Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #30

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You do not believe when the reporter for an MSM news show obtained a video of this footage that they at that moment view the time and date when it was on his tv? Of course they did. They have a duty to do some basic due diligence, particularly if it is right in front of them. Moreover, LE said they do not dispute it when asked about the video. We have no reason at all to be suspicious of this neighbor. MOO

Im not suspicious of him. I think he's mistaken somehow.

To your point he said LE said "This is the break we need". Now why would LE also wait 6 days? Im also not saying R is required to look, Im saying I think someone would. JMO.

However, why would LE say that was the break they needed 6 days later? Did they not look either? That sounds unreasonable for me to believe
I can’t stop thinking about how angry I am about this case, and wish there was anything I could possibly do to help. I just read the article about the woman that decorated the outside of the jail in Colorado Springs with Sonic items, blue balloons and ribbons, Gannon’s photo. I’m thinking about going to Salina tonight and setting up the same thing. I want her to know that we all love Gannon, and she can’t hide what she’s done, even in the middle of Kansas. I don’t want her to have a moment of peace.

I don’t have time to have photos printed, but I could do the rest of it. I don’t want to cause any trouble with the town, Salina is lovely, but I want her to know his heart has touched us all. What do you guys think? Is it possible that could get me into trouble legally?

This is the article about the wonderful person that set this up in CO:
‘That’s the last thing I want her to see before she’s locked up’: Local woman puts posters of Gannon outside jail
I think you're a sweetheart! I'm late but here's a link about posting signage in Salina, if you're so inclined.
Welcome to the City of Salina, Kansas - signs
Im not suspicious of him. I think he's mistaken somehow.

To your point he said LE said "This is the break we need". Now why would LE also wait 6 days? Im also not saying R is required to look, Im saying I think someone would. JMO.

However, why would LE say that was the break they needed 6 days later? Did they not look either? That sounds unreasonable for me to believe
I questioned that myself many threads ago on the part of LE. But I still have no reason to believe the neighbor is mistaken - which would also mean the reporter failed to do very basic due diligence of simply looking at the date/time stamps on the tv when they themselves were shown the footage. And that then LE mistakenly let that footage and commentary stand when - that is one to many mistakes for me to believe the neighbor is mistaken about the day/time of this footage.

Now why didn’t LE know sooner? I have no idea. We are not privy to what they did or didn’t do with this footage before it went public. If a ball was dropped, I guess we will find out later. We have no way of knowing right now.
What do you mean by wrong/inaccurate? I can see how maybe it’s misleading if G did in fact return to the house, but it’s not like it got edited to depict something completely different, so I don’t think I’d call it wrong. LE may not have wanted it out there anyway. It’s likely they have additional footage that adds clarity to whether he returned or not, but seemingly they felt releasing that wouldn’t be productive.

I struggle with it too though. How could there be such blood evidence at the house if he weren’t killed there? There’s the possibility that he actually did return and she left with his body later. Perhaps the evidence at the house suggested he could not have survived without medical care and knowing that he didn’t receive that, they can conclude he’s deceased but the death didn’t necessarily happen quickly/at the home.

I’m leaning toward the board being 18-24” long and it having left in that bag she put in the truck. It’s also possible there was lumber in the bed of the truck and it didn’t get bloodied until they were in the woods. Ugh, how awful.

There’s definitely lots of pieces to this puzzle that we’re missing. But it seems that LE has them, thank goodness!

I guess i have a hard time thinking the DA will talk out both sides of his mouth. That blood loss definitely killed him. Oh just not right away since he was walking fine. I think that gives the defense a lot angles to change the narrative and a lot more doubt. When you have Gannon walking out of the house on his own, no body, they could add a crazy theory like he bolted out of the car bc he was mad and TS was scared to tell. Im not saying that it will work as a defense Im just saying that it gets murky. The DA wouldnt have the clear path he needs which makes me doubt the narrative that Gannon left alive. Adding that he seems slowed down so he must be injured doesnt seem like a very straight line to guilty. Especially with no body. If there was a body, we wouldnt even question it.
Yeah- they can’t exactly pull into a-holiday Inn

I hope she thought she was getting to stop at a Holiday Inn, then was bitterly disappointed when it was just going to be another jail and another jail suit for her. I hope they at least got her some Burger King for lunch...

