CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #46

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You are making sense. I can see that happening. Especially if Dylan didn't bring Pj pants to sleep in and it was cold.

I think LE may have missed out on an opportunity to get evidence that first day by thinking Dylan was a run away. 10 days is a long time for evidence to dissapear. IMO, MOO

And I did notice the reporters are not that great with the facts or reporting in a timely fashion.

I actually think it makes sense too. I could be totally wrong, I was not really paying attention to the type of sofa MR had, but for some reason I am thinking it was leather and leather is cold to sleep on.
We need a class on scent-ology. LOL. I want to know how they determine if something will hold a better scent. Is it something older and worn longer(I imagine that would be true but I am unsure) that would give the best scent, and how would newer clothing items fare? For some reason when I think about this, I think of a guy who wears white undershirts with pit stains. I think of all the oils and odors that go into that...and I totally lost my train of thought now trying to best explain what I was thinking.
It does not say they were Dylan's specifically but kind of implies that. Now that is odd in itself. I wonder if they were MR's clothes that Dylan supposedly slept in?

Based upon what we know about :censored:, I would think DR may be a bit averse to wearing a pair of MR's sweatpants... Jus' Sayin'... y'know? :yuck:
Oh thank you! I'm getting tired and feel like I'm rambling. I know what I'm trying to say :)

I never could figure out them taking MR's sweat pants. I was also confused about some reports of some clothing being left behind but then the dogs didn't have anything to get a scent off of. If it was what MR was wearing in the Walmart video why take just his pants? It just doesn't seem logical to me. But perhaps it was what Dylan supposedly slept in and that's what the reporter saw on the couch? Now that seems much more logical to me. It could explain 2 mysteries!

yep, you're making perfect sense about the sweat pants and that they could be what Dylan slept in and were left behind on the couch..this would better make sense of LE supposedly having collected this pair of sweat pants of Marks and no other items..

but I have a tad different hypothetical regarding the seized into evidence pair of sweat pants.. going with the thought that possibly these sweat pants are what Mark Redwine is seen in the Walmart security video as having been worn the night of the 18th when he picked up Dylan.. therefor naturally LE would be interested in seizing this particular item of clothing.. but then we have the question of why only the sweatpants were taken into evidence and not the other items of clothing that Mark was seen wearing the night of the 18th(ie. shirt, jacket, etc, etc..whatever clothing that he's seen wearing in the Walmart security camera footage)..

So, this is where I enter a bit of a different reason as to why those additional items of clothing that he was seen wearing were not seized into evidence along with the sweat pants... and what if the reason is that those items of clothing are no where to be found?..therefor LE would not be able to collect them if they are not found in the search of the home..

KWIM?.. of course quite obviously i am not stating this is in fact what the situation is, but rather merely a bit of a different reason when working with the hypothetical that the sweat pants were collected as evidence due to their being what Mark was seen wearing in the Walmart security video..

hopefully i worded that atleast where its halfway
Based upon what we know about :censored:, I would think DR may be a bit averse to wearing a pair of MR's sweatpants... Jus' Sayin'... y'know? :yuck:

MRs sweatpants would be far too big for dylan to wear, they would fall down if he stood up in them.
Based upon what we know about :censored:, I would think DR may be a bit averse to wearing a pair of MR's sweatpants... Jus' Sayin'... y'know? :yuck:

Agreed. I don't think he would have worn his dad's sweats. No way.

13 yr olds sleep in their nylon basketball shorts, whenever possible. JMO
Hi all, I have zero spare time to go through the thread, is there any news? Is it possible for someone to give me a link to where I can get up to date? :please:

Just a possible answer to the question - perhaps the person who confirmed this also witnessed something else. Or, perhaps the person who did witness it feels intimidated by MR. It could just be that the LE doesn't want the information out there in order to 1) protect the witness, if he/she exists, and/or 2) to prevent MR - or anyone else - from coming up with some explanation should they be confronted with the information in an interview w/LE.

As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:

I still believe the WE in the WE picked him up at the airport!

Possibly so he wouldnt have to park someone drove and MR went into the terminal and the other person sat at the curb.
I do not accept Mark Redwine's list of what was taken from his home in the search. The only reference point acceptable to me would be the chain of custody paperwork from law enforcement. I also don't think the MR was under an obligation to state in it's entirety what was taken and he may have been advised to omit certain articles. How much freedom of information exists in Colorado? It sure would be fan-tab-u-lous to see the search warrant(s) and the associated paperwork. I'm surprised a media source hasn't attempted to get those documents.
I do not accept Mark Redwine's list of what was taken from his home in the search. The only reference point acceptable to me would be the chain of custody paperwork from law enforcement. I also don't think the MR was under an obligation to state in it's entirety what was taken and he may have been advised to omit certain articles. How much freedom of information exists in Colorado? It sure would be fan-tab-u-lous to see the search warrant(s) and the associated paperwork. I'm surprised a media source hasn't attempted to get those documents.

I don't have any links to specific regulations but this article from last weekend seems to give some insight:
MRs sweatpants would be far too big for dylan to wear, they would fall down if he stood up in them.

Not if they were the kind with the elastic ankles. When my daughter comes to visit she usually sleeps in my pajama bottoms and always requests the largest ones I have. I doesn't matter if they drag on the floor or are falling off of her when she walks. That's what she likes to wear to bed.
And I'm not suggesting that Dylan was ever actually there or wore those sweatpants, but it's possible that MR said he did.
What clothing did the reporter see on the couch with the blanket? Elaine clearly stated that nothing of DYLAN'S was left behind, not even a sock. The reporter implies that there were some articles of clothing left behind on the couch. Well according to Elaine those were not Dylan's. So????
And they took a Samsung phone correct? Does anyone know what kind of phone Dylan had? Wasn't it a Samsung or do we not know?
And I'm not suggesting that Dylan was ever actually there or wore those sweatpants, but it's possible that MR said he did.
What clothing did the reporter see on the couch with the blanket? Elaine clearly stated that nothing of DYLAN'S was left behind, not even a sock. The reporter implies that there were some articles of clothing left behind on the couch. Well according to Elaine those were not Dylan's. So????
And they took a Samsung phone correct? Does anyone know what kind of phone Dylan had? Wasn't it a Samsung or do we not know?

