Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #6

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Trying to put my thinking cap on. I would be surprised if she went north into Denver, if she were getting rid of a body. My senses tell me East. If I were doing something I shouldn't I feel like that's the direction I would head. MOO.

Addressing her possibly going north to Denver. Nope. I highly doubt that.

There is major major major major road construction going on from the Springs (El Paso) area (just north of the AF Academy - 15min) up to Castle Rock (widening I25), called the GAP project. Most in CO should know about this, as 25 is a major highway going from Mexico to Canada. The area is a major mess and slow as hell. You will sit in traffic - no matter time of day.

There are backroads to get around that - but then that would take even longer. There are no mountain/plains roads that go directly into Denver. No frontage roads that are continuous alongside 25.

Like I said before - IF she wanted to get rid of his body :( - going North towards Denver is not a possibility..............IMO of course. South, East...maybe West into the mountains.
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Just because the case is fresh in my mind I keep thinking of Lucas Hernandez's stepmom who was in a similar situation. They kept arresting her and then releasing her because it seemed like they couldn't make anything stick, despite the 7 documented CPS incidents with her. Maybe they're waiting for something way more substantial?
I remember LE kept arresting her, questioning her, then letting her go.UGH
Lucas' case broke my heart and I swore I would never again follow another missing child case as deeply as I did his, yet here I am, knowing my heart will likely be broken again and the anger towards these monsters, that harm and kill these innocent precious children, will be back in full force.
Maybe, maybe not. I’m in Idaho, and we’ve had a warmish winter. I looked up the weather for that Monday and the high was 48 degrees, so it’s possible that the ground wasn’t terrible to dig in. Not easy, but not frozen solid.
Our dogs don’t seem to have an issue digging. And we’ve had cold snaps where some of the smaller ponds have frozen. I wouldnt think Pueblo Res is though.
Good morning, all. I'm new-ish here, so please bear with me. I think this was mentioned, but it keeps nagging at me, so I wondered what you all thought. What's been haunting me is the worry that release of the surveillance video by media really screwed up the investigation. Do you think if neighbor hadn't talked to media and media hadn't released video--if it had all been kept under wraps--we might have a possible confession or arrest because she'd have cracked? If investigators had been able to suddenly spring it on her, as per Chris Watts? I fear that the neighbor's interviews combined with media release of video gave her time to come up with another story (ie she took him for a drive for some fresh air, dropped him near a friend's, etc.) I just wish neighbor hadn't talked to media and media hadn't released video; I honestly think that's more of a hindrance to LE than the social media rumors. MOO

While I'm here, another fear: could CSI returning to house so often be a bad sign, in terms of them maybe not having actually found anything?

Please please please not another Kyron Horman.


I think CSI is just being very thorough. And prosecutor can't ever have too much evidence.

IMO a lot of times lab results come back and guide LE where to look closer.
So he had access to a computer, interesting.
Oh, yes. I believe most children have access to a computer these days. STEM and coding has become widely popular among elementary and middle school children. There are a bunch of coding related toys available pretty much everywhere, you can check these options on Amazon to get a better idea. Starter levels don't always need a computer/laptop.
There's no way I can read all the threads in a timely manner. So apologies if this has been asked/answered... Where is LS currently? RUMINT says she's on the lam and can't be found. But I know you Websleuthers deal in facts only, and figured I'd see if ya'll knew. TIA!
We haven't heard anything about where she is and it's very frustrating.
I would think LE would have enough for an arrest at this point.

But when the video was aired showing her leaving and coming back without Gannon, I was afraid she would run off and hide out somewhere.

I just hope LE has been keeping a close eye on her all this time.

Question: As it's winter, isn't the ground frozen in southern Colorado? As well as ponds, lakes, etc.? Digging anywhere would be very difficult, as would breaking an ice layer.

No. It was 70 degrees last weekend. We have some cold weather this week, but the ground and lakes aren't frozen.

ETA Colorado weather is different than people think. It snows, but then the sun comes out and it warms up usually to the high 40's and 50's. IIRC on the Monday this supposedly happened, it was around 45 degrees.
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Right at the start of the interview she states that people are questioning why she's not helping at the home. She says the ex wife is there and she was told she couldn't be there. Later on she describes going shopping for clothing, underwear as she wasn't even allowed to go back for it.
She has said a lot of things. Some of which were bold faced lies. I tend to agree with those who suspect she likely just threw a fit & took her kid and stormed out, when LH was invited to the home to stay while Gannon is missing and the search is on for him. Or it's also possible she threw a fit and then was asked to leave. I really don't believe her own husband kicked her out of her own house - unless - he suspected she was responsible for Gannon's disappearance before he ever saw the neighbor's video.

