CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5

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I know you did; you've been fair to him (and others), I had even made a joke about you heading to the tunnel with your claustrophobia - but my post was removed. I'm one of those people who has a real hard time speaking in public and also one who freaks out when a camera points at me, so I can't let myself change my mind because of something he said in a videotaped statement. That doesn't mean he's innocent, but it means I'm still not sure. Then again, it sometimes takes me 30-40 minutes to decide what to order in a restaurant... :blushing:

Oh yeah, hang on let me find that post because I must have replied to it right as they deleted so it is quoted in mine.

I think you're going to have to face your fears (claustrophobia) and accept the fact that you've joined those others in their tunnel!


That is a dirty, rotten, mean thing to say. I am NOT going in the tunnel and you can't make me! *said in my very best toddler tantrum voice while stomping my feet*

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His mother was the first one to do it, and at the vigil CR used the past tense for all but the statement saying he was just waiting for the call (I think) saying that they could go pick him up... or something like that.

And moms quote was "He was just 13, learning new things".

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Timeline of events in Dylan Redwine case

Article Last Updated: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:28pm

From above link - looks like I've been reading this wrong:

"Afternoon: Two rescue workers think they may have seen Dylan on two separate occasions but say he fled into the forest. One of the sightings turned out to be a jogger; the other sighting may have been the same jogger or Dylan."

I had thought that Dylan was _seen_ by a jogger, not that one or possibly two of the possible sightings of him _were_ of a jogger.
If CR has stayed at MR's house, could it be that he wants to look around for himself?
mom said that? "he was just learning new things"

how odd. did the darn kid ever get to even leave his moms house?? did they actually confirm that she got a text on her phone from "someone"
Iirc the police told her not dad

I heard early on MR called Dylan's mother to tell her. but it could have been different I guess since we have no validated info on anything. jmo
dad said phone, charger and backpack are missing


So since run away was ruled out:

Dylan left on his own and the phone battery died.
Dylan left on his own and met with foul play.
Dylan left on his own and had an accident and phone subsequently died.


Dad lied.
When we first learned he did not want to got to his dads...we were led to believe by mom that he did not want to go because he did not want to be with dad....however, today a member of his family finddylan (I believe) informed us the reason he did not want to go to dads was because his grandmother has cancer, a lot of his family would be visiting where he lives with mom and family pictures were being taken.....not necessarily because he just did not want to be with dad.

Until finddylan has been verified we can only speculate.
I saw that also but staying at his dad's place that night is a lot more than a hug....I don't see it as anything negative....but was not aware of that happening.

I'm still trying to figure out why dad didn't know about the vigil (said that was his reason for being late) very well may not be into "technology" or doesn't get the newspaper...

I'm still trying to figure out if Dad even has Internet access at his house. My guess is he does not. :moo:
Hmm...I wonder if something accidental happened, rather than something premeditated.

ETA: "couldn't wake him up / out like a light"
I believe this is the most likely scenario. I've given this some thought and have wondered about why if planned, it would have been so soon after Dylan arrived. Most likely IMO, An argument could have taken place in the truck on the way home. Due to Dylan wanting to go to friends, not wanting to be there and probably not being very happy with dad not taking him to friends right away as he wanted. Dad could have been angry that he had just driven that long distance to the airport to find Dylan less than happy to be there and might have felt frustrated that Dylan wanted to be with friends not him. Dad could have got angry with him being on the phone and tried to take it away from him while he was driving. Could have been to aggressive with that and maybe (I hate to type this) dad could have slammed this child against the side of the truck causing him to be "out like a light, couldn't wake him up" IYKWIM?

"I was married to Mark for a lot of years, and I know the way he reacts to things," Elaine Redwine told ABC News. "If Dylan maybe did or said something that wasn't what Mark wanted to hear, I'm just afraid of how Mark would have reacted."

I have to wonder with dad's seemingly easy temper, was he known to be a drinker? (The reason I ask is unfortunately I had a father who drank and would fly off the handle for just about anything and was known to throw my 13 yr brother at the time against a wall with little effort just because my brother was being a teen.)

