CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #18

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That is just one scenario I find very plausible... I also have others where he is walking to the neighbors to use the phone or the perp comes to the door for a variety of reasons.

Any thoughts on why he would be walking to use the neighbors phone when dad had a working landline?

The perp comes to the door for any number of reasons, interrupting Dylan's tv/breakfast and.... comes up with a "hey, come with me" scheme, getting Dylan to pack his stuff in the backpack and head on out willingly? And still explaining no communication whatsoever from 8pm on all throughout that morning?
I think the fact that RN texted Dylan within 10 mins of him not turning up meant that Dylan was not flaky . So it was out of character for him not to show when he made plans.
I guess one of the things I don't understand is for those who think Dylan was impulsive enough to take off to see his friends because he just couldn't wait for a ride from MR, then why wouldn't he get out of bed that morning? A little contradictory to believe he was so anxious that he would have hitchhiked, but not anxious enough to wake up...or even wait an hour or two for a ride. Doesn't work both ways for me.

After his plane landed, Dylan texted his friend about how his head was numb and vibrating after the plane ride. Now, that could mean nothing, or it could mean that he was coming down with a cold or sinus infection, plane ride caused discomfort from fluid in his ear, and the next morning he just didn't feel good enough to hop out of bed. That would also explain why he might have fallen asleep somewhat early the night before, as well.
FWIW and knowing exactly what goes into interviewing the parent of a missing child... You speak with & film the parent for 30-45 minutes and then you have to shave that down into a 2 minute news segment. LOTS of info is going to be deleted. Unfortunately probably LOTS of info that you wanted to be heard in the news.


I know there are more than enough situations where the media cuts and edits together stories to make them more appealing and dramatic for public consumption, and child abduction cases are not exempt from this... but if we're talking about this specific situation, Dylan and MR... and the questions I believe the previous poster was referring to and what I believe you're referring to, I don't think MR has addressed these pertinent issues (what they did that evening, what they watched on tv, did they talk about school - friends - sports, plans for the week, what time did Dylan fall asleep, etc).

They have not been buried in leads or storylines, whether the reporters have not asked the questions or MR has chosen to avoid answering them or redirect his answers to something he would rather put out there... there are huge gaps in what we the public do not know, that only MR knows, that in theory would not be during any crime (8pm-7:30am), that MR hasn't addressed. So he either has no memory of this time, nothing happened AT all (he and Dylan got home and immediately went to sleep), or MR doesn't want to address this time for a reason.

Especially since MR has made it clear that "his problem" is ER and that "she seems to have all the answers" and "is the one everyone wants to hear from"... I'm always waiting for him to have a nice, long sit down with a local or national reporter and give a complete, detailed account of what happened during his 12+ hours with Dylan so everyone can understand what went on, he can clear himself, and get the focus onto the person who "really" took his son. I know he "says" he wants the focus to be on Dylan and not on him, but I'm not seeing that. JMO.

Pretty sure everyone wants to hear what he has to say..... waiting....
After his plane landed, Dylan texted his friend about how his head was numb and vibrating after the plane ride. Now, that could mean nothing, or it could mean that he was coming down with a cold or sinus infection, plane ride caused discomfort from fluid in his ear, and the next morning he just didn't feel good enough to hop out of bed. That would also explain why he might have fallen asleep somewhat early the night before, as well.

So why not use the phone to cancel with RN ? .. He was awake and a text message takes all of 30 secs to say " hey , im not well so im not coming over"
BBM - IMO, the big concern about proving MR was with Dylan on Sunday night is taken from his own words.
If you start a story about picking your son up, going to McDonald's then Walmart, then say nothing about the entire rest of the night, then resume your story starting with trying to wake your son at 730 am, running errands, coming home..................

That is where the concern for proof comes in, there has been not mention of what they were doing from the time they got home to the next morning, (with the exception of MR saying they tossed a football around a few times Sunday night - which sounds absurd considering how dark it would be and the time of night)

If I asked you what you and your son were doing last night, you might say watching tv. Ok, what show were you watching? What was it about? When did you go to bed? When did your son go to bed?

MR has details about EVERYTHING with times to back it up - EXCEPT for Sunday evening after Walmart to Monday morning. That's where the red flags go up.

Our problem is that we only know what has trickled out from the media. And when anyone is interviewed by reporters, they are steered by the questions they are asked - then of course how it is edited, or paraphrased in print. I imagine that MR was asked what they did after leaving the airport, which is what we have been told in brief detail in MSM. I'm positive LE would have asked questions similar to yours (BBM above) - but that info hasn't been released. I'd think LE and reporters would both state that MR refused to answer such questions if that was what happened. MOO only, but I can't see the value (from our perspective at least) in knowing the details of that sort of hanging out, trips to the bathroom etc. LE would expect that info, but they have chosen not to share those tidbits. If MR had been asked about this on camera, I doubt most people here would believe his account anyway.
The football and track pants (was there one other item too? I can't remember) I have only seen mentioned once by a KOAT reporter on the tail end of a news clip - iirc we were all a bit surprised here as it was new info. As someone who lives in a Nerf riddled house :) I feel I am qualified to say that Nerf footballs are made of light sponge material (similar to the kind of man made sponge you might use in the shower) and they are meant for indoor use. The fact they are so soft and light presumably means they will not break anything - which is not true grrrr. I think the reporter said the football was taken as a potential scent item? Because they are so porous and spongy I can't see that it would be any use for fingerprints, but may be ok for DNA or traces from sweaty hands.
I for one would find an account of the evening far more believable if it included bedtime, how that went, why Dylan ended up on couch, did they watch TV or play cards, did Dylan literally fall asleep on his feet and Dad had to put him on the sofa, did Dylan put his phone on to charge, did he change his clothes, what time Dad fell asleep, etc...anything that happened besides "we threw a football around."

