Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #33

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That would be a bigger deal if the house was the actual site of the murder.

Even then, they were looking for blood evidence that had the DNA of one person— Gannon. In most cases where contamination is a problem, it’s when the suspect is referring to their own DNA.

It’s either his blood or it isn’t.

The problem the defense is going to encounter, is that there were likely witnesses to that abuse, and the murder itself did not occur in the home.

I’m not worried.

Yeah, it's pretty tough to explain away a sizeable pool of blood... doesn't matter what type of fibers, or dust, or any similar thing is caught in it to contaminate it.

Nobody was expecting to find a palpable amount of blood. Nobody would, without an explained well-known family tale about the injury, "do you remember the time when?".

I remember watching something on TV where they said premeditation can be 5 minutes. premediation was considered any time there was time to rethink what they were doing before acting out and to decide to not commit the crime. JMO

As per the other link saying that some jurisdictions define it as a split second of consideration of a weapon, I think it's pretty easy to see behind this to the intent of law.

By which I mean, the law would like to remove any doubt, and set the standard of "premeditation" to cover basically anyone who isn't covered by a clinical insanity defense.

If you are a person still possessing the power of rational thought, there is no such defense legally in those jurisdictions as "the heat of the moment"; because there is no "moment".

But Gannon was 90 lbs. Add in that most suitcases weigh about 10 lbs, and you now have LS moving a 100 lb suitcase around between cars.
Most airlines have a 50 lb weight limit... I struggle lifting a 50 lb bag out of my trunk, I’m not sure how she could have moved anything bigger without help.


It depends upon the angle where you start, gravity, etc., IMO.

I have a lot of difficulty opening recalcitrant windows, say, when they are placed at a level above my elbow.

That's because I barely have the option to bend my arms to push up underneath the windowsill. I'm basically pushing at a 90-degree angle to the window, and nothing is happening; unless I get more of a set of biceps and triceps than the ones I already have.

Or, think overhead compartments for luggage. It's a pain to get the luggage up there; but once you get it past the lip of the luggage bin, the luggage bin in fact slopes towards the outside of the plane and has more room; at which point gravity takes over.

I'm sure a scientist could do a much better job of explaining levers, centrifugal/centripetal support, etc.; but from the preceding observations of my 30-ish years as a single woman maneuvering luggage, home DIY, post office packages sans car, etc.; if you were going to get something heavy, like a feed sack or body, you'd want to go "from the middle" if possible, so that the weight of the object is evenly distributed.

Thank you for reposting this. Somehow I totally missed it. I agree with your talking points.

Unbelievable that she created & circulated this. There’s so much odd & unnecessary detail (which we now know is common for her). IMO, she knows what she did to him and this is her attempt, again, of planting doubts, creating a false story, blaming a unruly child (she doesn’t say that but it’s implied). She still cannot even pretend to show concern for him by saying - “We all love Gannon very much and want him home” or “Gannon is missed and we are heartbroken”.

The money & bank card mention is absurd. He’s 11. Is he going grocery shopping & staying in a hotel while he’s decided to run away & live on his own?

Nevermind the rest of it (phone searches, being home “sick”, no showcase pic of the missing child, etc.).

IMO, I believe LE knew right away they had a live one with stepmom.

To be fair, I've seen a fair few cases where people specifically ask, "Did the kid have any money to get by with?" (I think people, for example, asked the question in the case of Harley Dilly), so I don't think the inclusion of that answer is as dumb as one might think.

It's out of place, IMO, and I agree suspicious because it sounds like someone who, well, reads a lot of crime forums tossed that on in there; but it's been asked. We even had a hearty debate on prior threads about when kids are "runaways", vis-a-vis them being "wander-aways". You can indeed argue about the mindset of the askee, that they would think of debating such a thing; but you can't say it's never a question that gets asked, IMO, because I've seen it asked many times; plus as long as he knew the PIN code and had seen people go through the steps, I think Gannon is easily tall enough to maneuver money out of the ATM.

What he almost assuredly couldn't do, is interact with a human being to do something that requires being over the age of majority. He's not, for example, renting a car or a hotel room; I agree with you on that.
I'm a professional graphic designer, and I use photoshop all day, every day.
Creating designs, mock-ups for marketing & advertising, editing photos for clients, etc.
I see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about this pic.
No tell-tale signs of "photoshopping" mistakes that most people make.

i definitely have issues with his hand on the rock and the tubing, nothing about that looks natural to me. the lines and edges of the rock are clear and sharp
but his hand isn't at all and it doesn't look like movement blurring, it looks overlaid and constructed.
Has it been confirmed they really went to Garden of the Gods and on that day?