For an arrest warrant to be issued, LE must be able to show probable cause to a judge. Enough so, that the judge is convinced a crime did indeed likely occur and signs off on the arrest warrant. The crime lab techs being back in that house gathering evidence goes a long way toward showing probable cause.

I have a feeling an arrest will be coming soon.

I just tried to imagine what I would do if suddenly faced w/a body that had to be disposed of quickly. My mind immediately went to a steep, deep gully by the side of an isolated road. No road in particular comes to mind, but I’d definitely head west into the foothills.

If she’s familiar w/the area, she may know of a place north just off I-25 that would work. Once you get past Monument it’s pretty desolate until you reach Castle Rock. Larkspur has few people and lots of hills.

If that’s a shovel CSI was carrying out and a blister on her hand she could have gone anywhere to dig a grave. I would be too lazy and scared to do it, but if I had to dig I’d look for someplace where the ground is soft. They’ve been concentrating the search around the command center/jail/tracks. Is there an area there that would have already tilled soil or a huge pile of mulch or wood chips? Maybe even mud. Something relatively quick and easy to dig in?

Maybe a new build site? I agree off the bat it doesn't make much sense, as any build site would probably involve, well, more digging that would eventually expose a body; just throwing it out there in case someone has better thoughts than I.

Of course, moving the command center to next to the jail isn't exactly intuitive either, as we don't know of any jailbreak that could yield an abductor from there either. (*thinking...*)
How common is it for a DA to visit a potential crime scene? Does anyone remember if Dan May visited Kelsey Berreth’s townhome or the Frazee ranchette?
BTW, I respect this DA so much after seeing how he handled a high profile and horrific case. I hate to see him having to leave the DA’s office at the end of the year.
I just wondered if his visit was a precursor as he is getting prepared to file charges or if it was to be convinced there was enough evidence to file charges.
Question: As it's winter, isn't the ground frozen in southern Colorado? As well as ponds, lakes, etc.? Digging anywhere would be very difficult, as would breaking an ice layer.
We did discuss this early on maybe thread 1? our locals said digging would be near impossible not all water is frozen solid - here's a horrible thought though - many know I've discussed water as an option - and others have pointed out potential blisters and perhaps a shovel by LS - what if she used a shovel to break through ice above moving water??? I hate even thinking this but I think it's a real possibility here.
Question: As it's winter, isn't the ground frozen in southern Colorado? As well as ponds, lakes, etc.? Digging anywhere would be very difficult, as would breaking an ice layer.

Over this past weekend it was around 70, depending on your exact location. Im at a higher elevation than the Springs so we get warmer sometimes.
The ground is hard, yes. Lakes/streams/rivers are not frozen at Springs altitude. Maybe up in the mountains some thin layers - but I dont go up much into the mountains in winter
Maybe, maybe not. I’m in Idaho, and we’ve had a warmish winter. I looked up the weather for that Monday and the high was 48 degrees, so it’s possible that the ground wasn’t terrible to dig in. Not easy, but not frozen solid.

It has been very unseasonably warm (70's this past weekend). The ground and bodies of water are not frozen solid.
You are correct, at this time there is only one entrance in & out of the main Lorson Ranch development (Fontaine Rd.); the map shows two, however, parts of the development are still under construction, I do not believe Lorson Rd. is in use yet.
El Paso County - Colorado
Oh thank you so much!!! I had thought it was a single entrance... yuck.
We did discuss this early on maybe thread 1? our locals said digging would be near impossible not not all water is frozen solid - here's a horrible thought though - many know I've discussed water as an option - and others have pointed out potential blisters and perhaps a shovel by LS - what if she used a shovel to break through ice above moving water??? I hate even thinking this but I think it's a real possibility here.
We only have a couple creeks and they are not deep.
Oh, yes. I believe most children have access to a computer these days. STEM and coding has become widely popular among elementary and middle school children. There are a bunch of coding related toys available pretty much everywhere, you can check these options on Amazon to get a better idea. Starter levels don't always need a computer/laptop.
Totally O/T but I see Snap Circuits listed there. My 2 yr old step-son has 3 of those sets and he is sort of obsessed with them ;) I don't hold out much hope for sweet Gannon but it does make me feel better knowing he was interested in cool stuff like this. It gives kids important skills and a fantastic sense of satisfaction with each new level they learn.
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