Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #2

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I wonder why she couldn't answer that simple question? I mean it was already in the media wasn't it?

I'm still convinced she is representated by an attorney. Apparently so self absorbed with her perceived injustices and others perceptions she thought she could change the tide so to speak. It's happened before so it's nothing new. Clients like this are very difficult to corral and are an attorneys nightmare. We've seen it before where attorneys come and go with the same client.

The constant harping as I said on previous thread about treatment from LE is for perception. Notice how absolutely NOTHING was said about MONDAY and Gannon's disappearance. She couldn't answer ANY of those questions because she is representated and of course the legalities.

So if no one close to him harmed him, then the options are:

-He really did run away. To still be missing, he'd either have to sadly be deceased somewhere, maybe accidental/due to the elements. OR he'd have to be harbored by someone, and I just can't really imagine someone doing that knowing how torn up the family is. I said this with Harley's case as well right when he went missing.

-He was really headed to a friend's house (or possibly even running away) and was abducted by someone. It is possible. I mean, kids do sometimes get abducted walking to school or playing outside or whatever. Sadly if this is the case, I don't think the outcome is good.

I am not really sure which option (including harm by someone he knows) I lean towards right now. I really HOPE he did run away and is being kept safe somewhere as that means he is alive, but I just don't know.
I just watched the video of the step mom for the first time. I really tried to be open minded. I have to say, I believe her for now. If there is more evidence my mind can be easily changed. I found her self centered and a bit immature ...but I know plenty of those types. And when a self centered immature person is put in this circumstance, they may come off the same way.

My theory, MOO.....There was an argument and he took off. Impulsively, like an 11 year old might. He met with foul play via a stranger.

This theory is weak and is dependent on coincidence. What are the odds of him running off AND a bad person just happens to be there? Pretty slim. I get it.

I am just not ready to make a judgement on the step mom. For me, it does not feel right.

MOO..and I welcome thoughts on this post.

I agree that stepmother's self-centered interview is not evidence she harmed him physically. However I think she made it clear she has resentment for several people. That doesn't mean she committed a crime. It could affect how the home environment functioned and felt.

So I also think he may have left voluntarily although not taking his phone is a little suspicious to me. (Because kids love their phones.)

I think getting lost in nature or misadventure is more likely than a kidnapping. But if he was abducted, it could have been by someone who wasn't a stranger.

But you can't rule anything out really with what we know, IMO.
I agree that stepmother's self-centered interview is not evidence she harmed him physically. However I think she made it clear she has resentment for several people. That doesn't mean she committed a crime. It could affect how the home environment functioned and felt.

So I also think he may have left voluntarily although not taking his phone is a little suspicious to me. (Because kids love their phones.)

I think getting lost in nature or misadventure is more likely than a kidnapping. But if he was abducted, it could have been by someone who wasn't a stranger.

But you can't rule anything out really with what we know, IMO.

And he didn't take his jacket.
I can't get past him not being spotted on a single camera near his home.

Not one....

More than half the homes in that area have Ring or other cameras. (When I find the link again I will bring it for now I will say JMO)

If he left out a back entrance to avoid cameras, that shows a degree of intelligent planning on his part.

So...then....why not take a jacket and personal items with him?

Why not delete google search history? (An 11 yr old can have the knowledge and ability to do this.) IMO

He is a well-liked child from all sources, but not a single friend of his (publicly) knows or says who's house he was likely going 'down the road' to.

I am very, very worried for this little guy.

Its like he has vanished into thin air.

Did he have help?
Or, was he forced to vanish?

I agree that stepmother's self-centered interview is not evidence she harmed him physically. However I think she made it clear she has resentment for several people. That doesn't mean she committed a crime. It could affect how the home environment functioned and felt.

So I also think he may have left voluntarily although not taking his phone is a little suspicious to me. (Because kids love their phones.)

I think getting lost in nature or misadventure is more likely than a kidnapping. But if he was abducted, it could have been by someone who wasn't a stranger.

But you can't rule anything out really with what we know, IMO.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Her mindset could have been to help clear HER name and she may feel like she is being attacked not only by social media but also family members. She could have had a one track thinking during that interview. It most certainly raised flags though. IMO

I still need more to push me from one side of the fence to the other. Were there any personal belongings missing? Game/toy/bike/backpack etc. I have not seen/heard any forensic teams out there or dogs for that matter. All IMO
Smart answer from spokeswoman.

Deb Mynatt, a spokeswoman for the agency, said she could not comment on Letecia Stauch's claims, citing an ongoing investigation. Mynatt could not comment if Letecia Stauch currently had a lawyer, either. Instead, she said, the agency is trying to keep the focus on finding Gannon, not on Letecia Stauch's statements to KKTV.

