CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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But what if you thought that your ex had killed your young son and hidden his body? How would you react towards your ex then?

I would do the same thing until the body was found and/or he was convicted, and then forget that he (the ex) ever existed. I really don't have the time or the energy to waste on hating anyone; dealing with the loss of a child would be enough of a drain in itself, and I definitely wouldn't need anymore. I know it's not that easy for most people, but it's the only way I can possibly deal with everything life throws my way. MOO
<snipped for space>

I'm not on Mark's side. I'm not on Elaine's side. I'm on Dylan's side.

I'm with you there, 100%. Does there really have to be any "side" except for Dylan's? Thank you for the reminder. I appreciate how you said it in your post.

Unfortunately I don't know if this has all hurt finding Dylan. I know it sounds backwards but in my hopeful moments I hope he IS out there nearby and it's just taking way-too- <bleep> -long to find him.
I'm with you there, 100%. Does there really have to be any "side" except for Dylan's? Thank you for the reminder. I appreciate how you said it in your post.

Unfortunately I don't know if this has all hurt finding Dylan. I know it sounds backwards but in my hopeful moments I hope he IS out there nearby and it's just taking way-too- <bleep> -long to find him.

I very much want Dylan to be found, fearful as I am of the possible outcome. But I am also very much "on the side" of ER and CR because nothing I have read or heard leads me to believe they have any involvement what so ever with Dylan's disappearance. I consider them innocent victims of whatever foul play has befallen Dylan.

I would like to feel the same towards MR. If he was out there seeking interviews to raise awareness, addressing potential kidnappers, thanking LE and the hundreds of volunteers who have searched for Dylan and donated money, I would probably view him as a victim in this situation. IMO, MR should be begging LE for another polygraph. I realize people's opinion of the reliability of LDTs varies, but that really doesn't matter. What matters is that LE relies heavily on LDTs to clear potential suspects so they can move on and expand the investigation. I don't know if MR is involved or not, but he seems content to sit back and let the investigation play out. That's certainly his right, but it does nothing to further the investigation. All MOO.
I am curious to how many questions were asked in those 20 minutes.

I would think there would of been a fair number, prior to the question that DQ him.

Having taken a polygraph years ago for employment purposes, I doubt many questions had been asked at all. Unless the procedure has changed, 20 minutes is very early on.

First the examiner chatted with me a bit, I assume to put me at ease. He then explained the procedure, emphasizing that I had to sit very still while the machine was running, and that I could only answer "yes" or "no" to any question. He said that after the questions were done, I would have a chance to explain anything I was unsure about my answer to, and that based on that, he might retest me, asking a question a slightly different way.

He then hooked me up to the machine and told me he was asking some pretest questions, one of which (is your real name ______) Would be asked twice, and I was to answer truthfully one time, and lie another. He also asked at that point if I felt well enough to take the test.

Once that part was done, I was read the 10 questions that he was going to ask on the test itself, so I would know what was going to be asked, but not the order questions would be asked in. I took the test, he asked if I had any questions or comments, and I said no. I passed without any further questioning, and I got the job.

So having taken one, it sounds like Mark was still in the pretest stage, at least based on my experience. All MOO of course.
Has LE stated or provided the printouts of the landline calls to verify whether or not it had been used? I may of missed this.

You didn't miss anything. I can guarantee you though, if Dylan would have called someone, (besides the elusive, anonymous bad guy we've been chasing) we would have heard of it.

Now, if he did call the elusive bad guy, LE probably wouldn't tell us. But they would tell ER, and ER has said there was no communication from Dylan after 9:30 that night. No facebook, no twitter, no phone. No communication.
I wouldn't support an abusive man any day. Period. :moo:

Thanks for that. From MO experience a man who will abuse his wives/ex's will eventually abuse his children. MOO and my own experience. I do believe Mark's exes and son. MOO
Thanks for that. From MO experience a man who will abuse his wives/ex's will eventually abuse his children. MOO and my own experience. I do believe Mark's exes and son. MOO

I believe them also. Abusing a mother IS abusing her children. All MOO
I don't necessarily think she's pig-headed or that she would rather blame MR than find Dylan, but I do think she's allowing her emotions to rule her rather than her head, and it doesn't appear to be doing much good at this time.

