CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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I kind of think that until we have spent every day with MR before and after the 18th November, we have no way of knowing what he has or has not done to find his child. Just because he is not out there screaming from the rooftops and fronting every single camera he can get his hands on, doesn't mean he isn't concerned for his child and it also doesn't mean he isn't doing anything to try and find his son. There is no confirmation from anyone other than ER that MR is not doing anything.

MR has been accused of being guilty from the minute ER got the phone call about DR...except that time she changed her mind in January for a little while - please bear with me for links -

do you think that people who live in his community would know what he has or has not been doing to help find Dylan? how many have come out in support of him?

please provide a link to proof that he was accused of being guilty from the minute ER got the text message from him. not proof of him saying he was accused of being guilty from the very minute ER received that text message.

If ERs instinct was that he had something to do with Dylans disappearance then IMO there must be a reason for that fear. I think after 18 years of marriage to him she would have a very good idea of what he is like.
Here is the link from the 26th November.

And if you reference the MB interview of ER she says the first thing she thought was "Mark"

Hope that clears it up for you.

As far as the community goes, I think they could possibly be the biggest threat MR has....He is clearly not welcome by ER and family - and possibly rightly so, I don't know them personally so I can't cast aspersions on there situation - But I do believe there are 3 sides to every family breakdown...His, Hers and the truth.
If ERs instinct was that he had something to do with Dylans disappearance then IMO there must be a reason for that fear. I think after 18 years of marriage to him she would have a very good idea of what he is like.

I totally agree that there would be a reason she would jump straight to that conclusion...but what I can't understand is why in January she did not have that opinion....I am not implying, insinuating or leading in anyway to ER being involved or guilty of anything, just trying to get this straight in my mind.

I am about 70/30% on this in favour of MR being involved, but, something just keeps irritating me about the fact that no-one else seems to have been looked at. And I keep coming back to the What If scenario....And there are alot of them that could be considered.
JMO but one of the first comments MR made in an interview was "My problem is my ex-wife.." not "my child is missing". Who says that? Who thinks that way? MR's behavior is way hinky and I'd think LE thinks so too. JMO and I'm entitled to it.
Here is the link from the 26th November.

And if you reference the MB interview of ER she says the first thing she thought was "Mark"

Hope that clears it up for you.

As far as the community goes, I think they could possibly be the biggest threat MR has....He is clearly not welcome by ER and family - and possibly rightly so, I don't know them personally so I can't cast aspersions on there situation - But I do believe there are 3 sides to every family breakdown...His, Hers and the truth.

thats a week after Dylan disappeared, not exactly the minute ER received the text message.

I'm not sure why her gut reaction is an issue, should she have not said anything and let Dylan be considered a runaway even though she had concerns?

IMO if MR should have spoken to her straight away intead of texting, not answering calls and avoiding her.

I totally agree that there would be a reason she would jump straight to that conclusion...but what I can't understand is why in January she did not have that opinion....I am not implying, insinuating or leading in anyway to ER being involved or guilty of anything, just trying to get this straight in my mind.

I am about 70/30% on this in favour of MR being involved, but, something just keeps irritating me about the fact that no-one else seems to have been looked at. And I keep coming back to the What If scenario....And there are alot of them that could be considered.

I don't think her opinion changed in January, I think that was an attempt to get him to talk.

what do you mean no one else has been looked at? RSOs' were looked at, stranger abduction was considered, wild animal attack was another consideration, there were also some people who thoguht ER or CR were involved.

the story changes and MRs dancing around an inability to answer clearly what should be easy questions for him to answer and Dylans complete lack of contact after that 9.37pm text (which I suspect may not have been from him)
are what make me think MR is involved, I'm at 95%. wavering to 99%
To be fair about him being nervous, he was on a national TV show talking about his missing child and presumably knew that viewers would be judging him. Even if he's 100% innocent, it would be a nervewracking situation IMO. Not to mention the studio audience - that alone would be enough to make many people incredibly nervous.

