CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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If he has been harmed in anyway!!! I completely agree. Though I really hope no one has harmed him.

He was harmed. He is not at his father's home nor at his mother's home. Both parents say they don't know where he is. I hope for his return and safety, but so much harm has already been done. Like someone pointed out earlier today, its criminal to remove a child from where he/she is supposed to be.
He's been gone almost 4 months. Kept from his family and his friends. That's harmed. :moo:

That's the best case scenario. We all know what the stats are.

LPSCO said this is criminal: abduction or foul play. Harm has been done. The question is how much and what type.

Dylan is not frolicking under a rainbow with a blessing of unicorns.


I do agree he has been harmed in some way, I really just meant in the worst possible scenarios, death or sexual abuse. Death can't be repaired and sometimes neither can SA. In my mind right now, I want to assume the worst thing he has suffered at this point is being taken and someone is feeding him bon bons. It may not be likely, but I would rather picture that than the other choices we have have to choose from at the moment.
At the very least, IMO, he is being held prisoner, as he surely is not willingly staying away from his friends, family members, dog, school events, hobbies, girls, etc. He is too old to be told things like "your mom doesn't want you" etc. or any of the tricks that might work on a six-year old. IMO, if he alive, he is probably literally tied up or locked in a room. I would say that is "harm".
I do not think ER chose to believe that MR was responsible. I think she has reasons to feel that way. I believe 100% that her greatest desire is to find Dylan and that she is not some pig-headed woman who would rather blame MR than find the truth that leads to Dylan.

If any one of you honestly, deep down, felt that your ex hurt your child, would you "set aside" that belief for one second, if nothing he said made sense to you or led in another direction? I think it is easy to say that she should do this or that, but if she truly believes he is responsible, how can she "change" how she feels?

It does not appear, IMO, that LE is saying anything to her to encourage her to remove her focus from MR. She may be getting vibes we don't know about that her gut feelings match theirs.

I can't even imagine what she is going through, and I hope I never have to.

I'm not an emotional person. I mean I am when it comes to my kids, family, etc. However, when I'm on WS, I'm all about the facts, stats, etc. I look at things objectively as if I'm a robot. The mom in me says MR could very well be guilty of killing Dylan. The rest of me says I need more information.

My heart breaks for Elaine, but my heart also breaks for Mark. I view him as a heartbroken father just as I view Elaine as a hearbroken mother. I'm well aware of MR's faults, but I don't automatically equate those faults to cold blooded murderer.
He's been gone almost 4 months. Kept from his family and his friends. That's harmed. :moo:

That's the best case scenario. We all know what the stats are.

LPSCO said this is criminal: abduction or foul play. Harm has been done. The question is how much and what type.

Dylan is not frolicking under a rainbow with a blessing of unicorns.


I agree. Dylan has been harmed. Let's find a way to bring him home and then figure out who is responsible.
I have removed several posts discussing former members. That is against TOS - we don't discuss members, past or present, in the threads.


I do not think ER chose to believe that MR was responsible. I think she has reasons to feel that way. I believe 100% that her greatest desire is to find Dylan and that she is not some pig-headed woman who would rather blame MR than find the truth that leads to Dylan.

If any one of you honestly, deep down, felt that your ex hurt your child, would you "set aside" that belief for one second, if nothing he said made sense to you or led in another direction? I think it is easy to say that she should do this or that, but if she truly believes he is responsible, how can she "change" how she feels?

It does not appear, IMO, that LE is saying anything to her to encourage her to remove her focus from MR. She may be getting vibes we don't know about that her gut feelings match theirs.

I don't necessarily think she's pig-headed or that she would rather blame MR than find Dylan, but I do think she's allowing her emotions to rule her rather than her head, and it doesn't appear to be doing much good at this time.

I don't expect everybody to be like me; in fact, I don't expect many people at all to be like me. If one of my sons had disappeared when he was young, and I was sure his father was responsible, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to humiliate him publicly and turn everybody against him hoping to shame him into confessing. Instead of using precious media time arguing and making accusations, I'd like to think I'd handle it very differently. After asking the public in general to watch for him, my first task would be to sit down and think about any place that might be significant, and any person who might be helpful in hiding him. Once I came up with a list of places I thought he may be, or may have been temporarily, I'd use whatever media time I had to try to reach out to people in those areas to ask them to be extra diligent about searching for him.