I think MR was sleeping on the couch at this time. I think the sweats were MR's and I do not believe Dylan wore them.
In my opinion, the use of Dylan's iPod and if MR has a wifi connection cannot be used as proof Dylan was in the home. Anyone could bring Dylan's iPod in MR's home and then use it. It doesn't prove Dylan actually used it.
And I'm not suggesting that Dylan was ever actually there or wore those sweatpants, but it's possible that MR said he did.
What clothing did the reporter see on the couch with the blanket? Elaine clearly stated that nothing of DYLAN'S was left behind, not even a sock. The reporter implies that there were some articles of clothing left behind on the couch. Well according to Elaine those were not Dylan's. So????
And they took a Samsung phone correct? Does anyone know what kind of phone Dylan had? Wasn't it a Samsung or do we not know?

I don't think that was Dylan's Samsung. I remember very clearly a quote from Bender, about the cursory search of Marks house on the day Dylan went missing. And he said 'they' [ I assume a couple of patrolmen?] did a cursory search of the home to check to see if Dylan was there ' and to look for his cell phone.'

I wish we could see any reports from that first visit. Was the couch covered with the blanket and pillow ? Were there any sweat pants on the couch? Was the cereal bowl still out?
In my opinion, the use of Dylan's iPod with MR's wifi connection cannot be used as proof Dylan was in the home. Anyone could bring Dylan's iPod in MR's home and then use it. It doesn't prove Dylan actually used it.

What Wi-Fi connection? I haven't seen it stated in MSM that Mark had Wi-Fi in his home. Maybe I missed it. Do you have a link for that?
So here's what I'm thinking at the moment, and I did finally get a chance to listen to Trish's interview with ER. I'm still very much on the fence, despite the mountain of suspicion (rightfully) cast on MR. As I've said before, this guy is his own worst enemy it seems. I don't know if he's being all inconsistent because he's trying to hide his personal choices, or whether he's trying to hide something about Dylan. Don't know. I will say that I would certainly think that LE knows the truth at this point, but just doesn't know *where* Dylan is. They aren't sharing lots of details that would compromise a conviction (of whoever). One thing that isn't adding up for me, is if MR was going to harm Dylan or pass him off to someone, why did he take him to McD's and Walmart? Why did he report him missing so quickly? That doesn't make sense to me, but feel free to educate me folks. Regardless, my prayers remain fervent for Dylan, Elaine, and his brothers. Miracles happen occasionally, and maybe this time. I'm not giving up hope.
So here's what I'm thinking at the moment, and I did finally get a chance to listen to Trish's interview with ER. I'm still very much on the fence, despite the mountain of suspicion (rightfully) cast on MR. As I've said before, this guy is his own worst enemy it seems. I don't know if he's being all inconsistent because he's trying to hide his personal choices, or whether he's trying to hide something about Dylan. Don't know. I will say that I would certainly think that LE knows the truth at this point, but just doesn't know *where* Dylan is. They aren't sharing lots of details that would compromise a conviction (of whoever). One thing that isn't adding up for me, is if MR was going to harm Dylan or pass him off to someone, why did he take him to McD's and Walmart? Why did he report him missing so quickly? That doesn't make sense to me, but feel free to educate me folks. Regardless, my prayers remain fervent for Dylan, Elaine, and his brothers. Miracles happen occasionally, and maybe this time. I'm not giving up hope.

IMO if he did harm Dylan it was not premeditated and was out of anger instead. Why did he report him missing so quickly? Well IMO he waited far to long and I find it odd that he came home and took a nap rather than looking for his child. Maybe he was afraid a body may be found in the lake or elsewhere and it would look really bad if he hadn't reported him missing? I still think that IF he did harm Dylan and put him in the lake, the plan was for it to look like an accidental drowning while fishing and he would surface rather quickly.
I don't think that was Dylan's Samsung. I remember very clearly a quote from Bender, about the cursory search of Marks house on the day Dylan went missing. And he said 'they' [ I assume a couple of patrolmen?] did a cursory search of the home to check to see if Dylan was there ' and to look for his cell phone.'

I wish we could see any reports from that first visit. Was the couch covered with the blanket and pillow ? Were there any sweat pants on the couch? Was the cereal bowl still out?

I wonder if it's possible that the cursory search turned up nothing but the extensive search did. The only way we know that Dylan's phone is missing is through MR's statement. Elaine would have no idea other than MR's word. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Samsung phone they took was indeed Dylan's? Perhaps it was MR's but I believe MR specifically said they took HIS iPod and A Samsung phone. Not HIS Samsung phone but A Samsung phone. I could be wrong on that but that's how I thought I heard it. Was that discussed on DP?
What Wi-Fi connection? I haven't seen it stated in MSM that Mark had Wi-Fi in his home. Maybe I missed it. Do you have a link for that?

Hi Ranch!

Mark having a wifi connection has been offered as an opinion in the past threads. I did not mean for it to come across as fact. In my opinion, if MR does have wifi, the connection and iPod cannot be used as proof Dylan was in his home. It is my opinion LE has something or someone proving Dylan made it to MR's home. The iPod cannot be used as proof.
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