Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #32

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Now that I think we can discuss Facebook - does anyone think the profile video TS put up of Gannon waving good bye and jumping in the lake was a hint? Is she that twisted?
No. I think she was waging a public relations battle, and she was trying to show how great a mother she was.

“Look how happy the kids were with me, I love Gannon.”

This woman is absolutely evil, but I think there’s a tendency to make her out to be even worse; like she’s sadistic.

There was a practical reason for what she was doing; she was trying to get away with murder, and protect her image.
I imagine the prosecution would like to keep them closed for as long as possible. I think the defense would prefer if they were never open. However, on the night the extensive media coverage writs were issued the defense also submitted a request that warrants were open to defense only.. I don't know where to locate that right away.

Personally, I would like them to stay sealed for as long as they want to keep them sealed because this is a kid case and I'm afraid she has a horribly evil mindset that we have yet to see. Perhaps I asked just to prepared myself because like an oncoming train, you know it's eventually gonna get here.

No. I think she was waging a public relations battle, and she was trying to show how great a mother she was.

“Look how happy the kids were with me, I love Gannon.”

This woman is absolutely evil, but I think there’s a tendency to make her out to be even worse; like she’s sadistic.

There was a practical reason for what she was doing.
Agreed. But I do think she’s sadistic. That’s how she was able to tell a suffering weeping terrified child the sick lie that he had to be a partner in coming up with something to sell to mitigate something being damaged. If that’s even what happened.
Agreed. But I do think she’s sadistic. That’s how she was able to tell a suffering weeping terrified child the sick lie that he had to be a partner in coming up with something to sell to mitigate something being damaged. If that’s even what happened.
Yeah, in that sense she is, but I’m talking about the bigger picture.

She wasn’t trying to get away with murder, and rub the fact that she is a murderer in everyone’s face at the same time.

So that video of Gannon waving probably wasn’t to create anger and pain, but was done to selfishly show what she wanted people to see—How great and loving she is
Kind of off track thought in my opinion. Wood/garage Gannon only made something for TS so he could spend time with his Dad. Probably didn't like her or wanted to go shop for something. Gannon and his Dad enjoying a project together might have even made her jealous. The hike pictures of the children look like a forced "smile for Dad". I would expect to see kids with a stone or stick, just playing around more or even dirty, geez. All fun for TS show.

Sad thing is.. he probably DID like her and desperately wanted her love.


Yeah, in that sense she is, but I’m talking about the bigger picture.

She wasn’t trying to get away with murder, and rub the fact that she is a murderer, in everyone’s face at the same time.

So that video of Gannon waving probably wasn’t to create anger and pain, but was done to selfishly show what she wanted people to see.
Yes, plus she’s likely not that creative or deep thinking.
The rental car.... all our information is coming from a lying liar who lies. Consider this: after her actions on the 27th, AND realizing that despite her careful (premeditated) planning she'd had her Apple watch on that whole day, by the 28th she was in full CYA mode. And desperate to circumvent her previous mistakes. I could imagine a strong sense of paranoia-- so she goes to the airport to get AS. HOURS ahead of his flight. Parks in the lot, enters the airport. All nice normal behavior, in case anyone's watching (LE).... once inside she rents a car and leaves possibly via another exit.... while her car waits patiently at the airport, as if she's there too.

She drives straight to the location of Gannon's body. Removes him. Returns to the airport, parking maybe even in the rental lot, if one exists. Now, according to HER, she and AS left together in the rental, but to my knowledge, that's been verified BY NO ONE.

Despite what SHE says, I wonder if AS knew she'd rented a car. She seems to have no trouble selling alternate facts that are both not true and easily debunked. Not her worry.

Regardless of how they left and in how many vehicles, IMO Gannon's body was in the trunk. Devastating all of it but she operates without fear, without decency.

IMO as soon as TS was alone with the rental, I believe she went fully into relocation mode, moving him even farther from home.

IMO that selfsame Tuesday, she ceased living in the family home -- drama, dissention AND she had a REASON for not being there-- she NEEDED to be elsewhere. Off the grid.

I think she became POI primary uno because I think she was unreachable all of Wednedsay morning, the 29th.

