts? If we do, I missed it, and would really like a link, please.
BBM. I have tried to keep up, but admittedly am behind. I feel like I am reading the same thing over and over anyway, though, so, frankly, it gets tiresome for me.

It seems to have moved from pure speculation to fact that MR did not return ER's texts the day Dylan went missing because ER was not nice to MR in her text back to him. Not just in your post, but in many posts I am seeing now. My question is this: Do we actually know what was in those texts? If we do, I missed it, and would really like a link, please.

Frankly, I don't know, and I really don't think it's important to anything here. I have been trying to avoid discussing anything related to MR at all, but it's not possible with the circumstances what they are. Because of that, I try ignoring the insults and accusations about him, and usually most of the things that have already been discussed for about 50 pages. Sometimes I give in and comment, so I guess I can't complain if other people do too. Do we know that she was angry and accusatory in her texts that day? No. Do we know if he gave her any information about what was going on there? No. Do we know if Cory just sent a message asking what's going on, or if it was one complaining about him not responding to Elaine? No. Do any of these things really matter? No. MOO
Here we are, 4 weeks in, and no sign that anyone is any closer to finding Dylan. I really thought in the first few days that he was the "running boy" seen by some witnesses and would be found very quickly. Now I see this case heading toward the dreaded so-called "active" status where nothing is accomplished, unless someone should confess or find Dylan by accident. If so, his father will remain a "suspect" in the eyes of the public.

IMO too much time was lost at the beginning, for a number of reasons. LE apparently thought Dylan had run away; then they said he did NOT run away, but did not do any forensic work at the house for another week or so. By the time they would have learned there was no crime scene at the home (apparently), it was three weeks gone. FBI or no FBI, there does not seem to be any workable formula to deal with missing child cases in the US. I don't have any answers. Just depressed.
BBM: I have not seen it anywhere that she got in her car and went over to his home or to anywhere he was and attempted to speak to him. The road goes both ways IMO.......

ETA: he has provided info to LE, as stated in numerous MSM articles that are available in the timeline forum.

Yes, MR has provided information to LE but has it been helpful?

Elaine was probably leaving work when she received the text from MR. She works as a financial aid consultant at a college so her hours are probably 8 am -4 pm, or 8:30 am-4:30 pm.

Elaine didn't tell NG exactly what his text said.

Elaine lives in Colorado Springs and she said after she rec'd a text from Mark, she notified the Sheriff's department before she and Cory left for Durango.
I heard it takes 5 hours or so to get there by car, so they would have arrived late Monday evening.


REDWINE: Well, his dad texted me at around, oh, 4:30. Maybe it was closer to 5:00 on Monday. And I texted him back. You know, it was like, Well, we should call the sheriff. So I went ahead and I actually called the sheriff that day. I don`t know if Mark had called the sheriff that day, either, but I called the sheriff right after I got the text from Mark.

I went to my house, picked up a bag, grabbed my oldest son, Corey (ph), and we came to Durango.
Frankly, I don't know, and I really don't think it's important to anything here. I have been trying to avoid discussing anything related to MR at all, but it's not possible with the circumstances what they are. Because of that, I try ignoring the insults and accusations about him, and usually most of the things that have already been discussed for about 50 pages. Sometimes I give in and comment, so I guess I can't complain if other people do too. Do we know that she was angry and accusatory in her texts that day? No. Do we know if he gave her any information about what was going on there? No. Do we know if Cory just sent a message asking what's going on, or if it was one complaining about him not responding to Elaine? No. Do any of these things really matter? No. MOO