The poly, I still think his biggest mistake was saying he'd take it and then backing out. If he'd said no up front I wouldn't have thought it was a big deal, especially if he had a good reason such as being advised not to take it, or said he didn't trust the validity of polygraphs, something like that. I imagine Dr. Phil would've jumped all over those reasons, but it would've been a lot better than what MR ended up doing IMO. Freaking out that he had to go "right now," not feeling ok to take it when he got there, going back to the hotel and getting drunk, being mysteriously hung over and then explaining how little he had to drink (which IMO wouldn't make him all that sick the next day, even with the stress and lack of sleep). Individually each of these things can be explained given the situation, but when you combine them all it makes him look really, really bad IMO.

As to backpeddles, yes, I agree completely! I've lost track of how many times we've seen that. Thank goodness for archives so that we can go back and see the original story, and evolution over time.

This is not a nervous man! jmo
He has done many interviews,
He is a controlling man and Dr P took the controll from him.
Another thing I believe MR knew perfectly well Dr P would request a poly just by what he reads here and on all the FB pages he frequents.
If he has any friends at all they would have told him Mark they will ask you to take a poly. So I dont think he went there blind!

As for the poly!
IMO he cant take one cause he will fail again.
I do believe he failed the first one.

I kind of think that until we have spent every day with MR before and after the 18th November, we have no way of knowing what he has or has not done to find his child. Just because he is not out there screaming from the rooftops and fronting every single camera he can get his hands on, doesn't mean he isn't concerned for his child and it also doesn't mean he isn't doing anything to try and find his son. There is no confirmation from anyone other than ER that MR is not doing anything.

MR has been accused of being guilty from the minute ER got the phone call about DR...except that time she changed her mind in January for a little while....


Like the time she posted that she had no reason to think that Dylan was in any danger with his father. And that MR loves and cares for DR.
First day - MR was asked to take the poly after 2 hours of taping. He said he wasn't able to take it due to his anxiety (or something like that). Dr. Phil offered to let him get a good night's sleep and take the test the next morning after he was refreshed.

Second day - Ride in limo to office where Tremarco (sp?) went through the base line questions and MR appeared to be hung over. He admitted drinking a half bottle of Jim Beam the night prior and only getting 3 hours sleep.
Second show was taped while MR remained in the back room. He apparently changed clothes and cleaned up. Dr. Phil and Tremarco joined him after the taping and talked to him about why he didn't want to take the test and offered it a third time. He declined once again due to not feeling well.

The ride in the limo across town was after the taping on the first day, because he still had on the white dress shirt, not tucked in, and no tie. The second day he walked in with a knit short sleeve shirt on looking hungover, and then cleaned up afterwards. I'm not sure whose office they were in by then.

I'm not going to get into the argument of whether he was pressured to take it, because we all see what we want to see. I did see Dr. Phil coming down on him pretty hard, he scooted forward and leaned towards Mark, pointing his finger at him and spoke with a harsh tone in his voice. One might call that putting pressure on him.

That said, Mark did act like a fool by refusing to take it, IMO. He should never have agreed to do it the first day if he had no intention of taking it. And it made him look worse by drinking that night and then refusing again.

By the way... I keep seeing references that Jack T. started the poly, but stopped it. Where is this coming from? All I saw was him getting the machine set up, then the door shut on the camera, but I don't see Mark even hooked up to the machine. I'm just curious, because if he went that far, then stopped and refused to finish, that's worse.
OK, I have a question: If MR is such a liar, why would he tell DP that he drank Jim Beam the night before the poly? Couldn't he have made up food poisoning, severe headache, the flu for not taking the poly? It just doesn't make sense to me why MR would say something so off the charts, which was the truth... Or so he claimed. MOO, MOO.