I do however think she DID have a phone at this time. Borrowed. From a minor. To navigate. Check this: hotel room. Rental car. Daughter. Leave daughter in hotel room, tell her you're going out ALL NIGHT to search for Gannon. The caring thing to do. Rental car so he doesn't run from family vehicles (because that's logical) and cover of dark (because that's a good time for searching)... like magic, she buys herself 16 hours or more where no one knows where she is and no one can reach her. She said herself, with the back of her head, that people were saying she'd disappeared. Truth.

I believe JMO that LE has found the location where Gannon ORIGINALLY was. I believe they've found considerable evidence, far more than the sock and board. Those are likely in the arrest warrant. Enough to secure the warrant. But NOT EVERYTHING they have.

She KNEW her Apple watch had the potential to be her undoing. Hence her doubling down. Yup, backroads. Because because. Yup, sock. Because because flower pots. Yup, board. Because because Albert has tools. She just keeps spinning new yarns to presplain and postsplain everything that comes to light. No worries, it'll be a slam dunk case when it's presented, provided she doesn't Fotis herself first, because there will be a thousand data points and a truckload of forensic evidence. They'll know if she so much as sneezed that day.

It will be jarring.

I hate to consider it but other monsters before her have left children to die. I hear a mother's anguish when she describes JUSTICE FOR THIS HEINOUS CRIME. Heinous. I suspect ESPECIALLY heinous. Perhaps TS always INTENDED to return to the scene to confirm the outcome and to remove any restraints. Perhaps she hadn't counted on the rapid, early pressure. Questions from LE she couldn't answer well, AS and LH coming immediately, etc, etc. But either way, that combined with the Apple tracking, she must've known she'd have to rehide him. She wasn't as worried about her odyssey of stupidity toward Castle Rock, her debris field because I imagine she never expected LE to look so hard. Disordered though process: who's going to connect a sock or a this or a that to something 40 miles away? All told, I don't think Gannon was part of THAT journey.... I think he was first...JMO. And I believe, just like the searchpoints in and around Palmer Lake, I think her Apple watch led LE right to where he was, just a couple weeks after she'd already moved him.

Triggers. I can't help but to wonder if the extradition by car wasn't intentional. Unspoken but along the route LE knows the rental took... it may have dawned on her SHARPLY that they were on to her. She may have even thought that meant they'd found him. Hence the handcuff Houdini... she wanted out of that car. Either by causing a deadly accident or by assaulting an officer and gaining control of a weapon and a vehicle....

A woman looking at the charges against her, already a dangerous woman, is NEVER more dangerous than when she has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO LOSE.

There isn't a sentence harsh enough for the damage she's inflicted...


I think you have an excellent narrative there. If true, then there's cadaverine in that rental car.

I believe there's a good chance she left him somewhere to die and then moved him. And I too believe there's a good chance her return to CO involved traveling a route associated with the crime.

At any rate, it may well have taken several hours of driving back toward CO for her to realize that she was truly going to prison for life AND away from her family/internet support system.

She wanted out of that car for sure.
The following post by CocoChanel has been contained in the opening posts of every single thread since THREAD #13. We are now at Thread #32.

PLEASE READ THIS and "Like" this post to indicate you have read it !!




Yes, plus she’s likely not that creative or deep thinking.

Right - but she could still be acting in accordance with unconscious or deeper desires (from her limbic system/hippocampus, etc). People do stuff all the time that isn't thought out at all, but it still makes sense from the point of view of their particular brain and how that person typically behaves.

The word "think" is problematic, because most of us think of "thinking" as rational, but that's only a small part of what a brain does. I think we're witnessing what a non-rational brain does (so "unthinking" in some sense - but still driven by TS's own personal past and history with people).
Yeah, in that sense she is, but I’m talking about the bigger picture.

She wasn’t trying to get away with murder, and rub the fact that she is a murderer, in everyone’s face at the same time.

