Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #35

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Unless LE has some really solid proof that she plotted a murder and carried it out, I’m sure there will be at least one juror who will see this as an accident that she panicked from n covered up, as there is no history of abuse against either child, and go easy on her. Although, if she did hit him and he died from that, because of his age, I guess that would be enough for M1, especially if it took hours for him to die and she didn’t seek care. It’s a good thing they aren’t seeking the DP. The burden would be so much higher.

It’s really hard to discuss anything on board because you don’t know what is and what isn’t being censored and it seems to change daily. So that’s all I will say regarding this issue.

Notwithstanding, we can discuss RD's video that shows GS on Monday not looking well as he gets into the truck. That indicates (MOO) that any "accident" happened prior to that fateful truck ride and shows premeditation that GS did not come back. It is different in the case of CA where the claim was that the fatal "accident" was already over by the time Little C's body was found. RD's video indicates (MOOMOOMOOMOO), that whatever "accident" happened, G had at least survived the initial incident.
Ok, I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense. I still think it's unlikely. Whatever she did with his remains, I think she'd try to minimize any physical evidence that could connect her to anything that happened to him perimortem.

Exactly. For example, if she simply walked him into a place where some snow still clung on the 27th (it would snow way more the next evening), and made sure he stayed there, he would die without a dog coat or leash involved. Of course, that means he still has to be ambulatory at that time.

There seem to be two overall possibilities - she left him near some road (private or public); or she indeed tried to find a gully, rocky area, ravine, etc., to conceal him for a longer time.

I think she went back to check the next day, to make sure the place was still a good one. She couldn't use the truck that day and didn't want to use her GPS-enabled SUV either. So she rented a car, thinking that would work. I think that rental car's movements are now known to LE (along with all of TS's movements on Monday, as she still had on her Apple watch).

I also think she texted and made phone calls after she came home on Monday and they have those as well (or at least have interviewed the people she called).

A cadaver dog hitting on any vehicle may explain LE's certainty that Gannon is dead (they would follow it up with relevant lab tests of course).
I think most people just want to get a glimpse at the murderer. And of course to find out if LE will be releasing the arrest warrant anytime soon.


Unfortunately, I think TS is going to find all this attention gratifying.

She is not one who differentiates between positive and negative attention.

Any time she's the focus of others, she experiences it as validating.
The crowd will have an energizing effect on her.
"Everyone is here to see MEMEMEMEME!!"

She would find it much more distressing if nobody showed up, and the entire gallery was empty.

This is going to feed her insatiable need for attention.

She's going to feel like a celebrity.

To a certain extent, she's being treated like one, i.e., all the extra security, the tv cameras, MSM coverage, etc.

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I watched RDs video again and noticed she went to the back of truck for a while and was out of sight of camera. I wonder if she was loading something into it and if so, what. Just the fact that she usually drove her SUV, and that day drove the truck, is very telling. It’s not like she was going to a nursery to pick up trees or anything. She probably threw the thing about the bike in to explain use of truck.
GANNONis my hero!Thank you all for your invaluable info, and support...Catching up today, and we are ready for her first court appearance... We are still trying to understand LETECIA from our own frame of reference...I tried to instill empathy in my children: “put yourself in the other person’s place, would you want someone to treat you that way?” or use the golden rule. My children seemed to get that even at a young age. If I proposed similar tactics w/ my adult sister(MOOsociopath), “we are not going there” or similar response, which tells me others had tried also. I do not bring this up to rehash previous posts, by those who have vast more experience and professional experience, but I have gone back to my original theory and revised it ... I think LETECIA may have been plotting to get LH and Gannon out of her fantasy world, for quite some time...LH( once you are out of the game, you stay out)Gannon was going to take more effort, but I believe the process was already begun, could have been as simple as making him so miserable he wanted to go back to LH... nope, that would be LH victory...I do not believe we can state as fact here that AS and LETECIA were discussing divorce, but until the orientation failure became known, that was only possible major stressor to accelerate the process.The GoG px can go both ways, great stepmom or be careful! All my efforts to explain LETECIA’s behavior fail... back to my original worry: that a innocent pathological liar(ie my sister)could actually cause an investigation to go in the wrong direction and Gannon would suffer...SQUARE ONE...ok, Could a guilty pathological liar do the same? Absolutely! I believe Letecia and GANNON had violent confrontation Sunday OR NOT?! what if she started w/ the runaway theory and needed a reason for this. The plan was actually well formulated.(at least to the degree that she actually carries out any goal.. Her own words: that she has moved on?! She really seems to more bothered by this, they found the evidence but not GANNON, had Gannon been found first, she absolutely believes She has made it look like an accident, a no need to look further for evidence. After all she told truth about bloody foot incident at house? Her audacious lies have had relatively few consequences in the past, she has even begun new career, sarc she would be given attention as the grieving stepmom, a role she will fail go back to the more obvious places to search, she didn’t hide him well, she hid him to fit her runaway last question, where are her contaminated clothes? Have they been found?