I know the media is often at fault, but they can also be a scapegoat as some people will assume they left out answers or did not ask the right questions. Could be true. So could the half dozen or so coincidences that must have happened to keep Dylan from reaching out to R again after 8pm. The stars were aligned against MR and DR I guess, to have so many things go wrong adding up to Dylan vanishing into thin air.

All of what MR has said may be true. If so, then LE is letting Dylan down terribly by maintaining such a wall of silence. A little boy has vanished-the more people hear about it and the more people see his photo, the better chance someone will recall something. Why aren't they pushing his photo and story down the throats of the media and public daily in an effort to find him??
You do know the odds are astronomical against any of that happening?
Really not trying to be snarky, but astronomical.

I'm on holidays and it's so darn hot (40C here yesterday) I can't sleep or bear to leave the house - hence am posting a lot sorry! :)

Isn't that the kind of scenario which would lead to stranger abductions? A bit of chit chat, see what a nice guy I am, why don't I give you a ride? I'm not far geographically from where 13yo Daniel Morcombe was abducted in a similar fashion around 10 years ago - waiting at a bus stop on a busy road. His remains and alleged killer were finally found about a year ago, but his case remained in the the media due to his parents amazing courage and drive. Most kids I know are pretty well drilled about what happened in his case - my boys would tell you that "Remember Daniel ... " is something I say often when discussing their plans with friends.As a child some creep tried to lure me to their car. I was sitting on the back step of my parents shop FGS, and he was park a few metres away - he suggested I must have been hot sitting there and why didn't I come to sit in the shade of his car. Anyway, long story cut short - the odds don't seem astronomical to me.
So why not use the phone to cancel with RN ? .. He was awake and a text message takes all of 30 secs to say " hey , im not well so im not coming over"

Exactly. Dylan was eager to meet his friend. Friend was eager to meet him, and a little bit after 6:30 am was already asking where Dylan was.
Our problem is that we only know what has trickled out from the media. And when anyone is interviewed by reporters, they are steered by the questions they are asked - then of course how it is edited, or paraphrased in print. I imagine that MR was asked what they did after leaving the airport, which is what we have been told in brief detail in MSM. I'm positive LE would have asked questions similar to yours (BBM above) - but that info hasn't been released. I'd think LE and reporters would both state that MR refused to answer such questions if that was what happened. MOO only, but I can't see the value (from our perspective at least) in knowing the details of that sort of hanging out, trips to the bathroom etc. LE would expect that info, but they have chosen not to share those tidbits. If MR had been asked about this on camera, I doubt most people here would believe his account anyway.
The football and track pants (was there one other item too? I can't remember) I have only seen mentioned once by a KOAT reporter on the tail end of a news clip - iirc we were all a bit surprised here as it was new info. As someone who lives in a Nerf riddled house :) I feel I am qualified to say that Nerf footballs are made of light sponge material (similar to the kind of man made sponge you might use in the shower) and they are meant for indoor use. The fact they are so soft and light presumably means they will not break anything - which is not true grrrr. I think the reporter said the football was taken as a potential scent item? Because they are so porous and spongy I can't see that it would be any use for fingerprints, but may be ok for DNA or traces from sweaty hands.

Yup, we have NO IDEA what he told LE. The news media slices and dices the information they got for sensationalism.

Just because we haven't heard things doesn't mean they didn't happen or they haven't been explained.
I live in south Louisiana where much of our revenues come from the oil fields and offshore platform rigs/drill ships. Maybe it's different in other locales, but in general, the workers are known to work hard and party harder. My son is a drilling engineer and he's amazed at the number of workers who have criminal records and DWIs. Even some of the cooks are from a company that hires guys on work release. Often times you hear of drivers (long haul) that have a number of IDs. IMO you could have an employee working in the oil field with alcohol abuse issues during the off hours.
I'm on holidays and it's so darn hot (40C here yesterday) I can't sleep or bear to leave the house - hence am posting a lot sorry! :)

Isn't that the kind of scenario which would lead to stranger abductions? A bit of chit chat, see what a nice guy I am, why don't I give you a ride? I'm not far geographically from where 13yo Daniel Morcombe was abducted in a similar fashion around 10 years ago - waiting at a bus stop on a busy road. His remains and alleged killer were finally found about a year ago, but his case remained in the the media due to his parents amazing courage and drive. Most kids I know are pretty well drilled about what happened in his case - my boys would tell you that "Remember Daniel ... " is something I say often when discussing their plans with friends.As a child some creep tried to lure me to their car. I was sitting on the back step of my parents shop FGS, and he was park a few metres away - he suggested I must have been hot sitting there and why didn't I come to sit in the shade of his car. Anyway, long story cut short - the odds don't seem astronomical to me.

