CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #9

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Why would she? She obviously doesn't like dad. Why would she even want to acknowledge that DR might be excited to see his dad? For that matter, why would DR let on like he was excited to see his dad, if he knows how much his mother detests him??


I think Dylan's text to mom says a lot. He could have simply texted that he had arrived. But he added the scowlie face. That leads us to wonder why did he put that? We can speculate that he didn't want to be there, he was tired or ill, that he was upset that he couldn't go to the friends, any number of things.

I need a smilie that shows complete and utter exhaustion! I'm just ready for more information than what we have at the moment. I think LE knows....but they are searching for more.
This is pretty similar to my 13 yo daughter's theory. She doesn't find the dead cell suspicious at all. She said it happens with her friends a lot. She thinks the phone went dead on the ride home from the airport. It was an older phone, probably didn't have the best battery life, and was burning through what life it had searching for a signal. She thinks Dylan got to his Dad's, plopped on the couch, MEANT to charge the phone, but was feeling lazy and didn't feel like getting up right that minute. He drifted off and didn't feel like getting off the couch when Dad woke him early the next morning. My daughter doesn't think it odd that he wouldn't get out of bed right then to see his friends, especially if they were just going to hang out. So Dylan finally does wake up, flips through the channels and finds Spongebob on Nick, and grabs some cereal. He knew he missed his ride to his friends, but had a whole morning to kill, so she thinks he decided to drop by someone's house. She doesn't think this would've had to be a "friend", exactly. It could've just been someone he knew and wouldn't mind hanging with for a few. It could have even been an adult. She thinks he probably grabbed his phone to text the friends he was supposed to meet that morning, but discovered/remembered that he forgot to charge it. (direct quote from DD-"we're scatterbrained like that sometimes.") My daughter doesn't think Dylan would have had any particular urgency to contact his friends, because he wouldn't be able to make new plans with them until his Dad got back, anyway. She figures that he just decided to take the phone and the charger with him and would charge it when he got to wherever he was going, instead of waiting for it to charge before leaving the house. She also thinks that wherever he was heading, it was far enough away that he took his stuff with him, and was probably planning on calling his Dad later and having him pick him up from there to take him to his other friend's house. :twocents:

BBM- I also think it's a possibility the phone battery died on the ride home. IMO it's possible DR met a neighbor last visit in September and that person might have picked him up or he could have walked to their house.
What is a "scowlie face?" Is it different than a frownie face? It sounds worse, but I don't know if it is.
I think Dylan's text to mom says a lot. He could have simply texted that he had arrived. But he added the scowlie face. That leads us to wonder why did he put that? We can speculate that he didn't want to be there, he was tired or ill, that he was upset that he couldn't go to the friends, any number of things.

I need a smilie that shows complete and utter exhaustion! I'm just ready for more information than what we have at the moment. I think LE knows....but they are searching for more.

ER left that out last night while on NG.
I think Dylan's text to mom says a lot. He could have simply texted that he had arrived. But he added the scowlie face. That leads us to wonder why did he put that? We can speculate that he didn't want to be there, he was tired or ill, that he was upset that he couldn't go to the friends, any number of things.

I need a smilie that shows complete and utter exhaustion! I'm just ready for more information than what we have at the moment. I think LE knows....but they are searching for more.

We don't know about the "scowlie face". ER didn't seem it important enough to mention last night on NG. I don't think I've heard LE say there was a "scowlie face" ..

We can't know what DRs frame of mind was. Maybe he hit the "(" instead of the ")" ..... who knows.

Until LE starts releasing info, all we have to go on is the unreliable words of two emotional, exhausted, grieving parents ..

If LE does not suspect the father, they are certainly doing nothing to show that. I am well aware that is not their task or obligation, but they seem to have him pinned into a corner, not even saying or being able to say that they confirmed that Dylan spent the night with his father. Or even to say we have no reason to think that he did not. I fear they really do not know, even at this point. Often we assume LE knows so much more, only to find out quite the opposite.

I have become so jaded and so tired of these cases, like that of Isabel, Ayla, Hailey Dunn and others, where the child vanishes, the parents cannot be cleared, and nothing seems ever to be accomplished.
What is a "scowlie face?" Is it different than a frownie face? It sounds worse, but I don't know if it is.

Exactly! It's what WSers call a frownie face when they want it to seem so much more menacing ... :floorlaugh:

I'm trying so hard to just stick with facts .. and there are so much fewer FACTS than there are "things that people think are facts"...

