Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 #27 **ARREST**

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This. Just, this.
Ok. You got me. I am in tears. I had 3 boys just like that playing video games. He is so much more real and in my heart by seeing him interacting, talking and playing. If that was him singing "I believe I can fly..." I don't know when I will regain my composure and I am one tough cookie normally. Prayers to the heartbroken family.
At first it looked to me like she was preening for the camera,trying to get her best side,you know like teenagers do when they are posing?,but then a bit further in you are right,she looked all wild eyed crazy!
That was the same impression I had. First it looked like she was looking at herself in the camera lense or something. Then her eyes were moving from side to side, and at one point she looked bored, like she had someplace else to be. She just seems so detached and devoid of emotion. Jmo
Just want to get a word in edgewise while the thread is a bit slower.
Heartfelt appreciation in the midst of this tragedy.
- God for answering anguished prayers
- LE for working night and day ; AND for their outstanding professionalism blended with compassion. (I marveled at the same in the Faye Swetlik case)
- Gannon's parents, for the dignity they display
- Searchers, neighbors, anyone who helped crack this case.
- And all of you dear folk with "an overdeveloped sense of justice ".
Same. I don’t think I have ever seen a hearing like this, without an assigned attorney, unless defendant had filed to act as their own...
I would assume that LE has not talked to her. They can’t without an attorney. She can sit overnight in jail until the cows come home without an attorney but LE can’t touch her
Why would they risk arresting her if they didn’t?? DA May would not risk letting this monster walk. He doesn’t like monsters roaming the streets.

This just isn't necessarily accurate at all considering how innocent people are arrested all the time—and sometimes—later acquitted. We want to get the right person to have justice for Gannon and sometimes prosecutors seek charges against the wrong person. If it's going to be a no body case, I am saying I hope the evidence is strong and the jury finds enough evidence to convict or she could be acquitted. We don't know any of the facts of the avadavat that prompted her arrest and until her arraignment or when the avadavat becomes unsealed to see what evidence they have. Yes, we want it to be a strong case but sometimes that doesn't always happen with our judicial system. Yes, sometimes prosecutors don't want monsters walking around but that's not always why people are indicted especially with national cases.
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I always had the thought process that yes she abused him frequently. He also was scared and didn’t tell . So maybe she had planned all along after she hurt him to put him somewhere claim he ran away or whatever then she’d go back and get him and be the savior and she thought he’d go along with whatever she said . But he died maybe from the abuse alone or maybe from the abuse and leaving him out in the elements without medical care . Maybe he even died on the way to wherever. She just seemed so sure about those apologies .....idk ugh.
Yes he said that, but your response has nothing to do with my post. My post was correct, in what I paraphrased the judge as saying.
I was responding to your use of the word “free.”

At 1:48, the judge explains if she chooses to fight extradition, she’d have to sit and wait.

He doesn’t use the word free and is not implying she’d be free. Again at 3:18, he says she’d be sitting and waiting if she chose to fight it. He’s just saying she’d be doing nothing the whole time except for sitting in jail which he says wouldn’t count toward her time served and would just be delaying her own trial which will come either way.
The statement of how everyone will need to apologize to her when Gannon is found and comes home puzzled me then but after all this it blows my mind!!!!! I just can't understand being that detached from reality!

I think at that point she was convinced they would not be able to find him and that she would get away with it. For many who commit crimes, they have a belief that they won't get caught and go to prison. In her mind she was the loving stepmother who sacrificed to take care of these kids and the past of his mother would overshadow her behavior. At first, LE let her talk and believed he ran away. She probably had every confidence that she could keep them in the runaway zone. She did great fun things on Sunday with him. She had the video of him crying and her talking about him (question if it was setting fire to a rug or not) pinky swearing never to do that again (people who start fires are scary and need help immediately). As her narrative went on, she thought it would all sound logical. This kind of thinking is what gets most criminals caught, especially in this day and age. Video cameras are everywhere. Her Apple watch would have had an elevated heart rate at some point if she beat him. They would be able to align the time of the video (shot on her phone that tracks where she was 24/7) with that heart rate. This is only the tip of the iceberg as to how you can put the puzzle piece together.
The LE officers who transport her to Colorado will likely be trashed by her.
When she realizes they can’t be manipulated she will probably accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. That’s what she does.
I am grateful that my prayers for her arrest were answered definitively within 24 hours. That is a grace and a mercy for us all.

Gannon is no longer in his body but I pray his remains are found to give his parents some relief and peace.

As to all who deliberately perpetrate such unholy and vile acts upon the innocent and trusting — May their arrogance continue to be their undoing, may they and those who support them continue to fall on their own swords and may justice be swift.
The original poster was saying that perhaps TS followed LH and daughter to SC to do something to daughter. I just said that I didn't believe that was where LH went for those few days she left Colorado.
I did see that. I was responding to the part about going with her aunt to TX. I haven’t seen that part, or other details about what states she may have traveled in over the past few weeks, confirmed yet.
IF she took that selfie, I think it was taken prior to leaving the house and then she went back inside and left her phone after taking it.

ETA: if you take a screenshot of a photo, it will save that photo as the current time. I wouldn't put it past her to think that this is a foolproof way to alter a timestamp on a picture.

Good thought. That's possibly why she had to change her story on what he may have been wearing when he disappeared? MOO
That was the same impression I had. First it looked like she was looking at herself in the camera lense or something. Then her eyes were moving from side to side, and at one point she looked bored, like she had someplace else to be. She just seems so detached and devoid of emotion. Jmo
She's not legally insane, but she's insane nonetheless. She knows right from wrong tho as she tried and tried and tried to cover her crimes.
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