Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #14

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So, lets assume that SM did something that was caught on camera somewhere. Say it placed her at the scene but not necessarily committing the crime. What would the search efforts as of late have to do with that? Maybe it is the area where something may or may not have happened, and if there may or may not be video evidence, wouldn't that be enough to convict? If not, what else could be needed?
Are we absolutely positive it was Gannon in that video getting into the truck? Could it have been his sister dressed in his clothing?

I'd say I'm pretty sure. Tee says in her statement that "...and shopping on Monday ( cleared as well for him getting out of the other side). Please don’t think for a second that there isn’t enough of technology to determine shadows and movement around the truck.". Now I'm not saying we take her word for gold lol, but I just don't know if she'd risk dressing up one of the other kids like him. It would be easy to verify if her daughter wasn't in class at that time, or if Gannon's sister wasn't in school.

Edited: Oh yeah, and the neighbor said that Al started crying when he saw the video. I feel like that's enough of an ID for me, so far
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I'm rethinking my original response to this in regards to Dad reportedly being moved to tears upon seeing the video. It is my opinion that there is more that one video, and I don't believe we've been privvy to the one that may have caused his severe reaction.

I also think the timeline originally reported is way off and we will all be surprised when LE wraps up their investigation and releases the true facts. I wish we could discuss so much more here. IMO he was disposed of Sunday evening.

Question that's been bothering me. Let's say a shovel was possibly used in discarding his body or evidence. Wouldn't the ground be way too hard for something like that?

But, the person who reported he cried, is the same person whose technology took the video (Roderick Drayton).

Are you suggesting that Drayton took more than one useful video?

And that the video he shared with the press that we know of, which LE went out of their way to say "Hey press, we asked you not to report upon that video" and which some networks listened to and some did not, is not in fact THE video?

Sorry, I don't buy that. I think it's a severely overly complicated way of bringing complications to an aspect of the case that doesn't need any more complications.

I would agree that LE does not have the COPY of the video we're looking at; which is to say, as many others have suggested, RD's system generates better looking video and what media posted, was them filming a TV screen generating the original video.

Question....Most assume, as you have stated above...She left with GS and came home without him, from what is seen on second-hand video. I too, have viewed this "second-hand" video, and it does appear, while viewing frame by frame in the edit software, that there is a shadow.

So, my question is, has anyone ever discussed the possibility that it was the little sister who was getting out of the vehicle on the other side?

We know from the hike over the weekend that she was with them, we know she was with them during the video/audio of SM questioning GS over the "candle" situation, (as SM was speaking to her in the long version of the unedited video that SM first posted)...

as a side note, I do recall, during the first family interview pleading for GS's return, the little sister (imo) was very nervous and extremely fidgety. She may know a lot...imo.

I'm sorry, but to me "very nervous and extremely fidgety" would basically be a 6-year-old's job description, unless the 6-year-old in question is on the cusp of sleeping. I don't think it's proof of anything.

Plus, I also believe that little sister had a part to play; knew she was going to have to play said part; and was in fact nervous awaiting her own upcoming contribution at the very end of said video.

Ha! I know grown adults that LEGO :)

It's about to be a competitive gaming TV show, in fact :)
TS's recitation of "why are you saying Gannon is dead?", IMO, is attempted to make us "look away" from the criticism she knows she received, about referring to Gannon in past tense.

RSBM. I also think this could have been a (maybe subconscious) attempt to fish for information, namely what LE knows and/or what evidence they have. Not so much in that MSM interview, but I bet she repeated the same question in at least one of her interactions with LE.
Good Morning WS! Finally got a chance to catch up. So, here is my daily hope that today is the day Gannon is found and/or they arrest an evil monster.

I think I’ve narrowed down (in my mind at least) two ways they may have came by this area location.
My first thought was, she was wearing an Apple Watch (or something similar) or a FitBit during the dump. Later realized she had it on and destroyed it and lied about not having one. Maybe AS remembered she had one and suggested it, which they got a warrant for the data. If that’s the case it could account for the delay in searching that area, they were waiting on the information from said warrant, which ended up leading them there.

Second is what many have suggested; there are camera along that route which she is seen going by one but not the another further up the road.

I’ve also been thinking about the multiple search locations and what that could mean. IMO, I don’t think his body is on the 105. I believe they think he is at one of those other sites and is trying to draw as much attention AWAY from them so the media isn’t camped out when they find his body (ugh, my heart). They don’t want the chance of that discovery being leaked before they’ve had time to contact family and identify. I do think there is evidence where they’ve been sifting snow, I just don’t think it’s him.

Although I hope I’m wrong and he will walk back into his parents arms soon.

One thing I just thought of, and I know this whole key thing has been hashed out...but I recall the first or second day of the search in Douglas Co. that LE was seen at the Stauch residence. Maybe they DID find a key, and went to the home to see if the key was in fact from the home? Maybe it was and they continue searches to locate additional items?

For the heck of it, let’s run with your proposed scenario...let’s say, on January 27 a cyclist had stopped near what is now the largest search area, to have a drink. He sees a key on the ground, along with some other items, and doesn’t think much of it. He pockets only the key.

Fast forward to LS’s media “statement.” This cyclist hears about the key that “only Gannon has.” He takes said key to LE. It is subsequently matched to gate lock at Gannon’s home.

The only reason I decided to run through this scenario is because there is one part that strikes my attention: in this scenario, no one would link a found key to Gannon’s case, if LS had not mentioned it herself.