I don't expect everybody to be like me; in fact, I don't expect many people at all to be like me. If one of my sons had disappeared when he was young, and I was sure his father was responsible, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to humiliate him publicly and turn everybody against him hoping to shame him into confessing. Instead of using precious media time arguing and making accusations, I'd like to think I'd handle it very differently. After asking the public in general to watch for him, my first task would be to sit down and think about any place that might be significant, and any person who might be helpful in hiding him. Once I came up with a list of places I thought he may be, or may have been temporarily, I'd use whatever media time I had to try to reach out to people in those areas to ask them to be extra diligent about searching for him.

If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that he could still be alive, the last thing I'd want to do is antagonize the person I thought had him to the point of changing that. Rather than telling him what a lousy person he was, I'd try to remind him of how much his son looked up to him (if that was at all believable.) I guess I just don't understand what any of the mudslinging is doing for anyone other than being a form of stress relief, but I can think of much healthier and more pleasant methods of doing that. If MR really is responsible, there will be plenty of time to bash him (with nobody complaining about it) AFTER Dylan is found. MOO

Have You ever thought Dyaln wont be found unless MR tells what hes not telling!

As I see it MR has brought this all on himself and we really need to stop the pitty party.
If it was to a local friend. I have long wondered why that friend has not spoken of it. If LE wanted to keep it quiet, why include it on the updated timeline? The family and at least one friend were very vocal about the 8:01 text and I think the 9:37 announcement from LE caught them off guard. Any theories about who might have received that text and why we have not heard from them in media or social media about it?

Maybe dylan sent Mark a Message?
and maybe it wasnt a nice one?
I can't find the post now for some reason, maybe it was further back than I thought, but someone said Elaine has every right to be mad at Mark. I do agree that it's only natural to be angry, but anger is an emotion that should be pushed aside at some point, especially when you need to have a clear head in your decision making processes. At this time Dylan needs all members of his family to be clear headed. People often do or say stupid things in anger, it really prevents them from thinking things through. I personally find it disturbing that after all these months that she hasn't put that anger on the back burner where Mark is concerned. If he is responsible, the anger and lashing out is just dragging it out longer, IMO. If he didn't do anything, again her anger is on the level of him harming Dylan. You know, if Mark didn't do this, that this could have happened on her watch too. It could happen to anyone if the circumstances were right. You don't want it to happen, and a lot of times people don't think things like this will ever happen to them, then you see them on the TV saying, you know this stuff happens but you don't think it could ever happen to you.

In case it wasn't clear, this is MOO.

'IF' is such a small word that has a big position, but there is no 'if' applicable in this case, Dylan disappeared on MRs watch, either sometime sunday evening or monday morning. Less than 24 hours after he arrived for visitation.

Why should ER have to put the anger on the back burner? Her son is missing and her ex has refused to communicate with her properly since day 1, he has chopped and changed stories, given excuses and he's made digs about ER at every opportunity.

There are times when anger is entirely appropriate, when keeping the pressure on someone is the best course of action, when push comes to shove ER is a parent who has one goal, finding her son Dylan. For all we know she may have received advice on how to try and draw MR out.

Remember what CR said -

Cory said that Mark Redwine usually is not reluctant to be out front.

“If he thinks he’s right, he’ll do everything he can to be out front. He doesn’t back down when he’s in the right,” Cory Redwine said. “He’s laid low and hasn’t really done a whole lot.”

The senior Redwine said there is a “history” with Cory, but he said he thinks his son’s anger toward him is reflective of his mother’s hatred toward Mark.

notice the deflect and blame game MR plays instead of answering CRs claim, once again its ERs fault according to him. there was more than one dig at ER in that article.

But here is the thing that gets me every time. If he really does not know the answer, and is totally innocent, THEN WHY NOT TAKE THE POLY?

Exactly, why did he feel the need to avoid taking it?

In his first interview he said he didn't want the focus to be on him, so what exactly has he done to take the focus off himself? on Dr Phil he said he wanted the focus to be on him. so which is it that he really wants?
You didn't miss anything. I can guarantee you though, if Dylan would have called someone, (besides the elusive, anonymous bad guy we've been chasing) we would have heard of it.