This theory could explain why dad may have felt the need to dispose of everything including his own son prior to even arriving at home.
Purely speculation on my part and IMO.
Day 9: Monday, Nov. 26

Elaine Redwine tells ABC News Radio she is afraid Mark Redwine had something to do with Dylan’s disappearance. She also says her ex-husband was upset that she had received primary custody of the teenager.

So mom did not speak out about the relationship or her feelings about Dylan's dad until Day 9?

Wonder what happened or what information she received? Or is it all part of a cycle for parents of missing children to go through?
mom said that? "he was just learning new things"

how odd. did the darn kid ever get to even leave his moms house?? did they actually confirm that she got a text on her phone from "someone"

Dad would have been screaming at the airport if Dylan hadn't even arrived.
"couldn' t wake him up/out like a light"

this and the "that boy was my whole world"

It worries me.

The statement of not being able to awake Dylan has bothered me a lot!

I cannot imagine not being able to at least get some kind of a reaction at all from Dylan. Especially since he had made plans to see his friends.

Being a biology major, a Medical Technolgist ASCP, retired lol but I am still thnkning scientifically. Did Dylan really sleep at his father's house the night he arrived? When LE checked the house, did they check for evidence Dylan had actually slelpt in his bed?

Our bodies shed about a million skin cells a day, so some of those are bound to come off when you sleep. DNA can be found in skin cells. Sheets could be checked, microscopically and tested.

Might be crazy, tho I am trying to think of anything to verify Dylan was still around in the morning. Still having doubts about the father's statement, not being able to awake Dylan. jmo
I saw that also but staying at his dad's place that night is a lot more than a hug....I don't see it as anything negative....but was not aware of that happening.

I'm still trying to figure out why dad didn't know about the vigil (said that was his reason for being late) very well may not be into "technology" or doesn't get the newspaper...

That may very well be true about Dad but if I remember correctly I only found out about it that day and it was on KT's FB page. I may be wrong though. I remember thinking it was impromptue and very early. but, that's just my recollection.
Originally Posted by cindysue
Iirc the police told her not dad

It's in the timeline.
2 p.m.: A postal worker may have seen Dylan walking on County Road 501 near Vallecito with another boy. Both reportedly were wearing hooded sweatshirts and had black backpacks.

Afternoon: Mark Redwine checks with Dylan’s friends when he does not find Dylan at his home and notifies Elaine Redwine that the teen is missing.

6 p.m.: Mark Redwine calls police to report Dylan missing. Shortly after, La Plata County Search and Rescue begins searching for Dylan in areas near County Road 500, where his father lives, north of Vallecito Reservoir
It also seems to me dad calling him "that boy" shows distancing.

This is a good point. I actually read an article one time (not sure if I could find it again) about words people use when they're lying. "That" was one of the words. It indicated "that" is used subconsciously to distance the speaker from the subject. e.g., "I did not have sex with that woman."
mom said that? "he was just learning new things"

how odd. did the darn kid ever get to even leave his moms house?? did they actually confirm that she got a text on her phone from "someone"

Bringing my own quote over from another thread

Originally Posted by kkdj

Well I just saw on NG that the dad said that boy was his whole world. Was! That doesn't sound good


To be fair, Mom was the first one to use the past tense when making a statement about Dylan."He was just 13, learning so many things"

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I wonder very much about the nature and purpose of the visit to the atty's office Monday morning.

Building an alibi? He is the one who says that Dylan was asleep when he left for errands at 7:30am. If I didn't want people focusing on the night before I would build an alibi for the period of time I want LE to focus on. Monday not Sunday. In addition MR has locked himself in with the story that Dylan went right to sleep @ 8:00 PM Sunday.

LE, on the other hand, reached out to the public for any tapes/video between the hours of six pm on Sunday, the night before.
Dad talking about Dylan in the past-tense is bothersome. I realize the brother did too but something about the way the Dad said it disturbed me.
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