CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #45

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Since the talk about the later message was sent using an electronic device, and it's been mentioned that Dylan had an iPod touch.

If the Father had taken Dylan's cell phone away from him, and Dylan retrieved the iPod touch, Dylan might have sent the text message to himself in an attempt to locate his cell phone, it's a wild theory, but a plausible one if Dylan couldn't use the house phone, and he was searching for his cellphone.

All anyone knows is the last message was sent at 9:37 PM, originally it was a little past 8 PM, and Dylan never finished his texting with Ryan concerning the next morning, so Dylan could've sent messages to his cell, and if the cell phone was turned off, destroyed, or the battery removed, The cell phone would no longer be able to transmit or receive, But the iPod touch would be able to send text messages using the wireless Internet from inside the house, and it would display the IP address from the location sent !!
Has it been confirmed that Mark had Wi-Fi in his house?

I hope you don't mind but you posted this on the search thread and I wanted to bring it over here.....ITA with your post!

here's clu's post:

Seems to me that even if MR is telling the truth about everything, he seems to get some sort of sick satisfaction in knowing that Elaine believes he knows and is holding back. It is almost like he is so determined to see her suffer, he forgets himself and forgets why they are even in the spotlight at times.

As Dr. P said, if he is not guilty, there is something very wrong with him.

Thanks, I did not mean to post it on the search thread.
It is just a feeling I get from him, that having ER think he is concealing knowledge, even if he is is not, is more important, empowering and exciting to him, than even the truth of Dylan being missing. Seems like a very sick character to me. JMO of course.
But while you are waiting for the body to be found, what then?

I will not judge the way that ER is 'behaving' towards the man that she believes killed her child. I don't think any of us know how we would handle that nightmare situation.

I have known myself for a lot of years, and I know how I deal with things. I don't judge others who think or feel differently than I do, and I usually expect the same consideration - although I'm never surprised when it doesn't happen. I haven't "judged" the way ER is behaving, I only said that there are times when that isn't the most effective way to deal with things. I'm not going to continue to defend my own methods of coping, and I don't believe I should have to. Thanks for keeping your questions civil. MOO
Thanks, I did not mean to post it on the search thread.
It is just a feeling I get from him, that having ER think he is concealing knowledge, even if he is is not, is more important, empowering and exciting to him, than even the truth of Dylan being missing. Seems like a very sick character to me. JMO of course.

I had said earlier that I thought Mark did the Dr. Phil show in order too:

see Elaine
aggrevate and torment her (in person)

I think he knows where Dylan is; whether or not he had anything to do with Dylan's disappearance. But then again, he could totally be enjoying seeing Elaine suffer and not really give a darn about what happened to his son. He's working Dylan's disappearance for his own satisfaction. Something's not right with him....

It seems his goal the past 7/8 years has been to "get back at Elaine".

Absolutely. The drama does discourage people from any action, especially on, am I allowed to say it, Facebook-which should be a tool that could be used very productively to spread awareness for Dylan if used properly.

Find Dylan! Find him! Sometimes I read in other places and think, it's the Mark bashing show and I see them saying that Mark thinks it's all about him. A part of me wants to scream from the roof tops, "Don't you see, you all are the ones making it about Mark, or at least more about Mark and less about Dylan." More time is spent talking about other posters than is actually spent talking about Dylan. Who cares who is who? Does it really matter, especially if they are concerned about finding Dylan and are discussing it in a way that is productive to at least helping bring Dylan home.

I am sorry for that rant and I understand if it may be deleted, as I am not intentionally trying to veer off track here but I can't help but echo these sentiments. I do feel that the just out and out blaming often causes this. This is one of the reasons I am glad I did join WS because there is some moderation here that does allow discussion to happen and the topics do stay on track here. I completely understand discussing the possibility that Mark did something, but it would also be very nice to discuss other possibilities as it doesn't seem the Mark did it scenario has gotten anyone any closer as of yet and that it's very prudent not to get stuck just on one scenario. I personally think that it's ok if you think Mark did something, but I also ask that you at least be open to stepping outside that box and discussing other scenarios so that we won't just be limited to the one.

Just my :twocents:

Very well said, and ITA!
I just feel badly for these boys period. In my opinion and just as a casual t.v. observer, it appeared that the family was highly dysfunctional and that this tragedy just pushed them over the edge. While it certainly seems as if the dad won't get nominated for father of the year, it didn't appear the mother had done much to encourage any kind of relationship between the boys and the dad. It appears she has very much involved the boys in the fracas between her and her ex, or certainly not helped it. It was apparent the one boy sitting in the audience was attempting to be diplomatic, but the poor kid on stage had obviously taken over the "man of the household" role protecting his mother. This is just so unhealthy at so many levels, and so unfair to the boy. Not an expert, just an opinion. So while I agree this dad seems like a real horse's rump, I think the mom has played her part in this too. As I said in an early post, I'm sure they have both had time to think about their actions, and would most likely want to retract many of them.
God Bless Dylan - let's find him!