The U.S. Department of Justice reports:

Nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day.

115 children were the victims of &#8220;stereotypical&#8221; kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know or a slight acquaintance who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.

Sounds like astronomical odds to me. :what:

ETA: On the other hand, 98.5% of child abductions are perpetrated by family members or someone known to the child
The whole shorts and no coat is a non issue for me.

In my experience, 13 year olds are really strange... with my own child at age 13 and his friends.... None of them would wear a coat and often wore shorts in the dead of winter. It was the "cool" thing to do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The U.S. Department of Justice reports:

Nearly 800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,185 children reported missing each day.

115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know or a slight acquaintance who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.

Sounds like astronomical odds to me. :what:

ETA: On the other hand, 98.5% of child abductions are perpetrated by family members or someone known to the child

And I do believe that Dylan could have been "abducted" by a family member or two, but not necessarily MR. So your stats would still hold up for my theory.
The whole shorts and no coat is a non issue for me.

In my experience, 13 year olds are really strange... with my own child at age 13 and his friends.... None of them would wear a coat and often wore shorts in the dead of winter. It was the "cool" thing to do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yup, I know kids who wear shorts and flip flops year round. Grown men, too.
You do know the odds are astronomical against any of that happening?
Really not trying to be snarky, but astronomical.

eeehhh... I'm not so sure I'd personally classify it as "astronomically high":

Kidnapping Statistics

The rate of reported missing children in the United States is 11.4 per 1,000 (Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002; National Crime Information Center)

Of the 800,000 children reported missing annually, approximately 69,000 are abducted:
Non-family abductions account for 12,000 of these reported cases (18 percent)
Of non-family abductions, 37 percent are by a stranger
(Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002)

Of child victims of "stereotypical kidnappings, "40 percent are killed, 4 percent are never found, 71 percent are by a stranger and 29 percent are by a slight acquaintance. (Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002)

Of non-family abductions, 32 percent take place on a street or in a car and 25 percent take place in a park or wooded area. The percentage of abducted children taken to another location totals 75 percent. These locations include: vehicle (45 percent), perpetrator's home (28 percent), building (13 percent) (Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002)

In 46 percent of non-family abductions, the child was sexually assaulted. In 31 percent of the cases the child was physically assaulted. In 40 percent of the cases, the perpetrator used a weapon (Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002)

In 80% of abductions by strangers, the first contact occurs within a quarter mile of the child's home. In many cases, the abduction does, too. - 1990 U.S. Justice Dept.(Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002)

In 1988 there were as many as 114,600 attempted abductions of children by non-family members, 4,600 abductions by non-family members reported to police, and 300 abductions by non-family members where the children were gone for long periods of time or were murdered. There were as many as 354,000 children abducted by family members, 450,700 children who ran away, 127,100 children who were thrown away, and 438,200 children who were lost, injured or otherwise missing. - 1990 U.S. Justice Dept.

Each year 3,600 to 4,200 children are abducted by someone outside the family; 1/2 of them are age 12 or older; 2/3 are female; at least 19% of these abductors are not strangers to their victims. -Finklehor, p. 10. *The chance of a minor being kidnapped by a stranger is 1 in 560, by a family member 1 in 180. - Discover Magazine as reported by Gannett News Service 5/28/96.
During my haitus, it seems the only new item, and it's only a rumor, not verified by MSM, is that MR's trucks were returned weeks ago. Because news reports are few and far in between, and LE isn't talking, we can't really run with this and what it could possibly mean. Not unless it's in a general way.

What other cases do we know of where vehicles were searched and released and what was the outcome of the case??? Anyone?

Does it usually mean nothing was found or does it mean something was found and they returned the vehicles or what???
Any thoughts on why he would be walking to use the neighbors phone when dad had a working landline?

The perp comes to the door for any number of reasons, interrupting Dylan's tv/breakfast and.... comes up with a "hey, come with me" scheme, getting Dylan to pack his stuff in the backpack and head on out willingly? And still explaining no communication whatsoever from 8pm on all throughout that morning?

Yup... I've already offered those scenarios (feel free to stalk my profile for semi-recent posts). ;) Although I think my most recent with him being outside is the more likely scenario.
BBM: So this "someone" took the time to take him back to MR's house to collect his backpack, fishing pole and not working cell phone? :waitasec:

ETA: Nevermind. I see what you're saying. You think he took his things with him and he "just happened" to run into that random kidnapper.

And I do believe that Dylan could have been "abducted" by a family member or two, but not necessarily MR. So your stats would still hold up for my theory.

What other family member would have any reason to do such a thing?
Exactly. Dylan was eager to meet his friend. Friend was eager to meet him, and a little bit after 6:30 am was already asking where Dylan was.

But he didn't text him again until 10AM telling him to go to someone elses house. Why weren't there other texts asking where he was???
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