Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #23

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This is a very minor point but it bugs me. Who takes a child in the throes of an IBS episode to Burger King. The worst thing he could eat. Not that it would matter to her. He "may" have been suffering a bad bout but a hard blow to the stomach is where my mind goes. Speaking to the night before Gannon disappeared.

I really don't think it's a minor point at all.
This is the sort of thing I was referring to the other day when I said her lies are now engaged in mid-air collisions.

She wants the world to know, she took Gannon (and his sister) to a lovely, family hike at GotG, then to BK, his favorite, on Sunday.
I mean, they might as well be the next family on the cover of Parenting magazine.


She also wants the world to know, he stayed home from school Monday because the day prior, he'd soiled himself and was too worried to go to school, so barf bag and dragging him along while she runs entirely non-essential BS errands.

Similar to the selfie from her phone, that is now Gannon's phone, and from the driveway, where she never actually backed up into that day.

And let's not forget, "shadows" and technology that can prove Gannon was with her, in the truck, parked in the driveway, that she never parked in, on the return trip that day.

And we might as well just go ahead and toss in runaway/friends house and yet, kidnapping and description of who, and who sent the kidnapper (that LE has known, since day 1).

She has lied SO much, she literally cannot keep a straight story.
The next round of horsesnot is going to sound just like the rest of it, contradictions and far more details about info that seems unconnected or simply outlandish.

How I'd love to be an observer if a journalist or LE would sit down with her and present these statements to her that she's made, and ask her to explain the contradictions.

I know @MassGuy said maybe not to pay too much attention to the odometer, but she left with 5 miles on that thing?? That'd be pretty easy to log the difference when it's so obvious. I'm sure LE already has reached out to that company to ask more about the legitimacy of the odometer logs.
I am one that happens to think she did drive all those miles. We rent cars often although we own cars. We rent cars when we are going to be putting many miles on a car. We trust that the rental cars are well maintained to do so. I think she felt assured the rental car would not break down for her journey.
I'm also wondering if she asked for a white vehicle.
I know @MassGuy said maybe not to pay too much attention to the odometer, but she left with 5 miles on that thing?? That'd be pretty easy to log the difference when it's so obvious. I'm sure LE already has reached out to that company to ask more about the legitimacy of the odometer logs.

I'm sure they have, if she were the very first renter of a brand spankin new car with 5 miles on it, then the 955 miles would be all her, but if there were previous renter(s) then they could refer back to the last renter's odometer reading when they turned the car in, assuming it was recorded accurately, but would give them some idea of the miles she drove.
Exactly. @MassGuy posted last night that he contacted a friend who is a manager of a car rental agency. This person basically said the 955 miles was a nothing burger.

I know it is easy to miss posts as the thread moved fast. It is unrealistic to believe that T drove 955 miles.

IMO. We should not discount the mileage. I agree that it seems unrealistic.
I know @MassGuy said maybe not to pay too much attention to the odometer, but she left with 5 miles on that thing?? That'd be pretty easy to log the difference when it's so obvious. I'm sure LE already has reached out to that company to ask more about the legitimacy of the odometer logs.

I bet LE has already reached out to reconcile this. Either way, if she emptied the tank, she drove 300-400 miles on it. To where?

Also, MassGuy is great so not trying to argue wi th him, but I think it’s important we recognize that his manager is talking about his own personal experience at a given rental car company and location. I’m one of the people who uses rental cars 7+ times a year and always does unlimited mileage, and my experience has always been that they write down the exact mileage. Like if it says 2,246, they don’t round up and write down 2,250. They write it down exactly as it is. Now, I am not suggesting that just because they did it that way at the locations/companies I have used that they necessarily did it that way at this Colorado rental car location. But we shouldn’t assume either is true until we know for sure. She drove 300-400 miles to empty the tank. And maybe more.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
I urge u to read up on it. Two of the main symptoms in a child suffering from this type of abuse is ADHD and stomach issues. Yes LH states G had stomach issues but who was she receiving that info from and who was perhaps causing those issues and who perhaps fabricated symptoms for G to be put on medications in the first place?
But ok we’ll go with he had ADHD and IBS. Why then on a Monday morning was she not calling G’s pediatrician for help. She instead called an urgent care line. That is not typical of a parent with a child with a chronic illness. They would reach out to the Dr who knows them best. Unless that Dr has already formed suspicions. Then they do what most Munchausen parents do and they reach out to multiple care givers. Moo she’s is classic Munchausen.