LE has not released confirmation of ANYTHING stated by TS.
TS created numerous FB profiles and Support Groups and started an online campaign of misinformation to prove everything “ cleared”.
TS also provided the incomplete redacted rental agreement
i definitely have issues with his hand on the rock and the tubing, nothing about that looks natural to me. the lines and edges of the rock are clear and sharp
but his hand isn't at all and it doesn't look like movement blurring, it looks overlaid and constructed.
To me, it simply looks like his hand is in the shade of his body.
After reading opinion after opinion and considering the possibilities of what could have occurred that Sunday night, IMO she injured him badly enough to cause his death the next day. I think everyone has said this. IMO something happened obviously to cause her to react horrifically such that she gravely injured him and I am thinking it was with a hockey stick. Pieces of wood with blood on them, a gun bag which was probably a hockey gear bag, she said they were going to turn in some sporting gear and get new hockey gear for him because that was his favorite, a blow to the head from my understanding produces significant bleeding, a blow to the head could cause concussion which could slowly bring upon death if medical help is not received. IMO from everything I have read it sounds like she was probably stressed and upset about the loss of the job. It seems she should have known better than to try for a job given her history. A person with normal thought process would not have applied. Seems her reality is skewed and would explain why she even attempted to get the job. As far as what this sweet boy could have done that drove her to a fit of rage, we may never know. From everything I have read, IMO she is into physical fitness and probably would have used that to release some stress which would explain going hiking and the supposed exercising in the basement. IMO she used a hockey stick and hit him hard enough to cause death. She is the worst kind of human being because she made that poor child pinky promise that it was his fault and not hers. I cannot think of any punishment that would suit this horrific act.
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About the GoG photo: the look on T's face is ominous. As discussed before, she likely meant it as a threatening jolt to AS (WAY more probable after reported ALLEGED marital issues). I believe it was intended, also, as a DECOY of sorts...which IMO worked for a short time. T felt everyone would key in on suspicions concerning the hike...once she was "CLEARED" of those, everyone would owe her an apology. Her chuckle in the Cousin It interview following the Burger King alibi demonstrates that. (Spencer plays along IMO, stating: There you go!)

Consequently, I believe this was calculated premeditation. Her demented motive (closely following that of seething hatred for LH) IMO was to "save her marriage" (far more important following her job loss). She envisioned being AS's rock in his harrowing ordeal, soaking up the outpouring of support from the community.

That's why I said the accuracy of that rental receipt really matters. For me it determines where he could be found. If it isn't accurate then I do think it is highly likely he is near where they were searching. If it is accurate, well....I don't want to really think about that.

I doubt the odometer reading is accurate. It doesn't matter though. They appear to be following a bouncing signal... meaning they're close to his or his device's last known stationary location.

The highest point east of I-25 might be bald mountain. I can't remember if there's a tower there or not, but I sorta think so as the area is heavily treed closer to I-25.

I wonder if they're doing a run count of the pings against a grid now vs treating the ping data like a stochastic process now? Is he, or the device "under" this tower, and the signal was being thrown and repeated until it faded?

I do think she may have been on camera heading south on 83, Powers, or Interquest. Fortunately for us, the "tech savvy tee is clearly directionally challenged," so the "way home" would likely have been familiar.

I used algorithms from several speech and text processing R packages. She's likely not a "narcissist," in the context of NPD. My algs classified her lexicon as Histrionic personality disorder: disingenuous subtype. It does have overlapping traits in the vivacious subtype though. Both feature a pathological need to be the center of attention.

She's never seem concerned with public critiques to her "specialness," as would a narcissist. Rather, she ran her mouth "defending herself against 'death threats,'" each time her "goodness" was called into question... just like a Histrionic.

A Histrionic, would not want to be seen on camera, unless it the "bad deed that's damaging to her reputation" appeared "ordinary fake ts, doing boring ts crap nobody really cares about."

Filling up--cash or not-- on camera doesn't fit the profile. 1 tank, 1 fill-up close to home is very likely.

Assuming the total range of the rental was about 500 miles, it would require that the out and back is less than this, else she risks "ego exposure."

Hence I suspect that the search area is limited to about a 250 mile radius from the fill station on familiar roads with adequate tree coverage, else she'd be seen. Less if her last fill wasn't for a full tank.

Tldr; fret not. They will find him.
I agree but G weighing 100 pounds is coming from T. I don’t believe it. I have an 8 year old who is 56 pounds and a 10 year old who is 67 pounds. I would say G is between 70-80 pounds max.
Not that it matters because she clearly didn’t have trouble disappearing him whatever his weight was. Moo

I’ve wondered G’s exact weight and height this whole time, 4’9 and 90 lbs seems so tiny to me for an 11 year old. If he was that size, then TS would have no problem moving him around.
I am 5’7 and 150 lbs, my baby is 12, he’s 5’4 and 135 lbs. I can still piggyback him with no problem, I did last weekend while we were fishing. If G were the size she says, he probably would fit in a suitcase or duffle bag of sorts. The poor baby, I hope to God he got a good throat punch on her, but I have a feeling he didn’t see the final act coming. I wonder if they checked her (TS) for scratches, bruises?? I’m also still somewhat delusional holding on to hope that he’ll just show up and be alive and well..
To me, it simply looks like his hand is in the shade of his body.

