CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #13

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Keep in mind that it's getting on for winter in Colorado. The day Jessica disappeared was the first snowfall of the season.

As I understand it, the weather doesn't stay really cold there yet and tends to warm up fast enough that snow isn't sticking. I doubt there's any ice in moving water yet and maybe only the barest skim of crystals around small bodies of still water in the mornings.

So bacterial activity, etc, is going to be greatly reduced from now on until spring comes again.

The Friday when Jessica disappeared and the following Saturday it was cold. Anything placed outside might as well have been in a refrigerator. Daytime temperatures warmed up after that, but nights were still cold. If the body was stuffed inside the culvert, it would have remained cool. Close to the average of the nighttime and daytime temperatures. This would have limited bacterial activity.
I was thinking tub yesterday myself. Then I thought they would probably run the water for a long, long time. So why not look at the water bills in the immediate area where LE is focusing. Maybe there is a user whose bill will be significantly higher this month?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

Omg that's an EXCELLENT idea! Call that in! Seriously.
I was thinking tub yesterday myself. Then I thought they would probably run the water for a long, long time. So why not look at the water bills in the immediate area where LE is focusing. Maybe there is a user whose bill will be significantly higher this month?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

Wouldn't they need a warrant to obtain the bills - unless people submitted them for review voluntarily?

(And to get a warrant, wouldn't they also need the name of the account holder, the address and some dates in question?)
Wouldn't they need a warrant to obtain the bills - unless people submitted them for review voluntarily?

(And to get a warrant, wouldn't they also need the name of the account holder, the address and some dates in question?)

Hmm, well maybe. I have heard of suddenly higher electric bills being a tip off for indoor growing operations, so maybe there is a way around the warrant in place already for utility information? You could be right though, I am unsure. Just a thought I had while driving yesterday. I think a lot during drive time. :)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Thank you for reposting .

I found it interesting that is was said the teacher saw her at school, and J said they walked to school. Then J dad says know they waited. Yet J is mixed up about the days.

It wasnt a week later ,or even the next day. It was right after school. The same day they waited for her.

Then the teacher confirms she saw her but she was not in class .

I am sure LE has all this worked out. If she did make it to school ,and teachers saw her yet she wasnt in class it would remind me of Kyrons case.

If she didnt I will forever be puzzled over J and the teachers account. I wonder what discriptions of clothing both witnesses provided.

I have also been very puzzled about how he could get the day mixed up when there was the whole thing about waiting for her and her not showing up. That's why I wondered if maybe the dad forgot about the call from Jessica and just ran out the door to drive the son to school because he was running late. (Most of us know how easy it is to forget everything but getting out the door on time, and, unfortunately, some people have even forgotten about their OWN kids when focused on getting to work.) Because if he didn't say anything to J about Jessica, and if there wasn't really a period of waiting around for her, then it wouldn't stand out in J's mind. Just speculating, obviously.

I wonder if J is in the same class with Jessica or would have expected to see her during the day. If not, he may not have even thought about her or noticed her not being there until he was contacted about her disappearance.

All MOO and speculation. Could be way off base.
Wouldn't they need a warrant to obtain the bills - unless people submitted them for review voluntarily?

(And to get a warrant, wouldn't they also need the name of the account holder, the address and some dates in question?)

Yeah, you're absolutely right about all of that, but if they could just be able to obtain a red flag through the water company for private residents paying over a "normal" amount for a water bill, maybe it could help. Idk kinda hard to do, though. Especially when you consider funeral homes & such could be businesses as well as homes. Uggh. Was just excited for a sec about a new idea. Still think its noteworthy what Kai posted.
Where? I'm not seeing it maybe cause I'm on my phone. Can someone circle it?