Still wrapping my head around the utter satisfaction I am getting tracking every step of T’s fall. Been in and out of various threads on WS and T is certainly in the running for my “Biggest Villain” vote.
I've struggled with this too, but what makes me lean towards her ending his life away from home is the multiple explanations she's had about the video and what happened during the video timeframe. More than any other visual evidence we've seen, she doesn't have a solid consistent pre-emptive statement about the hours of 10:15am-2:15pm. IMO that means she's doing what narcissists do and trying to explain away something and feeling entitled to being believed. There's no reason an innocent person would not jump in front of that story with a solid, believable, verifiable, and unchanging explanation of what happened.
I think the missing time frame is shorter than we expect. I think it's after the pet store stop. Something tells me if he wasn't alive he was still in that pick up either way. So she'd be nervous if he got out and she'd be nervous if someone spotted his body. Moo
I guess i have a hard time thinking the DA will talk out both sides of his mouth. That blood loss definitely killed him. Oh just not right away since he was walking fine. I think that gives the defense a lot angles to change the narrative and a lot more doubt. When you have Gannon walking out of the house on his own, no body, they could add a crazy theory like he bolted out of the car bc he was mad and TS was scared to tell. Im not saying that it will work as a defense Im just saying that it gets murky. The DA wouldnt have the clear path he needs which makes me doubt the narrative that Gannon left alive. Adding that he seems slowed down so he must be injured doesnt seem like a very straight line to guilty. Especially with no body. If there was a body, we wouldnt even question it.
There is still a lot of time before this goes to trial and a lot of snow will melt. We may yet have a body well before trial. I imagine she would want to speed things along in hopes that does not happen. I hope at least for the family’s sake, he comes home soon.
I questioned that myself many threads ago on the part of LE. But I still have no reason to believe the neighbor is mistaken - which would also mean the reporter failed to do very basic due diligence of simply looking at the date/time stamps on the tv when they themselves were shown the footage. And that then LE mistakenly let that footage and commentary stand when - that is one to many mistakes for me to believe the neighbor is mistaken about the day/time of this footage.

Now why didn’t LE know sooner? I have no idea. We are not privy to what they did or didn’t do with this footage before it went public. If a ball was dropped, I guess we will find out later. We have no way of knowing right now.

I do believe there was some fighting about the video. On a Presser one news company sat there and asked why it was released since they had it and were told to wait and were wanting confirmation on some things before it was released. Then another news group ran it without permission from LE and stole it from the first group. Maybe that thieving group didnt do due diligence? There are also a lot of problems with how data on videos are timestamped. A lot of times its based on times or errors at the server site, not the user. So you have to have an expert come in and explain it. I saw this very issue unfold on a live trial. I can't think of whose it was right now, but time and dates arent as cut and dry as it seems. This expert had to subtract their time zone plus 4 minutes or something ridiculous and it was very important for the case.
Yup! Unfortunately I don't know whether or not they'll qualify for a dime through that because they only cover some very specific things in certain circumstances.

None of us do until the claim is filed. I've done several of these with clients. Each claim is reviewed by a board for merit. I suspect this claim for the homeowner would be qualified for certain expenses if not covered by insurance however the insurance companies usually take longer to respond than the claim window is open. His HO policy should cover it.

I don't want anyone to assume they're getting help that they probably won't.
I think the missing time frame is shorter than we expect. I think it's after the pet store stop. Something tells me if he wasn't alive he was still in that pick up either way. So she'd be nervous if he got out and she'd be nervous if someone spotted his body. Moo

She could certainly clear that up!

Well could have, in any of the last 5 weeks. Unfortunately to get an answer from her you had to go on Facebook and raise a situation that made her look bad, then she'd open up.
There is still a lot of time before this goes to trial and a lot of snow will melt. We may yet have a body well before trial. I imagine she would want to speed things along in hopes that does not happen. I hope at least for the family’s sake, he comes home soon.

