Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #44

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I really hate typing this, but LS is finally getting the attention that she thinks she deserves!

I suspect she'll look back on this time as one of the best moments of her life. If not the best moment.


Yep. I keep drawing a comparative to Jodi Arias.
This woman plans to entertain us for her fame for awhile. Trust me.
“We both couldn’t have parked there,” Stauch said. “Something is not right. I even helped [my stepdaughter] get the bike out of the garage, and then her and [my teen daughter] went to Dollar Tree. Truck was on the road then.”
Gannon Stauch stepmom reveals where she went the day Colorado boy disappeared [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

It's her stellar grasp of the english language again. She sent L out to ride her bike after she got home at 3:15, HH got home at 4:38. The closest Dollar Tree is four miles from Mandan Drive. MOO.
She needed to get rid of them for a bit and sent them out imo. She instructed her daughter to take L out on a bike ride and be gone for a bit. HH did what she was told to appease her mother.
I thought this since day one I heard of it.
1. TS must've gotten LaiS's bike out for her BEFORE 3:something because LaiS is seen RIDING IT.
2. HH arrives home at 4:38, or whatever oddly precise time TS said.
3. TS days she sent HH to the park to look for Gannon. Yeah, no. There was no runaway story yet! Story came later. He was, according to TS, still "sleeping". (A convenient sanitizing but not uncommon characterization of dead.)
4. Maybe LaiS was the one at the park. And HH went to find HER there, and then go to the Dollar General.
5. For someone about to make claims that Gannon ran away, Gannon was abducted, and rapists were on loose, TS wasn't any too concerned about little LaiS.
6. Best I can tell, TS had from roughly 2 to 4 to herself in the house. IMO she cleaning.
7. If TS killed Gannon at home during that span of time, WHY did she work so hard to establish that he came home with her?????

If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed at home after the girls went to school and work, respectively, who is it that is seen at around 10 am getting into the back seat of the truck?
If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed after returning from the four hour errand trip, how did she dispose of his body and clean up in such a short period of time?
Yeah, headlines have definitely gotten worse, to the point where I now doubt that keeping them to a cool and dispassionate recitations of facts is even taught in journalism school anymore. A few months ago I was watching the Ted Bundy documentary online, and the difference between the headlines of yore and the headlines of now was as shocking as a face-slap. The 70s headlines actually were more shocking, as you then goggled at what they were revealing about TD's behavior (the "less is more", "show not tell" principle of writing); instead of about the article. Current headlines, conversely, are crammed with loaded "action words" and "emotion words", characterizations of the article subject's demeanor, instead of details of what the article subject is actually being interviewed about, etc., etc.
I like your summation of journalism in general. It’s one of those things that isn’t what it used to be and that happens to be a bad thing. I’m amazed that people who go to school to articulate news to the public, haven’t even learned to write or spell, much less how to have cohesive thoughts.

I at least have an excuse that I clearly never had formal training. :rolleyes:
@nsd19622012 Thank you for pointing out this video and MassGuy for posting!

Tamika Drayton describes LS demeanor as very strange. She says she is smiling acting like she was at a BBQ. Enjoying the company not like a parent that has a missing a child.

Happy, relaxed, smiling, enjoying the attention she was receiving from neighbors that had come out to help.

This is on the 28th, the day after GS ran-away or the day after she was raped…pick a story, any story is better than hers.
Thanks to MassGuy for video. So good. Always loved Court TV and Vinnie Politan. Even remember Ted Rowlands. Haven’t seen him in a while.

