Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #27 **ARREST**

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As I mentioned early on, as a psychology student, I am ethically trained not to offer diagnoses of people who I have not myself treated. I can notice tendencies or have suspicions based on video clips and social media communications, but those alone are not enough to meet the diagnostic criteria.

I don’t know if narcissism is the best choice to explain Letecia’s behaviors. There are several other solid possibilities that might also account for them well.

However, in reference to questions about narcissism asked here, I *will* offer some general info about narcissistic tendencies.

A diagnosed narcissist uses what some call a “narcissistic supply.” In short, it means a narcissist feels insecure and fragile and they compensate for that by gathering up people, jobs, accomplishments, maybe even “talking points” that make them feel important. They must constantly have a supply, so if any of those items (people or roles or story lines etc.) at some point no longer validate and affirm and applaud them, a diagnosed narcissist is known to cut ties with the old “supply” and find someone or something new to replace it.

This is why some narcissists are able to go a long way (some probably their entire lives) without anyone catching on to their patterns. They woo one person or employer, and then when that relationship breaks down, they quickly move on to discrediting and discarding them to wooing another.
Yes, so true, narcs move on quickly.
Probably. But whether she'd have anything to gain (I agree she wouldn't) or whether she'd be successful fighting it (I don't think she would) isn't really the test for whether she ought to have an attorney advising her.

I think she thought she was being charged with being a fugitive and that's not really the case. A fugitive warrant just allows her to be held for CO to seek extradition. I think it's always best for defendants, even the awful ones, to understand what's happening.

If I understood the judge, he seemed to imply that if she fought extradition, that "free" time she temporarily gained would never count toward time in custody that might be written off in some future sentence. Maybe I got that wrong.
I honestly don’t think she is playing dumb. Her ego is too fragile for that and she wants to be seen as highly intelligent. I truly believe she doesn’t have a whole lot going on upstairs. JMO

I feel like it’s a combination/a little of both! I know that doesn’t make sense but there it is. Hard to explain/break down so I won’t bother trying ;)
Okay, so I am sure this has been covered, but I have been very far behind and had to skim quite a bit to catch up.

I think that on Monday, Jan 27th she killed Gannon and disposed of his body and the weapon (the 2x4??) in two separate areas. I think that she likely forgot that she was wearing her Apple Watch, so the next day she came up with the idea to rent a car and pretend it was so she could be undercover while searching for Gannon. In reality, on that day, she drove back to the crime scene and relocated Gannon's body. However, she couldn't locate the 2x4, so she had to cut her losses on that.

I believe that she gave her infamous confident interview stating that everyone would apologize to her because she knew that the authorities would track the Apple Watch data and it would lead nowhere. I believe she genuinely thought her cover story for the rental car would fly because AS would back her up, therefore she wasn't overly concerned about it being searched.

I feel like the rental car had some form of DNA belonging to Gannon inside of it and that's how she was charged with tampering with a deceased human body. I believe the tampering with physical evidence charge is due to her removing evidence from the home. I also think there's a strong chance that she had someone along with her on the second ride and that person might be acting as a witness for the state in the future.

Based on her appearance this morning, I think she'll plea not guilty and the testify on her own behalf.

I agree on all points you made. Her watch and the gps on the rental will say exactly where she stopped and for how long. Matching the two will give a sense of where he was and where he ended up because of the time spent at a location. I think his body was in the rental or, at the very least, items that had been on his body.

When I read about the board, it was hard to take my head out of a long board but the board may have been fairly short. I think the neighbor's night time video will tell what she loaded into that truck before taking him away on that Monday.

Thoughts still go to this family as they continue to wade through this situation. She doesn't seem inclined to help relieve their suffering. I think Gannon will be found not through her help but the dogged determination of the LEO and searchers.
If I understood the judge, he seemed to imply that if she fought extradition, that "free" time she temporarily gained would never count toward time in custody that might be written off in some future sentence. Maybe I got that wrong.
He said she would be held for up to 20 days if she agreed to extradition (that’s the max amount S.C. law allows) but could be held up to 90 waiting for the prosecutor to come out and argue for her extradition, which would only require him to prove she is Leticia and is being sought for the crime by CO.
At first it looked to me like she was preening for the camera,trying to get her best side,you know like teenagers do when they are posing?,but then a bit further in you are right,she looked all wild eyed crazy!
I thought she looked wild eyed behind the sunglasses in the Garden of the Gods pic too.
I have a feeling she had a psychotic break.
And lastly, AS divorced his ex for that? (my husbands words, not mine).

He might have a different reaction to some of her older pics on SM etc. where she managed to look well put together and attractive, even pretty. Honestly I don’t think most of us would look great in early-morning mug shots either, especially under the circumstances (being on the run etc. with personal hygiene probably not her top priority right now etc.). MOO. :p
If one has no means to pay for an attorney then one cannot just automatically have an attorney. They would file indigent and the court would have a hearing an a court appointed attorney would be assigned to her. Her not having an attorney screams volumes that she has no support system and no money.
Her response for not having an attorney is to place blame. She cannot help herself to take responsibility. She could have had a public defender, but it seems that she prefers another. So, whose fault is that?
Letecia posted that video herself as an explanation for why Gannon was upset. She claimed she 'didn't know' the phone was recording at that time. It's so disturbing because you can't even see Gannon in the video.
I couldn't listen to it after the first time, it was just too upsetting. In fact I've managed to hold it together until the PC yesterday when Landen spoke about Gannon and getting justice for him. Then Albert's statement... no parents should ever have to go through this much pain.

And to think of that vile woman's behavior and actions throughout this whole time. She is one sick individual and I hope LE can continue their work and find Gannon and that she is punished to the full extent of the law.

So handsome... Gannon looks so much like his Mommy!
Yes, he sure does.
The statement of how everyone will need to apologize to her when Gannon is found and comes home puzzled me then but after all this it blows my mind!!!!! I just can't understand being that detached from reality!
It's hitting me hard today. She is cunning.... from the moment of Whatever Happened Sunday Night, TS was busy planning. The Sunday night car jockeying, caught on camera. I suspect that, by the time she picked up AS at the airport she was running on adrenaline and likely about 48 hours without sleep. Covering up.

Moves and countermoves.

JMO but I think we're going to learn that LE found WHERE our hero died but he was missing from that location. Hence the rental. Hence the mileage. 450 miles out, 450 miles back. Totally doable in the hours allotted.

I fear that we will find that he was left to die, tethered. She may have planned all along to return to remove the tethers. Instant runaway, succumbed to the elements. She was counting her apologies....

Her defiance in court this morning, wow. Ugly wow. Friend's fault she has no attorney and she's going to be the first to bark about her "continuously constitution rights violated" (or somesuch garble of grammar, hers not mine).

She is a head case and a case study.

Absolutely, she is not smart, but she is cunning, to me they are different, and yes, she is going to get a lot of attention, it will also keep Gannon’s name and life in the public eye, that will break our hearts, but if we use her notoriety, we will make Gannon a hero...and if every time her name is mentioned, so will Gannon’s, that will be better than dp
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