Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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I'm still a thousand pages behind after being away all day but, I believe it was our mod @v0x that threatened to pull this car over if we don't behave...

I have 9 kids.
One is still under the age of 11 but all of them, without exception, sat in the back seat until they were at least 12.
It is not "shoved" in the back or suspicious or "rude" or "cold" in any way.
It's for their safety, since passenger airbags can do great harm to a small child.

Now in Gannon's case the reason he went into the back seat may have had nothing to do with safety, but that's besides the point.

Blanket statements are never fair or accurate, and generally annoy almost everyone.
So... there's that.
Agreed. I was not allowed in the front seat until I hit the weight/height recommendation and that wasn't until I was close to 14, I think, ha. My kids do and will continue to ride in the back until they are safe in the front.

To each their own - but I don't think that we can infer much from where Gannon was placed in the car that day, unless it was not normal for him to be in the back, which we have no way of knowing right now.
I wonder if TS passed Gannon on to another person in an injured/sick/drugged state with the idea that he would surface a day or so later but he died. Now, everyone is caught, TS cannot reveal what she started, the person who he was passed off to cannot surface without legal implications and neither can reveal what they did with his body.
Also, this story took wings that TS did not anticipate and the neighbor has the video that nails her.

If Gannon was two and under I’d consider that. But he can talk. I know it did happen in one case with an older kid but I think that was a super rare case with druggies that were so far gone they couldn’t think it through.

Based on certain things I’ve seen my guess is this was premeditated.

“Hypothetically”, there can be people who absolutely become unhinged at the end of both personal and professional relationships due to some maladaptive coping skills. Maybe personality disorders.

Such a person could be relatively normal until that time and then possible become obsessively bent on revenge or can’t control their emotions and act out in ways that defy reason.
I am wondering what LE knows. Why haven't they done much updating just to keep his name out there. I live on the eat coast, it's not even covered on the world news anymore.
I'd venture a guess that it's because they don't need to get his name out more, as they are confident that he is in Colorado, probably near by, and may also have an inkling (or more) about who put him wherever he is.
Re-watched the SM interview, watched a few other videos that include certain people and certain actions.

GS needs to be located, and now, because if he is not recovered this will become a cold case... unless a certain almost-adult speaks up but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
And from all of the child abuse cases I’ve seen, they don’t go very far. I believe I calculated the average miles to be 40 based on 27 cases I looked at. It seemed that the closer the abuser was to the child, relationship wise, the closer the body was found. I’m willing to bet he is within a 40 mile radius.

ETA- we know they’re not from the area and only living there 2 years doesn’t mean she’s an expert on the area. I suspect she would go somewhere she’s familiar with and it’s likely close to her home.

That’s probably daunting even so. A 40 mile radius is a lot of terrain. Right? Can someone compare it to a city or something to describe it hay that looks like geographically? Like how large it is?

People were always going to speculate, but TS added more fuel to the fire and for no reason. I think she truly thought that the stuff she releases or post would help her but it did not. If there is a regular video of a child crying for doing something bad, and afraid to get in trouble, I see nothing suspicious or heartbreaking for that matter. But in the context of him being missing then that video looks worse than it actually is. The focus on the public is now split 50-50 on finding Gannon and digging into her life. What a mess.
When you’re finishing the sentences of the person (“Because of death threats...”) you’re pretty much in the way of the story. Also wish he would have shown the whole interview where she continued to ramble instead of deciding for her and the public what was relevant.
I want to know what she started to say but then said uh I won't go there or something very similar.......
Just jumping into this case from a PM request to offer my SAR and Tracking knowledge. I need to backtrack 30 pages and do some reading.


Time to investigate.
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A 40 mile radius is roughly 5000 square miles!

So, they're searching an area slightly larger than all of Connecticut (4845 square miles) or, for us Westerners, larger than all of Los Angeles County (not the city - the entire county, which is 4750 square miles).

A typical missing persons case searches 2-6 square miles on a grid search. The official search for Barbara Thomas covered about 4 square miles.
That’s probably daunting even so. A 40 mile radius is a lot of terrain. Right? Can someone compare it to a city or something to describe it hay that looks like geographically? Like how large it is?
I don’t know this for a fact, just speculation based off of this spreadsheet Databases and Perp Sheets compiled by Belinda
I sorted the column that lists how far the remains were located from the place of disappearance. It was 27 or so cases with data. I found the average to be about 40 miles. Some cases the remains were within feet of the last known location and one was over 300 miles away. Sadly, most of the perpetrators were family to the child. Sick.
I don't remember the weather being in the 70's the weekend before Gannon went missing on Monday. I think that was the following weekend before the big snow came. It was nicer... But not that high. Plus it's been windy, and everyone here locally knows that is what gets ya.

Looked at tbe historical weather for Jan: 20s at night mid 30s days with afternoon highs 40s. Some days leaning one way or another.
Nothing you want a sick kid out in.
FWIW - I’ve lived on the Front Range most of my life. A reporter interviewing TS(LS?) appeared to let her run his show. I personally thought he did a poor job. The media is the media and will chase anything that moves. But sweeping claims of media bias or disregard for victims in Denver, or CO generally, are inaccurate and overwrought.

There is a decided difference between reporting and editorial writing. News outlets, all of them, can have a ‘leaning’ in editorial content that has nothing to do with their journalist content. We have hard working talented people of integrity in our news media here. Just my PSA for my state and our reporting.
Here for Gannon.

Yes. The media showed their compassion and the toll the Berreth case took on them. Most really handled that case well.

Then there was the Watts case. Man I thought those three reporters who interviewed him did a stellar job and it helped with the case.

I recall the way one reporter asked him a question, “You know you have a beautiful family, Chris...”. It was almost like a pleading, “how could you do this to them?”

I think they totally knew what was up and that they were getting amazing footage of a murderer.
I was hoping to log on today to find some news. This is the first case I have followed on this website and I am just wondering if there have been other cases like this? I still hold on to hope that Gannon is still alive and just needs to be found!


Yeah we have a lot of bizarre cases. It seems like it never ends.

I suspect this case will be solved but it often seems like in similar cases it’s 50/50 whether the child will be found and an arrest made or endless eating and no arrest because they don’t feel confident securing a conviction without a body.

Of course we thought that in the Isabella Celis case and what, six years later she was found and her perp was charged with her murder.
I have been following this case for sometime now and I am sure it has been addressed but, I can't seem to find it.
Does anyone think that maybe Gannon did run away? But, not at the time LS said he did. Maybe when she left with him he ran from her during the 4 hour window that she was gone. As to why he still hasn't been found is still puzzling me. But, when she came back into the house she was in a hurry and possibly trying to get her story straight and not make it look like she did anything wrong and not wanting his father to think she didn't look for him better. Or just a theory maybe they were arguing and he was hurt some how and he told her that he was going to runaway and so she stopped the truck told him to get out then and he ran.
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