Yes, LS is dead to rights. No defense whatsoever.
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If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed at home after the girls went to school and work, respectively, who is it that is seen at around 10 am getting into the back seat of the truck?
If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed after returning from the four hour errand trip, how did she dispose of his body and clean up in such a short period of time?
She had roughly two hours to clean up while LaS was at school, outside playing, and with HH at store. I think she could have easily cleaned up in that time. The bed was covering the spot on the carpet so I think she probably tended to that after girls were in bed. Wipe the walls and other areas of floor leading to garage, remove/replace bedding and clothes, and remove his body. She was parked over the area where blood was in garage. The police weren’t inspecting the house thoroughly that first day. This gave her all night to clean before AS was picked up. IMO.
Also, I don’t see how it’s possible GS didn’t return home. In RD’s video of them leaving the house, he doesn’t necessarily look drugged or injured to me. My first thought since having a son is he looked like he didn’t want to go. My son has done that before where he took his sweet time to get to the car and then didn’t want to get in bc he wanted to stay home and play his game. Very frustrating. Idk what happened. I don’t know if she hurt him badly if at all Sunday. I lean more towards it was a culmination of whatever on Sun nt, she’s angry bc she has to miss work and possibly not get her new job, he may have not wanted to go with her that day, and she eventually just loses her freaking mind on him bc she sees it as all his fault.
The woman who interviewed TS said TS told her she was going to Castle Rock to buy AS a bike for his BIRTHDAY, not Valentines Day. That’s the first time I’ve heard that. Wow, it really makes you wonder if she did this out of revenge and planned it for his birthday or close to it. Poor father. Anyone know his exact birthdate?
He was born in late September. Let’s face the reality. LS is a liar. You never know what might come out of her mouth. Like the latest: she had yet another lie detector test done and had planned to give the correct one to Crime Online. Sure.
She had roughly two hours to clean up while LaS was at school, outside playing, and with HH at store. I think she could have easily cleaned up in that time. The bed was covering the spot on the carpet so I think she probably tended to that after girls were in bed. Wipe the walls and other areas of floor leading to garage, remove/replace bedding and clothes, and remove his body. She was parked over the area where blood was in garage. The police weren’t inspecting the house thoroughly that first day. This gave her all night to clean before AS was picked up. IMO.
Also, I don’t see how it’s possible GS didn’t return home. In RD’s video of them leaving the house, he doesn’t necessarily look drugged or injured to me. My first thought since having a son is he looked like he didn’t want to go. My son has done that before where he took his sweet time to get to the car and then didn’t want to get in bc he wanted to stay home and play his game. Very frustrating. Idk what happened. I don’t know if she hurt him badly if at all Sunday. I lean more towards it was a culmination of whatever on Sun nt, she’s angry bc she has to miss work and possibly not get her new job, he may have not wanted to go with her that day, and she eventually just loses her freaking mind on him bc she sees it as all his fault.

Bolded for focus by me:

He dropped something, to me I kinda always thought he was playing on whatever he dropped and that's why he was walking slow and weird. My kids look like zombies if they're playing on a device while walking.
The woman who interviewed TS said TS told her she was going to Castle Rock to buy AS a bike for his BIRTHDAY, not Valentines Day. That’s the first time I’ve heard that. Wow, it really makes you wonder if she did this out of revenge and planned it for his birthday or close to it. Poor father. Anyone know his exact birthdate?
Good Morning
According to AA #15, AS’s birthday is 9/20/1982

Not sure why she had to email her employer that her stepfather had just been run over by a car. That information can be examined and then some. What was she thinking at 4 something in the morning posting this excuse AND contemplating the murder of her stepson?

It is incredible that one lie she gave to the employer.

It is such an outlandish lie that it makes me wonder if those around her just tolerated her lying and fibbing all the time. She began thinking that everyone believed all the BS she would throw out but in reality they probably knew she was a compulsive liar, and they just placated her and pretended to believe her to avoid confrontations and arguments with her.

If she did not have a lot of people in her life that would stand up to her and battle with her about her lies, then in her mind, she would think everyone is believing the crap she is spewing.

On a smaller scale, we get it too. Because sometimes it is easier to just ignore and pretend with people like that because you can't win an argument with people like her. Trying to reason and argue with her would just escalate into full blown arguments and verbal fighting. People like her dont give up. The only result is we either fakingly concede to them or we finally get away from them.

When AS saw the neighbor's video, he immediately exclaimed "She lied".
He probably suspected well before that and just needed some proof and that video was it.

From that moment on, AS had had enough BS from her and it was the end of her in his life. Unfortunately it was too late for Gannon.
If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed at home after the girls went to school and work, respectively, who is it that is seen at around 10 am getting into the back seat of the truck?
If, as widely discussed here, Gannon was killed after returning from the four hour errand trip, how did she dispose of his body and clean up in such a short period of time?

It's worth noting that she didn't do a great job cleaning up. There were still plainly visible bloodstains all over the house.
A trusted adult.
It’s because she’s the victim. Everything that went wrong is Gannons fault. Her life would have been perfect without him. This is her likely mindset. Or she was so enraged at AS potentially discarding her that it was revenge filled hate delivered in a way to maximize pain for AS.

I think she is a twisted parasitic individual. She lashes out when things don’t go her way even if it means committing crimes or imagining and reporting false crimes.