Now, if he did call the elusive bad guy, LE probably wouldn't tell us. But they would tell ER, and ER has said there was no communication from Dylan after 9:30 that night. No facebook, no twitter, no phone. No communication.

Maybe wel'll learn otherwise during tonight's show, but given the lack of information that has been distributed about other things (like the 9:37 text), I am not at all certain they would have told Elaine anything.
Maybe wel'll learn otherwise during tonight's show, but given the lack of information that has been distributed about other things (like the 9:37 text), I am not at all certain they would have told Elaine anything.

OH speaking of , what time is the show ? TKS :)
I very much want Dylan to be found, fearful as I am of the possible outcome. But I am also very much "on the side" of ER and CR because nothing I have read or heard leads me to believe they have any involvement what so ever with Dylan's disappearance. I consider them innocent victims of whatever foul play has befallen Dylan.

I would like to feel the same towards MR. If he was out there seeking interviews to raise awareness, addressing potential kidnappers, thanking LE and the hundreds of volunteers who have searched for Dylan and donated money, I would probably view him as a victim in this situation. IMO, MR should be begging LE for another polygraph. I realize people's opinion of the reliability of LDTs varies, but that really doesn't matter. What matters is that LE relies heavily on LDTs to clear potential suspects so they can move on and expand the investigation. I don't know if MR is involved or not, but he seems content to sit back and let the investigation play out. That's certainly his right, but it does nothing to further the investigation. All MOO.

We know he did take one test for LE. I believe the reason we haven't heard anything about MR being uncooperative about taking a second test is because LE got what they needed. They don't seem to need him to take another.

None of these interviewers ever asked MR the question, "Has LE asked you to take a second LDT." The only people demanding the LDT are people who are not conducting the investigation. IMO, that says a lot about what LE thinks MR knows.

And "all the adults in Dylan's life" have been given polygraphs and no one has been cleared, so why does anyone think this particular set of LE, as opposed to any other LE on any other case, would use a poly to "clear" MR? I just don't believe LE feels they need another poly to continue the investigation.

ETA: MR should take one just to shut the public up, and give the results only to LE.
I don't necessarily think she's pig-headed or that she would rather blame MR than find Dylan, but I do think she's allowing her emotions to rule her rather than her head, and it doesn't appear to be doing much good at this time.

I don't expect everybody to be like me; in fact, I don't expect many people at all to be like me. If one of my sons had disappeared when he was young, and I was sure his father was responsible, I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to humiliate him publicly and turn everybody against him hoping to shame him into confessing. Instead of using precious media time arguing and making accusations, I'd like to think I'd handle it very differently. After asking the public in general to watch for him, my first task would be to sit down and think about any place that might be significant, and any person who might be helpful in hiding him. Once I came up with a list of places I thought he may be, or may have been temporarily, I'd use whatever media time I had to try to reach out to people in those areas to ask them to be extra diligent about searching for him.

If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that he could still be alive, the last thing I'd want to do is antagonize the person I thought had him to the point of changing that. Rather than telling him what a lousy person he was, I'd try to remind him of how much his son looked up to him (if that was at all believable.) I guess I just don't understand what any of the mudslinging is doing for anyone other than being a form of stress relief, but I can think of much healthier and more pleasant methods of doing that. If MR really is responsible, there will be plenty of time to bash him (with nobody complaining about it) AFTER Dylan is found. MOO

Honestly, I don't know if I could be that mature, but I would hope so. Your point is well taken. So back to the business of finding Dylan, as you well say! If I understand correctly, it was stated (?) that MR has taken the boys in the past and "hidden them". Where did he hide them and for how long? How do you hide a 14 year old unless you have them locked up somewhere? Who does MR know that might be performing such a task? I hope his extended posse of cronies have been observed and questioned thoroughly? Does he have some misguided family member that would be foolish enough to be doing this? (God let us pray this is the case, what a great outcome that would be vs. the alternative!)
While this is a highly unlikely scenario given the time lapse and circumstances, I think it merits a passing thought.
We know he did take one test for LE. I believe the reason we haven't heard anything about MR being uncooperative about taking a second test is because LE got what they needed. They don't seem to need him to take another.

None of these interviewers ever asked MR the question, "Has LE asked you to take a second LDT." The only people demanding the LDT are people who are not conducting the investigation. IMO, that says a lot about what LE thinks MR knows.