It feels like that is all that has been posted. Quite honestly I am disappointed that it is being permitted. I understand it is "okay to sleuth MR" but I always thought there were standards here saying we could not accuse someone of being involved in their child's disappearance? I am confused. MR has not been named a suspect or even a poi (please correct me if I am wrong) As far as I am concerned MR is a victim, as is ER and all of Dylan's family, yet I see posts where he is being called names and outright accused of harming his son. Earlier someone found my post offensive because I said I wouldn't call ER either. I find their posts accusing a man whose child is missing a murderer offensive.
I remember in the heat of the moment what I did and what my current husband did. My Ex and what his new wife did. We went Mach 90. My Mom was just white noise in the background telling me constantly if "You" dont find my Granddaughters i will never forgive you. Like it was my fault :waitasec: My Brother was involved in the desicion to let them walk a well worn Family path. I was pleading with park officials to go back with the ATV's Meanwhile Mom is behind me berating. Did i care? No. We had LE involved. Helicopters etc. Eventually My current Husband. My Ex. And my Brother found them. Clinging to a tree. Crying. Had shared a piece of gum. Had at least a hundred bug bites. And they were thankful to be found as they were about to eat bark LOL

BBM: So you shut her off, you ignored her "noise", you didn't deal with her?? Isn't that what Mark did when Elaine and/or Cory called him??? If she chewed him a new one, why would he continue to volunteer for that??? I wouldn't. I've have too much else I'm doing, too much else I'm going through to indulge someone who is irate and thinks I have to hear it going off on me. Nope, I would avoid them like the plague. You have to remember IF Mark had NOTHING to do with his son's disappearance and it's as he said it was, he's a devastated parent as well. He has feelings as well, he's upset as well. He did not need to be verbally abused by someone else because that's what they needed to do to get through it. He is no longer "her person" to go to for "feelings."
Frankly, I don't know, and I really don't think it's important to anything here. I have been trying to avoid discussing anything related to MR at all, but it's not possible with the circumstances what they are. Because of that, I try ignoring the insults and accusations about him, and usually most of the things that have already been discussed for about 50 pages. Sometimes I give in and comment, so I guess I can't complain if other people do too. Do we know that she was angry and accusatory in her texts that day? No. Do we know if he gave her any information about what was going on there? No. Do we know if Cory just sent a message asking what's going on, or if it was one complaining about him not responding to Elaine? No. Do any of these things really matter? No. MOO
I am satisfied that LE knows by now. Which statements are true and which are false... not as far as what was said but about the txts etc....

I am not blaming either parent here...
I still feel like
- it "could" have been a "friend" of Dylan's that harmed him
- it "could" have been a stranger
- It "could have been an unforseen accident and Dylan was alone
- Dylan "could" be angry at both parents and ran away on his own or with someone

:waitasec: I don't see the dad (or anyone else tried, found guilty and sentenced here)

In fact there are no poi's correct?
BBM: So you shut her off, you ignored her "noise", you didn't deal with her?? Isn't that what Mark did when Elaine and/or Cory called him??? If she chewed him a new one, why would he continue to volunteer for that??? I wouldn't. I've have too much else I'm doing, too much else I'm going through to indulge someone who is irate and thinks I have to hear it going off on me. Nope, I would avoid them like the plague. You have to remember IF Mark had NOTHING to do with his son's disappearance and it's as he said it was, he's a devastated parent as well. He has feelings as well, he's upset as well. He did not need to be verbally abused by someone else because that's what they needed to do to get through it. He is no longer "her person" to go to for "feelings."

She called in her ex and his new wife. She called in the troops...everyone who loved her missing child, including her mother. Did she pay attention to the bs? No. But I bet she would have sit up and taken notice had mom had something to add that could have led to finding her child. That's where her heart was at.
BBM. I have tried to keep up, but admittedly am behind. I feel like I am reading the same thing over and over anyway, though, so, frankly, it gets tiresome for me.

It seems to have moved from pure speculation to fact that MR did not return ER's texts the day Dylan went missing because ER was not nice to MR in her text back to him. Not just in your post, but in many posts I am seeing now. My question is this: Do we actually know what was in those texts? If we do, I missed it, and would really like a link, please.

No, we do not. And for sure we do not even know if he really ignored the texts. MR has never addressed it one way or the other. We have no proof whatsoever that it ever happened.
Just thouht I would mention they say this was one of the most current pictures of Dylan, taken about two weeks before he went missing....So many say he doesn't look like his poster and I agree.
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