Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #6

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How common is it for people to remain in a house where CSI has been multiple times to collect evidence? I understand the expense of leaving and staying in a hotel, etc. but I assumed they would have been asked to do this after LE began their investigation? With the family living there, could we assume that LE was not concerned about scene contamination? That being said - perhaps the evidence or items they were looking for were not necessarily microscopic, or 'erasable', like blood spatter.
Or maybe to prevent anyone from going in and claiming Squaters Rights. It happens.
I think that GS had something wrong internally, appendicitis, strangulated hernia, that got progressively worse overnight into Monday morning. I think TS finally responded to it, albeit, to late, and put him in the back seat of the truck to take him to the hospital or urgent care. He didn't live. I think she panicked and decided to get rid of his body and concoct a cover story. Thinking "no body, no blame" and that was better than his body in an ER with a diagnosis of neglect of a serious medical condition. It may be working because there is still no POI never mind an arrest.

I would check the outside videos of various hospitals and urgent care facilities to see if a red truck pulled up, and then pulled away in that 4 hour time frame.
Good thinking.
My heart breaks a little more not seeing he is found or an arrest was made this morning.

Now that I have FINALLY caught up, that's what I get for going to bed early fo once lol, here are a few thoughts I had:

Regarding custody. Just because the father has "primary" custody doesn't mean anything is "wrong" with the mother, IMO. Growing up our parents shared custody of all of us, when my dad got a job on the other side of the country it was decided I would "live" with him and visit my mother during school breaks. The area my father moved to had a better school and more educational opportunities. The school GS attends is a brand new school and it may just be because that school offers better curriculum than maybe where LH lives. I think a lot of people's minds go straight to the mother is unfit, where sometimes that is not the case at all, IMO, it may have been what was best for GS educational future.

I've been trying to stay away from a certain social media platform today, cause man, there are some coo-coo for cocoa puffs stuff going on in those groups! Usually I am all for reading drama, but I feel a lot of them have lost sight about what is truly important. And that is finding GS.

I hope today is the day they can bring GS home.

Great post. Just wanted to chime in that all we really know from MSM is that they share custody (one source here). There could be a 100 reasons why but I don't think any of them really matter unless it has something to do with step-mom, but it's never been said in MSM that it does, so I doubt it.

As for SM being kuckoo for cocoapuffs, it's never not like that. It's the format that allows for any/all conjecture, speculation, accusation, lies, rumor-spreading, etc. with absolutely zero accountability and credibility. Yes, once in a while a truth is posted but holy moly, how would you ever know, buried so deep in all the doodoo? I know some people enjoy it (because they're also kuckoo, clearly ;) ) but I'm sure glad it's not allowed here.
There's no way I can read all the threads in a timely manner. So apologies if this has been asked/answered... Where is LS currently? RUMINT says she's on the lam and can't be found. But I know you Websleuthers deal in facts only, and figured I'd see if ya'll knew. TIA!
I'm sure LEO knows exactly where she is. If she has a lawyer I'm sure she's been advised to stay put.
I personally dont think she was kicked out,I'm sensing more of a hissy fit over LH staying with them,maybe an ultimatum was delivered and she didnt get the answer she wanted?.
IMO any differences,beefs,whatever should be left at the door,its not about any of them or their egos,its about Gannon,and having his mum waiting for him in his home,all of them coming together proving that the children are the most important people,over and above the parents feelings or pettiness could be the one and only thing that may bring Gannon home if he left of his own accord (I dont believe for a second that's what happened!!). IMO
Right at the start of the interview she states that people are questioning why she's not helping at the home. She says the ex wife is there and she was told she couldn't be there. Later on she describes going shopping for clothing, underwear as she wasn't even allowed to go back for it.
Right at the start of the interview she states that people are questioning why she's not helping at the home. She says the ex wife is there and she was told she couldn't be there. Later on she describes going shopping for clothing, underwear as she wasn't even allowed to go back for it.
She also says towards the end that she is looking forward to GS return so people can apologize to her , ESPECIALLY her husband.
I wonder if they were able to go through the trash or track it. Being a runaway they probably didn’t look for that/through that at the get go, possibly giving her time to dispose of valuable evidence.
At the first press conference held last Thursday, a reporter asked Lt. Mitch Mihalko if it was true that there was a search taking place at a local landfill (the exchange starts at around 8:30). Lt. Mihalko stated, “So at this point in time, what I can tell you is that we have been in contact as part of our normal protocol with local trash companies in the Lorson Ranch area, as well as other areas, and I can tell you that we are not conducting, as an agency, we are not conducting any searches at landfills at this time.”

The press conference took place at 5 PM on Thursday, January 30th. By then, LE knew very well what they were dealing with, IMO. I also remember wondering at the time if they were maybe having another agency, the FBI in particular, search the landfills. It’s a possibility, IMO.
Apologies if this has been asked. What exactly is required to be arrested for a missing child? Is the lie LS was caught in, not enough? isn't lying to law enforcement enough?
For an arrest warrant to be issued, LE must be able to show probable cause to a judge. Enough so, that the judge is convinced a crime did indeed likely occur and signs off on the arrest warrant. The crime scene techs being back in that house gathering evidence goes a long way toward showing probable cause.
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Question: As it's winter, isn't the ground frozen in southern Colorado? As well as ponds, lakes, etc.? Digging anywhere would be very difficult, as would breaking an ice layer.
Maybe, maybe not. I’m in Idaho, and we’ve had a warmish winter. I looked up the weather for that Monday and the high was 48 degrees, so it’s possible that the ground wasn’t terrible to dig in. Not easy, but not frozen solid.
Apologies if this has been asked. What exactly is required to be arrested for a missing child? Is the lie LS was caught in, not enough? isn't lying to law enforcement enough?
Apparently not. Lori Vallow’s two kids have been missing since September. Relatives asked for a wellness check and when police showed up she said they were visiting family in AZ. But she had lied and the people they were supposedly visiting had no knowledge of a visit. Then she left town but they found her in Hawaii and served her w/a court order demanding she bring the kids in within 5 days. She ignored the order and is still sunning herself on the beach with her new husband. Hawaii police are more than willing to pick her up if told to by ID LE so doesn’t sound like extradition is a factor. It’s quite frustrating!
I read that there is only one exit out of that neighborhood - I will try and find the link unless someone remembers this too? For now
ETA: Tour the Neighborhood - Lorson Ranch, Colorado Springs New Homes

there is a site map - it's a pretty big development and now I'm thinking there may be one exit from their little community that goes out into the bigger development?

You are correct, at this time there is only one entrance in & out of the main Lorson Ranch development (Fontaine Rd.); the map shows two, however, parts of the development are still under construction, I do not believe Lorson Rd. is in use yet.
El Paso County - Colorado
ETA: Only included the link to parcel search, not the home in question; it appears the family home is rented in addition to not wanting to break any privacy rules


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