The boy sitting in the audience, I believe, was Mark's ex-wife's son - azgramdma here on our site. He is not Dylan's full brother, just Cory, the "man of the household" on stage. Mark didn't do a whole lot to be a dad to the young man and his brother in the audience, just like he had not done a lot to be a father to Elaine's boys. That is all talked about in the enumerable threads on this site. I doubt very much it was Elaine keeping the boys away from Mark - he did a pretty good job of that himself it seems.
I do not think ER chose to believe that MR was responsible. I think she has reasons to feel that way. I believe 100% that her greatest desire is to find Dylan and that she is not some pig-headed woman who would rather blame MR than find the truth that leads to Dylan.

If any one of you honestly, deep down, felt that your ex hurt your child, would you "set aside" that belief for one second, if nothing he said made sense to you or led in another direction? I think it is easy to say that she should do this or that, but if she truly believes he is responsible, how can she "change" how she feels?

It does not appear, IMO, that LE is saying anything to her to encourage her to remove her focus from MR. She may be getting vibes we don't know about that her gut feelings match theirs.

Of course she didn't choose to believe Mark was responsible, that's not something one chooses to do, it just happens. I can see wanting to blame him since Dylan was in Mark's care when he disappeared. I absolutely understand how she would feel. I can't speak for her, but if it were me, I would have tried in the beginning to lay aside the anger and hostility and meet my ex halfway, at least, and talk with each other like adults. Dylan deserves that much. But it may be too late now, too much mudslinging has been done. And if she truly believes that he harmed Dylan out of anger, then nothing is going to change that until Dylan is found... maybe not even then, unless there is some proof of who is responsible.
Having taken a polygraph years ago for employment purposes, I doubt many questions had been asked at all. Unless the procedure has changed, 20 minutes is very early on.

First the examiner chatted with me a bit, I assume to put me at ease. He then explained the procedure, emphasizing that I had to sit very still while the machine was running, and that I could only answer "yes" or "no" to any question. He said that after the questions were done, I would have a chance to explain anything I was unsure about my answer to, and that based on that, he might retest me, asking a question a slightly different way.

He then hooked me up to the machine and told me he was asking some pretest questions, one of which (is your real name ______) Would be asked twice, and I was to answer truthfully one time, and lie another. He also asked at that point if I felt well enough to take the test.

Once that part was done, I was read the 10 questions that he was going to ask on the test itself, so I would know what was going to be asked, but not the order questions would be asked in. I took the test, he asked if I had any questions or comments, and I said no. I passed without any further questioning, and I got the job.

So having taken one, it sounds like Mark was still in the pretest stage, at least based on my experience. All MOO of course.

Yes, it sounds very much like the polygraph I had to take as a requirement for a job as well. I've never had to take one regarding a criminal investigation, but that 20 minutes sounds pretty fair for all the preliminaries they have to go through before doing the actual test. And that would be at about the point that the examiner would want to make sure the person was well enough to go through with it.

Katiecoolady from will be here to discuss her observations in the Jodi Arias trial courtroom!

Then we will have the mother of Dylan Redwine with us, Elaine!

Then we will discuss the forum and wrap it up with this week's cold case!

This will be our best show ever!

The chat room is now OPEN! Click on the link in my signature line and I'll see you there!
Blog talk chat is open for the show! just scroll down the page if u have never been on the site!
I had said earlier that I thought Mark did the Dr. Phil show in order too:

see Elaine
aggrevate and torment her (in person)

I think he knows where Dylan is; whether or not he had anything to do with Dylan's disappearance. But then again, he could totally be enjoying seeing Elaine suffer and not really give a darn about what happened to his son. He's working Dylan's disappearance for his own satisfaction. Something's not right with him....

It seems his goal the past 7/8 years has been to "get back at Elaine".


MR the way he stared at Elaine was obvious he was enjoying the moment __ He had that I'm still factuated with Elaine look __ and that Devious Smirk __like I got even with you look.

I've always wondered since MR made that statement about a college savings for Dylan,

If infact it's true __was it set up years ago __or something he's done within the past year ? Or could MR have a savings account for himself, and just claiming the savings is for Dylan's college ?

Was Elaine ever aware that MR had set up a college fund for Dylan ?
And did MR ever attempt a college fund for Cory ?
The show's on now but I'm having a heckuva time getting the audio to work. Hoping there's a replay or some other way to listen to it later on.
I can't see the chat text on the show website at all. Are we allowed to talk about the show here?
OT RE the radio show, its' 3 hours long. Can we assume jodi arias may take the first 90 min, approx and ER might take the next 90 min approx? Or how does it work ? TKS !
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