... top of the fallen tree

Hit control + on your keyboard several times to zoom in ... control - to zoom back out.
Hmm, well maybe. I have heard of suddenly higher electric bills being a tip off for indoor growing operations, so maybe there is a way around the warrant in place already for utility information? You could be right though, I am unsure. Just a thought I had while driving yesterday. I think a lot during drive time. :)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

Grow ops produce really noticeably high bills.... usually those are sent by the utility to the police dept if its considerably high....

then if police need to, they get a warrant using the info submitted to them by utility company (eg: address, amount of bill vs previous bills etc).
I understand that Jessicas abduction happened on Columbus day weekend but that the schools were open on Monday. The attempted abduction of the woman at ketner lake was over memorial day weekend. I've tried to find out if the one in july happened over july 4th weekend but havent been able to come up with a date or any other info on that. Anyway, i understand that school was open on the monday of columbus day but post offices were not. Maybe the perp is a postal worker. He wouldnt have missed work on monday bc it was a holiday. Also he may know the neighborhoods bc he delivered mail there but doesnt live there. Just a thought.

I was thinking the same thing. If the 2 cases are related (which I think they are), then Postal workers I think would not be working. I am not sure whether UPS, FedEx, or DHL type delivery workers were off on that Friday, but Postal for sure.

It also makes me think more that he may have been in a delivery type truck, which would also allow not being spotted by the public as much. Most people I think kind of ignore "official" looking vehicles like Postal trucks, Delivery Trucks, etc. I think people assume they would not be involved in any wrongdoing. If the person drove a delivery truck (even Post truck), it may show how he got close to Jessica.

I also think this further proves the person is probably young, by attempting to use chloroform. I think that is something that typically a young person would try....Remember Casey Anthony was alleged to have experimented with making chloroform. Also, LE themselves has the age of the guy estimated as young in the Lake event.

I really do think that LE suspect these 2 cases are related. If so, I think we are dealing with someone who did not have to work on that Friday she went missing, which limits the types of jobs that were off that day, because most jobs people have to work that day. Postal, Delivery, or Banks, etc are some of the few that do not have to work on the minor holidays.
It was about 10 to 11 oclock at the tip of the down tree. It could have been on the ground under the tree or up in it. I do remember reports of checking up in trees for Jessica. Anyone else? imo

Ok never mind. Thanks for the clarification. I did see this marker. This was close to the crime scene so I didn't think this was what was being referred to. I thought the OP was talking about a marker hanging in the tree across the road.
Grow ops produce really noticeably high bills.... usually those are sent by the utility to the police dept if its considerably high....

then if police need to, they get a warrant using the info submitted to them by utility company (eg: address, amount of bill vs previous bills etc).

I have heard of them tapping directly into the lines and by passing any meters. I know of a guy who actualy had his legit bussiness like this . Very unsafe.
Sorry to quote myself.... but now that I look at the photo, and have realized the orange paint on road must be where WM truck was... it makes me wonder if the driver might have spotted something first, as he / they were driving along.... that doesn't seem an ordinary place / way to park a WM truck (see how it seems it was across the center line on an angle?). Perhaps they turned towards it for a better view, then decided to get out and go see? Purely speculating on a possibility - there is no media link to support this idea -- if this isn't allowed, pls delete mod. :D

Even if the garbage truck drivers spotted something, I doubt he left his truck parked in the middle of the road. The orange marks in the middle of the road are exactly where the firetruck was parked while they were surveying the crime scene on Wednesday night. The marks would provide reference points for photographs.
I was thinking the same thing. If the 2 cases are related (which I think they are), then Postal workers I think would not be working. I am not sure whether UPS, FedEx, or DHL type delivery workers were off on that Monday, but Postal for sure.

It also makes me think more that he may have been in a delivery type truck, which would also allow not being spotted by the public as much. Most people I think kind of ignore "official" looking vehicles like Postal trucks, Delivery Trucks, etc. I think people assume they would not be involved in any wrongdoing. If the person drove a delivery truck (even Post truck), it may show how he got close to the girl.

I also think this further proves the person is probably young, by attempting to use chloroform. I think that is something that typically a young person would try....Remember Casey Anthony was alleged to have experimented with making chloroform. Also, LE themselves has the age of the guy estimated as young in the Lake event.

