CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #9

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It seems to me that ER's primary mission and objective is to find out what happened to her son. Not sure why she keeps being demonized for doing this. I think most parents would be this determined and some even more.

But I think he probably was asked to take another poly, the first was pretty early on and they had fewer details.

I PERSONALLY would find it surprising if that was not part of his "official interview" in which LE said he's been cooperative. I doubt they'd keep saying he was being cooperative if he is refusing a poly. jmo.

That obviously doesn't mean he's passed, I just feel fairly certain he's doing what they ask of him. I've not been given anything to speculate otherwise.

I dont think it would quiten the accusations one bit. Then people would be saying he is a sociopath and can pass a poly. Its a no win proposition imo.

And LE is never going to divulge the results anyway even if he took one. They never do.

If he says he passed, it's his word and he's probably lying. We'll need LE to confirm.

If he says nothing, he has something to hide.

If LE confirmed he passed, he's obviously just stone cold.

I don't really think MR has a choice but to just ride the guilty by association train for awhile. He's either guilty and deserves it or innocent and will just have to sort it all out later. It's just the hand he's holding.
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. <modsnip>

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.


Moms are gonna be protective and if she feels someone hurt her child she's not going to just let them get away with it imo. I think this is how all normal mothers would react again imo
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. <modsnip>

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.


If that was her goal she had the opportunity to do so last night. She could have threw him under the bus when asked about his history but she declined to do so.

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A couple of interesting quotes from NG last night (for what it's worth):

GRACE: Now, you didn`t hear from him since he touched down 7:06 PM. You didn`t hear from him the next morning. What did you make of that at the time?

REDWINE: You know, I didn`t really think anything of it just because, you know, when he`s been with his dad here before, which was over Labor Day weekend was the most recent since we`ve moved -- you know, he kind of did his own thing as far as with his friends. And so I would text him and be, like, you know, Are you having fun? And it wouldn`t be a prescribed time. It would just kind of be more throughout the day, just me, you know, telling him I loved him and just kind of reaching out to him.

GRACE: Has the father taken a polygraph?

REDWINE: You know, I`m not sure. I know he`s been asked to.

GRACE: Do you know if he took it?

REDWINE: I do not at this time, no.

GRACE: Is it your understanding that he`s failed a polygraph?

REDWINE: No, I don`t think he failed a polygraph. You know, I don`t know the specifics behind that. I don`t think he necessarily failed. But you know, I don`t have any information on that. So it`s real -- it`s real tough for me to answer that question.


RE: The errands

GRACE: With me is Dylan`s mother, Elaine Redwine, joining me from Durango. Elaine, it`s my understanding that the police have verified the dad went to those places.

REDWINE: I agree. There has -- they have verified where Mark had said he had went.


Interesting show .. I'm just glad I got to READ it instead of LISTEN to it...

If that was her goal she had the opportunity to do so last night. She could have threw him under the bus when asked about his history but she declined to do so.

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I think NG was trying to throw him under the bus, but I didn't get that feeling from Mom.
I think there had to be a certain level of animosity between them if Dad had a Protection Order out against his middle son Cory, when he was about 17. The only thing I can think of is Cory was probably trying to stand up for his mum during the divorce drama, and maybe he went overboard. But I think something set him off and it was retaliation. jmo
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. <modsnip>.

Yes, some hold the opinion that she did, some of us do not. It was stated as fact in the post I was responding to, thus my inquiry. ;)
Did my Internet fail or did everyone just stop talking :what:
So we are at the crossroads right now, imo. It feels like this is the point where cases either 'gain momentum' or they 'stall out.' The data, and evidence has been collected, tips taken in, and video footage retrieved. Now, if nothing jumps out at them, and can be verified, the whole thing stalls out. :mad:
Respectfully snipped:

A couple of interesting quotes from NG last night (for what it's worth):

REDWINE: You know, I didn`t really think anything of it just because, you know, when he`s been with his dad here before, which was over Labor Day weekend was the most recent since we`ve moved -- you know, he kind of did his own thing as far as with his friends. And so I would text him and be, like, you know, Are you having fun? And it wouldn`t be a prescribed time. It would just kind of be more throughout the day, just me, you know, telling him I loved him and just kind of reaching out to him.

The above quote along with these paint a pretty good picture, IMO:

REDWINE: Yes. Dylan always kept in touch with me because he knew I was the one paying the phone bill, and if he wouldn`t keep in touch with me, I would take his phone away and he didn`t want that. So he made sure that he always -- there was -- there was never a time I couldn`t account for where Dylan was because he was very good at letting me know where he was at all times.

REDWINE: Well, not necessarily going to sleep, but he would let me know where he landed for the night. So like, if he was hanging around with his friends in Bayfield, you know, he would let me know what friend he was sleeping with that night or whatever the case may be.

I'm not making any judgement about parenting or anything like that. I'm simply pointing out that Dylan seemed to be able to do what he wanted and would report in, rather than needing permission beforehand. This could explain why he didn't ask or tell anyone what his plans were if he did, in fact, leave the house on his own that morning.
This is not a mistake. I would bet a boat load of cash the mother told the producer he failed. <modsnip>.

As a trained integrator myself, in my opinion this women is on a mission to destroy her ex husband based on her statements and speech pattern I heard last night.

(NOT saying he is not the bad guy, but she goes out of her way to put him in a bad light.


My thoughts are that she probably did tell them and then got in poop from LE for releasing that info... so she had to back peddle... She could be given info from LE and told not to say anything which must be difficult to do when you want to point out or clarify things being said. :twocents:
My thoughts are that she probably did tell them and then got in poop from LE for releasing that info... so she had to back peddle... She could be given info from LE and told not to say anything which must be difficult to do when you want to point out or clarify things being said. :twocents:

why would police tell person one the result of person two's polygraph? That makes no sense.

The polygraph is used as a tool and was being used on both of the above :twocents:
why would police tell person one the result of person two's polygraph? That makes no sense.

The polygraph is used as a tool and was being used on both of the above :twocents:

I don't think we're saying that LE told her that. We're saying that we believe ER might have said that to NG .. and when LE caught wind of it, they contacted her and told her not to go there...

My thoughts are that she probably did tell them and then got in poop from LE for releasing that info... so she had to back peddle... She could be given info from LE and told not to say anything which must be difficult to do when you want to point out or clarify things being said. :twocents:

They never tell people how they or anyone else did on a test. NEVER!
They never tell people how they or anyone else did on a test. NEVER!

Not saying LE told ... saying that ER might have eluded that to NG .. regardless of whether she was told that or not.

Or ... NG made it all up .. *shrug*

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