We are having the same thoughts today! I literally just posted questioning what specific meds was he on! Then I see you are wondering the same things!
I also would like to know specifically what kind of meds the Little Guy was taking. It’s been mentioned several times in MSM that he needs his medication. Wondering if he suffers from seizures or something major like that, or if it’s stomach issues, allergies or what.

ETA: A family member of mine suffers from seizures daily. One day without her seizure meds would equal a death sentence for her. She also has other meds she takes that she could live without. You guys get what I’m saying.
LE said the meds were for a condition that was not life threatening IIRC.
Archived article from January 28th suggest that cell phones were already being checked.

Deputies are actively searching for the boy in between calls for service, and the case has been forwarded to major crimes detectives. Such a move is made when additional investigative tools, such as the ability to obtain deleted information off a phone, are needed, she said.

LE showed up at 10 o'clock Tuesday night with flashlights to search around the home.

Sounds like the Stauchs had to wait 24 hours after Gannon went missing before LE could really get involved because of her runaway story.

She was probably extensively interviewed Wednesday afternoon after returning the rental.

Let's have another look at this.
It does not specify miles.
Suppose it is kilometers?
I'm so far behind on these threads, this may have already been noticed. But it looks to me like that rental car had a Texas license plate on it. I believe the first two letters of the license plate number shown on the rental agreement indicate that it's from Texas because the Texas license plate format is three letters and four numbers. IMO the next three letters after the TX are the beginning of the license plate number. Not sure that it means much, as rental car companies generally have cars with plates from all over. When I rent in Washington state I often get a car from Enterprise with Illinois plates on it, for some reason.
I bet LE has already reached out to reconcile this. Either way, if she emptied the tank, she drove 300-400 miles on it. To where?

Also, MassGuy is great so not trying to argue wi th him, but I think it’s important we recognize that his manager is talking about his own personal experience at a given rental car company and location. I’m one of the people who uses rental cars 7+ times a year and always does unlimited mileage, and my experience has always been that they write down the exact mileage. Like if it says 2,246, they don’t round up and write down 2,250. They write it down exactly as it is. Now, I am not suggesting that just because they did it that way at the locations/companies I have used that they necessarily did it that way at this Colorado rental car location. But we shouldn’t assume either is true until we know for sure. She drove 300-400 miles to empty the tank. And maybe more.
Thank God someone can say this more clearly than I tried to. As I mentioned, it’s not sound practice to eliminate possible evidence until you have a confirmed reason to do so. Nobody is arguing that 955 isn’t a hard-to-believe number. Yet plenty of people have chimed in with much less pressing reasons they have driven 900 miles in a 24 hour period. So until we can rule it out factually, I say a crazy number might be the exact red flag we are looking for. Because under normal circumstances, after your stepson goes missing, you don’t rent and drive a rental car for 300+ miles and especially not 900. So we should definitely be seeing this as something important to hone in on.
Archived article from January 28th suggest that cell phones were already being checked.

Deputies are actively searching for the boy in between calls for service, and the case has been forwarded to major crimes detectives. Such a move is made when additional investigative tools, such as the ability to obtain deleted information off a phone, are needed, she said.

LE showed up at 10 o'clock Tuesday night with flashlights to search around the home.

Sounds like the Stauchs had to wait 24 hours after Gannon went missing before LE could really get involved because of her runaway story.

She was probably extensively interviewed Wednesday afternoon after returning the rental.
This is helpful. Thanks. And I agree, Wed makes a lot of sense.
I'm so far behind on these threads, this may have already been noticed. But it looks to me like that rental car had a Texas license plate on it. I believe the first two letters of the license plate number shown on the rental agreement indicate that it's from Texas because the Texas license plate format is three letters and four numbers. IMO the next three letters after the TX are the beginning of the license plate number. Not sure that it means much, as rental car companies generally have cars with plates from all over. When I rent in Washington state I often get a car from Enterprise with Illinois plates on it, for some reason.
That’s funny cuz first thing I thought of yesterday with 900+ mileage was what the hec? Did she drive to Texas? Sure it’s just coincidence tho and car was brought there by another renter from Texas at some point. Moo
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