I really do think that LE suspect these 2 cases are related. If so, I think we are dealing with someone who did not have to work on that Monday she went missing, which limits the types of jobs that were off that day, because most jobs people have to work that day. Postal, Delivery, or Banks, etc are some of the few that do not have to work on the minor holidays.

Have we confirmed that the "chemical smell" on the cloth was indeed chloroform?

I'm asking b/c I'm wondering what other noxious substances might be placed on a cloth and over one's mouth to render a person unconcious or at the very least seriously subdue them?
Even if the garbage truck drivers spotted something, I doubt he left his truck parked in the middle of the road. The orange marks in the middle of the road are exactly where the firetruck was parked while they were surveying the crime scene on Wednesday night. The marks would provide reference points for photographs.

Was the firetruck on an odd angle or pulled flush to the side of the road?Also, what pattern would the firetruck's wheels make on the road? Asking b/c I took a sticky note and put it to the screen against the WM truck, and made pen marks on the orange marks beside it (as photo shows here: Ridgeway -CO-/101112s81.jpg). The marks on the road match the marks beside the wheels of the WM truck. Also, the width of the WM truck matches the distance in width between the marks on the road - this makes me think the marks indicate where the WM truck was originally parked.....

Can we get a pic of the firetruck and where all it was parked, and measure it the same way?

I've checked the photos - the firetruck is far too LONG to fit within the orange markers on the road. And the truck was parked flush to the edge of the road. The length of the firetruck rules it out as being what the orange markers were indicating on the road.
Thank you for reposting .

I found it interesting that is was said the teacher saw her at school, and J said they walked to school. Then J dad says know they waited. Yet J is mixed up about the days.

It wasnt a week later ,or even the next day. It was right after school. The same day they waited for her.

Then the teacher confirms she saw her but she was not in class .

I am sure LE has all this worked out. If she did make it to school ,and teachers saw her yet she wasnt in class it would remind me of Kyrons case.

If she didnt I will forever be puzzled over J and the teachers account. I wonder what discriptions of clothing both witnesses provided.

Or it may be like the Amber Dubois case.

LE thought for a long time that Amber was abducted from very close to her school, maybe even from the driveway, because several students (interviewed that day) said they saw her near the school and at the foot of the school driveway.

However, it turned out they were all mistaken. Amber had been abducted from a side street nowhere near where the eyewitness accounts of that day placed her.

I think when it's a situation with a lot of routine to it, days tend to get blurred. Even for something as simple as pill taking! I've had to get those chambered pill boxes because otherwise I had to resort to counting pills to figure out if I'd taken them at the proper time (and this was usually less than half an hour later).

The clothes in the description released were all outer clothing (coat, boots and backpack), so she probably wore close to the same outfit every chill morning.
I was thinking the same thing. If the 2 cases are related (which I think they are), then Postal workers I think would not be working. I am not sure whether UPS, FedEx, or DHL type delivery workers were off on that Monday, but Postal for sure.

It also makes me think more that he may have been in a delivery type truck, which would also allow not being spotted by the public as much. Most people I think kind of ignore "official" looking vehicles like Postal trucks, Delivery Trucks, etc. I think people assume they would not be involved in any wrongdoing. If the person drove a delivery truck (even Post truck), it may show how he got close to Jessica.

I also think this further proves the person is probably young, by attempting to use chloroform. I think that is something that typically a young person would try....Remember Casey Anthony was alleged to have experimented with making chloroform. Also, LE themselves has the age of the guy estimated as young in the Lake event.

I really do think that LE suspect these 2 cases are related. If so, I think we are dealing with someone who did not have to work on that Monday she went missing, which limits the types of jobs that were off that day, because most jobs people have to work that day. Postal, Delivery, or Banks, etc are some of the few that do not have to work on the minor holidays.

Jessica went missing on a friday.
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