Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #20

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Tldr; Histrionic Personality Disorder: disingenuous subtype may explain the observation of narcissism traits.

As for the observation of "being coached," histrionic personality disorder: appeasing subtype may explain the observation of "n-supply" traits.

I'm not an expert in psychology, but the R algorithm I used on the interview data seemed to perform better at discerning true/lie/indeterminate set boundary demarcations under H-H assumption vs N-S assumption.

Sorry for spoiler: regardless of initial assumption, the alg didn't find tense flips to be a good classifier, for this specific purpose of set demarcation. It doesn't mean they aren't important, but they are beyond the scope of the alg I'm using.

It did find preposition emphasis, passive voice shifts, and prosody shifts particularly interesting though.

Let her try! In fact, I hope she's dumb enough to keep doing it and that the DA is smart enough to ask the content owners to help nail her for copyright infringement!

Tldr; It is EASY to prove that its not statistically coincidental, if you are worried.

1. Use R
2. Load PKG with Bag of Words alg. or similar.
3. Use suspected source for TF/IDF and get list of words or phrases.
4. Use 3 as dictionary.
5. Use TS MSM Pressers for corpus.
6. Run alg, drink coffee.
7. View results. If you find 4 in 5, and 4 was date stamped before 5, it's likely plagiarized.

I think there's an online plagiarism checker too, but I can't remember the name of it.

You are Z Bomb!
Suprised she hasn't lawyered up already, since she claimed early on to have requested one.
Maybe she doesn’t have the money. It’s pretty obvious she hasn’t though, as no lawyer would have allowed that interview with Crime Online.

To call it a disaster is an understatement.
So TS is claiming that the footage linked in the article is from Monday afternoon and shows Gannon having come home with the red truck parked on the street.

At 1 minute 27, I took a still from the footage. Because to me it looks like a second person comes out of the red truck and runs right up behind him. Doesn't that look like the younger sister?

View attachment 234942

In that case it can't be Monday afternoon, because LH had not arrived back from school yet when step-mum and G supposedly did. Also we can see the black SUV being backed out of the drive again in front of Gannon. Which has to have been driven by the stepmom.

Because, as she claimed, her own daughter did not arrive back until 4:38 p.m., right?

My guess is that this footage is from when they were about to go on the Garden of the God's hike on Sunday.
Do you have the video link , thx
Maybe she doesn’t have the money. It’s pretty obvious she hasn’t though, as no lawyer would have allowed that interview with Crime Online.

To call it a disaster is an understatement.

True, but what lawyer in that region would miss the opportunity to claim their 15 min.? Thinking of Norm Pattis in the Dulos case another ugh ...
But I am certain LE verified the actual times, before they publicly stated they agreed with DR's version of events.

If LE went to DR's home and watched the footage, they would be able to see INFINITY's log times.

Yes, this is a big red herring, and I strongly advise anyone who can stop themselves from falling for TS's "baffle them with BS" on this topic, should.

Don't even waste your time trying to figure it out.

You/we won't know on what day TS "really" did anything; and LE does know everything that happened on that video, with timings.

Not to mention since she sat in the car for a bit... I mean, if I’m waiting on the car to heat up or waiting on my teens to finally make it mount the door the first thing I do is pick up my phone and scroll. It’s not like she looked hurried or rushed in any of that video. Not to mention the infamous selfie that she, apparently, took without a phone...

She didn't. She in fact said in her last nonsense statement, that she took a selfie in the truck "with her phone". I've seen it discussed multiple places, but here is one:

Gannon Stauch: Missing boy's stepmother releases statement

There was also proof from my phone that we had taken a selfie in the truck in our driveway that was time stamped,” she wrote.

I’d be willing to bet that she always took her phone with her when she left the house, and this day was an exception.

She leaves her phone, manages to somehow get lost, takes a kid with stomach issues in a 4 hour bike shopping excursion, and the video that clearly shows him not returning is somehow from a different day.

This, despite the fact that she made such a huge deal about “shadows” in her previous statement.

Oh, and the kids never saw Gannon when they returned.

Other than that, and a few other inconsistencies and contradictions, she totally didn’t dig a deeper hole for herself here.

According to the Denver Post article I quoted above, the "shadow statement" IS the selfsame statement where she says she took a selfie in the truck in the driveway with her phone.

She's already tripping herself up with her inability to keep up with her own statements.

Just read the interview LS did today. The more she talks the better it is for LE. Reporters should try and get an interview every other day. She has an excuse for everything that contradicts some of what she said in earlier interviews. Hopefully they find Gannon soon and can arrest her.

EXACTLY!!! People who lie, who toss up tornado after tornado of word salad, EXHAUST mere mortals, and probably interrogators, too. But at least interrogators have tools to fight back with.

Yes, exactly.

I know it won't stop some people and that's okay; but again, I personally encourage people not to try to make sense out of "TS's Statement 3", vs. RD's footage.

It will be like trying to put lipstick on the proverbial pig.

It won't work, and just annoys the pig.

This is absolutely crazy! IMOO Why is LS explaining video being wrong, trips to sports store, taking back roads, when she clearly said in last statement (suspicious cars) (other persons) ?? What does anything she said today have anything to do with the previous goosechase?? IMOO

think she’s covering for a second figure and it was an accident. My minds made up

Interesting. I can only think of 1 person she may love more than herself to do that.

NOPE, I really can’t. Nobody. But I would love to hear why you think so if you care to share? I could be blinded by my disgust for her.
Jmo she will get a public defender if she is arrested. But I do not see much point in charges such as obstruction, lying to police, etc...which won’t keep her in jail. And she is determined to stick to her story, or stories, so LE won’t gain by those charges. It has to be all or nothing, imo...
And she was pretty adamant in an earlier statement that LE had enough tech to see GS get out the other side of the truck, but with this statement there’s apparently video evidence of him getting out of the truck while it’s parked on the street and that RD’s video must be wrong!
I really think she is following closely here and on SM. She has nothing else to do in her motel room all alone. When she realized the majority of people following the case weren’t buying the shadow thing she had to think up something else. Now she is trying to blame RD and say he messed up the video times. If she is given enough time and sees this scenario isn’t believable she will come up with something else. Story keeps changing. Smh.. She’s desperate and in big trouble right now imo.
If she has, the poor guy is probably blind drunk or on suicide watch, after reading her latest interview.
All of them! All of her interviews/statements. What on earth is she thinking? I just can't imagine that she hasn't consulted a lawyer at this point. She'd have to be just blatantly ignoring them! 3 times! If you don't count social media.

Don’t forget too, crime scene units were back at the house yesterday.

So I think this search was planned before yesterday (it takes time to organize these things), and they have come upon new information in the past 24 hours.

She may be backed into a corner and cooperating (highly optimistic of me), or they have learned something that has shifted their focus of where to search.

TS believes in coincidences, but I don’t.

As we have explained throughout this investigation, this is a very fluid investigation & it can change at any minute of the day. The scheduled search has been postponed.

We will keep you in the loop as it happens & as we can release it.

Our Tips to date are 801.

If you have credible information please call 719-520-6666 or email us at

#FindGannon #Hope
EPC Sheriff's Office

For some reason, I feel like this bolded line is not referring to the search. Hinting at an arrest? Hinting at having found Gannon?

“We will keep you in the loop as it happens & as we can release it.”

They have been very purposeful with wording before, I feel like they are being purposeful with this wording now. I want to believe this has a bigger meaning. The hashtags are different and new as well. FWIW
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