Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #20

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I haven't been able to post since early this week. Our daughter ended up needing to be induced in labor because of several life medical threatening complications and then had even more complications immediately after delivery. Thankfully, momma and baby boy both recovered and are now home. There's no way possible I can catch up with everything new that's been posted. I have been keeping an eye on the news and what's happening locally. What new things are we allowed to discuss? Would love a quick synopsis reply here or even in a pm. Thanks!

I'm thankful your daughter and grandbaby are doing well! And, Congratulations!
same thought and thank you for the screen grab !

Glad I'm not the only one who had this thought considering the footage. It doesn't make any sense for it to be Monday afternoon. Just more of obfuscation on her part, I believe. Trying to create doubt, and more specifically call RD's credibility into question.
Let's just pretend for one tiny second that what she says is true (ha!). It says a lot about person to take another person out of their comfort zone when they're feeling sick. Selfish and mean come to mind.

Yes and psychotic. My ex-husband used to demand to see our daughter when she was just two years old and had only lived with me her entire life ( before we had a separation agreement ) and would drag her from my home even when she was sick or had a fever for his “visits” which he demanded at random times in order to exercise his “rights”. After the family court gave us joint custody ( mislabeling us as “high conflict” ), when she was in 4th grade one morning she told him she did not feel good at all but he forced her in the car to go to school ( a 30 minute drive for him ). She vomited as soon as she got to school — in front of all of her classmates. And then vomited again on the drive home. We still have joint custody and she is in the 10th grade now. Stockholm syndrome at this point.
Yes, she said “There was also proof from my phone that we had taken a selfie in the truck in our driveway that was time stamped.”
And she was pretty adamant in an earlier statement that LE had enough tech to see GS get out the other side of the truck, but with this statement there’s apparently video evidence of him getting out of the truck while it’s parked on the street and that RD’s video must be wrong!
As to the "chosen victim" model of family life, it's fairly common. There's a well known pattern involving narcissistic parents, wherein one child is the "Golden Child" and like, the Narcissist, can do no wrong. Another child is chosen as the "Scapegoat." This dynamic happens in families that don't contain a narcissist, but it's very common - diagnostic, really - in narcissism.

There are some clues in this case. I'm not going to quote SM but I will note that the picture trail in this case has bothered me. I'll describe a different case (that is very similar) so that I'm not breaking rules.

In the case of a woman with Narcissistic/Histrionic diagnosis (both a field diagnosis and a clinical diagnosis from a psychiatrist), she had a FB in which you could barely tell that one of her children (the boy) existed. The daughter's birthday parties and other events were displayed on FB almost daily. Tons of selfies with the daughter. Even in travel pictures, one had to wonder where the boy was. The pictures were taken by both parents, but rarely contained any with the boy in them. Boy's birthday pictures were never posted. Since I got to interview this woman, I asked to look at family videos. Huge, extravagant birthday parties for Daughter, some years, no birthday party at all for Son, and when it occurred, no videos, we had to hunt for a couple of photos. While we were doing this, the woman showed no awareness of the issue. She just didn't see it.

The Son did get taken to the doctor and she sought psychiatric treatment for him when he was only 6. She seemed to think there was something wrong with him, although she couldn't articulate it. The father was frequently gone (military) and eventually left altogether, but before that occurred he revealed that the Son was diagnosed with depression at age 6.

The Daughter was rarely punished, the Son was punished frequently, often with psychological pain rather than physical pain.

This case has been published in academic literature, pretty much as I just outlined, so I'm not breaking any professional rules. There were some details about the case (non-criminal) that caused the treating psychiatrist to wish to publish some of his findings. There was, for example, a pretend abduction (of the Mom).

Anyway, there are things about this case that make me think of that case.
Thanks so much for your insight, @10ofRods! I so get it. A couple of decades ago I trained to do work with what was called "pre-abusive" parents and part of the course included a book even older. This was all way before the Internet.

Anyway, even back then it addressed what you spoke of (minus FB) along with other dynamics that I've never forgotten. One was the expectation a parent (caregiver) has of so-called unconditional love which, in that sense meant that women in particular expected their child to love them and fill in any voids they had in their emotional needs.

Another dynamic was turning against a child who too closely physically resembled the other parent in separation situations. And I'll brazenly include a more modern dynamic of resentment towards a child that is not biologically related.

Certainly the majority of step and adoptive parents truly love their children, biological or not. But in cases of abuse we often see a non bio caregiver who feels burdened by the child and resentment towards the absent bio parent. When the resentment overflows to their partner, especially where there are problems in the relationship, we see incidents where the child goes "missing."

In Gannon's case LS made it clear in her interview that she has cared for (been burdened by) him - for two long years - because (according to her) Gannon's bio mom (paraphrasing) wouldn't do her job. That's a red flag IMO.