Missing boy's stepmother slams El Paso County Sheriff's Office, claims rights violated
I agree, that interview did her no favors. The reporter kind of baited her and she was so clouded by her animosity towards her husband and bio mom that she came across as really immature and self centered.

My assessment of what we're seeing in this video is quite different.

I think she came across as incredibly immature and self-centered because she IS incredibly immature and self-centered.

I think she came across as being extremely narcissistic because she IS narcissistic.

Having said that, the real issue to me is this:

Is this woman so clouded by her animosity toward GS's bio mom that she transferred those feelings of animosity over to GS?

One of the things I noted in a prior post was that watching his bio mom during the pc, it struck me what a strong resemblance GS bore to his mom.

There's a specific reason I noted that: It worried me.
It worried me for precisely the above reason.

Physical resemblance might be another trigger for transference.

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I’ve been following as closely as possible but has it been mentioned if LE has taken cadaver dogs into the home?

I know it was reported early on that police were there searching the garage and the backyard into the night and then the CSI van all the next day, but I don’t recall seeing anything about dogs?

IIRC, this was one of the first things CBI did at Kelsey Berreth’s townhouse and at the Watts home.

RE: SM interview, at 6:41, when she went to get her daughter, she is heard saying
SM- I need (daughter) cause they want to verify Gannon was home after the hike, because you didn't go on the hike but you came home after work.
DAUGHTER- do you want me to say yes?
SM- No, just answer the question yes you came home from work and can verify Gannon was at home.
THEN, SM asked the reporter "does she (daughter) need to hold this ( the microphone).

This tells me she didn't know she was being recorded while talking to daughter and whomever else was in the vehicle. I don't know why that stands out to me. I'm just throwing it out there.IMO

Then the reporter says" then Gannon goes to a friends house" the video cuts off, daughter is gone and the reporter repeats the question in which she can't answer at this time of the investigation.

Thank you for pointing this out. A little while later she is asked a question about her response to the community and she asks if it is being recorded almost as if her response is going to differ based on whether it is being recorded.
Statistically it's more likely Gannon was harmed by someone he knows than his being abducted by a stranger. It's possible he ran away but if so it doesn't bode well that he hasn't returned home in 5 days.

But who knows, anything could have happened. I'm confident LE has an idea of what led up to Gannon's disappearance and are quietly gathering evidence.

At around 7:45 in her interview the reporter asked the SM about Gannon saying he was going to a friend's house. SM replied:

"Unfortunately I'm not able to like, comment on that anymore and for that reason it's 'cuz some things have been turned and twisted..."
VIDEO: Stepmom of missing Colorado boy speaks out

She went on to restate how people are saying mean things to her. It's interesting that she wouldn't answer the question because she's upset that people are questioning her story in SM, not because she was asked to refrain from talking about it to msm. I don't quite know what to make of that other than her priority is herself. MOO.
VIDEO: Stepmom of missing Colorado boy speaks out

I'm just watching this interview for the first time.

This is way, way, beyond my worst imaginings.
I've had to turn it off before finishing it, because I can't stomach another word coming out of her mouth right now.
I have low tolerance for people who lie to my face, much less people who lie standing with their back to me.

Every single word I've listened to so far is utterly damning in my mind…because in not one syllable she utters do I hear a single note of genuine concern for GS.

The point at which I've had to turn it off is at the 5:27 mark:

"Secondly, I'm going to be so ecstatic when I am able to say to people that I hope they have a really sincere apology for all of these theories that have came <sic> out online, for ALL of the things that they say that I have done, or people have done, and I just want everyone to know that we are going to find Gannon, and I love him so much, and I have been taking care of him for so long."

The reporter then asks her to tell him a little bit about GS. She starts to speak about how he loves video games, then went on to say, "He was always so helpful with the dogs, " "He was always the person I could say, Gannon, could you go do this, and he would go do it right away…"

She switches to past tense.


Sadly, I feel like that's a rhetorical question.

Back to listen to the rest of this horrendous interview.

Doesn't LE have to have a POI and then apply for a warrant to enter a home with a cadaver dog? If SM is not staying there can Dad let them in to search etc. without a warrant?
Secondly, I hope LE had lapel cameras or dashboard cameras going when they put the 17 yo in handcuffs and had the car towed. I wonder why they had their guns drawn, if she is reporting correctly.
I’ve been following as closely as possible but has it been mentioned if LE has taken cadaver dogs into the home?

I know it was reported early on that police were there searching the garage and the backyard into the night and then the CSI van all the next day, but I don’t recall seeing anything about dogs?

IIRC, this was one of the first things CBI did at Kelsey Berreth’s townhouse and at the Watts home.

Not sure if it was a cadaver dog, but in the interview with stepmother, there is dog nearby barking like crazy. I heard it at around 4 minutes in....
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