If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that he could still be alive, the last thing I'd want to do is antagonize the person I thought had him to the point of changing that. Rather than telling him what a lousy person he was, I'd try to remind him of how much his son looked up to him (if that was at all believable.) I guess I just don't understand what any of the mudslinging is doing for anyone other than being a form of stress relief, but I can think of much healthier and more pleasant methods of doing that. If MR really is responsible, there will be plenty of time to bash him (with nobody complaining about it) AFTER Dylan is found. MOO
I also do not support Mark. I support Dylan. I support finding Dylan. I support the focus being on Dylan. Period. I don't care about all the drama, all the accusations going back and forth. To me, they are a detriment to finding Dylan.

As was stated upthread, many people have dropped off even caring about any of this because with all the accusations, many people are convince that one of the parents have him, and there is no reason to be looking for him, that this is a dysfunctional family issue. Or because of all the drama, people just don't want to get involved in it. It's a huge turn off.

I came here to try to find Dylan. I did not come here to put blame on anyone or to have tunnel vision and not look at all the options. If the most popular one is wrong, then what a disservice we have done to Dylan. We need to look at everything. This case isn't solved by just accusing one person and calling it a day. That has not brought Dylan home, has it? If it hasn't by now, it's not going to. We need to do something different. What's the definition of insanity?? Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

I'm not on Mark's side. I'm not on Elaine's side. I'm on Dylan's side.

Since it obviously hasn't been made clear over the last 45 threads....

I, as in me personally, do not support Mark. I, as in me personally support Dylan and bringing Dylan home. There doesn't have to be sides. In fact, that's the most ridiculous thing ever. If everyone was truly focused on Dylan, there wouldn't be sides. The main thing here is getting this boy home to his family.

Just because someone doesn't want to accuse Mark of killing his son doesn't mean they support abusive men. Good gravy. I don't know how to make it any more clear. It's not about supporting Mark. It's not about backing Elaine. It's about finding a 14 year old boy who is missing.

This whole thing has gotten so out of hand, I'm embarrassed to be a part of it. Family members and friends who I've gotten on board to spread the word are telling me how they are over the drama and think it's a family issue, and they're wondering why I'm so obsessed. I try to explain and then realize how incredibly ridiculous it all sounds. Find Dylan. Focus on Dylan. Bring this kid home. Quit spending so much damn time trying to find a "legit" facebook page to bash MR. Cheese and ricecakes, just stop. Find Dylan.

:goodpost: I totally agree with you. Thanks wasn't enough!

If that happened he would have floated to the top soon afterwards. JMO

In my experience, due to the water temperatures, this would of been delayed.

There is as well the possibility, that he could be caught on something, if he is in the lake.

I see that many have given links to support this.
BlueBM: I am sorry to have to ask, but I really missed this quote and I have searched the internet and cannot find an article or FMDR quote about this. Could you tell me where you found it? I remember the one where Elaine said that he might not text goodnight, but not where Dylan did not reply to her texts. TIA

His friend WAS alarmed, as indicated at 6:46 that morning when he texted Dylan asking where he was when Dylan didn't show at 6:30. That is not the actions of a friend who thinks Dylan would randomly decide not to show up without notifying him. See side bar in this article:’s-life--

It also states:"Dylan was a constant text-messager." This is what Elaine said in her interview as well.

Sure no problem.

Starting at about the 2:00 minute mark in the MB uncut interview with ER she talks about the text sent on Sunday, Monday morning, as well as the fact that she was not alarmed with respect to Dylan not replying.

[ame=""]KUSA - Dylan Redwine - mom's uncut interview - YouTube[/ame]
Exactly. A FAMILY friend. Not just ER's friend, but the entire family. That includes mark. And she defended him in the beginning. Until he began to disappoint her with his strange behavior.

I am not trying to be rude or snarky and I hope it comes out that way.

ER and MR have not spoken to each other on the phone in 3 years. I don't believe that either of them considered each other as part of a "family".

I believe that DH meant ER when she described herself as a "Friend of the Family".

There is no way, anyone can convince me otherwise, simply due to her own words and actions. I don't understand the need for multiple alias's, multiple FB pages.