So we have a step parent who may feel threatened by the bio mother of her step children's presence in their lives, who may feel overburdened by having to care for kids who are not her own, a husband who is frequently absent from the home and relationship.

Her career appears to have been deep-sixed due to her own actions though she may see herself as a victim of the school system. She may also have psychological/emotional dysfunction as evidenced by her bizarre speech in her interviews.

In that light it's not so odd that LS may have struck out against Gannon. All MOO.
I have not read or heard TS say one positive thing about Gannon.
The only things I heard her say that were positive were couched in the past tense...

She said 'He was very helpful with the dogs. And he would do everything that was a asked of him. He was very sweet' <<<paraphrased from my memory only
Want to know how I am sure, like no doubt in my mind sure, that she knows he’s not coming home.

By announcing to the entire Nation/World that he “pooped is pants”.

I also have an 11 years old, if I even said something like that in front of family (I NEVER would) my child the same age as Gannon would die of embarrassment. This is the age when kids start getting really embarrassed by everything, especially something like having that kind of accident. Even if it is something they can’t help.

Out of everything this disgusting women said, this makes me the most angry. It’s like she can’t help the resentment she has for him from seeping out of her every pore. What kind of loving (step) mother would announcing to MILLIONS of people that their kid pooped their pants. Like who is the hell would do that? A parent that knows the child is never coming home and doesn’t care what she says about him. She knows he can’t be ashamed by her words. She knows he won’t hear those words. She knows where he is and she knows her world is about to come tumbling down, thank god.

Still have 11 pages to catch up on, just had to get that off my chest.
She is not a loving step mother
re: timestamps on RDs footage - i remember seeing the nighttime footage and it had the time on it but i found this video that shows the full screen of the tv as RD is showing the reporter the footage and i’m not seeing that same time stamp on the upper left. i have no doubt that the video does have date/time and LE has this info but i’m curious to hear if anyone has xfinity and if this is an option or what to make of it

Not for murder though, which is what they’re likely trying to prove.

Even if they do have enough to get her on lesser charges, they may be reluctant to do that right now.

The more she talks, the more damage she does. That will likely stop once she’s behind bars.
No. It won't stop ever... be running 24/7 on loop for poor unfortunate cellmates...
Not for murder though, which is what they’re likely trying to prove.

Even if they do have enough to get her on lesser charges, they may be reluctant to do that right now.

The more she talks, the more damage she does. That will likely stop once she’s behind bars.

If they arrest her on a lesser charge, say hindering an investigation - at least she'd be detained officially and subject to whatever means necessary to get a confession.
True. But they'd have enou

True. But at least they could lie

If they arrest her on a lesser charge, say hindering an investigation - at least she'd be detained officially and subject to whatever means necessary to get a confession.
She’d lawyer up at that point, if she hasn’t already. She’d probably post bail, and we’d be right back in the same spot.
Stauch told CrimeOnline that Gannon was with her when she arrived back home and that as he exited the truck, he was holding a white bag in his hand.

Stach theorized that Drayton may have provided the incorrect date of the surveillance footage, since her teen daughter arrived home on January 27 at around 4:38 p.m., and parked in the same spot her truck was spotted in on security footage.

“We both couldn’t have parked there,” Stauch said. “Something is not right. I even helped [my stepdaughter] get the bike out of the garage, and then her and [my teen daughter] went to Dollar Tree. Truck was on the road then.”

Stauch added that she clearly remembered giving Gannon a white bag to hold on January 27, “in case he puked.” She said the little boy had “pooped in his pants” the day prior and had been having issues with his stomach.

Another security footage clip aired on FOX31 Denver showed the red truck parked on the curb in front of the Stauch house. A boy who appeared to be Gannon exited the truck wearing a backpack.

It’s unclear what day that particular footage was captured, but Stauch said it showed her arriving home with Gannon on January 27.

“This is definitely Monday when we got back,” Stauch said, referring to the clip. “Same clothes and he had a bag in his hand…Something’s not right. I have said from day one that I never backed in [the driveway] when he and I returned.”

This is the clip she is referring to at 1:25.

Gannon's little sister is with him. The black SUV which IMO belongs to LS is backing out. This was not on Monday.

Also, it always looked to me that LS was holding a white bag when she exited the truck when she returned on Jan. 27. Such a liar. Poor Gannon.

But...little sister was at school until 3:00 and bus route indicates drop off at around 3:25. Can't be Monday.

Can someone say whether Gannon is in fact wearing the track pants with the stripe in the picture where Gannon gets out at the curb?

I'm too tired to view tonight, but would love to look at the time (via shadow technology, ha).
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