My guess is, he knew they wouldn't believe him. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell when someone has been drinking the night before, you can even smell it on them, if they've had a lot to drink. And it would not surprise me if Dr. Phil and/or Jack T. had a breathalyzer laying around. I think alcohol does have an effect on the tests, and they usually ask if the person has been drinking or taken any drugs beforehand.
I truly don't think mr could have the problems you linked to (not that you agreed with them) and keep a cdl license...
That's a good point.

Plus which his dependence - or lack thereof - on alcohol is mere speculation at this point. IIRC AZgrandma regarded him as a regular drinker, which I think translated to social drinker.
I can think of a few reasons (but no excuse!):

He really does believe ER is responsible, and he doesn't think DR is in any danger. (Not likely)

He's given up hope and believes DR is already dead.

He doesn't believe he'd be given a fair test considering the way the rest of the show went.

He doesn't believe the investigation was halted while they awaited the results of his poly.

Enough for now. MOO

BBM I was thinking of this one myself. Such a pity party for him and worst case scenario ......... why bother ?
JMO but one of the first comments MR made in an interview was "My problem is my ex-wife.." not "my child is missing". Who says that? Who thinks that way? MR's behavior is way hinky and I'd think LE thinks so too. JMO and I'm entitled to it.

Wasn't he answering a question from the reporter when he said that? I recall listening to that interview, and couldn't hear what the reporter asked, but his answer might have made a little more sense if we knew that. Maybe not.

I try to remember that people are human, and sometimes they say and do things that make no sense to anyone else, but at the time they say them, that's how they feel. Maybe to him at that moment, his son being missing was not merely a 'problem', it was a scary and bad situation. But trying to communicate with an ex-wife who does nothing but accuse and blame him was a problem. I could be wrong, I'm just saying I try not to judge people for what they say, because maybe it is the truth as THEY see it.
That's a good point.

Plus which his dependence - or lack thereof - on alcohol is mere speculation at this point. IIRC AZgrandma regarded him as a regular drinker, which I think translated to social drinker.

There is no test for alcohol consumption only drug use.
So unless hes caught drinking or alcohol on breath he wont be found out!

He was a social drinker what 15 yrs ago?

I kind of think that until we have spent every day with MR before and after the 18th November, we have no way of knowing what he has or has not done to find his child. Just because he is not out there screaming from the rooftops and fronting every single camera he can get his hands on, doesn't mean he isn't concerned for his child and it also doesn't mean he isn't doing anything to try and find his son. There is no confirmation from anyone other than ER that MR is not doing anything.

MR has been accused of being guilty from the minute ER got the phone call about DR...except that time she changed her mind in January for a little while....

Can you post anything about MR doing anything for his son to find him?
With all due respect.....I would hardly call it the same kind of pressure. She would be under the single strand of pressure of having a missing son. MR is under pressure from every angle.

Everyone is on about how he hasn't been out looking for his son. I am willing to bet the farm that the man is scared of going out. Considering the to and fro that has happened here even, not to mention the fb stuff, does anybody really think that he hasn't been the victim of threats etc that would make it hard for him to go out.

I really wish the subject of the poly would be dropped....It seems the whole issue of MR not taking, failing etc the poly is what most people have based the "guilty" verdict on.....Please think of Breann Rodriguez' parents, if using this as an anchor for a decision.

When You have a missing child everyone is looked at especially parents and those closest . The last person with the child is looked at more closely, understandably so! MR should be underpressure from EVERY angle Dylan was with him and now he is gone! MR was not able to rule himself out, that is not up to Elaine to do that is up to Mark to do.

Has this man done anything at all to find his son?
I have seen nor read anything that he has.
Not even on his own support pages!

If he took the poly ppl would stop talking!
that is if he could pass it!

JMO but sorry, I just don't see MR hiding in his house, shaking in his boots and afraid to come out and look for his son. I see him as angry and hostile toward his children end ex's and anyone else that dares crossing him or question him. Being afraid, no. MOO
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