No one had to accuse DH| of anything. I am sure she was on LE radar quickly relating to the things she posted alone.

This is a template of how not to manage a missing person facebook page.

He spoke to them on the Dr Phil show. This is where this conversation you are referring to took place. Per our verified insider, AZ Grandma, about half of the footage shot did not get shown on TV.

Whether one is verified or not, I have always been one to form my own opinions based on the information and this case is no different. I don't simply take the opinion of one person as an absolute.

I have not read her posts and this is not trying to be disrespectful. There simply has been enough he said/she said and like I have stated many times, the focus has not been on Dylan for some time.

If the edited portions become available to watch, I will form an opinion at that time. I am hoping you can respect my point of view on this :)
But mr HAS a landline. Do you believe he wouldn't know any of his friends' numbers, or that his mom wouldn't have them?

Has LE stated or provided the printouts of the landline calls to verify whether or not it had been used? I may of missed this.
I wonder what question he was expecting to be asked? I agree that MR seems to be trying to control his situations.

Eta: addressing post with the JT/MR conversation.

I am curious to how many questions were asked in those 20 minutes.

I would think there would of been a fair number, prior to the question that DQ him.
When I watched the show I thought it was suppose to be about Dylan and maybe getting the two of them together to try to, you know, get them to work together for Dylan. Guess I was a bit naive. After watching both episodes I couldn't help but feel, was this show to further awareness for Dylan or was it a show to just badger(the best word I can think of at the moment) Mark into a confession? Many times it was asked, "where is Dylan?" His answer was always the same, "I don't know." IMO either he is telling the truth and he really doesn't know, or he does and he isn't going to say and no amount of beating that question to death will get the answer being looked for.

I do wish he would have just said up front, I am uncomfortable being forced into this polygraph, or even, the only people I need to prove my innocence to is LE, something rather than go through it. Maybe he did think that he could take it. I don't know. However, I really can't fault him the reactions he had on the show really. Being pushed like that, especially if innocent, for not only the show but for almost the past 4 months I can imagine that it would push anyone into edginess. Very much so, if you really don't know the answer.

Again this is all MOO.

But here is the thing that gets me every time. If he really does not know the answer, and is totally innocent, THEN WHY NOT TAKE THE POLY?
I really can't say that I know what Elaine has done in reference to Mark, only what I have seen thus far and I do wonder. If she is so firm in her belief that Mark harmed Dylan or did something with Dylan, has she tried the sweet route? Meaning, you know, put aside the pointing and blaming finger and tried to say you know what, "you are right maybe someone did take Dylan" and just try to get close enough to him that maybe he would slip up and say something helpful in finding him. The direct way is not the only way to get to the truth IMO.

This was just a thought in thinking of people's reactions and how they usually react better when they aren't put under the heat lamp.

But in reality, if you truly believed that your ex had possibly killed your son and
disposed of his body, COULD YOU even pretend to be nice to him? I couldn't.
I don't necessarily think she's pig-headed or that she would rather blame MR than find Dylan, but I do think she's allowing her emotions to rule her rather than her head, and it doesn't appear to be doing much good at this time.

I don't expect everybody to be like me; in fact, I don't expect many people at all to be like me. If one of my sons had disappeared when he was young, and I was sure his father was responsible, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to humiliate him publicly and turn everybody against him hoping to shame him into confessing. Instead of using precious media time arguing and making accusations, I'd like to think I'd handle it very differently. After asking the public in general to watch for him, my first task would be to sit down and think about any place that might be significant, and any person who might be helpful in hiding him. Once I came up with a list of places I thought he may be, or may have been temporarily, I'd use whatever media time I had to try to reach out to people in those areas to ask them to be extra diligent about searching for him.

If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that he could still be alive, the last thing I'd want to do is antagonize the person I thought had him to the point of changing that. Rather than telling him what a lousy person he was, I'd try to remind him of how much his son looked up to him (if that was at all believable.) I guess I just don't understand what any of the mudslinging is doing for anyone other than being a form of stress relief, but I can think of much healthier and more pleasant methods of doing that. If MR really is responsible, there will be plenty of time to bash him (with nobody complaining about it) AFTER Dylan is found. MOO

But what if you thought that your ex had killed your young son and hidden his body? How would you react towards your ex then?
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