And "all the adults in Dylan's life" have been given polygraphs and no one has been cleared, so why does anyone think this particular set of LE, as opposed to any other LE on any other case, would use a poly to "clear" MR? I just don't believe LE feels they need another poly to continue the investigation.

ETA: MR should take one just to shut the public up, and give the results only to LE.

Is this your speculation or has this been stated by LE?
Look, I agree this guy isn't shining in the brightest light, but I also think he is so over his head in so many ways...and who wouldn't be? I don't think he appears to have the mental capacity to be dealing with all of this...for whatever reason. I'm not so sure I think he'd have the ability to pull off a crime like this without an trace or trail at all. (Unless LE isn't sharing details which they often won't. Sharing info to the public prior to trial can compromise the trial). Be clear, I'm not defending this guy. On the surface he is acting like a total arse, and someone that I find repelling. But I also see confusion and fear and a lack of mental capacity. It would be oh so easy to just say this unlikeable arse is our Perp. I'm not so sure that is the case. I think it would be a disservice to Dylan to stop at that. We need to keep digging deeper. Simple questions like who were these local friends of his and let's look at their associated adults. Who, in that rather small (?) town can remember "visitors" passing through that day? Who remembers odd looking delivery vans, or? Stuff like that. Let's not stop with MR.
I am a mother, a woman. When I don't know where I am, I ask for directions and help. Many, if not most men, do not. Elaine has acted like a woman. She has gotten help from family and friends to support her in this very trying time. Mark has not. He has plodded along unaided. As much as I would like to say what either of them should or should not do, I firmly believe that the fog and horror of a missing child makes advice and analysis of a broad range of emotional responses difficult. For Elaine, what advice is she getting from friends? Is she really being helped? Is Dylan being helped? For Mark, good god man, ask someone who has Dylan's best interest at heart to help you.

I am sure that blaming people does not help Dylan. The feelings of Elaine's are not in question or judgment here for me. What is productive for Dylan Redwine is! I'm a bit confused that sleuthing seems to amount to opinion on the consequent behavior of parents in a crisis.
Is this your speculation or has this been stated by LE?
Look, I agree this guy isn't shining in the brightest light, but I also think he is so over his head in so many ways...and who wouldn't be? I don't think he appears to have the mental capacity to be dealing with all of this...for whatever reason. I'm not so sure I think he'd have the ability to pull off a crime like this without an trace or trail at all. (Unless LE isn't sharing details which they often won't. Sharing info to the public prior to trial can compromise the trial). Be clear, I'm not defending this guy. On the surface he is acting like a total arse, and someone that I find repelling. But I also see confusion and fear and a lack of mental capacity. It would be oh so easy to just say this unlikeable arse is our Perp. I'm not so sure that is the case. I think it would be a disservice to Dylan to stop at that. We need to keep digging deeper. Simple questions like who were these local friends of his and let's look at their associated adults. Who, in that rather small (?) town can remember "visitors" passing through that day? Who remembers odd looking delivery vans, or? Stuff like that. Let's not stop with MR.

I agree with these statements. He is so good for this crime BUT something is missing and he just doesn't seem swift enough. I keep hoping LE got some good info from the forensic testing of vehicles and items in the house and have a much better idea than US and a better idea than we think THEY do. I hope at least :(
I am a mother, a woman. When I don't know where I am, I ask for directions and help. Many, if not most men, do not. Elaine has acted like a woman. She has gotten help from family and friends to support her in this very trying time. Mark has not. He has plodded along unaided. As much as I would like to say what either of them should or should not do, I firmly believe that the fog and horror of a missing child makes advice and analysis of a broad range of emotional responses difficult. For Elaine, what advice is she getting from friends? Is she really being helped? Is Dylan being helped? For Mark, good god man, ask someone who has Dylan's best interest at heart to help you.

I am sure that blaming people does not help Dylan. The feelings of Elaine's are not in question or judgment here for me. What is productive for Dylan Redwine is! I'm a bit confused that sleuthing seems to amount to opinion on the consequent behavior of parents in a crisis.

There is a huge difference between not being able to ask for help to get somewhere and not asking for help in finding your missing son. moo
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