Which means, your theory of possibilities of why that area is the focus of a massive search, is now my favorite.

ETA: date correction
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Pretty sure he would be in a lot of hot water if he wasn't where he was supposed to be,when he was supposed to be there. Especially in a case like this. MP's Could get involved, possible court Martial, discharge papers drawn up in short order. MOO
Again, I simply asked for confirmation. I implied nothing about his involvement. I do remain curious about him however, and am watching that on my own.
The last year my son played with legos was 11 years old. I bought him a batman/joker lego set that cost way over $100 for 11th Birthday and my husband built him a lego table for it to be on display. Now he is 12 and is all about girls and his cell phone. The lego table collects dust in the garage now, because he said its embarrassing :(

My little boy is about to turn 10, and reminds me so so much of Gannon, and he adores Legos. I dread the day he ever decides to put them away.

My heart is overwhelmed for Gannon’s mom today. Watching these searches tears me apart. I cannot even begin to imagine how she is feeling.
I think it was to let us know what a good parent she is. She is so appreciated by them that they make her flower pots. Jmo
100% this. It was absolutely to let us, the public, know something that she felt we all needed to understand to contribute towards the way that we see her (or more likely the way that she sees herself), or sway the way that we see her.

ETA: I find that if you are secure in who you are as a person, with nothing to hide, you likely don't have the need to convince others of what a great, loving, etc. etc. person you are. Additionally, you are not going to be focused on what others think, but simply on the child that is missing.
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I apologize in advance if this has been discussed, I am just tuning in and finding it hard to navigate through the threads. If anyone has a helpful hint on how to view a topic/case from thread #1 to current (i.e. an index)-please share, thx.

RE: Leaked driveway CCTV
  • Why start your truck, parked at the curb and back it into the driveway. Okay, perhaps she was she warming the vehicle up, but why not just pull in forward, instead of going thru the hassle of backing up. It only makes sense if you are loading or unloading something.
  • The strangest action however, is that TS appears to have "walked" Gannon to the rear door, opened it, and helped him in and shut the door-BUT WHY, he is 11 y/o boy. Was he so sick he needed assistance, if that was the case, then as a parent or step parent, why would you allow him to go out and play a few hours later. Was he injured and in need of physical assistance.
RE: Interview with BM and BD
  • The BM seemed very genuine, in her tears and concern, the BD kept rubbing his and pinching his eyes, but why...there were no tears. Maybe he is not a cryer, maybe he is in shock, but his interactions seemed stilted and emotionally detached-to me.
RE: TS News Interview
  • I have only one primary observation; why would you refer to someone, you believe is alive, in the past tense.
All of the above are JMO.
I watched Gray's YouTube this morning of the sifters. According to Google maps it appears there may be a pull off area there near where they are sifting. Perhaps they have a witness who had observed matching vehicle parked there, and/or matching person/s walking alongside the road the day he went missing, or in days after? Or witness observed suspicious activity or disposing of items while matching vehicle parked there at pull off. Maybe a child with matching description of Gannon was outside of vehicle vomiting and someone passed by. Just random thoughts I had, sorry if already mentioned.
Number of Tips received by the El Paso County Sheriff
With the dates they posted updated numbers :

January 31 72
February 1 110
February 2 134
February 3 164
February 4. 184
February 5. 231
February. 6. 280
February. 7. 309
February. 8. 324
February. 9. 339
February. 10. 385
February. 12. 442
February. 13. 465
February. 14. 516
February. 15. 540
February. 16 555
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Dental fillings?
Braces/other orthodontia?
Any kind of surgical pin or plate, say from a badly broken bone in the past?

Not saying any of these apply to Gannon (a surgical pin/plate would be very unusual in a child in 2020), but if by some twist he did have any of these things I bet LE would know, but the media and public would not.

Metal fillings I think are also now rare.
Ah, okay. Found what I'm referring to. A reporter says to Kirby that they've "got a lot of people here so there must be some good information you received" and she responds @ 2:08 "You know this is not the only search that's happening, but this by far and large the largest search that we have going on in the search for Gannon". Here's a link to KKTV's video if anyone wants to watch. I legit can't find it anywhere on their website or youtube. Just remove the spaces.

https:// www.facebook. com/kktv11news/videos/1086727195014881/

Dear @wanenim

Thank you so much for this information and link!

I find this speaks highly to the integrity of this investigation in that we are not "privy" to other searches and that there are no "leaks".

This is such a solid investigative team and I have faith that they are building a solid case and finding the critical information they need to do so. IMO
For the heck of it, let’s run with your proposed scenario...let’s say, on June 27 a cyclist had stopped near what is now the largest search area, to have a drink. He sees a key on the ground, along with some other items, and doesn’t think much of it. He pockets only the key.

Fast forward to LS’s media “statement.” This cyclist hears about the key that “only Gannon has.” He takes said key to LE. It is subsequently matched to gate lock at Gannon’s home.

The only reason I decided to run through this scenario is because there is one part that strikes my attention: in this scenario, no one would link a found key to Gannon’s case, if LS had not mentioned it herself.

Which means, your theory of possibilities of why that area to search, is now my favorite.

If this putative cyclist saw the key, and didn't know the key was important, why would they in fact take the key? I don't take strange keys I find on the ground. I don't take anything I find on the ground, without some type of identifying details or a lost-and-found to take it to.

If the putative cyclist knew there was a search for a missing kid going on, why would they only take the key, and not be interested in taking along any of the other items on the ground, which were likely to belong to/with the key?

Also, what's this about June 27th?
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