Methinks you overestimate this perp's ability to exchange information for self-preservation...
sooo re:the rental car there was a neighbour who flew a drone over the neighbourhood on january 28 and he uploaded them to youtube. his name can be found in this article 'Anything I Can Do To Help': Drone Pilot Helps Search For Missing 11-Year-Old Gannon Stauch if someone was to look at the second video at about 8 minutes in. it could show what cars were in the driveway. i can’t tell the time because i’m not from the city so i don’t know what the shadows would look like for the sunrise/set maybe a local ? could shed a lot more light re probability of 960 miles.
Thanks for sharing this link... it gives n excellent overview of the area ….

I cant work out the cars in driveways either..... Do we know if the rental went back to the house at all that day?? (Is that the car we can possibly see?? but aerial maps are definitely not my forte..... ) Assuming she has dropped Al of at some point??

The only other thing I can think of with so many miles on the car is that she picked someone up to help and drive thru the night..…????
I don't think Tee will be at all affected by things posted around supporting G, she doesn't care.
at this point she probably hates him more than ever for ruining her perfect life.

i hope the person who owns the house has landlord insurance, they are just another victim of Tee at this point.

i cannot imagine AS wanting to stay in that house especially to keep his daughter in that place but at the same time leaving the last place you shared time with your child knowing you will never see him alive again would be heartbreaking.
i guess it depends on how a person copes mentally with loss, some people keep the room of the lost child like a time capsule while others try to put as much distance between them and those memories, we have no right to judge how his bio parents deal with this horrific loss.
media should not be camped out near the home, give his family some
space to grieve in privacy ..... i know i wouldn't like having cameras and people try to capture that pain for all to then pick over on SM...

Tee doesn't strike me as the suicidal type, she still believes she will be acquitted and that everyone will owe her an apology.
The female PD is a great idea if it is true tho i am not sure Tee will appreciate it.
I have always believed the tape of them leaving is wrong. Does the murder charge without a body sway anyone more towards the tape being wrong?

I feel stronger on this point because if the argument is that LE has enough evidence he has passed away, that most likely came from the home. I feel like you can't have it both ways. If he died at home and there was substantial evidence which I think there is due to a large volume of blood, then there was substantial evidence he passed away at home.

If LE believes the video and states he was alive and then was murdered somewhere on the long errand period of 10-2, then there needs to be substantial evidence in a different place and I dont think there is. You can't say we are sure he's dead and TS killed him, with only the evidence at home. The evidence wouldnt be sufficient to have killed him if he was able to walk and leave the home. You can't say well he looked wobbly or whatever the neighbor said so the blood in the home was enough to kill him, but it didnt. It killed him later, but we have no body either.

I might not be explaining myself clearly bc Im a bit tired. Theres also the board issue. Where are the boards being loaded? I would assume if we saw video of the correct day that TS would load the boards into the truck when it was pulled up into the garage. She's not going to drag boards out to the street and then back in and get Gannon.

I realize I can't explain why the video is put out there when its inaccurate (per my theory), but even with the video of them leaving I can't wrap my mind around Gannon being injured Sunday so severely that the volume of blood was found, then risking going out with a very injured child in broad daylight for up to 4 hours. We also know she had to have removed the boards from the house by the point that she called the police just bc we know she got rid of them and I doubt she kept them knowing she had to call the police later

Anyone have any ideas on this?

I agree, it's confusing. I do know that we haven't seen all of the footage that the neighbor/s have provided to LE. If something was loaded up in advance of the Monday trip maybe that accounts for the mystery night time frames.
Some wounds bleed a lot without decapacitating someone.
I wonder if someone who knows what happened is talking to LE and they're able to substantiate what is being said with physical evidence?
If they did a 60 Days In type thing where you volunteered to go in, act like an inmate, and be placed in TS's cell to befriend her and try to gain info, how many of you would do it?

I would do it. I've taken some intense confessions doing outreach ministry the past 20 years. People tell me things because I'm naturally non judgmental. This would be tough but the case is personal to me for many reasons and I most want Landen to see justice served.
Methinks you overestimate this perp's ability to exchange information for self-preservation...
Do you mean underestimate? Because I
Do not think it will happen. It could, but it is just my bet that there is nothing they will reasonably offer her that would make her change her tune of innocence. She appears to be a legend in her own mind and as such, I personally believe she will not make a deal to still serve a very long time and admit guilt. I do not think she will be reasonable and see the writing on the wall. I personally think she will be shocked when she is found guilty. MOO
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