then the rock should also be shaded but its not nor is his hand or the tubing casting any shadow on to the rock yet the angle of the sun on his face suggests there should be some

also G's hand appears to have a very similar pattern on his hand as the rock does


  • DAE2C946-3593-45C2-BBA6-67EC50506730.jpeg
    43.9 KB · Views: 116
Just bumping this reminder.




i definitely have issues with his hand on the rock and the tubing, nothing about that looks natural to me. the lines and edges of the rock are clear and sharp
but his hand isn't at all and it doesn't look like movement blurring, it looks overlaid and constructed.
Maybe it's just the pixels? Not that I know much about pixels but pretty much every picture I see posted looks blurry or 'off' in some way. Jmo
LE has not released confirmation of ANYTHING stated by TS.
TS created numerous FB profiles and Support Groups and started an online campaign of misinformation to prove everything “ cleared”.
TS also provided the incomplete redacted rental agreement
Agree 100%. I think this is why any of her statements on SM, should be taken with a grain of salt. She put a SM campaign to cause chaos and likely many of the things she has posted is false and doctored. MOO

Edit- statement above is why I don’t think we should even be discussing her SM postings. She was obviously paying very close attention to FB groups and most likely WS too. She attempted to control the narrative, and what would be discussed to get off topic of the facts.
Agreed, that first flyer is noticeably unprofessional, and yes, weird.
The quotes around the word "sick" stand out to pretty much everyone as something we never see on a missing child flyer.


Hmm. Almost like it was written by someone who doesn't understand quotation marks.

Someone who may in fact consistently use quotation marks in places of asterisks. Or whatever. You know, someone with a lackadaisical attitude about grammar and punctuation.

I'll keep trying to think of someone associated with this case who fits the bill (and has a digital photo of Gannon from the day before he went missing). I'll certainly factor in that someone else may have actually run out and gotten copies made. Because lots of people were offering to help and still want to help.
i definitely have issues with his hand on the rock and the tubing, nothing about that looks natural to me. the lines and edges of the rock are clear and sharp
but his hand isn't at all and it doesn't look like movement blurring, it looks overlaid and constructed.

He's bending over and leaning in, at the same time his forearm is across his upper abdomen.
I don't see his hand on a rock, I see him standing in front of one, the rock behind his hand.
At that angle though, bent over and leaning in, his hand looks tiny.
But because I edit things like that out of pictures all the time (customers hate anything that doesn't look "perfect") it actually does look perfectly normal to me.
I have a client that we have a running joke with about his freakishly tiny hand in his lecture series pics.
He even jokes about it as well, but the truth is, it's just the way he was standing and the angle of his hand that makes it look, well, freakishly tiny.
So we'll just have to agree to disagree that his hand & the drinking straw were edited in.
Maybe it's just the pixels? Not that I know much about pixels but pretty much every picture I see posted looks blurry or 'off' in some way. Jmo

look at the pixels around it ... there is no reason for one part of the image to be significantly different to its nearby areas
and looking up close the tubing actually appears to run over the top pf his thumb and then totally disappears.
i would love to see the original
Yes. Many threads ago. A man appearing in one of TS's pictures came forward, identified himself and not only that, he had a picture of Gannon as well. I do believe that's on the media thread somewhere too.
i sent the photo to a fellow photoshopper who has not been following the case and asked what they thought of the photo, their response was it definitely looks altered, he raised the proportion of the hand also seem quite off

Where can I locate said photo?

Where was the picture of the mounted buck head taken? I'm pretty sure I've seen that pic on SM, and NOT from the suspect's page. IMO, that was not in the house where LS and AS lived. Regardless of whether a rifle was used, I agree AS has firearms being in the military.
IMO, the case LS carried to the truck was a soft case for a bow. It may have been used to carry anything, not necessarily a weapon, although that's possible.

In the pic of LE in the garage, there is a bow leaning up against the wall. I can't find it for the life of me now. I'll add it when I do.

I've not seen the buck head pic before. But I agree it likely wasn't taken at AS and TS's house. As can be seen, around the dead deer's head lots of baby pictures are displayed.

Even if she'd been a model stepmom, I can't see TS decorating her house with pictures of her stepchildren as babies. That would seem quite odd to me. I can't even imagine she'd load up the walls with baby pictures of her own daughter by the time her daughter was a teenager. (Plus both TS and her ex have dark hair and at least some of those babies look like blondes.) I think it's more likely either LH's house (some of the babies could be hers with her new husband) or the house of a relative on her side. Of course, that doesn't mean AS couldn't be a hunter too. And often members of the military do own a number of personal weapons.
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