So that video of Gannon waving probably wasn’t to create anger and pain, but was done to selfishly show what she wanted people to see—How great and loving she is
Oh I am not convinced of that at all. That selfie she took on the hike was a taunting image. I think she has been rubbing it in someone’s face and trying to convince someone she can get away with murder. It may not be all of us but she has enough evil, vindictive, delusion and monster within her to do it to LH. I don’t see anything “practical” in her planning. Practical people don’t turn into the Incredible Hulk and assault and attempt to escape LE in the middle of nowhere. She’s been driven by vengeance with the ultimate goal to get away with murder. Moo
The profile on the "sugar daddy site", hilariously referred to "Our Savior" (quote marks and capital letters are hers), though; which is still a waving red flag to me because, well, she's on a site looking for a sugar daddy. Are lots of sugar daddies closet Evangelicals? :rolleyes:

My armchair analysis: she says "Our", and employs the quotes, because she doesn't personally know, believe, or understand the religion she professes. If she did, IMO, she'd say "my". She can only attest to her own righteousness, when she's rolled up in a crowd. What does she, as a single human being not shielded by a crowd, believe and/or stand for?

Also, maybe goes without saying but if your guess/interpretation is true, then she's doing it doubly wrong; because no Evangelical outside of one in the grip of delusion would think of this as a way to normalize murder, considering it's one of the Ten Commandments and all.
Sadly, terrible people have a long history of twisting their religious beliefs to justify violence. For example, 9/11, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch trials. If we’ve seen anything during this case, it’s TS’s ability to twist things around to make herself a martyr, victim, saint etc.
I suspect it's intentional. They've probably cut any search parties down to just essential LE folks and have probably narrowed down the locations they're searching to smaller areas. They're probably taking efforts to keep any ongoing searches on the down-low as much as possible. They don't want to cause a media firestorm to bring people trampling all around their search areas, and they don't want to "show their hand" too much and give T or anyone else a clue as to where they're at in the investigation.

During the initial searches they had problems with the media getting too close and in the way.

Either that or they're done with actual ground searches because they know he's unrecoverable at this point or they're out of leads re: his body and working out other investigative angles to figure out where to search.

I was thinking the same exact thing. It's the unrecoverable part that worries me. It is so heartbreaking.
Oh I am not convinced of that at all. That selfie she took on the hike was a taunting image. I think she has been rubbing it in someone’s face and trying to convince someone she can get away with murder. It may not be all of us but she has enough evil, vindictive, delusion and monster within her to do it to LH. I don’t see anything “practical” in her planning. Practical people don’t turn into the Incredible Hulk and assault and attempt to escape LE in the middle of nowhere. She’s been driven by vengeance with the ultimate goal to get away with murder. Moo

Practical to her; done with a purpose.

Practical doesn’t mean “good, kind, or even rational.” People talk about “senseless” crimes, but these crimes make sense to the perpetrator.

We saw something interesting in the Kelsey Berreth case, where people hated the mistress so much that they ignored evidence and tried to make her into the killer.

Similarly, hate of this woman can cloud the picture in regards to her motivations. I think we’re going to learn that she was sadistic in her psychological and physical abuse of Gannon, and driven by hate and vindictiveness.

But that doesn’t mean everything she did was driven by those things.

That’s my point.
I cannot find the entire list of objections submitted by her defense on March4. Time 1.15 pm
I have case No. 2020Cr1358
Attorney Bar No 42850
Division 5B

District Court El Paso.
Link is here
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search

Does anybody have a few minutes to help, please?

I'm searching for exact wording of objection to expanded media, have that link already, and the other two, particularly wording of arrest warrants to be open to defense only.

All 3 were posted here night of March 4. I can't find them now and as well as that I'm looking for a link from which we can sign up for email notifications for case developments.
Sad thing is.. he probably DID like her and desperately wanted her love.

EBM My opinion is there could have been moments TS lashed out at Gannon for something and he might have been sad or even afraid, not like her from the treatment. Some kids express it by not wanting to give a gift to a person. Very sad he would try to find unconditional love from her. Breaks my heart.

The rental car.... all our information is coming from a lying liar who lies. Consider this: after her actions on the 27th, AND realizing that despite her careful (premeditated) planning she'd had her Apple watch on that whole day, by the 28th she was in full CYA mode. And desperate to circumvent her previous mistakes. I could imagine a strong sense of paranoia-- so she goes to the airport to get AS. HOURS ahead of his flight. Parks in the lot, enters the airport. All nice normal behavior, in case anyone's watching (LE).... once inside she rents a car and leaves possibly via another exit.... while her car waits patiently at the airport, as if she's there too.

She drives straight to the location of Gannon's body. Removes him. Returns to the airport, parking maybe even in the rental lot, if one exists. Now, according to HER, she and AS left together in the rental, but to my knowledge, that's been verified BY NO ONE.