Where are the clothes Gannon wore Sunday to GoG?
Where are you finding anything about a tarp? Is that new?

I am not sure if this would be the same tarp or not.
A few threads ago, I ( probably others too! )
noticed that CSI was standing next to a box in the garage .
That box was labeled "Tailgate Canopy" or something similar.
Having said that, I am not certain that they were looking at that item or something next to it.

I believe that a tailgate canopy and tarp are basically the same thing.

I think most people just want to get a glimpse at the murderer. And of course to find out if LE will be releasing the arrest warrant anytime soon.

I also think a ton of locals will be there to show support to LH and AS and they will be quiet and respectful and all dressed in BLUE for Gannon. JMO

I agree a lot will be there to catch a glimpse of a murderer. And they will be the ones who might be disruptive waving signs and yelling outside. I pray they don’t turn this into a circus.
The hearing itself will be over quickly.
If I lived locally, this would not be one of the court appearances that I'd make a point of schlepping in for…it's procedural more than substantive.

I'm mostly tuning in as I anticipate that DA's May and/or Allen will hold at least a brief press conference afterward to discuss the charges they've filed, any court orders or motions that are pending, and perhaps to field a few questions, which they more than likely won't be willing to answer.

Still, any time one has the opportunity to hear from this DA's office, it's well worth a listen.

Keeping my fingers crossed that one or both of them will make a statement after the hearing.

I'm local but I'm not going. We've got at least one positive person with coronavirus in our county and I'm not going to go sit in a crowded area for an extended period of time for something I can view live stream. Thank you, newscasters!
I know much of the focus is in anticipation of the hearing this afternoon. I want to overshadow the evil of TS that will appear at that hearing with the positive & good of Gannon! The wheels of justice will roll forward today, but I hope & pray that the progress on finding Gannon and bringing him home will move even faster! Gannon, you are loved by so many!

Take a moment to remember his pure goodness & infectious smile! Thinking of Gannon today and everyday!

#GannonStrong #FindGannon

Well, I'll be taking all day to get through 5 minutes and my eyes start leaking. That little boy had such a hard start to his life. This is just all newly more sad.
Unfortunately, I think TS is going to find all this attention gratifying.

She is not one who differentiates between positive and negative attention.

Any attention is validating.
The crowd will have an energizing effect on her.
"Everyone is here to see MEMEMEMEME!!"

She would find it much more distressing if nobody showed up, and the entire gallery was empty.

This is going to feed her insatiable need for attention.

She's going to feel like a celebrity.

To a certain extent, she's being treated like one, i.e., all the extra security, the tv cameras, MSM coverage, etc.


She might even like prison for the same reason. She may thrive in a more controlled environment where lots of people are watching everything she does. Right now, yes, she's getting a little taste of "celebrity" and I agree she doesn't distinguish between celebrity and notoriety.

She will enjoy finding "followers" inside prison, being smart than everyone else (from her POV), and learning to "work" the new system to the best of her ability. She doesn't appear to have a good memory or much sentimental attachment to anyone or anything. She'll have to get used to the food, though.
I do believe they will have a ton of evidence for abuse. Especially verbal abuse once we see the witnesses and all the technical evidence....texts etc.
I agree.
first, such accusations are not public.
second, I'm struggling to accept that a normal person goes from normal to murders her stepson within a day.

prayers up for as&lh, as they face the first of many emotionally devastating days in court. (Or watching, hearing, etc)
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