So I guess they found nothing in the trucks to lead them to believe there was anything violent that took place in them? Or is it to soon to rule that out?

Did LE finally release the vehicles? Both trucks were still with police last night.
thanks so much, TXCharm... I was giggling to my DH about Katy and her same prefix as me... And the term popped into my mind! In fact... there were party lines when DH and I started dating... And whoever that faceless voice was... Didn't particularly enjoy sharing the line with a young dating couple! :what: :D

That is interesting that you had that prefix in Torrance, CA. We had that prefix in Northern Cal, in Los Altos. This was late 50's and early 60's. We didn't have a party line there in the suburbs, but my cousins had one in the Modesto area. We used to purposely try to catch someone else talking on the phone and listen in, stupidly. lol
If LE does not suspect the father, they are certainly doing nothing to show that. I am well aware that is not their task or obligation, but they seem to have him pinned into a corner, not even saying or being able to say that they confirmed that Dylan spent the night with his father. Or even to say we have no reason to think that he did not. I fear they really do not know, even at this point. Often we assume LE knows so much more, only to find out quite the opposite.

I have become so jaded and so tired of these cases, like that of Isabel, Ayla, Hailey Dunn and others, where the child vanishes, the parents cannot be cleared, and nothing seems ever to be accomplished.

I think LE is simply conducting an investigation. I don't think they have the Dad 'pinned in the corner'. Obviously Dad is on their radar as a possible POI. He was the last person to see Dylan. I find nowadays LE is very reluctant to out and out name a POI unless they have something very conclusive. I'll bet LE does not know at this point. Without some solid proof of anything, how could they?
Here's an MSM link to the "scowling emoticon." Its from CBS News. Heck, they could have it wrong. But I have read it in countless articles.


Your link doesn't work for me, but yes I've read she said that too, BUT last night she didn't mention that when she had the discussion with NG.

When MR added or said something differently in a video/report a hue and cry went up that he was lying and worse.
Has this been confirmed to be fact now? That she for sure told a producer he failed? I thought this was speculation, along with the alternative theory that Nancy's show isn't always accurate or current on case info, so they jumped the gun with the "failed" tweet.


This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. <modsnip>.

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.

I think virtually no chance that Dylan would not be charging his phone immediately when he had an opportunity to.........which I don't think he did. I am 40 years old and i would be itching to charge mine when I got off a plane if it were losing its charge...and it sounds like Dylan uses his phone much more than I do! Very important to a child his age...
Your link doesn't work for me, but yes I've read she said that too, BUT last night she didn't mention that when she had the discussion with NG.

When MR added or said something differently in a video/report a hue and cry went up that he was lying and worse.

But I don't think mom could lie about the scowlie face publicly, because LE has seen the texts. She could not say he added a scowlie if it were not true.

But people are dissecting what dad says about Dylan because he is describing Dylans last reported sighting. And only Dad was present to report what exactly happened. Big difference, imo.
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. She is a trained government obfuscater.

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.


That's funny because I watched the whole show and I really didn't get the feeling she was out to destroy or put MR in a bad light at all. She seemed to me to not know what happened and was just trying to find her son. I guess everyone's perception is different. She seemed very reluctant to discuss the LDT results at all. I don't know if that's because she didn't want to put him in a bad light or if she was told not to discuss or what?
If MR told the Walmart/McD's story to the LE on the first day, they could have checked the fridge for the groceries. Meat, milk, etc has dates on it. A receipt would have also proved his story. (or credit/bank card records)
They might HAVE confirmed it already, (first day) which is why they focused elsewhere initially.

I read in one of the interviews yesterday from MR that the police do not know how to handle the situation. I agree.

*I apologize for not knowing which interview, it's all moving very fast*

Receipts and bank records don't prove Dylan was alive and with his father when MR stopped there. LE need a witness who saw DR with his father after they left the airport.

I think MR staged the house to make it appear like his son arrived and slept there. If Dylan's DNA and fingerprints don't turn up on the spoon, breakfast bowl, or on the cereal box, that indicates DR wasn't there. Once these forensic results get back, LE will have the answers they need.

If MR is caught on camera Sunday evening without his son and he tells LE Dylan wanted to wait in the car, that raises another red flag if none of the patrons saw DR in the truck while it was parked in the lot.
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed.<modsnip>

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.


I'd go out of my way to paint my ex in a bad light too, IF I thought he had 'disappeared' my son. Just saying...
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