Despite what SHE says, I wonder if AS knew she'd rented a car. She seems to have no trouble selling alternate facts that are both not true and easily debunked. Not her worry.

Regardless of how they left and in how many vehicles, IMO Gannon's body was in the trunk. Devastating all of it but she operates without fear, without decency.

IMO as soon as TS was alone with the rental, I believe she went fully into relocation mode, moving him even farther from home.

IMO that selfsame Tuesday, she ceased living in the family home -- drama, dissention AND she had a REASON for not being there-- she NEEDED to be elsewhere. Off the grid.

I think she became POI primary uno because I think she was unreachable all of Wednedsay morning, the 29th.

I do however think she DID have a phone at this time. Borrowed. From a minor. To navigate. Check this: hotel room. Rental car. Daughter. Leave daughter in hotel room, tell her you're going out ALL NIGHT to search for Gannon. The caring thing to do. Rental car so he doesn't run from family vehicles (because that's logical) and cover of dark (because that's a good time for searching)... like magic, she buys herself 16 hours or more where no one knows where she is and no one can reach her. She said herself, with the back of her head, that people were saying she'd disappeared. Truth.

I believe JMO that LE has found the location where Gannon ORIGINALLY was. I believe they've found considerable evidence, far more than the sock and board. Those are likely in the arrest warrant. Enough to secure the warrant. But NOT EVERYTHING they have.

She KNEW her Apple watch had the potential to be her undoing. Hence her doubling down. Yup, backroads. Because because. Yup, sock. Because because flower pots. Yup, board. Because because Albert has tools. She just keeps spinning new yarns to presplain and postsplain everything that comes to light. No worries, it'll be a slam dunk case when it's presented, provided she doesn't Fotis herself first, because there will be a thousand data points and a truckload of forensic evidence. They'll know if she so much as sneezed that day.

It will be jarring.

I hate to consider it but other monsters before her have left children to die. I hear a mother's anguish when she describes JUSTICE FOR THIS HEINOUS CRIME. Heinous. I suspect ESPECIALLY heinous. Perhaps TS always INTENDED to return to the scene to confirm the outcome and to remove any restraints. Perhaps she hadn't counted on the rapid, early pressure. Questions from LE she couldn't answer well, AS and LH coming immediately, etc, etc. But either way, that combined with the Apple tracking, she must've known she'd have to rehide him. She wasn't as worried about her odyssey of stupidity toward Castle Rock, her debris field because I imagine she never expected LE to look so hard. Disordered though process: who's going to connect a sock or a this or a that to something 40 miles away? All told, I don't think Gannon was part of THAT journey.... I think he was first...JMO. And I believe, just like the searchpoints in and around Palmer Lake, I think her Apple watch led LE right to where he was, just a couple weeks after she'd already moved him.

Triggers. I can't help but to wonder if the extradition by car wasn't intentional. Unspoken but along the route LE knows the rental took... it may have dawned on her SHARPLY that they were on to her. She may have even thought that meant they'd found him. Hence the handcuff Houdini... she wanted out of that car. Either by causing a deadly accident or by assaulting an officer and gaining control of a weapon and a vehicle....

A woman looking at the charges against her, already a dangerous woman, is NEVER more dangerous than when she has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO LOSE.

There isn't a sentence harsh enough for the damage she's inflicted...


Daggone it, @Megnut … I lost your post and wanted to thank you for your scenario. I agree with you wholeheartedly that "that horrible person" left this little boy somewhere to die but I couldn't bring myself to type it. Kid cases eat my lunch and always have because I just CAN'T, WON'T EVER understand how a full grown person in the position of trust, can destroy the trust of a little person so horribly. It remains one of the things I will never accept in this lifetime and as a result, will hang with me forever.

I feel this was the reason she rented a car because that almost immaculate red truck bothered me from the get-go. And as for her extradition back to Colorado, I think you are right on track. Originally I thought they flew her back, but when I found out they drove her back, I sat here and laughed. I think it was done purposely because LE could drive close to search areas, not-so-pleasant areas in hopes of triggering her. Well, yeah, they triggered her. And just like someone who is smarter than LE it sent her into a rage and she showed us what she is all about.

Thanks for helping me through what I just couldn't write.

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