She is in her late 30s. Not aging well, she lived vicariously through her daughter who is now about to leave and go into the military and AS was starting to wise up just as her fake education and job history was imploding. Someone had to a pay for all her “bad luck” and all the horrible things “being done to her”. She probably does not recognize all the pain she inflicts just speaking to people or she enjoys making people cry.
It is incredible that one lie she gave to the employer.

It is such an outlandish lie that it makes me wonder if those around her just tolerated her lying and fibbing all the time. She began thinking that everyone believed all the BS she would throw out but in reality they probably knew she was a compulsive liar, and they just placated her and pretended to believe her to avoid confrontations and arguments with her.

If she did not have a lot of people in her life that would stand up to her and battle with her about her lies, then in her mind, she would think everyone is believing the crap she is spewing.

On a smaller scale, we get it too. Because sometimes it is easier to just ignore and pretend with people like that because you can't win an argument with people like her. Trying to reason and argue with her would just escalate into full blown arguments and verbal fighting. People like her dont give up. The only result is we either fakingly concede to them or we finally get away from them.

When AS saw the neighbor's video, he immediately exclaimed "She lied".
He probably suspected well before that and just needed some proof and that video was it.

From that moment on, AS had had enough BS from her and it was the end of her in his life. Unfortunately it was too late for Gannon.
I’ve lived with these people. They are inhuman. Really parasites that use anyone they can latch on to...
@nsd19622012 Thank you for pointing out this video and MassGuy for posting!

Tamika Drayton describes LS demeanor as very strange. She says she is smiling acting like she was at a BBQ. Enjoying the company not like a parent that has a missing a child.

Happy, relaxed, smiling, enjoying the attention she was receiving from neighbors that had come out to help.

This is on the 28th, the day after GS ran-away or the day after she was raped…pick a story, any story is better than hers.
I'd forgotten that LS did not accept Drayton's offer for his neighborhood surveillance video! (I think it was after this that he decided to view hours of video himself).
It is incredible that one lie she gave to the employer.

It is such an outlandish lie that it makes me wonder if those around her just tolerated her lying and fibbing all the time. She began thinking that everyone believed all the BS she would throw out but in reality they probably knew she was a compulsive liar, and they just placated her and pretended to believe her to avoid confrontations and arguments with her.

If she did not have a lot of people in her life that would stand up to her and battle with her about her lies, then in her mind, she would think everyone is believing the crap she is spewing.

On a smaller scale, we get it too. Because sometimes it is easier to just ignore and pretend with people like that because you can't win an argument with people like her. Trying to reason and argue with her would just escalate into full blown arguments and verbal fighting. People like her dont give up. The only result is we either fakingly concede to them or we finally get away from them.

When AS saw the neighbor's video, he immediately exclaimed "She lied".
He probably suspected well before that and just needed some proof and that video was it.

From that moment on, AS had had enough BS from her and it was the end of her in his life. Unfortunately it was too late for Gannon.

BBM. T very much reminds me of my violent, narcissistic in-law (same one who once flipped out on an officer and slipped her cuffs.) Nearly everyone in the family kowtows to her because she will react wildly and sometimes even violently to the mildest confrontation or even inconvenience.

I don't think she even cares if anyone actually believes her BS. All that matters is that her tantrums consistently get her what she wants. When I came into the picture, I refused to play her games and walk on eggshells around her like everyone else in the family does. The whole situation got really scary and she finally tried to attack me before I just completely cut all contact with her.
I'd forgotten that LS did not accept Drayton's offer for his neighborhood surveillance video! (I think it was after this that he decided to view hours of video himself).

We are lucky she did not get her hands on that video. If she had, then LE, AS, the Jury, and none of us would have ever seen it again.

Note to self:
If my security cameras ever catch something suspicious, dont share it with the subject in question. Share only with LE.
I’ve lived with these people. They are inhuman. Really parasites that use anyone they can latch on to...

I have been lucky to only be around people similar to her but on a much smaller scale.

I like the word "parasitic" because we always called them "Users". To them, other people are only there to be used to gain something from. They use others for their own benefit only.

If others do not go along with them, help them, give them things, etc. then they become no use to them and they will turn to others who they can finally manipulate.

We began to see from her writings that AS was becoming not as useful to her anymore and so she started to pursue other things where she could start her crap all over again somewhere else with new people to manipulate and draw into her spider's web.
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